Problem: Depending on the boolean value of smth, the array a has to be iterated either forwards or backwards. Because of recursion, the first (or last) element has to be treated beforehand.
In Python I can influence the direction an array is iterated through by tweaking the index a bit (*):
if smth:
print(a[sign*os]) #*
for k in range(5):
print(a[sign*(k+os)]) #*
Now, as there are no negative indices in MATLAB, I couldn't find a way around doubling the instructions (simplyfied to "print" above) and adapting the indices:
if smth
for i=2:5
for i=4:-1:1
Is there a way around this, eventually similar to the Python code above? The actual instructions will be much longer, including combinations of multi-dimensional indexing.
Also, in this case, flipping the array after the evaluation of smth is not possible.
I think what you're looking for is the keyword end. When appearing in indexing expressions, it refers to the last position within an array. You should also remember that in MATLAB it is possible to specify a pre-made vector for loop indices, so it doesn't have to be created "on the fly" using the colon (:) operator. Below is an example of how to use this for your needs:
ind_vec = 1:5;
if smth
ind_vec = ind_vec(2:end);
ind_vec = ind_vec(end-1:-1:1);
for ii = ind_vec
... %// do something
Alternatively you can use a makeshift ternary operator1 in conjunction with flip to get the right indices:
function out = iftr(cond,in1,in2)
if cond
out = in1;
out = in2;
Then you could get the desired result using:
ind_vec = 1:5;
ind_vec = iftr(smth,ind_vec,flip(ind_vec));
ind_vec = ind_vec(2:end);
1 - Also available as a function handle.
It's not very nice, but this might do the trick,
for i=smth*(1:5)+~smth*(5:-1:1)
what about (you may replace 5 by the actual length of a):
if smth
it = 1:5
it = 5:-1:1
for i=it
I found another (questionable) possibility:
for k=(5^s-s)*2^~s:(-1)^s:5^~s
This is more of a Matlab programming question than it is a math question.
I'd like to run gradient descent multiple on different learning rates. I have a set of learning rates
alpha = [0.3, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.003, 0.001];
and each time I run gradient descent, I get a vector J_vals as output. However, I don't know Matlab well enough to know how to implement this besides doing something like:
[theta, J_vals] = gradientDescent(...., alpha(1),...);
J1 = J_vals;
[theta, J_vals] = gradientDescent(...., alpha(2),...);
J2 = J_vals;
and so on.
I thought about using a for loop, but then I don't know how I would deal with the J_vals's (not sure how to apply the for loop to J1, J2, and so on). Perhaps it would look something like this:
for i = len(alpha)
[theta, J_vals] = gradientDescent(..., alpha(i),...);
J(i) = J_vals;
Then I would have a vector of vectors.
In Python, I would just run a for loop and append each new result to the end of a list. How do I implement something like this in Matlab? Or is there a more efficient way?
If you know how many loops you are going have and the size of the J_vals (or at least a reasonable upper bound) I would suggest pre-allocating the size of the container array
J = zeros(n,1);
then on each loop insert the new values
J(start:start+n) = J_vals
That way you don't reallocate memory. If you don't know, you can append the values to the array. For example,
J = []; % initialize
for i = len(alpha)
[theta, J_vals] = gradientDescent(..., alpha(i),...);
J = [J; J_vals]; % Append column row
but this is re-allocating the size of the array every loop. If it's not too many loops then it should be ok.
Matlab's "cell arrays" are kind of like lists in Python. They are similar in that you can put variable datatypes into them. Nobody seems to be too sure, but most likely the cell array is implemented as an array of object pointers. That means that it is still somewhat expensive to append to it (cell_array{length(cell_array) + 1} = new_data), but at least you are only appending a pointer instead of the entire column. You would still have to convert the cell array to a normal matrix afterward using cell2mat.
The most idiomatic Matlab solution is to pre-allocate (as #dpmcmlxxvi suggested).
I think what you are describing is a really common use case, and it's unfortunate that Matlab requires such a verbose idiom for this. Also it's frustrating that the documentation is opaque on how cell arrays are implemented and whether it is expensive to append to a cell array.
Your solution works just fine as long as you add a : for the row subscript (assuming J_vals is a column vector):
for i = len(alpha)
[theta, J_vals] = gradientDescent(..., alpha(i),...);
J(:, i) = J_vals;
%// ^... all rows, column 'i'
You could even put that as the return value:
for i = len(alpha)
[theta, J(:, i)] = gradientDescent(..., alpha(i),...);
%// ^... add returned value directly to our list
Both of these methods allow you to preallocate your matrix for a potential speed gain.
If you want to build your list as you go, you can use the method in #dpmcmlxxvi's answer, or you can use the special subscript end. Neither of these methods are compatible with preallocation, though.
for i = len(alpha)
[theta, J(:, end+1)] = gradientDescent(..., alpha(i),...);
%// ^... add new vector after the current end of list
I would also like to suggest you not use i as a variable name in Matlab. I know it's natural for other languages, but in Matlab it overwrites the built-in imaginary constant i.
Ok, I'm in the process of learning Python, and had a quick question about for loops. I was wondering if you could use math operators in them, like JavaScript. For example, could I do:
for i = 0, i < 5, i++:
#code here
Now, I'm quite aware that Python doesn't support i++, and I think it doesn't support the commas either. So if I can do it that way, could you provide a sample.
You would use a range loop:
for i in range(5):
#code here
If you want to increment in a loop you would use a while loop:
i = 0
while i < 5:
i += 1
To decrement you would use i -= 1.
Just as a loop is introduced by for, does not imply the same behaviour for different languages.
Python's for loop iterates over objects. Something like the C-for loop does not exist.
The C for loop (for ( <init> ; <cond> ; <update> ) <statement>, however, is actually identical to the C code:
while ( <cond> ) {
So, with the additional information that Python does have a while loop which behaves like the C-while loop, you should now be able to implement something like the C for loop in Python. I'll leave that as an exercise:-)
Note: as generating an evenly spaced sequence of integer values is a common case, Python provides the range() (Python 3) or xrange() (Python 2) function. This does create a RangeObject which (basically) yields the next value for a sequence given by start, stop and step arguments.
Quick answer
You may use:
for i in range(5):
# code here
i = 0
while i < 5:
i = i + 1 # or i += 1
Boring/pedantic answer
When I was learning Python I disliked the syntax; why should a simple for loop require a second keyword, range? The answer, I believe, is due to the fundamental role of the list in Python's prescriptive syntax. Repeated annoyances by range made me think about how the data were described (or not) before the loop, which in turn led me to think more Pythonically about the design of the data.
Let's say you want to populate a list with the first five perfect squares. You could:
squares = []
for i in range(5):
Alternatively, you could use comprehension:
initial_values = range(5) # we've declared the initial values
squares = [i**2 for i in initial_values]
Or more compactly:
squares = [i**2 for i in range(5)]
I routinely encounter problems where there's no Pythonic way to write the code, and I end up writing C-like Python (as in the Quick answer above). But just as often I find there's a more elegant and readable way to do things, and usually this indicates some imperfections in the antecedent data design.
This may be quite a green question, but I hope you understand – just started on python and trying to improve. Anyways, wrote a little function to do the "Shoelace Method" of finding the area of a polygon in a Cartesian plane (see this for a refresher).
I want to know how can I improve my method, so I can try out fancy new ways of doing the same old things.
def shoelace(list):
r_p = 0 # Positive Values
r_n = 0 # Negative Values
x, y = [i[0] for i in list], [i[1] for i in list]
x.append(x[0]), y.append(y[0])
print(x, y)
for i in range(len(x)):
if (i+1) < len(x):
r_p += (x[i] * y[i+1])
r_n += (x[i+1] * y[i])
return ((abs(r_p - r_n))/2)
Don't use short variable names that need to be commented; use names that indicate the function.
list is the name of the built-in list type, so while Python will let you replace that name, it's a bad idea stylistically.
, should not be used to separate what are supposed to be statements. You can use ;, but it's generally better to just put things on separate lines. In your case, it happens to work because you are using .append for the side effect, but basically what you are doing is constructing the 2-tuple (None, None) (the return values from .append) and throwing it away.
Use built-in functions where possible for standard list transformations. See the documentation for zip, for example. Except you don't really need to perform this transformation; you want to consider pairs of adjacent points, so do that - and take apart their coordinates inside the loop.
However, you can use zip to transform the list of points into a list of pairs-of-adjacent-points :) which lets you write a much cleaner loop. The idea is simple: first, we make a list of all the "next" points relative to the originals, and then we zip the two point-lists together.
return is not a function, so the thing you're returning does not need surrounding parentheses.
Instead of tallying up separate positive and negative values, perform signed arithmetic on a single value.
def shoelace(points):
signed_double_area = 0
next_points = points[1:] + points[:1]
for begin, end in zip(points, next_points):
begin_x, begin_y = begin
end_x, end_y = end
signed_double_area += begin_x * end_y
signed_double_area -= end_x * begin_y
return abs(signed_double_area) / 2
Functionally, your program is quite good. One minor remark is to replace range(len(x)) with xrange(len(x)). It makes the program slightly more efficient. Generally, you should use range only in cases where you actually need the full list of values it creates. If all you need is to loop over those values, use xrange.
Also, you don't need the parenthesis in the return statement, nor in the r_p += and r_n += statements.
Regarding style, in Python variable assignments shouldn't be done like you did, but rather with a single space on each side of the = symbol:
r_p = 0
r_n = 0
I was looking at Wikipedia's pseudo-code (and other webpages like and on merge sort and saw the preparation of a merge uses recursion.
I was curious to see if there is a non-recursive way to do it.
Perhaps something like a for each i element in list, i=[i-th element].
I am under the impression that recursion is keep-it-to-a-minimum-because-it's-undesirable, and so therefore I thought of this question.
The following is a pseudo-code sample of the recursive part of the merge-sort from Wikipedia:
function merge_sort(list m)
// if list size is 1, consider it sorted and return it
if length(m) <= 1
return m
// else list size is > 1, so split the list into two sublists
var list left, right
var integer middle = length(m) / 2
for each x in m up to middle
add x to left
for each x in m after or equal middle
add x to right
// recursively call merge_sort() to further split each sublist
// until sublist size is 1
left = merge_sort(left)
right = merge_sort(right)
Bottom-up merge sort is a non-recursive variant of merge sort.
See also this wikipedia page for a more detailed pseudocode implementation.
middle = len(lst) / 2
left = lst[:middle]
right = lst[middle:]
List slicing works fine.
As an aside - recursion is not undesirable per se.
Recursion is undesirable if you have limited stack space (are you afraid of stackoverflow? ;-) ), or in some cases where the time overhead of function calls is of great concern.
For much of the time these conditions do not hold; readability and maintainability of your code will be more relevant. Algorithms like merge sort make more sense when expressed recursively in my opinion.
i have this :
and now i want to create an array with dimensions [1,npoints].
I can't think how to do this.
For example table=[1,npoints]
Also, i want to evaluate this:
for i in range(1,npoints):
if experiment[i,0]**2+experiment[i,1]**2 >1:
I am trying to evaluate the experiment[:,0]**2+experiment[:,1]**2 and if it is >1 then an element in table becomes 0 else becomes 1.
The table must give me sth like [1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0].
I can't try it because i can't create the array "table".
Also,if there is a better way (with list comprehensions) to produce this..
table = (experiment[:,0]**2 + experiment[:,1]**2 <= 1).astype(int)
You can leave off the astype(int) call if you're happy with an array of booleans rather than an array of integers. As Joe Kington points out, this can be simplified to:
table = 1 - (experiment**2).sum(axis=1).astype(int)
If you really need to create the table array up front, you could do:
table = zeros(npoints, dtype=int)
(assuming that you've already import zeros from numpy). Then your for loop should work as written.
Aside: I suspect that you want range(npoints) rather than range(1, npoints) in your for statement.
Edit: just noticed that I had the 1s and 0s backwards. Now fixed.