RINEX plotting in Python - python

I’m trying to plot data an in order to check my code, I’m making a comparison of the resulting plots with what has already been generated with Matlab. I am encountering several issues however with this:
Generally, the parsing of RINEX files works, and the general pattern of the presentation of the data looks similar to that the Matlab scripts plotted. However there are small deviations in data that should become apparent when zooming in on the data i.e. when using a smaller time series, for example plotting over a special 2 hour period, not 24 hours. In Matlab, this small discrepancy can be seen, and a polynomial fitting applied. However for the Python plots (the first plot shown below), the curved line of this two hour period appears “smooth” and does not deviate at all, like that seen in the Matlab script (the second plot shows the blue line as the data, against the red line of the polyfit, hence, the blue line shows a slight discrepancy at x=9.4). The Matlab script is assumed correct, as this deviation is because of an Seismic activity that disrupts the ionosphere temporarily. Please refer to the plots below:
The third plot is in Matlab, where this is simply the polyfit minus the live data.
Therefore, it is not clear just how this data is being plotted on the axes for the Python script, because the data appears to smooth? Nor if my code is wrong (see below) and somehow “smooths” out the data somehow:
#Calculating by looping through
for sv in range(32):
sat = self.obs_data_chunks_dataframe[sv, :]
#print "sat.index_{0}: {1}".format(sv+1, sat.index)
phi1 = sat['L1'] * LAMBDA_1 #Change units of L1 to meters
phi2 = sat['L2'] * LAMBDA_2 #Change units of L2 to meters
pr1 = sat['P1']
pr2 = sat['P2']
#CALCULATION: teqc Calculation
iono_teqc = COEFF * (pr2 - pr1) / 1000000 #divide to make values smaller (tbc)
print "iono_teqc_{0}: {1}".format(sv+1, iono_teqc)
#Plotting of the data
plt.plot(sat.index, iono_teqc, label=‘teqc’)
plt.xlabel('Time (UTC)')
plt.ylabel('Ionosphere Delay (meters)')
plt.title("Ionosphere Delay on {0} for Satellite {1}.".format(self.date, sv+1))
ax = plt.gca()
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
plt.savefig(winpath + '\Figure_SV{0}'.format(sv+1))
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
plt.savefig(macpath + 'Figure_SV{0}'.format(sv+1))
Following on from point 1, the polynomial fitting code below does not run the way I’d like, so I’m overlooking something here. I assume this has to do with the data used upon the x,y-axes but can’t pinpoint exactly what. Would anyone know where I am going wrong here?
#Zoomed in plots
if sv == 19:
#Plotting of the data
plt.plot(sat.index, iono_teqc, label=‘teqc’) #sat.index to plot for time in UTC
plt.xlim(8, 10)
plt.xlabel('Time (UTC)')
plt.ylabel('Ionosphere Delay (meters)')
plt.title("Ionosphere Delay on {0} for Satellite {1}.".format(self.date, sv+1))
ax = plt.gca()
#Polynomial fitting
coefficients = np.polyfit(sat.index, iono_teqc, 2)
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
#os.path.join(winpath, 'Figure_SV{0}'.format(sv+1))
plt.savefig(winpath + '\Zoom_SV{0}'.format(sv+1))
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
plt.savefig(macpath + 'Zoom_SV{0}'.format(sv+1))
My RINEX file comprises 32 satellites. However when trying to generate the plots for all 32, I receive:
IndexError: index 31 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 31
Changing the code below to 31 solves this partly, only excluding the 32nd satellite. I’d like to also plot for satellite 32. The functions for the parsing, and formatting of the data are given below:
def read_obs(self, RINEXfile, n_sat, sat_map):
obs = np.empty((TOTAL_SATS, len(self.obs_types)), dtype=np.float64) * np.NaN
lli = np.zeros((TOTAL_SATS, len(self.obs_types)), dtype=np.uint8)
signal_strength = np.zeros((TOTAL_SATS, len(self.obs_types)), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(n_sat):
# Join together observations for a single satellite if split across lines.
obs_line = ''.join(padline(RINEXfile.readline()[:-1], 16) for _ in range((len(self.obs_types) + 4) / 5))
#obs_line = ''.join(padline(RINEXfile.readline()[:-1], 16) for _ in range(2))
#while obs_line
for j in range(len(self.obs_types)):
obs_record = obs_line[16*j:16*(j+1)]
obs[sat_map[i], j] = floatornan(obs_record[0:14])
lli[sat_map[i], j] = digitorzero(obs_record[14:15])
signal_strength[sat_map[i], j] = digitorzero(obs_record[15:16])
return obs, lli, signal_strength
def read_data_chunk(self, RINEXfile, CHUNK_SIZE = 10000):
obss = np.empty((CHUNK_SIZE, TOTAL_SATS, len(self.obs_types)), dtype=np.float64) * np.NaN
llis = np.zeros((CHUNK_SIZE, TOTAL_SATS, len(self.obs_types)), dtype=np.uint8)
signal_strengths = np.zeros((CHUNK_SIZE, TOTAL_SATS, len(self.obs_types)), dtype=np.uint8)
epochs = np.zeros(CHUNK_SIZE, dtype='datetime64[us]')
flags = np.zeros(CHUNK_SIZE, dtype=np.uint8)
i = 0 #ggfrfg
while True:
hdr = self.read_epoch_header(RINEXfile)
if hdr is None:
epoch_time, flags[i], sats = hdr
#epochs[i] = np.datetime64(epoch_time)
epochs[i] = epoch_time
sat_map = np.ones(len(sats)) * -1
for n, sat in enumerate(sats):
if sat[0] == 'G':
sat_map[n] = int(sat[1:]) - 1
obss[i], llis[i], signal_strengths[i] = self.read_obs(RINEXfile, len(sats), sat_map)
i += 1
if i >= CHUNK_SIZE:
return obss[:i], llis[:i], signal_strengths[:i], epochs[:i], flags[:i]
def read_data(self, RINEXfile):
obs_data_chunks = []
while True:
obss, _, _, epochs, _ = self.read_data_chunk(RINEXfile)
epochs = epochs.astype(np.int64)
epochs = np.divide(epochs, float(3600.000))
if obss.shape[0] == 0:
np.rollaxis(obss, 1, 0),
items=['G%02d' % d for d in range(1, 33)],
).dropna(axis=0, how='all').dropna(axis=2, how='all'))
self.obs_data_chunks_dataframe = obs_data_chunks[0]
Any suggestions?
Cheers, pymat.

I managed to solve Qu1 as it was a conversion issue with my calculation that was overlooked, the other two points are however open...


How to split data into two graphs with mat plot lib

I would be so thankful if someone would be able to help me with this. I am creating a graph in matplotib however I would to love to split up the 14 lines created from the while loop into the x and y values of P, so instead of plt.plot(t,P) it would be plt.plot(t,((P[1])[0]))) and
plt.plot(t,((P[1])[1]))). I would love if someone could help me very quick, it should be easy but i am just getting errors with the arrays
#Altering Alpha in Tumor Cells vs PACCs
#What is alpha? α = Rate of conversion of cancer cells to PACCs
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from google.colab import files
value = -6
counter = -1
array = []
pac = []
while value <= 0:
def modelP(x,t):
P, C = x
λc = 0.0601
K = 2000
α = 1 * (10**value)
ν = 1 * (10**-6)
λp = 0.1
γ = 2
#returning odes
dPdt = ((λp))*P*(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)+ (α*C)
dCdt = ((λc)*C)*(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)-(α*C) + (ν***P)
return dPdt, dCdt
C0= 256
P0 = 0
Pinit = [P0,C0]
#time points
t = np.linspace(0,730)
#solve odes
P = odeint(modelP,Pinit,t)
value += 1
#plot results
plt.xlabel('Time [days]')
plt.ylabel('Number of PACCs')
You can use subplots() to create two subplots and then plot the individual line into the plot you need. To do this, firstly add the subplots at the start (before the while loop) by adding this line...
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) ## Plot will 2 rows, 1 column... change if required
Then... within the while loop, replace the plotting line...
with (do take care of the space so that the lines are within while loop)
if value < -3: ## I am using value = -3 as the point of split, change as needed
ax[0].plot(t,P)#, ax=ax[0]) ## Add to first plot
ax[1].plot(t,P)#,ax=ax[1]) ## Add to second plot
This will give a plot like this.

Recognition of a plateau with a slope close to zero

I am writing code to remove plateau outliers from time series data. I proceeded after receiving advice to use np.diff, but there was a problem that it could not be recognized if it was not the same value.
def find_plateaus(F, min_length=200, tolerance = 0.75, smoothing=15):
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter1d
# calculate smooth gradients
smoothF = uniform_filter1d(F, size = smoothing)
dF = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(smoothF),size = smoothing)
d2F = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(dF),size = smoothing)
def zero_runs(x):
iszero = np.concatenate(([0], np.equal(x, 0).view(np.int8), [0]))
absdiff = np.abs(np.diff(iszero))
ranges = np.where(absdiff == 1)[0].reshape(-1, 2)
return ranges
# Find ranges where second derivative is zero
# Values under eps are assumed to be zero.
eps = np.quantile(abs(d2F),tolerance)
smalld2F = (abs(d2F) <= eps)
# Find repititions in the mask "smalld2F" (i.e. ranges where d2F is constantly zero)
p = zero_runs(np.diff(smalld2F))
# np.diff(p) gives the length of each range found.
# only accept plateaus of min_length
plateaus = p[(np.diff(p) > min_length).flatten()]
return (plateaus)
plateaus = find_plateaus(test, min_length=5, tolerance = 0.02, smoothing=11)
plateaus = np.ravel(plateaus, order = 'A')
plateaus = plateaus.tolist()
test2['T&F'] = np.nan
for i in test2.index:
if i in plateaus:
test2.loc[i,['T&F']] = test2.loc[i,'data']
else :
test2.loc[i,['T&F']] = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6))
ax.plot(test2.index, test2['data'], color='black', label = 'time_series')
ax.scatter(test2.index,test2['T&F'], color='red', label = 'D910')
Do you know any libraries or methods that can be used?
I want to recognize the parts marked in the picture below.
enter image description here
Still in progress, but found the answer.
First, make the np array multidimensional.
ex) time_step = 3
Then, using np.std(), find the standard deviation,
After checking, you can set the standard deviation range to recognize the included range.

Matplotlib speed up saving plots to disk

I want to create an animation from roughly 250 individual frames, showing data plotted as 2D images in a figure with 4 x 11 subpanels. The data represent power spectra of velocity as a function of temporal frequency and latitude. However, each frame takes about 4 seconds to create and save, including run-time computation of the data. In the non-interactive plotting mode, I use 'agg' as the backend to avoid time spent for interactivity plotting features.
The speed bottleneck here is not the computation of the data to plot, but saving the plots to disk. Example run-times for random data (see code below) and only 5 frames without saving the plots are sth. like 5 seconds, with saving the plots 17-19 seconds. For the actual data I use, there are some more plot artists to be drawn (text on panels, an additional line plot etc.), but the script execution time is quite similar. For the about 250 frames in total, this indicates roughly 900 seconds, thus 15 minutes to compute the data and then save the plots. However, since I likely want to generate similar frames several times or with slightly different data, it would be good to decrease this script execution time.
A (hopefully) reproducible code, using random data, but with data sizes equal to the actual data I use, is given below. An example frame (the first one generated by the code) can also be found below. In the code, the function create_fig() generates a figure with subpanels containing dummy data and in the for-loop over the different frames, only the data in the subpanels is replaced.
Is there a way to speed-up saving the plots into the png files? Any help is much appreciated!
# import packages
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
path_plots_out = '/home/proxauf'
# set up grids
nt, nlat, nlon = 3328, 24, 48
dlat = 7.5
lats = np.linspace(-90,90-dlat,nlat)
dt = 98191.08
nu = (-1) * np.fft.fftfreq(nt, dt) * 10 ** 9
nnu = len(nu)
nu_fftshift = np.fft.fftshift(nu)
dnu_fftshift = nu_fftshift[1] - nu_fftshift[0]
nu_lims = [-500, 500]
ind_nu_xlims = np.where(np.logical_and(nu_fftshift >= nu_lims[0], nu_fftshift <= nu_lims[1]))[0]
ext_box_nu_lat = [nu_fftshift[ind_nu_xlims][0] - dnu_fftshift / 2, nu_fftshift[ind_nu_xlims][-1] + dnu_fftshift / 2, lats[0] - dlat / 2.0, lats[-1] + dlat / 2.0]
nnu_cut = len(ind_nu_xlims)
if plt.rcParams['interactive']:
# plotting function
def create_fig():
data_xlabels = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype='U30')
data_xlabels[-1, :] = r'Frequency [nHz]'
data_xticks = np.array([[np.linspace(-300, 300, 3)] * ncols] * nrows)
data_xticks_minor = np.array([[np.linspace(-500, 500, 21)] * ncols] * nrows)
data_xlims = np.array([[(-500, 500)] * ncols] * nrows)
data_ylabels = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype='U30')
data_ylabels[:, 0] = r'Latitude [deg]'
data_yticks = np.array([[np.linspace(-90, 90, 7)] * ncols] * nrows)
data_yticks_minor = np.array([[np.linspace(-90, 90, 25)] * ncols] * nrows)
data_ylims = np.array([[(-90, 90)] * ncols] * nrows)
plot_xticks = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=bool)
plot_xticks[-1, :] = True
plot_yticks = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=bool)
plot_yticks[:, 0] = True
fig_left, fig_right, fig_bottom, fig_top, fig_hspace, fig_wspace = (0.04, 0.95, 0.06, 0.90, 0.1, 0.1)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=figsize)
data_list = []
for i in range(nrows):
data_list_temp = []
for j in range(ncols):
ax = axes[i, j]
im = ax.imshow(np.zeros((nnu_cut, nlat)).T, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='binary', extent=ext_box_nu_lat)
ax.set_xlabel(data_xlabels[i, j])
ax.set_ylabel(data_ylabels[i, j])
ax.set_xlim(data_xlims[i, j])
ax.set_ylim(data_ylims[i, j])
ax.set_xticks(data_xticks[i, j])
ax.set_xticks(data_xticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(data_yticks[i, j])
ax.set_yticks(data_yticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
if not plot_xticks[i, j]:
if not plot_yticks[i, j]:
fig.subplots_adjust(left=fig_left, right=fig_right, bottom=fig_bottom, top=fig_top, hspace=fig_hspace, wspace=fig_wspace)
ax1 = axes[0, -1]
ax2 = axes[-1, -1]
top = ax1.get_position().y1
bottom = ax2.get_position().y0
right = ax2.get_position().x1
cbar_pad = 0.01
cbar_width = 0.01
cbar_height = top - bottom
cax = fig.add_axes([right + cbar_pad, bottom, cbar_width, cbar_height])
cbar = plt.colorbar(data_list[-1][-1], ax=axes[-1, -1], cax=cax)
return fig, axes, data_list
nrows = 4
ncols = 11
figsize = (16.5, 8)
# create figure with empty subpanels
fig, axes, data_list = create_fig()
# generate some data
data1 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)
data2 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)
data3 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)
data4 = np.random.rand(nt,nlat,nlon)
wsize = nt // 4
data1_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data2_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data3_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data4_temp = np.zeros((nt, nlat, nlon))
data1_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data1[:wsize,:,:]
data2_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data2[:wsize,:,:]
data3_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data3[:wsize,:,:]
data4_temp[:wsize,:,:] = data4[:wsize,:,:]
frame_cad = 10
# do not activate, else program will take about 15-20 minutes to finish
# frame_inds = range(0, nt - wsize + 1, frame_cad)
frame_inds = range(0, 50, frame_cad)
t0 = time.time()
for c, i in enumerate(frame_inds):
if i >= 1:
# fill in data for the next frame
data1_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
data1_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data1[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
data2_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
data2_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data2[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
data3_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
data3_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data3[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
data4_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
data4_temp[i+wsize- 1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data4[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
# compute power spectrum
pu1_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data1_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
pu2_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data2_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
pu3_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data3_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
pu4_temp = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(data4_temp, axes=(0, 2))) ** 2
pu_temp_list = [pu1_temp, pu2_temp, pu3_temp, pu4_temp]
# update data in subpanels
for s in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
data_list[s][j].set_data(np.fft.fftshift(pu_temp_list[s][:,:,j], axes=(0,))[ind_nu_xlims].T)
# save figure
fig.savefig('%s/stackoverflow_test/frame_%04d.png' % (path_plots_out, c))
print(time.time() - t0)
Update: Modified code blocks given below (no minor ticks, pyfftw instead of numpy, faster absolute-square computation; note: data_list return argument from create_fig() renamed to plot_data_list) yield running times of about 6s for 5 frames. The biggest speed boost comes from deactivating minor ticks (as mentioned in Jody Klymak's answer).
# use np.take_along_axis() with sorting indices instead of np.fft.fftshift() later, gives a slight (not too much!) speed boost
ind_nu_xlims = np.where(np.logical_and(nu >= nu_lims[0], nu <= nu_lims[1]))[0]
ind_nu_sort = np.argsort(nu[ind_nu_xlims])
nu_sort = np.take_along_axis(nu[ind_nu_xlims],ind_nu_sort,axis=0)
ext_box_nu_lat = [nu_sort[0] + dnu_fftshift / 2, nu_sort[-1] - dnu_fftshift / 2, lats[0] - dlat / 2.0, lats[-1] + dlat / 2.0]
# plotting function
def create_fig():
# deactivating ticks massively (!) boosts plotting performance
# ax.set_xticks(data_xticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
# ax.set_yticks(data_yticks_minor[i, j], minor=True)
data_list = [data1, data2, data3, data4]
# wisdom makes FFTs much faster using pyfftw than using numpy
# enable cache and set cache memory-keeping time sufficiently large
# this depends on the computation time between FFT calls
for c, i in enumerate(frame_inds):
data_temp_list = [data1_temp, data2_temp, data3_temp, data4_temp]
pu_temp_list = []
for j, data_temp in enumerate(data_temp_list):
if i >= 1:
# fill in data for the next frame
data_temp[i-frame_cad:i] = 0.0
data_temp[i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad] = data_list[j][i+wsize-1:i+wsize-1+frame_cad,:,:]
# compute Fourier transform via pyfftw; wisdom makes FFTs much faster using pyfftw than using numpy
pu_temp = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn(data_temp, axes=(0, 2), threads=-1)
# compute absolute-square using np.real(x * np.conj(x));
# about same speed as np.real(x) * np.imag(x);
# faster than np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ijk',x,np.conj(x));
# also faster than np.abs(x)**2 since np.abs(x)**2 first takes square-root, then squares again
pu_temp = np.real(pu_temp*np.conj(pu_temp))
# update data in subpanels
for s in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
# use np.take_along_axis() with sorting indices instead of np.fft.fftshift(), gives a slight (not too much!) speed boost
plot_data_list[s][j].set_data(np.take_along_axis(pu_temp_list[s][ind_nu_xlims,:,j], ind_nu_sort[:,None], axis=0).T)
# save figure
fig.savefig('%s/stackoverflow_test/frame_%04d.png' % (path_plots_out, c))
print(time.time() - t0)
So if that is exactly what you want the plot to look like, then I think you are doing the fastest that you can do. I get 15 s for 5 figures, and get 5 s for not saving.
Believe it or not, the easy way to make it faster is to drop your minor ticks. If I comment those lines out I get 8 s, for a 70% speed up. Ticks are really expensive in matplotlib. Given your minor ticks are tiny, I'd suggest that as an easy optimization.
I will give you some tips, but can be not a solution:
You are doing the rigth thing to run over the matrix, but check if can maximize the cache transposing your matrix (when you have a very tall and narrow case)
Have your heard about of sparse-matrix or matrix compressing techniques?
do the stuff that you need to do when i<1 outside of the for loop - you will save 1 comparison if you take out that
can you use parallel computation? like Omp for python?

Why does my functions seem to integrate and not differentiate? (pywt.cwt)

I am really confused by the function pywt.cwt, as I've not been able to get it to work. The function seems to integrate instead of differentiating. I would like to work it as the following: Example CWT, but my graph looks like this: My CWT. The idea is to integrate the raw signal (av) with cumtrapz, then differentiate with a gaussian CWT (=> S1), and then once more differentiate with gaussian CWT (=> S2).
As you can see in the pictures, the bottom peaks of the red line should line up in the valleys, but the land under the top peaks for me, and the green line should move 1/4th period to the left but moves to the right... Which makes me think it integrates for some reason.
I currently have no idea what causes this... Does anyone happen to know what is going on?
Thanks in advance!
#Get data from pandas
av = dfRange['y']
#remove gravity & turns av right way up
av = av - dfRange['y'].mean()
av = av * -1
[b,a] = signal.butter(4, [0.9/(55.2/2), 20/(55.2/2)], 'bandpass')
av = signal.filtfilt(b,a, av)
#Integrate and differentiate av => S1
integrated_av = integrate.cumtrapz(av)
[CWT_av1, frequency1] = pywt.cwt(integrated_av, 8.8 , 'gaus1', 1/55.2)
CWT_av1 = CWT_av1[0]
CWT_av1 = CWT_av1 * 0.05
#differentiate S1 => S2
[CWT_av2, frequency2] = pywt.cwt(CWT_av1, 8.8 , 'gaus1', 1/55.2)
CWT_av2 = CWT_av2[0]
CWT_av2 = CWT_av2 * 0.8
#Find Peaks
inv_CWT_av1 = CWT_av1 * -1
av1_min, _ = signal.find_peaks(inv_CWT_av1)
av2_max, _ = signal.find_peaks(CWT_av2)
plt.figure(figsize=(25, 7), dpi = 300)
plt.plot_date(dfRange['recorded_naive'], av, linestyle = 'solid', marker = None, color = 'steelblue')
plt.plot_date(dfRange['recorded_naive'][:-1], CWT_av1[:], linestyle = 'solid', marker = None, color = 'red')
plt.plot(dfRange['recorded_naive'].iloc[av1_min], CWT_av1[av1_min], "ob", color = 'red')
plt.plot_date(dfRange['recorded_naive'][:-1], CWT_av2[:], linestyle = 'solid', marker = None, color = 'green')
plt.plot(dfRange['recorded_naive'].iloc[av2_max], CWT_av2[av2_max], "ob", color = 'green')
I'm not sure this is your answer, but an observation from playing with pywt...
From the documentation the wavelets are basically given by the differentials of a Gaussian but there is an order dependent normalisation constant.
Plotting the differentials of a Guassian against the wavelets (extracted by putting in an impulse response) gives the following:
The interesting observation is that the order dependent normalisation constant sometimes seems to include a '-1'. In particular, it does for the first order gaus1.
So, my question is, could you actually have differentiation as you expect, but also multiplication by -1?
Code for the graph:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pywt
dt = 0.01
t = dt * np.arange(100)
# Calculate the differentials of a gaussian by quadrature:
# start with the gaussian y = exp(-(x - x_0) ^ 2 / dt)
ctr = t[len(t) // 2]
gaus = np.exp(-np.power(t - ctr, 2)/dt)
gaus_quad = [np.gradient(gaus, dt)]
for i in range(7):
gaus_quad.append(np.gradient(gaus_quad[-1], dt))
# Extract the wavelets using the impulse half way through the dataset
y = np.zeros(len(t))
y[len(t) // 2] = 1
gaus_cwt = list()
for i in range(1, 9):
cwt, cwt_f = pywt.cwt(y, 10, f'gaus{i}', dt)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2)
for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()):
ax.plot(t, gaus_cwt[i] / np.max(np.abs(gaus_cwt[i])))
ax.plot(t, gaus_quad[i] / np.max(np.abs(gaus_quad[i])))
ax.set_title(f'gaus {i+1}', x=0.2, y=1.0, pad=-14)
ax.axhline(0, c='k')

In matplotlib, how can I plot a multi-colored line, like a rainbow

I would like to plot parallel lines with different colors. E.g. rather than a single red line of thickness 6, I would like to have two parallel lines of thickness 3, with one red and one blue.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Even with the smart offsetting (s. below), there is still an issue in a view that has sharp angles between consecutive points.
Zoomed view of smart offsetting:
Overlaying lines of varying thickness:
Plotting parallel lines is not an easy task. Using a simple uniform offset will of course not show the desired result. This is shown in the left picture below.
Such a simple offset can be produced in matplotlib as shown in the transformation tutorial.
A better solution may be to use the idea sketched on the right side. To calculate the offset of the nth point we can use the normal vector to the line between the n-1st and the n+1st point and use the same distance along this normal vector to calculate the offset point.
The advantage of this method is that we have the same number of points in the original line as in the offset line. The disadvantage is that it is not completely accurate, as can be see in the picture.
This method is implemented in the function offset in the code below.
In order to make this useful for a matplotlib plot, we need to consider that the linewidth should be independent of the data units. Linewidth is usually given in units of points, and the offset would best be given in the same unit, such that e.g. the requirement from the question ("two parallel lines of width 3") can be met.
The idea is therefore to transform the coordinates from data to display coordinates, using ax.transData.transform. Also the offset in points o can be transformed to the same units: Using the dpi and the standard of ppi=72, the offset in display coordinates is o*dpi/ppi. After the offset in display coordinates has been applied, the inverse transform (ax.transData.inverted().transform) allows a backtransformation.
Now there is another dimension of the problem: How to assure that the offset remains the same independent of the zoom and size of the figure?
This last point can be addressed by recalculating the offset each time a zooming of resizing event has taken place.
Here is how a rainbow curve would look like produced by this method.
And here is the code to produce the image.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dpi = 100
def offset(x,y, o):
""" Offset coordinates given by array x,y by o """
X = np.c_[x,y].T
m = np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])
R = np.zeros_like(X)
S = X[:,2:]-X[:,:-2]
R[:,1:-1] = np.dot(m, S)
R[:,0] = np.dot(m, X[:,1]-X[:,0])
R[:,-1] = np.dot(m, X[:,-1]-X[:,-2])
On = R/np.sqrt(R[0,:]**2+R[1,:]**2)*o
Out = On+X
return Out[0,:], Out[1,:]
def offset_curve(ax, x,y, o):
""" Offset array x,y in data coordinates
by o in points """
trans = ax.transData.transform
inv = ax.transData.inverted().transform
X = np.c_[x,y]
Xt = trans(X)
xto, yto = offset(Xt[:,0],Xt[:,1],o*dpi/72. )
Xto = np.c_[xto, yto]
Xo = inv(Xto)
return Xo[:,0], Xo[:,1]
# some single points
y = np.array([1,2,2,3,3,0])
x = np.arange(len(y))
#or try a sinus
x = np.linspace(0,9)
fig, ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(4,2.5), dpi=dpi)
cols = ["#fff40b", "#00e103", "#ff9921", "#3a00ef", "#ff2121", "#af00e7"]
lw = 2.
lines = []
for i in range(len(cols)):
l, = plt.plot(x,y, lw=lw, color=cols[i])
def plot_rainbow(event=None):
xr = range(6); yr = range(6);
xr[0],yr[0] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, lw/2.)
xr[1],yr[1] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, -lw/2.)
xr[2],yr[2] = offset_curve(ax, xr[0],yr[0], lw)
xr[3],yr[3] = offset_curve(ax, xr[1],yr[1], -lw)
xr[4],yr[4] = offset_curve(ax, xr[2],yr[2], lw)
xr[5],yr[5] = offset_curve(ax, xr[3],yr[3], -lw)
for i in range(6):
lines[i].set_data(xr[i], yr[i])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", plot_rainbow)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", plot_rainbow)
plt.savefig(__file__+".png", dpi=dpi)
To avoid overlapping lines, one has to use a more complicated solution.
One could first offset every point normal to the two line segments it is part of (green points in the picture below). Then calculate the line through those offset points and find their intersection.
A particular case would be when the slopes of two subsequent line segments equal. This has to be taken care of (eps in the code below).
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dpi = 100
def intersect(p1, p2, q1, q2, eps=1.e-10):
""" given two lines, first through points pn, second through qn,
find the intersection """
x1 = p1[0]; y1 = p1[1]; x2 = p2[0]; y2 = p2[1]
x3 = q1[0]; y3 = q1[1]; x4 = q2[0]; y4 = q2[1]
nomX = ((x1*y2-y1*x2)*(x3-x4)- (x1-x2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4))
denom = float( (x1-x2)*(y3-y4) - (y1-y2)*(x3-x4) )
nomY = (x1*y2-y1*x2)*(y3-y4) - (y1-y2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4)
if np.abs(denom) < eps:
#print "intersection undefined", p1
return np.array( p1 )
return np.array( [ nomX/denom , nomY/denom ])
def offset(x,y, o, eps=1.e-10):
""" Offset coordinates given by array x,y by o """
X = np.c_[x,y].T
m = np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])
S = X[:,1:]-X[:,:-1]
R = np.dot(m, S)
norm = np.sqrt(R[0,:]**2+R[1,:]**2) / o
On = R/norm
Outa = On+X[:,1:]
Outb = On+X[:,:-1]
G = np.zeros_like(X)
for i in xrange(0, len(X[0,:])-2):
p = intersect(Outa[:,i], Outb[:,i], Outa[:,i+1], Outb[:,i+1], eps=eps)
G[:,i+1] = p
G[:,0] = Outb[:,0]
G[:,-1] = Outa[:,-1]
return G[0,:], G[1,:]
def offset_curve(ax, x,y, o, eps=1.e-10):
""" Offset array x,y in data coordinates
by o in points """
trans = ax.transData.transform
inv = ax.transData.inverted().transform
X = np.c_[x,y]
Xt = trans(X)
xto, yto = offset(Xt[:,0],Xt[:,1],o*dpi/72., eps=eps )
Xto = np.c_[xto, yto]
Xo = inv(Xto)
return Xo[:,0], Xo[:,1]
# some single points
y = np.array([1,1,2,0,3,2,1.,4,3]) *1.e9
x = np.arange(len(y))
#or try a sinus
#x = np.linspace(0,9)
fig, ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(4,2.5), dpi=dpi)
cols = ["r", "b"]
lw = 11.
lines = []
for i in range(len(cols)):
l, = plt.plot(x,y, lw=lw, color=cols[i], solid_joinstyle="miter")
def plot_rainbow(event=None):
xr = range(2); yr = range(2);
xr[0],yr[0] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, lw/2.)
xr[1],yr[1] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, -lw/2.)
for i in range(2):
lines[i].set_data(xr[i], yr[i])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", plot_rainbow)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", plot_rainbow)
Note that this method should work well as long as the offset between the lines is smaller then the distance between subsequent points on the line. Otherwise method 1 may be better suited.
The best that I can think of is to take your data, generate a series of small offsets, and use fill_between to make bands of whatever color you like.
I wrote a function to do this. I don't know what shape you're trying to plot, so this may or may not work for you. I tested it on a parabola and got decent results. You can also play around with the list of colors.
def rainbow_plot(x, y, spacing=0.1):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan','blue']
top = max(y)
lines = []
for i in range(len(colors)+1):
newline_data = y - top*spacing*i
for i, c in enumerate(colors):
ax.fill_between(x, lines[i], lines[i+1], facecolor=c)
return fig, ax
x = np.linspace(0,1,51)
y = 1-(x-0.5)**2

