I'm currently using the facebookads api 2.5.1 with python and I'm struggling with Insights fields for video ads.
I'm requesting Insights in async mode like this :
i_async_job = campaign.get_insights(
params={'time_range':{'since': from_date,'until': to_date},'level':'ad'},
and I'm passing fields parameters like :
it works but when I try to get these following fields :
it does not work... :-(
I've looked at the module sources and indeed, these fields are not present.
The only way to get these fields is to fire again a new Insight query but with an empty field array. You have to parse then the result json to extract these missing metrics....
mmmmh.. am I doing something wrong or could I get these stats in one query ? Thanks.
After the deprecation of my discovery url, I had to make some change on my code and now I get this error.
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting https://mybusinessbusinessinformation.googleapis.com/v1/accounts/{*accountid*}/locations?filter=locationKey.placeId%3{*placeid*}&readMask=paths%3A+%22locations%28name%29%22%0A&alt=json returned "Request contains an invalid argument.". Details: "[{'#type': 'type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest', 'fieldViolations': [{'field': 'read_mask', 'description': 'Invalid field mask provided'}]}]">
I am trying to use this end point accounts.locations.list
I'm using :
python 3.8
google-api-python-client 2.29.0
My current code look likes :
from google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2 import FieldMask
googleAPI = GoogleAPI.auth_with_credentials(client_id=config.GMB_CLIENT_ID,
field_mask = FieldMask(paths=["locations(name)"])
outputLocation = googleAPI.service.accounts().locations().list(parent="accounts/{*id*}",
filter="locationKey.placeId=" + google_place_id,
From the error, i tried a lot of fieldmask path and still don't know what they want.
I've tried things like location.name, name, locations.name, locations.location.name and it did'nt work.
I also try to pass the readMask params without use the FieldMask class with passing a string and same problem.
So if someone know what is the format of the readMask they want it will be great for me !
Can help:
You have not set the readMask correctly. I have done a similar task in Java and Google returns the results. readMask is a String type, and what I am going to provide you in the following line includes all fields. You can omit anyone which does not serve you. I am also writing the request code in Java, maybe it can help you better to convert into Python.
String readMask="storeCode,regularHours,name,languageCode,title,phoneNumbers,categories,storefrontAddress,websiteUri,regularHours,specialHours,serviceArea,labels,adWordsLocationExtensions,latlng,openInfo,metadata,profile,relationshipData,moreHours";
MyBusinessBusinessInformation.Accounts.Locations.List request= mybusinessaccountLocations.accounts().locations().list(accountName).setReadMask(readMask);
ListLocationsResponse Response = request.execute();
List<Location>= Response.getLocations();
while (Response.getNextPageToken() != null) {
-- about the question in the comment you have asked this is what I have for placeId:
As other people said you before, the readmask is not set correctly.
Here Google My Business Information api v1 you can see:
"This is a comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields"
and here Google Json representation you can see the field.
With this, I tried this
read_mask = "name,title"
and it worked for me, hope this work for you too.
I'm using Facebook's Python SDK to extract Ads Insights, but I can't find the right way to retrieve ALL fields without having to declare them, which is pretty cumbersome.
My current code looks like this:
ads = tempaccount.get_insights(
params={'date_preset': 'yesterday',
'level': 'ad'},
Is there a way to force the "fields" attribute to bring all possible fields without declaring them?
Unfortunately, you will need to specify all the required fields. It's not possible to get all fields without explicitly specifying them.
My code also looks similar to yours when querying the insights endpoint.
This worked for me:
from facebookads.adobjects.adsinsights import AdsInsights
for property, value in vars(AdsInsights.Field).items():
print(property, ":", value)
Got from this post: How to enumerate an object's properties in Python?
I have been using the ElasticSearch DSL python package to query my elastic search database. The querying method is very intuitive but I'm having issues retrieving the documents. This is what I have tried:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
es = Elasticsearch(hosts=[{"host":'xyz', "port":9200}],timeout=400)
s = Search(using=es,index ="xyz-*").query("match_all")
response = s.execute()
for hit in response:
print hit.title
The error I get :
AttributeError: 'Hit' object has no attribute 'title'
I googled the error and found another SO : How to access the response object using elasticsearch DSL for python
The solution mentions:
for hit in response:
print hit.doc.firstColumnName
Unfortunately, I had the same issue again with 'doc'. I was wondering what the correct way to access my document was?
Any help would really be appreciated!
I'm running into the same issues as I've found different versions of this, but it seems to depend on the version of the elasticsearch-dsl library you're using. You might explore the response object, and it's sub-objects. For instance, using version 5.3.0, I see the expected data using the below loop.
for hit in RESPONSE.hits._l_:
for hit in RESPONSE.hits.hits:
NOTE these are limited to 10 data elements for some strange reason.
This doesn't match the amount of overall hits if I print the number of hits using print('Total {} hits found.\n'.format(RESPONSE.hits.total))
Good luck!
From version 6 onwards the response does not return your populated Document class anymore, meaning that your fields are just an AttrDict which is basically a dictionary.
To solve this you need to have a Document class representing the document you want to parse. Then you need to parse the hit dictionary with your document class using the .from_es() method.
Like I answered here.
Also have a look at the Document class here
So, I am playing around with Etilbudsavis' API (Danish directory containing offers from retail stores). My goal is to retrieve data based on a search query. the API acutally allows this, out of the box. However, when I try to do this, I end up with an error saying that my token is missing. Anyways, here is my code:
from urllib2 import urlopen
from json import load
import requests
body = {'api_key': 'secret_api_key'}
response = requests.post('https://api.etilbudsavis.dk/v2/sessions', data=body)
print response.text
new_body = {'_token:': 'token_obtained_from_POST_method', 'query:': 'coca-cola'}
new_response = requests.get('https://api.etilbudsavis.dk/v2/offers/search', data=new_body)
print new_response.text
Full error:
{"code":1107,"id":"00ilpgq7etum2ksrh4nr6y1jlu5ng8cj","message":"missing token","
details":"Missing token\nNo token found in request to an endpoint that requires
a valid token.","previous":null,"#note.1":"Hey! It looks like you found an error
. If you have any questions about this error, feel free to contact support with
the above error id."}
Since this is a GET request, you should use the params argument to pass the data in the URL.
new_response = requests.get('https://api.etilbudsavis.dk/v2/offers/search', params=new_body)
See the requests docs.
I managed to solve the problem with the help of Daniel Roseman who reminded me of the fact that playing with an API in the Python Shell is different from interacting with the API in the browser. The docs clearly stated that you'd have to sign the API token in order for it to work. I missed that tiny detail ... Never the less, Daniel helped me figure everything out. Thanks again, Dan.
how do i validate a field conditionally based on the presence of another field. for example, only make "state" required only if "country" is "US".
so i figured to do this:
chained_validators = [validators.RequireIfPresent('state', present="country")]
but the error message is associated with "_the_form" instead of "state". is there a way to link it to the field instead?
Had the same problem during a project in my company. We wrote our own Formencode validator for this. We currently try to merge it with the main project. In the meantime you can download it here: https://github.com/GevatterGaul/formencode
There is also a Howto in, well, german: http://techblog.auf-nach-mallorca.info/2014/08/19/dynamische_formulare_validieren_mit_formencode/
But let me give you a quick rundown in the context of your example:
from formencode import validators
v = validators.RequireIfMatching('country', expected_value='US', required_fields=['state'])
v.to_python(dict(country='US', state='Virginia'))
The main benefit is, that in comparison to validators.RequireIfPresent, validators.RequireIfMatching only requires a field when a given field matches a given value. In your example, only if 'country' is 'US', then it requires the 'state' field.
Hope I could help.