I'm new to python and would like to have a python script that would update Toggl based on the picture below. Note, that I don't want to start/stop the timer (although if you want to through that in, I may use it), but what I really want to do is just simply add time after the fact.
I just want to pass in:
text about what I did for the day
existing project to link to
start time
I tried togglwrapper (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/togglwrapper/1.0.1) and connected to my account via API token just fine. I'm just not sure how to send a request to add a time entry.
TogglWrapper does not have the option to create a Time Entry like it is specified in the following endpoint:
But you can do the same by starting and stopping the timer like this:
In data be sure to include the proper data.
>>> from togglwrapper import Toggl
>>> toggl = Toggl('your_api_token')
>>> data = {"time_entry":{"description":"description","tags":["billed"],"pid":123,"created_with":"curl"}}
>>> response = toggl.TimeEntries.start()
It will call this API endpoint: https://github.com/toggl/toggl_api_docs/blob/master/chapters/time_entries.md#start-a-time-entry
Now get the Time entry ID to stop it.
>>> toggl.TimeEntries.stop(response.get('data').get('id'))
Hope it helps!
I have a data frame:
I want to automatically insert the data frame details in quip. I have searched online, but couldn't find any satisfactory answer. Please help
here is my answer based on a similar problem and this article: https://towardsdatascience.com/updating-a-quip-spreadsheet-with-python-api-1b4bb24d4aac
First, follow the step to get and use a personal access token from quip.com/dev/token--this will help with your authentication.
Then, you can get an updated client version from Lynn Zheng's medium post (linked above) https://github.com/RuolinZheng08/quip-api for local import.
My imports look like this:
import quip_update as quip #from Zheng's repo
from login_token import login_token #this is a variable that holds the value of the token I got from their auth website
Then you setup/authorize the client with the following:
quip_client = quip.QuipClient(access_token=login_token, base_url='https://platform.quip.com')
user = quip_client.get_authenticated_user()
If your company has a contract with quip, it might look like base_url='https://platform.quip-amazon.com'
I like to print(user) to see basic info/that the client connected.
Then, again mostly narrating Zheng's article, you can use one of the client functions to insert a spreadsheet:
def add_to_spreadsheet(self, thread_id, *rows, **kwargs):
'''Adds the given rows to the named (or first) spreadsheet in the
given document.
client = quip.QuipClient(...)
client.add_to_spreadsheet(thread_id, ["5/1/2014", 2.24])'''
from quip.py
So you can put a spreadsheet in manually and then call to it by name="name of spreadsheet" to incorporate rows from Pandas.
So, for example:
UPDATE: I've put together the following script to use the url for the XML without the time-code-like suffix as recommended in the answer below, and report the downlink powers which clearly fluctuate on the website. I'm getting three hour old, unvarying data.
So it looks like I need to properly construct that (time code? authorization? secret password?) in order to do this successfully. Like I say in the comment below, "I don't want to do anything that's not allowed and welcome - NASA has enough challenges already trying to talk to a forty year old spacecraft 20 billion kilometers away!"
def dictify(r,root=True):
"""from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30923963/3904031"""
if root:
return {r.tag : dictify(r, False)}
if r.text:
for x in r.findall("./*"):
if x.tag not in d:
return d
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from copy import copy
import urllib2
url = 'https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/data/dsn.xml'
contents = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
root = ET.fromstring(contents)
DSNdict = dictify(root)
dishes = DSNdict['dsn']['dish']
dp_dict = dict()
for dish in dishes:
powers = [float(sig['power']) for sig in dish['downSignal'] if sig['power']]
dp_dict[dish['name']] = powers
print dp_dict['DSS26']
I'd like to keep track of which spacecraft that the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) is communicating with, say once per minute.
I learned how to do something similar from Flight Radar 24 from the answer to my previous question, which also still represents my current skills in getting data from web sites.
With FR24 I had explanations in this blog as a great place to start. I have opened the page with the Developer Tools function in the Chrome browser, and I can see that data for items such as dishes, spacecraft and associated numerical data are requested as an XML with urls such as
so it looks like I need to construct the integer (time code? authorization? secret password?) after the r= once a minute.
My Question: Using python, how could I best find out what that integer represents, and how to generate it in order to correctly request data once per minute?
above: screen shot montage from NASA's DSN Now page https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html see also this question
Using a random number (or a timestamp...) in a get parameter tricks the browser into really making the request (instead of using the browser cache).
This method is some kind of "hack" the webdevs use so that they are sure the request actually happens.
Since you aren't using a web browser, I'm pretty sure you could totally ignore this parameter, and still get the refreshed data.
--- Edit ---
Actually r seems to be required, and has to be updated.
wget https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/data/dsn.xml?r=$(date +%s) -O a.xml -nv
while true; do
sleep 1
wget https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/data/dsn.xml?r=$(date +%s) -O b.xml -nv
diff a.xml b.xml
cp b.xml a.xml -f
You don't need to emulate a browser. Simply set r to anything and increment it. (Or use a timestamp)
Regarding your updated question, why avoid sending the r query string parameter when it is very easy to generate it? Also, with the requests module, it's easy to send the parameter with the request too:
import time
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
url = 'https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/data/dsn.xml'
r = int(time.time() / 5)
response = requests.get(url, params={'r': r})
root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
# etc....
I have a list of a few thousand twitter ids and I would like to check who follows who in this network.
I used Tweepy to get the accounts using something like:
ids = {}
for i in list_of_accounts:
for page in tweepy.Cursor(api.followers_ids, screen_name=i).pages():
The values in the dictionary ids form the network I would like to analyze. If I try to get the complete list of followers for each id (to compare to the list of users in the network) I run into two problems.
The first is that I may not have permission to see the user's followers - that's okay and I can skip those - but they stop my program. This is the case with the following code:
connections = {}
for x in user_ids:
for page in tweepy.Cursor(api.followers_ids, user_id=x).pages():
The second is that I have no way of telling when my program will need to sleep to avoid the rate-limit. If I put a 60 second wait after every page in this query - my program would take too long to run.
I tried to find a simple 'exists_friendship' command that might get around these issues in a simpler way - but I only find things that became obsolete with the change to API 1.1. I am open to using other packages for Python. Thanks.
if api.exists_friendship(userid_a, userid_b):
print "a follows b"
print "a doesn't follow b, check separately if b follows a"
I am having a bit of trouble in coding a process or a script that would do the following:
I need to get data from the URL of:
But the file URL's (the days and model runs change), so it has to assume this base structure for variables.
Y - Year
M - Month
D - Day
C - Model Forecast/Initialization Hour
F- Model Frame Hour
Like so:
This script would run, and then import that date (in the YYYYMMDD, as well as CC) with those variables coded -
So while the mission is to get
While these variables correspond to get the current dates in the format of:
Can you please advise how to go about and get the URL's to find the latest date in this format? Whether it'd be a script or something with wget, I'm all ears. Thank you in advance.
In Python, the requests library can be used to get at the URLs.
You can generate the URL using a combination of the base URL string plus generating the timestamps using the datetime class and its timedelta method in combination with its strftime method to generate the date in the format required.
i.e. start by getting the current time with datetime.datetime.now() and then in a loop subtract an hour (or whichever time gradient you think they're using) via timedelta and keep checking the URL with the requests library. The first one you see that's there is the latest one, and you can then do whatever further processing you need to do with it.
If you need to scrape the contents of the page, scrapy works well for that.
I'd try scraping the index one level up at http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/dods/gfs_hd ; the last link-of-particular-form there should take you to the daily downloads pages, where you could do something similar.
Here's an outline of scraping the daily downloads page:
import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
grdd = urllib.urlopen('http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/dods/gfs_hd/gfs_hd20140522')
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(grdd)
datalinks = 'http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:80/dods/gfs_hd/gfs_hd'
for link in soup.findAll('a'):
if link.get('href').startswith(datalinks):
print('Suitable link: ' + link.get('href')[len(datalinks):])
# Figure out if you already have it, choose if you want info, das, dds, etc etc.
and scraping the page with the last thirty would, of course, be very similar.
The easiest solution would be just to mirror the parent directory:
wget -np -m -r http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gfs_hd
However, if you just want the latest date, you can use Mojo::UserAgent as demonstrated on Mojocast Episode 5
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $url = 'http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gfs_hd';
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $dom = $ua->get($url)->res->dom;
my #links = $dom->find('a')->attr('href')->each;
my #gfs_hd = reverse sort grep {m{gfs_hd/}} #links;
print $gfs_hd[0], "\n";
On May 23rd, 2014, Outputs:
I am dealing with the Box.com API using python and am having some trouble automating a step in the authentication process.
I am able to supply my API key and client secret key to Box. Once Box.com accepts my login credentials, they supply me with an HTTP GET parameter like
I want to be able to read and store my_code using python. Any ideas? I am new to python and dealing with APIs.
This is actually a more robust question than it seems, as it exposes some useful functions with web dev in general. You're basically asking how to separate my_code in the string 'http://www.myapp.com/finish_box?code=my_code&'.
Well let's take it in bits and pieces. First of all, you know that you only really need the stuff after the question mark, right? I mean, you don't need to know what website you got it from (though that would be good to save, let's keep that in case we need it later), you just need to know what arguments are being passed back. Let's start with String.split():
>>> return_string = 'http://www.myapp.com/finish_box?code=my_code&'
>>> step1 = return_string.split('?')
This will return a list to step1 containing two elements, "http://www.myapp.com/finish_box" and "code=my_code&". Well hell, we're there! Let's split the second one again on the equals sign!
>>> step2 = step1[1].split("=")
Well lookie there, we're almost done! However, this doesn't really allow any more robust uses of it. What if instead we're given:
>>> return_string = r'http://www.myapp.com/finish_box?code=my_code&junk_data=ohyestheresverymuch&my_birthday=nottoday&stackoverflow=usefulplaceforinfo'
Suddenly our plan doesn't work. Let's instead break that second set on the & sign, since that's what's separating the key:value pairs.
step2 = step1[1].split("&")
Now we're getting somewhere. Let's save those as a dict, shall we?
>>> list_those_args = []
>>> for each_item in step2:
>>> list_those_args[each_item.split("=")[0]] = each_item.split("=")[1]
Now we've got a dictionary in list_those_args that contains key and value for every argument the GET passed back to you! Science!
So how do you access it now?
>>> list_those_args['code']
You need a webserver and a cgi-script to do this. I have setup a single python script solution to this to run this. You can see my code at:
When you access the script, it redirects you to box for authentication. After authentication, if "code" is in the incoming request, the code is grabbed and redirected to the site where tokens are granted.
You have to setup a .htaccess file to store your secret key and id.