Why doesn't SIGVTALRM trigger inside time.sleep()? - python

I'm trying to use SIGVTALRM to snapshot profile my Python code, but it doesn't seem to be firing inside blocking operations like time.sleep() and socket operations.
Why is that? And is there any way to address that, so I can collect samples while I'm inside blocking operations?
I've also tried using ITIMER_PROF/SIGPROF and ITIMER_REAL/SIGALRM and both seem to produce similar results.
The code I'm testing with follows, and the output is something like:
$ python profiler-test.py
<module>(__main__:1);test_sampling_profiler(__main__:53): 1
<module>(__main__:1);test_sampling_profiler(__main__:53);busyloop(__main__:48): 1509
Note that the timesleep function isn't shown at all.
Test code:
import time
import signal
import collections
class SamplingProfiler(object):
def __init__(self, interval=0.001, logger=None):
self.interval = interval
self.running = False
self.counter = collections.Counter()
def _sample(self, signum, frame):
if not self.running:
stack = []
while frame is not None:
formatted_frame = "%s(%s:%s)" %(
frame = frame.f_back
formatted_stack = ';'.join(reversed(stack))
self.counter[formatted_stack] += 1
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_VIRTUAL, self.interval, 0)
def start(self):
if self.running:
signal.signal(signal.SIGVTALRM, self._sample)
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_VIRTUAL, self.interval, 0)
self.running = True
def stop(self):
if not self.running:
self.running = False
signal.signal(signal.SIGVTALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
def flush(self):
res = self.counter
self.counter = collections.Counter()
return res
def busyloop():
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < 5:
def timesleep():
def test_sampling_profiler():
p = SamplingProfiler()
print "\n".join("%s: %s" %x for x in sorted(p.flush().items()))
if __name__ == "__main__":

Not sure about why time.sleep works that way (could it be using SIGALRM for itself to know when to resume?) but Popen.wait does not block signals so worst case you can call out to OS sleep.

Another approach is to use a separate thread to trigger the sampling:
import sys
import threading
import time
import collections
class SamplingProfiler(object):
def __init__(self, interval=0.001):
self.interval = interval
self.running = False
self.counter = collections.Counter()
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._sample)
def _sample(self):
while self.running:
next_wakeup_time = time.time() + self.interval
for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().items():
if thread_id == self.thread.ident:
stack = []
while frame is not None:
formatted_frame = "%s(%s:%s)" % (
frame = frame.f_back
formatted_stack = ';'.join(reversed(stack))
self.counter[formatted_stack] += 1
sleep_time = next_wakeup_time - time.time()
if sleep_time > 0:
def start(self):
if self.running:
self.running = True
def stop(self):
if not self.running:
self.running = False
def flush(self):
res = self.counter
self.counter = collections.Counter()
return res
def busyloop():
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < 5:
def timesleep():
def test_sampling_profiler():
p = SamplingProfiler()
print "\n".join("%s: %s" %x for x in sorted(p.flush().items()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
When doing it this way the result is:
$ python profiler-test.py
<module>(__main__:1);test_sampling_profiler(__main__:62);busyloop(__main__:54): 2875
<module>(__main__:1);test_sampling_profiler(__main__:62);start(__main__:37);start(threading:717);wait(threading:597);wait(threading:309): 1
<module>(__main__:1);test_sampling_profiler(__main__:62);timesleep(__main__:59): 4280
Still not totally fair, but better than no samples at all during sleep.

The absence of SIGVTALRM during a sleep() doesn't surprise me, since ITIMER_VIRTUAL "runs only when the process is executing."
(As an aside, CPython on non-Windows platforms implements time.sleep() in terms of select().)
With a plain SIGALRM, however, I expect a signal interruption and indeed I observe one:
<module>(__main__:1);test_sampling_profiler(__main__:62);busyloop(__main__:54): 4914
<module>(__main__:1);test_sampling_profiler(__main__:62);timesleep(__main__:59): 1
I changed the code somewhat, but you get the idea:
class SamplingProfiler(object):
TimerSigs = {
signal.ITIMER_PROF : signal.SIGPROF,
signal.ITIMER_REAL : signal.SIGALRM,
def __init__(self, interval=0.001, timer = signal.ITIMER_REAL): # CHANGE
self.interval = interval
self.running = False
self.counter = collections.Counter()
self.timer = timer # CHANGE
self.signal = self.TimerSigs[timer] # CHANGE


What is the best practice of 'restarting' a thread? [duplicate]

How can I start and stop a thread with my poor thread class?
It is in loop, and I want to restart it again at the beginning of the code. How can I do start-stop-restart-stop-restart?
My class:
import threading
class Concur(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.stopped = False
def run(self):
i = 0
while not self.stopped:
i = i + 1
In the main code, I want:
inst = Concur()
while conditon:
# After some operation
# Some other operation
You can't actually stop and then restart a thread since you can't call its start() method again after its run() method has terminated. However you can make one pause and then later resume its execution by using a threading.Condition variable to avoid concurrency problems when checking or changing its running state.
threading.Condition objects have an associated threading.Lock object and methods to wait for it to be released and will notify any waiting threads when that occurs. Here's an example derived from the code in your question which shows this being done. In the example code I've made the Condition variable a part of Thread subclass instances to better encapsulate the implementation and avoid needing to introduce additional global variables:
from __future__ import print_function
import threading
import time
class Concur(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
super(Concur, self).__init__()
self.iterations = 0
self.daemon = True # Allow main to exit even if still running.
self.paused = True # Start out paused.
self.state = threading.Condition()
def run(self):
while True:
with self.state:
if self.paused:
self.state.wait() # Block execution until notified.
# Do stuff...
self.iterations += 1
def pause(self):
with self.state:
self.paused = True # Block self.
def resume(self):
with self.state:
self.paused = False
self.state.notify() # Unblock self if waiting.
class Stopwatch(object):
""" Simple class to measure elapsed times. """
def start(self):
""" Establish reference point for elapsed time measurements. """
self.start_time = time.time()
return self
def elapsed_time(self):
""" Seconds since started. """
return time.time() - self.start_time
except AttributeError: # Wasn't explicitly started.
self.start_time = time.time()
return 0
MAX_RUN_TIME = 5 # Seconds.
concur = Concur()
stopwatch = Stopwatch()
print('Running for {} seconds...'.format(MAX_RUN_TIME))
while stopwatch.elapsed_time < MAX_RUN_TIME:
# Can also do other concurrent operations here...
# Do some other stuff...
# Show Concur thread executed.
print('concur.iterations: {}'.format(concur.iterations))
This is David Heffernan's idea fleshed-out. The example below runs for 1 second, then stops for 1 second, then runs for 1 second, and so on.
import time
import threading
import datetime as DT
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def worker(cond):
i = 0
while True:
with cond:
i += 1
format='[%(asctime)s %(threadName)s] %(message)s',
cond = threading.Condition()
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(cond, ))
t.daemon = True
start = DT.datetime.now()
while True:
now = DT.datetime.now()
if (now-start).total_seconds() > 60: break
if now.second % 2:
with cond:
The implementation of stop() would look like this:
def stop(self):
self.stopped = True
If you want to restart, then you can just create a new instance and start that.
while conditon:
inst = Concur()
#after some operation
#some other operation
The documentation for Thread makes it clear that the start() method can only be called once for each instance of the class.
If you want to pause and resume a thread, then you'll need to use a condition variable.

How can I properly call a method from its callback method within a class?

I Have a code with two functions. Function 'send_thread' and Function 'receive_thread' which is the callback of 'send_thread'. What I want to do is to run 'send_thread', this activates 'receive_thread' and once it's over repeat it all again. To do so, I have come up with the code below. This is not giving the desired results, since the 'send_thread' gets called again but doesn't activate the callback anymore. Thank you in advance for your help.
I have noticed, that the function gets called at the end of the receive_thread and runs for the amount of time that I wait in the send_thread (rospy.sleep()). I does never activate the callback again after the first try though.
import rospy
import pepper_2d_simulator
import threading
class TROS(object):
def __init__(self):
self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel',Twist)
self.event = threading.Event()
def send_thread(self):
#send commmand
sequence = [[1,0,0.05],[0,0,0],[0,0,0.1292]]
for cmd in sequence:
msg = Twist()
msg.linear.x = cmd[0]
msg.linear.y = cmd[1]
msg.angular.z = cmd[2]
t = rospy.get_rostime()
def receive_thread(self,msg):
#if something is being send, listen to this
if self.event.isSet():
frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
self.x_odom = msg.pose.pose.position.x
self.y_odom = msg.pose.pose.position.y
self.z_odom = msg.pose.pose.position.z
self.pos_odom = [self.x_odom,self.y_odom,self.z_odom,1]
self.ang_odom = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z
self.time = msg.header.stamp.secs + msg.header.stamp.nsecs
#some transformations here to get self.trans...
#after self.event() is cleared, rename and run again
self.x_odom = self.trans_br_x
self.y_odom = self.trans_br_y
self.ang_odom = self.rot_br_ang
def init_node(self):
rospy.init_node('pepper_cmd_evaluator',anonymous = True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
thinking = Thinking()
The expected result is that I am able to loop this two function so that I call send_thread, this activates receive thread. Then send_thread stops, receive_thread stops and activates the send_thread again. I want to do this 10 times.
I have now figured out how to this. I will post my solution in case anyone else runs into a similar problem. The working solution I came up with is pretty simple. I created a self.flag variable and alternatively set it to True and False in the send_thread and callback respectively. The code:
import rospy
import pepper_2d_simulator
import threading
class TROS(object):
def __init__(self):
self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel',Twist)
self.event = threading.Event()
self.count = 0
self.flag = True
def send_thread(self):
while self.count < 10:
if self.flag:
self.count = self.count + 1
#send commmand
sequence = [[1,0,0.05],[0,0,0],[0,0,0.1292]]
for cmd in sequence:
msg = Twist()
msg.linear.x = cmd[0]
msg.linear.y = cmd[1]
msg.angular.z = cmd[2]
t = rospy.get_rostime()
self.flag = False
rospy.signal_shutdown('Command finished')
def receive_thread(self,msg):
#if something is being send, listen to this
if self.event.isSet():
frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
self.x_odom = msg.pose.pose.position.x
self.y_odom = msg.pose.pose.position.y
self.z_odom = msg.pose.pose.position.z
self.pos_odom = [self.x_odom,self.y_odom,self.z_odom,1]
self.ang_odom = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z
self.time = msg.header.stamp.secs + msg.header.stamp.nsecs
#some transformations here to get self.trans...
#after self.event() is cleared, rename and run again
self.x_odom = self.trans_br_x
self.y_odom = self.trans_br_y
self.ang_odom = self.rot_br_ang
self.flag = True
def init_node(self):
rospy.init_node('pepper_cmd_evaluator',anonymous = True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
thinking = Thinking()

Externally stop a running while loop

I have a cmd.Cmd class command line interpreter that, for example, initializes a self.counter = Counter().
After calling 'start', do_start() will call self.counter.start() and self.counter starts a while loop that counts from 0 to infinity.
Pseudocode example of Counter:
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.number = 0
self.running = False
def start():
self.running = True
while self.running:
self.number += 1
def status():
return self.number
def stop():
self.running = False
How can I call 'status' in my cmd.Cmd class (which calls do_status()) to get self.counter.status() which will give the current number that has been incremented?
And how can I call 'stop' in my cmd.Cmd class to get self.counter.stop() to stop the while loop.
If you want to do something in parallel you must use threads or multiple processes like this:
import threading
from time import sleep
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.number = 0
self.running = False
def start(self):
self.running = True
while self.running:
self.number += 1
# add sleep to prevent blocking main thread by this loop
def status(self):
return self.number
def stop(self):
self.running = False
class Cmd(object):
t = None
counter = None
def start(self):
self.counter = Counter()
self.t = threading.Thread(target=self.counter.start)
def do_status(self):
return self.counter.status()
def stop(self):
# waiting while thread with Counter will finish
if __name__ == "__main__":
cmd = Cmd()
print "Starting counter"
print cmd.do_status()
print cmd.do_status()
print "Counter was stopped"
Output will be:
Starting counter
Counter was stopped
But if you want to be able communicate with Counter from different application then you must learn about sockets .
if cmd is an instance of Cmd and your using an instance method:
Send the instance to Counter:
def __init__(self, cmd):
self.number = 0
# self.running = False # removed - use self.cmd.status() for control
self.cmd = cmd
Control while using self.cmd:
def start():
while self.cmd.status():
self.number += 1
I expect self.cmd.status() to be blocking (expecting user input, or something like that).

How to start and stop a thread

How can I start and stop a thread with my poor thread class?
It is in loop, and I want to restart it again at the beginning of the code. How can I do start-stop-restart-stop-restart?
My class:
import threading
class Concur(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.stopped = False
def run(self):
i = 0
while not self.stopped:
i = i + 1
In the main code, I want:
inst = Concur()
while conditon:
# After some operation
# Some other operation
You can't actually stop and then restart a thread since you can't call its start() method again after its run() method has terminated. However you can make one pause and then later resume its execution by using a threading.Condition variable to avoid concurrency problems when checking or changing its running state.
threading.Condition objects have an associated threading.Lock object and methods to wait for it to be released and will notify any waiting threads when that occurs. Here's an example derived from the code in your question which shows this being done. In the example code I've made the Condition variable a part of Thread subclass instances to better encapsulate the implementation and avoid needing to introduce additional global variables:
from __future__ import print_function
import threading
import time
class Concur(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
super(Concur, self).__init__()
self.iterations = 0
self.daemon = True # Allow main to exit even if still running.
self.paused = True # Start out paused.
self.state = threading.Condition()
def run(self):
while True:
with self.state:
if self.paused:
self.state.wait() # Block execution until notified.
# Do stuff...
self.iterations += 1
def pause(self):
with self.state:
self.paused = True # Block self.
def resume(self):
with self.state:
self.paused = False
self.state.notify() # Unblock self if waiting.
class Stopwatch(object):
""" Simple class to measure elapsed times. """
def start(self):
""" Establish reference point for elapsed time measurements. """
self.start_time = time.time()
return self
def elapsed_time(self):
""" Seconds since started. """
return time.time() - self.start_time
except AttributeError: # Wasn't explicitly started.
self.start_time = time.time()
return 0
MAX_RUN_TIME = 5 # Seconds.
concur = Concur()
stopwatch = Stopwatch()
print('Running for {} seconds...'.format(MAX_RUN_TIME))
while stopwatch.elapsed_time < MAX_RUN_TIME:
# Can also do other concurrent operations here...
# Do some other stuff...
# Show Concur thread executed.
print('concur.iterations: {}'.format(concur.iterations))
This is David Heffernan's idea fleshed-out. The example below runs for 1 second, then stops for 1 second, then runs for 1 second, and so on.
import time
import threading
import datetime as DT
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def worker(cond):
i = 0
while True:
with cond:
i += 1
format='[%(asctime)s %(threadName)s] %(message)s',
cond = threading.Condition()
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(cond, ))
t.daemon = True
start = DT.datetime.now()
while True:
now = DT.datetime.now()
if (now-start).total_seconds() > 60: break
if now.second % 2:
with cond:
The implementation of stop() would look like this:
def stop(self):
self.stopped = True
If you want to restart, then you can just create a new instance and start that.
while conditon:
inst = Concur()
#after some operation
#some other operation
The documentation for Thread makes it clear that the start() method can only be called once for each instance of the class.
If you want to pause and resume a thread, then you'll need to use a condition variable.

Why thread is interrupted before the changes are complete

I'm attempting to create python module for getting MAC adresses by IP addresses.
def getMACs(addressesList):
def _processArp(pkt):
spa = _inet_ntoa(pkt.spa)
if pkt.op == dpkt.arp.ARP_OP_REPLY and spa in _cache.macTable:
_cache.macTable[spa] = _packedToMacStr(pkt.sha)
_cache.notFilledMacs -= 1
if _cache.notFilledMacs == 0:
addresses = _parseAddresses(addressesList)
_cache.registerCacheEntry("macTable", {})
_cache.registerCacheEntry("notFilledMacs", 0)
_events.arpPacket += _processArp
lock = threading.Lock()
thrd = _CaptureThread(promisc=False, timeout_ms=30, filter="arp")
for addr in addresses:
if _sendArpQuery(addr):
_cache.macTable[str(addr)] = None
_cache.notFilledMacs += 1
return _cache.macTable
if __name__ == "__main__":
macTable = getMACs([IPAddress(""), IPAddress("")])
When I run this module I get
{'': '00:11:95:9E:25:B1', '': None}
When I debug _processArp step by step I get
{'': '00:11:95:9E:25:B1', '': '00:21:63:78:98:8E'}
Class CaptureThread:
class CaptureThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__ (self, name=None, snaplen=65535, promisc=True, timeout_ms=0, immediate=False, filter=None):
self.__running = True
self.__name = name
self.__snaplen = snaplen
self.__promisc = promisc
self.__timeout_ms = timeout_ms
self.__immediate = immediate
self.__filter = filter
def stop(self):
self.__running = False
def run(self):
self.__pc = pcap.pcap(self.__name, self.__snaplen, self.__promisc, self.__timeout_ms, self.__immediate)
if self.__filter:
while self.__running:
self.__pc.dispatch(1, self.__processPacket)
def __processPacket(self, timestamp, pkt):
peth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(pkt)
if isinstance(peth.data, dpkt.arp.ARP):
Stupid error. As always when working with threads - because of thread synchronization.
One of my conditions for interrupting thread is "_cache.notFilledMacs == 0". In the main thread _cache.notFilledMacs did not have time to get the value of 2 when in the CaptureThread value is decreased.

