teminate subprocess.call( 'python script") and continure with next test script query - python

I have written this demo script to ask my question on subprocess.call().
I am trying to run python test scripts one after another. However in this scenario when one of the test aborts due to invalid test condition, I want to terminate subprocess.call(). and move on to next test script. I have read through other queries but couldn't find sufficient explanation. Appreciate any suggestion or help in this matter. Below are demo files.
File1: listscripts.py -> this file list all tests from a folder and runs them using subprocess.call()
import os
from subprocess import *
import sys,os,time
Lib_Path = "C:\\Demo\\question"
import globalsvar # has a global variable
list = os.listdir("C:\\Demo\\question\\scripts") # this has 3 example basic script
for testscripts in list:
aborttest = globalsvar.aborttestcall # when it encounters invalid condition from testscript1thru3 call() should terminate and go to next test
while not aborttest:
Desttestresultpath = os.path.join('C:/Demo/question/scripts',pyscripts)
call(["python",Desttestresultpath]) #calls individual scripts
aborttest = True
File2: globalsvar.py ( aborttestcall = False )
testscript1.py, testscript2.py and testscript3.py -> has some print statments placed in C:/Demo/question/scripts
testscript1.py and testscript3.py:
import sys,os,time
Lib_Path = "C:\\Demo\\question"
import globalsvar
print "Start of Test\n"
print "testing stdout prints --1"
globalsvar.aborttestcall = False
print "testing stdout prints --2"
print "testing stdout prints --3"
import sys,os,time
Lib_Path = "C:\\Demo\\question"
import globalsvar
print "Start of Test\n"
print "testing stdout prints --1"
globalsvar.aborttestcall = True
print "testing stdout prints --2"
print "testing stdout prints --3"

You can run your scripts (among different possibilities) like this:
import subprocess
import os
for file_item in os.listdir('scripts'):
script = os.sep.join(['scripts', file_item])
return_value = subprocess.call(['python', script])
print "OUTPUT: " + str(return_value)
while your inner scripts can exit their process with an exit code that you can evaluate on your calling process.
import time
import sys
print "Doing subprocess testing stuff"
print "Doing more subprocess testing stuff"
# simulate error
print "Error, jump out of the process"
# finish
print "done"
# this can be left out since it is called implicitely
# on successful step out of a process
# sys.exit(0)


How to fix the program won't show other results

I have the following problem
import os
import json
import wmi
from random import choice
import time
filename = "kill.json"
with open(filename) as file:
kill = json.load(file)
def taskKill(imageNames: list):
cmdPrefix = 'taskkill /F /IM '
for imageName in imageNames:
cmd = cmdPrefix + imageName
while 1==1:
def check_process_running(rty):
print("Process is running")
print("Process is not running")
StrA =choice(kill)
In this code that detects if the program is open and closes it, no matter how I change it, it always says Process is not running.
The output of your script is depending on the line if(c.Win32_Process(name=rty)) - it seems the return of Win32_Process is always True.
Insert a print statement with the value of Win32_Process before this line
Have you tried to provide the argument as a String ("StrA" instead of StrA)?
To check all current running processes, use:
import os, wmi
c = wmi.WMI()
for process in c.Win32_Process(name="python.exe"):
print(process.ProcessId, process.Name)
print("current processId:", os.getpid())

python: proc.comunicate hangs

I'm trying to start another script in python and then give an answer to input, this is the main script:
import subprocess
import sys
import platform
cmdline = ['py', 'ciao.py']
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in cmd.stdout:
if line == b'Loading...\r\n':
print("sending data...")
And this is ciao.py:
import os
import re
import time
ciao = input("> ")
os.system("mkdir okfunziona")
while 1:
The main script manages to send "test" but then hangs and does not print "done" to the console.
The problem is both on windows and on linux.
Ok i have tested Ashish Nitin Patil's example but i see b'Loading...\r\n' output, and I do not see the other outputs of the secondary script, like ">" or "Done", it seems that the "cmd.stdout.readline ()" works only the first time because the script does not end.
See this answer (and others on that question) for inspiration. For your case, you should not be using communicate, instead use stdin.write and stdout.readline.
Your main script might look like below -
while True:
line = cmd.stdout.readline()
if line.strip() == b'Loading...':
print("sending data...")
elif line.strip() == b'Done':
The outputs -
sending data...
b'> test\n'

Python - how to run the application and leave until it end?

How can i run the application and leave instead of waiting when it will be ended? for example : /var/tmp/runme.sh &
Following code is working but it waits forever when Google Chrome will exit. how can i run Google Chrome but let my script exit?
import subprocess
import sys
import time
line = sys.argv[1]
print line
def kill_chrome():
subprocess.call(['Taskkill', '/IM', 'chrome.exe', '/F'])
def run_chrome():
subprocess.call(['C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe', '--kiosk'])
def run_java():
subprocess.call(['java', '-cp', 'C:/Python27/pdfbox-app-2.0.0-RC3.jar;C:/Python27/jprint.jar', 'JPrint'])
if line.startswith("myjava:website"):
print "Google Chrome - IDLE"
elif line.startswith("myjava:a4"):
print "Printing - JAVA"
elif line.startswith("myjava:kill"):
print "Killer"
except Exception, err:
print (err)
What about subprocess.Popen? Looks like it does exactly what you want - runs app end does not waiting. You also pass arguments to the runned application.
from subprocess import Popen
Popen( [ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe", "myarg"])
Without "myarg" it works too.

Python hang on first import

I copied a partial Python script from a benchmark scripts and tried to execute it after making modifications. The problem is, it is hanging once it is started.
The Python script is:
# !/usr/bin/python
# =============================
# initialize & configure
# =============================
#import shlex
#import fnmatch
import os
import subprocess
import resource
import os, sys, cPickle, time, threading, signal
from errno import EEXIST
from os.path import join
from subprocess import Popen
#from domain import Record
from threading import Timer
def measure(commandline):
# r,w = os.pipe()
forkedPid = os.fork()
if forkedPid: # read pickled measurements from the pipe
print "Parent proc start and the child pid: ", forkedPid
# os.close(w); rPipe = os.fdopen(r); r = cPickle.Unpickler(rPipe)
# measurements = r.load()
# rPipe.close()
print "Parent proc end"
return "------------"
# Sample thread will be destroyed when the forked process _exits
class Sample(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,program):
self.timedout = False
self.p = program
self.maxMem = 0
self.childpids = None
def run(self):
remaining = maxtime
print "Start run deman thread: ", remaining, "delay", delay
while remaining > 0:
res = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN)
remaining -= delay
print "\n res: ",res, " and remaining is: ", remaining
self.timedout = True
os.kill(self.p, signal.SIGKILL)
except OSError, (e,err):
print "Error ", err
print "Child proc ", commandline
# only write pickles to the pipe
# os.close(r); wPipe = os.fdopen(w, 'w'); w = cPickle.Pickler(wPipe)
start = time.time()
# print "commandLine: ", commandline, " remaining: ",remaining
# spawn the program in a separate process
p = Popen(commandline,stdout=outFile,stderr=errFile,stdin=inFile, shell=True)
# start a thread to sample the program's resident memory use
t = Sample( program = p.pid )
print "Child ......"
# wait for program exit status and resource usage
rusage = os.wait3(0)
print 'rusage: ', rusage
elapsed = time.time() - start
# m.userSysTime = rusage[2][0] + rusage[2][1]
# m.maxMem = t.rusage
# m.cpuLoad = "%"
# m.elapsed = elapsed
print "Child proc end"
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "keyBordInterrupt..."
os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
except ZeroDivisionError, (e,err):
print " error ZeroDiv: "
except (OSError,ValueError), (e,err):
print " error ", e
print "Here is finally section. "
# wPipe.close()
# Sample thread will be destroyed when the forked process _exits
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Start now...."
#measure("jruby \/tmp/test.rb")
When I use ps -ef | grep MyAccount, I find the interpreter will hang on the first `import instruction:
MyAccount 16934 16933 0 12:08 pts/19 00:00:00 import os
/tmp/test.rb is a one-line Ruby script (puts "hello"), and it should not caused any problem as it has been commented out.
I ran ps -ef | grep MyAccount for three mintues, and this one is ALWAYS there. Also, there is not any output in the console, where I expected to see Start now.....
It's because your code is not interpreted as a Python script but as a Bash script.
The first line should be
instead of
# !/usr/bin/python
You can skip this line and simply run your program using
python <your_script.py>
instead of
I also think you read the ps results incorrectly.
The last column of ps -ef is the name of the command, definatelly not a line of the script, and the first one, MyAccount, is the name of the user.
So this ps output means that process import os is hanging. There is an application called import in some Linux distributions, see man import. If you try to execute it from the shell:
$import os
it simply waits for input forever (until interupted), and that is what happened to you.

Python cgi script displays output in the browser only after its completion

I noticed that the python cgi script displays the output only after it has completed its execution, Is there a way, I could make the script to continue its execution and print the results continously. I found that If I run the script "abc.py" as such in Apache, then output is displayed continously (script continuing its execution), however on calling script from another script doesn't works.
Below is the code :- (abc.py)
import sys, time
#sys.stdout.write('Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n')
#print '<html><body>'
for i in range(10):
print '<div>%i</div>'%i
I want to run this script from another CGI script. Now when I am calling this script (in Apache using below script), the output is printed only after its completion. Is there a way to fix it.
print 'Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n'
print '<html><body>'
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
pd = subprocess.Popen(['abc.py'],
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdou, stder = pd.communicate()
Working code
import sys, time
for i in range(10):
print str(i)
Main script
import sys, time
import subprocess
import cgi, cgitb
print 'Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n'
print '<html><body>'
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
pd = subprocess.Popen(['abc.py'],
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
while True:
output = pd.stdout.read(1)
if output == '' and pd.poll() != None:
if output != '':

