Extracting all Nouns from a text file using nltk - python

Is there a more efficient way of doing this?
My code reads a text file and extracts all Nouns.
import nltk
File = open(fileName) #open file
lines = File.read() #read all lines
sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(lines) #tokenize sentences
nouns = [] #empty to array to hold all nouns
for sentence in sentences:
for word,pos in nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(str(sentence))):
if (pos == 'NN' or pos == 'NNP' or pos == 'NNS' or pos == 'NNPS'):
How do I reduce the time complexity of this code? Is there a way to avoid using the nested for loops?
Thanks in advance!

If you are open to options other than NLTK, check out TextBlob. It extracts all nouns and noun phrases easily:
>>> from textblob import TextBlob
>>> txt = """Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics concerned with the inter
actions between computers and human (natural) languages."""
>>> blob = TextBlob(txt)
>>> print(blob.noun_phrases)
[u'natural language processing', 'nlp', u'computer science', u'artificial intelligence', u'computational linguistics']

import nltk
lines = 'lines is some string of words'
# function to test if something is a noun
is_noun = lambda pos: pos[:2] == 'NN'
# do the nlp stuff
tokenized = nltk.word_tokenize(lines)
nouns = [word for (word, pos) in nltk.pos_tag(tokenized) if is_noun(pos)]
print nouns
>>> ['lines', 'string', 'words']
Useful tip: it is often the case that list comprehensions are a faster method of building a list than adding elements to a list with the .insert() or append() method, within a 'for' loop.

You can achieve good results using nltk, Textblob, SpaCy or any of the many other libraries out there. These libraries will all do the job but with different degrees of efficiency.
import nltk
from textblob import TextBlob
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
nlp1 = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
txt = """Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages."""
On my windows 10 2 cores, 4 processors, 8GB ram i5 hp laptop, in jupyter notebook, I ran some comparisons and here are the results.
For TextBlob:
print([w for (w, pos) in TextBlob(txt).pos_tags if pos[0] == 'N'])
And the output is
>>> ['language', 'processing', 'NLP', 'field', 'computer', 'science', 'intelligence', 'linguistics', 'inter', 'actions', 'computers', 'languages']
Wall time: 8.01 ms #average over 20 iterations
For nltk:
print([word for (word, pos) in nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(txt)) if pos[0] == 'N'])
And the output is
>>> ['language', 'processing', 'NLP', 'field', 'computer', 'science', 'intelligence', 'linguistics', 'inter', 'actions', 'computers', 'languages']
Wall time: 7.09 ms #average over 20 iterations
For spacy:
print([ent.text for ent in nlp(txt) if ent.pos_ == 'NOUN'])
And the output is
>>> ['language', 'processing', 'field', 'computer', 'science', 'intelligence', 'linguistics', 'inter', 'actions', 'computers', 'languages']
Wall time: 30.19 ms #average over 20 iterations
It seems nltk and TextBlob are reasonably faster and this is to be expected since store nothing else about the input text, txt. Spacy is way slower. One more thing. SpaCy missed the noun NLP while nltk and TextBlob got it. I would shot for nltk or TextBlob unless there is something else I wish to extract from the input txt.
Check out a quick start into spacy here.
Check out some basics about TextBlob here. Check out nltk HowTos here

import nltk
lines = 'lines is some string of words'
tokenized = nltk.word_tokenize(lines)
nouns = [word for (word, pos) in nltk.pos_tag(tokenized) if(pos[:2] == 'NN')]
print (nouns)
Just simplied abit more.

I'm not an NLP expert, but I think you're pretty close already, and there likely isn't a way to get better than quadratic time complexity in these outer loops here.
Recent versions of NLTK have a built in function that does what you're doing by hand, nltk.tag.pos_tag_sents, and it returns a list of lists of tagged words too.

Your code has no redundancy: You read the file once and visit each sentence, and each tagged word, exactly once. No matter how you write your code (e.g., using comprehensions), you will only be hiding the nested loops, not skipping any processing.
The only potential for improvement is in its space complexity: Instead of reading the whole file at once, you could read it in increments. But since you need to process a whole sentence at a time, it's not as simple as reading and processing one line at a time; so I wouldn't bother unless your files are whole gigabytes long; for short files it's not going to make any difference.
In short, your loops are fine. There are a thing or two in your code that you could clean up (e.g. the if clause that matches the POS tags), but it's not going to change anything efficiency-wise.


word in words.words() check too slow and inaccurate in Python

I am having a dataset, which is consisting of two columns, one is a Myers-Briggs personality type and the other one is containing the last 50 tweets of that person. I have tokenized, removed the URLs and the stop words from the list, and lemmatized the words.
I am then creating a collections.Counter of the most common words and I am checking whether they are valid English words with nltk.
The problem is that checking if the word exists in the corpora vocabulary takes too much time and I also think that a lot of words are missing from this vocabulary. This is my code:
import nltk
import collections
from nltk.corpus import words
# nltk.download("words")
# Creating a frequency Counter of all the words
frequency_counter = collections.Counter(df.posts.explode())
sorted_common_words = sorted(frequency_counter.items(), key = lambda pair: -pair[1])
words_lst = []
for i in range(len(sorted_common_words)):
if sorted_common_words[i][1] > 1000:
valid_words = []
invalid_words = []
valid_words = [word for word in words_lst if word in words.words()]
invalid_words = [word for word in words_lst if word not in words.words()]
My problem is that the invalid_words list is containing some valid English words like:
And some more of course. Even checking manually if those words exist in the words.words() it returns False. I tried initially to stem my text but this produced some root of the words, which didn't look right, and that's why decided to lemmatize them.
Is there a library in Python which have all the stemmed versions of the English words? I guess this will speed up significantly my script.
My original dataframe is around 9000 lines, and a bit more than 5M tokenized words and around 110.000 unique words after cleaning the dataset. 'words.words()is containing 236736 words, so checking if those 110.000 words are withinwords.words()` will take too much time. I have checked and checking of 1000 takes approximately a minute. This is mainly due to the limitation of Python to be run on only one core, so I cannot parallelize the operation on all available cores.
I would suggest this solution:
# your code as it was before
words_lst = []
for i in range(len(sorted_common_words)):
if sorted_common_words[i][1] > 1000:
import numpy as np
words_arr = np.array(words_lst,dtype=str)
words_dictionary = np.array(words.words(),dtype=str)
mask_valid_words = np.in1d(words_arr, words_dictionary)
valid_words = words_arr[mask_valid_words]
invalid_words = words_arr[~mask_valid_words]

python lemmatizer that lemmatize "political" and "politics" to the same word

I've been testing different python lemmatizers for a solution I'm building out. One difficult problem I've faced is that stemmers are producing non english words which won't work for my use case. Although stemmers get "politics" and "political" to the same stem correctly, I'd like to do this with a lemmatizer, but spacy and nltk are producing different words for "political" and "politics". Does anyone know of a more powerful lemmatizer? My ideal solution would look like this:
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
print("political = ", lemmatizer.lemmatize("political"))
print("politics = ", lemmatizer.lemmatize("politics"))
political = political
politics = politics
Where I want to return:
political = politics
politics = politics
Firstly, a lemma is not a "root" word as you thought it to be. It's just a form that exist in the dictionary and for English in NLTK WordNetLemmatizer the dictionary is WordNet and as long as the dictionary entry is in WordNet it is a lemma, there are entries for "political" and "politics", so they're valid lemma:
from itertools import chain
print(set(chain(*[ss.lemma_names() for ss in wn.synsets('political')])))
print(set(chain(*[ss.lemma_names() for ss in wn.synsets('politics')])))
{'political_sympathies', 'political_relation', 'government', 'politics', 'political_science'}
Maybe there are other tools out there that can do that, but I'll try this as a first.
First, stem all lemma names and group the lemmas with the same stem:
from collections import defaultdict
from wn import WordNet
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
porter = PorterStemmer()
wn = WordNet()
x = defaultdict(set)
i = 0
for lemma_name in wn.all_lemma_names():
if lemma_name:
i += 1
Note: pip install -U wn
Then as a sanity check, we check that the no. of lemmas > no. of groups:
print(len(x.keys()), i)
(128442, 147306)
Then we can take a look at the groupings:
for k in sorted(x):
if len(x[k]) > 1:
print(k, x[k])
It seems to do what we need to group the words together with their "root word", e.g.
poke {'poke', 'poking'}
polar {'polarize', 'polarity', 'polarization', 'polar'}
polaris {'polarisation', 'polarise'}
pole_jump {'pole_jumping', 'pole_jumper', 'pole_jump'}
pole_vault {'pole_vaulter', 'pole_vault', 'pole_vaulting'}
poleax {'poleaxe', 'poleax'}
polem {'polemically', 'polemics', 'polemic', 'polemical', 'polemize'}
police_st {'police_state', 'police_station'}
polish {'polished', 'polisher', 'polish', 'polishing'}
polit {'politics', 'politic', 'politeness', 'polite', 'politically', 'politely', 'political'}
poll {'poll', 'polls'}
But if we look closer there is some confusion:
polit {'politics', 'politic', 'politeness', 'polite', 'politically', 'politely', 'political'}
So I would suggest the next step is
to loop through the groupings again and run some semantics and check the "relatedness" of the words and split the words that might not be related, maybe try something like Universal Sentence Encoder, e.g. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1BM-eKdFb2G2zXqNt3dHgVm4gH8PaPJOq (might not be a trivial task)
Or do some manual work and reorder the groupings. (The heavy lifting of the work is already done by the porter stemmer in the grouping, now it's time to do some human work)
Then you'll have to somehow find the root among each group of words (i.e. prototype/label for the cluster).
Finally using the resource of groups of words you've created, you can not "find the root word.

Create a dictionary with 'word groups'

I would like to do some text analysis on job descriptions and was going to use nltk. I can build a dictionary and remove the stopwords, which is part of what I want. However in addition to the single words and their frequencies I would like to keep meaningful 'word groups' and count them as well.
For example in job descriptions containing 'machine learning' I don't want to consider 'machine' and 'learning' separately but keep retain the word group in my dictionary if it frequently occurs together. What is the most efficient method to do that? (I think I wont need to go beyond word groups containing 2 or words). And: At which point should I do the stopword removal?
Here is an example:
text = 'As a Data Scientist, you will focus on machine
learning and Natural Language Processing'
The dictionary I would like to have is:
dict = ['data scientist', 'machine learning', 'natural language processing',
'data', 'scientist', 'focus', 'machine', 'learning', 'natural'
'language', 'processing']
Sounds like what you want do is use collocations from nltk.
Tokenize your multi-word expressions into tuples, then put them in a set for easy lookup. The easiest way is to use nltk.ngrams which allows you to iterate directly over the ngrams in your text. Since your sample data includes a trigram, here's a search for n up to 3.
raw_keywords = [ 'data scientist', 'machine learning', 'natural language processing',
'data', 'scientist', 'focus', 'machine', 'learning', 'natural'
'language', 'processing']
keywords = set(tuple(term.split()) for term in raw_keywords)
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text.lower())
# Scan text once for each ngram size.
for n in 1, 2, 3:
for ngram in nltk.ngrams(tokens, n):
if ngram in keywords:
If you have huge amounts of text, you could check you you'll get a speed-up by iterating over maximal ngrams only (with the option pad_right=True to avoid missing small ngram sizes). The number of lookups is the same both ways, so I doubt it will make much difference, except in the order of returned results.
for ngram in nltk.ngrams(tokens, n, pad_right=True):
for k in range(n):
if ngram[:k+1] in keywords:
As for stopword removal: If you remove them, you'll produce ngrams where there were none before, e.g., "sewing machine and learning center" will match "machine learning" after stopword removal. You'll have to decide if this is something you want, or not. If it were me I would remove punctuation before the keyword scan, but leave the stopwords in place.
Thanks #Batman, I played around a bit with collocations and ended up only needing a couple of lines of code. (Obviously 'meaningful text' should be a lot longer to find actual collocations)
meaningful_text = 'As a Data Scientist, you will focus on machine
learning and Natural Language Processing'
from nltk.collocations import *
bigram_measures = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(word_tokenize(meaningful_text))
scored = finder.score_ngrams(bigram_measures.raw_freq)
sorted(scored, key=lambda s: s[1], reverse=True)

POS-Tagger is incredibly slow

I am using nltk to generate n-grams from sentences by first removing given stop words. However, nltk.pos_tag() is extremely slow taking up to 0.6 sec on my CPU (Intel i7).
The output:
['The first time I went, and was completely taken by the live jazz band and atmosphere, I ordered the Lobster Cobb Salad.']
["It's simply the best meal in NYC."]
['You cannot go wrong at the Red Eye Grill.']
The code:
for sentence in source:
nltk_ngrams = None
if stop_words is not None:
start = time.time()
sentence_pos = nltk.pos_tag(word_tokenize(sentence))
print time.time() - start
filtered_words = [word for (word, pos) in sentence_pos if pos not in stop_words]
filtered_words = ngrams(sentence.split(), n)
Is this really that slow or am I doing something wrong here?
Use pos_tag_sents for tagging multiple sentences:
>>> import time
>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> from nltk import pos_tag
>>> from nltk import pos_tag_sents
>>> sents = brown.sents()[:10]
>>> start = time.time(); pos_tag(sents[0]); print time.time() - start
>>> start = time.time(); [pos_tag(s) for s in sents]; print time.time() - start
>>> start = time.time(); pos_tag_sents(sents); print time.time() - start
nltk pos_tag is defined as:
from nltk.tag.perceptron import PerceptronTagger
def pos_tag(tokens, tagset=None):
tagger = PerceptronTagger()
return _pos_tag(tokens, tagset, tagger)
so each call to pos_tag instantiates the perceptrontagger module which takes much of the computation time.You can save this time by directly calling tagger.tag yourself as:
from nltk.tag.perceptron import PerceptronTagger
sentence_pos = tagger.tag(word_tokenize(sentence))
If you are looking for another POS tagger with fast performances in Python, you might want to try RDRPOSTagger. For example, on English POS tagging, the tagging speed is 8K words/second for a single threaded implementation in Python, using a computer of Core 2Duo 2.4GHz. You can get faster tagging speed by simply using the multi-threaded mode. RDRPOSTagger obtains very competitive accuracies in comparison to state-of-the-art taggers and now supports pre-trained models for 40 languages. See experimental results in this paper.

Understanding NLTK collocation scoring for bigrams and trigrams

I am trying to compare pairs of words to see which pair is "more likely to occur" in US English than another pair. My plan is/was to use the collocation facilities in NLTK to score word pairs, with the higher scoring pair being the most likely.
I coded the following in Python using NLTK (several steps and imports removed for brevity):
bgm = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(tokens)
scored = finder.score_ngrams( bgm.likelihood_ratio )
print scored
I then examined the results using 2 word pairs, one of which should be highly likely to co-occur, and one pair which should not ("roasted cashews" and "gasoline cashews"). I was surprised to see these word pairing score identically:
[(('roasted', 'cashews'), 5.545177444479562)]
[(('gasoline', 'cashews'), 5.545177444479562)]
I would have expected 'roasted cashews' to score higher than 'gasoline cashews' in my test.
Am I misunderstanding the use of collocations?
Is my code incorrect?
Is my assumption that the scores should be different wrong, and if so why?
Thank you very much for any information or help!
The NLTK collocations document seems pretty good to me. http://www.nltk.org/howto/collocations.html
You need to give the scorer some actual sizable corpus to work with. Here is a working example using the Brown corpus built into NLTK. It takes about 30 seconds to run.
import nltk.collocations
import nltk.corpus
import collections
bgm = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
finder = nltk.collocations.BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(
scored = finder.score_ngrams( bgm.likelihood_ratio )
# Group bigrams by first word in bigram.
prefix_keys = collections.defaultdict(list)
for key, scores in scored:
prefix_keys[key[0]].append((key[1], scores))
# Sort keyed bigrams by strongest association.
for key in prefix_keys:
prefix_keys[key].sort(key = lambda x: -x[1])
print 'doctor', prefix_keys['doctor'][:5]
print 'baseball', prefix_keys['baseball'][:5]
print 'happy', prefix_keys['happy'][:5]
The output seems reasonable, works well for baseball, less so for doctor and happy.
doctor [('bills', 35.061321987405748), (',', 22.963930079491501),
('annoys', 19.009636692022365),
('had', 16.730384189212423), ('retorted', 15.190847940499127)]
baseball [('game', 32.110754519752291), ('cap', 27.81891372457088),
('park', 23.509042621473505), ('games', 23.105033513054011),
("player's", 16.227872863424668)]
happy [("''", 20.296341424483998), ('Spahn', 13.915820697905589),
('family', 13.734352182441569),
(',', 13.55077617193821), ('bodybuilder', 13.513265447290536)

