Saving changes in docker project - python

I just started a django project with docker, I used the cookiecutter-django template that is discussed in the book Two scoops of django.
I am trying to set it all up in OSX, but I am having some trouble with the following part from the documentation:
Saving changes
If you are using OS X or Windows, you need to create a
/data partition inside the virtual machine that runs the docker deamon
in order make all changes persistent. If you don’t do that your /data
directory will get wiped out on every reboot. To create a persistent
folder, log into the virtual machine by running:
$ docker-machine ssh dev1
$ sudo su
$ echo 'ln -sfn /mnt/sda1/data /data' >>
However, if I execute these commands, and try to start my docker project, I get the following error:
ERROR: Cannot start container 182a38022fbdf65f7a64f1ca5475a3414084d11c91f1cb48bffc6f76491baf4a: mkdir /data: file exists
I'm quite stuck at this point, do you guys have an idea what I could do to get this up and running?

So in the end this was fixed by making the directory in the local machine. I did that with the following code when adding the line to the file:
$ mkdir /mnt/sda1/data


Is there a way to modify files inside docker via PyCharm?

I want to modify files inside docker container with PyCharm. Is there possibility of doing such thing?
What you want to obtain is called Bind Mounting and it can be obtained adding -v parameter to your run command, here's an example with an nginx image:
docker run --name=nginx -d -v ~/nginxlogs:/var/log/nginx -p 5000:80 nginx
The specific parameter obtaining this result is -v.
-v ~/nginxlogs:/var/log/nginx sets up a bindmount volume that links the /var/log/nginx directory from inside the Nginx container to the ~/nginxlogs directory on the host machine.
Docker uses a : to split the host’s path from the container path, and the host path always comes first.
In other words the files that you edit on your local filesystem will be synced to the Docker folder immediately.
Yes. There are multiple ways to do this, and you will need to have PyCharm installed inside the container.
Following set of instructions should work -
docker ps - This will show you details of running containers
docker exec -it *<name of container>* /bin/bash
At this point you will oh shell inside the container. If PyCharm is not installed, you will need to install. Following should work -
sudo apt-get install pycharm-community
Good to go!
Note: The installation is not persistence across Docker image builds. You should add the installation step of PyCharm on DockerFile if you need to access it regularly.

Unable to delete the files given by Docker with mounted volume

I am running a python script that downloads CSV file using some API with a docker run command.
I am using one Dockerfile to install all the OS level dependencies and requirements.
Once the build is created, I am using the following command :
docker run -v $(pwd)/Reports:/usr/src/app/Reports --rm ImgName python -d 2015-11-25
As mentioned in the above command I have one directory named Reports.
I have mounted that directory with Docker.
The Script Executes successfully and downloads a CSV file but The Problem is, The Downloaded CSV file is in read-only mode. I am not able to delete it.
I need to have the flexibility to delete any file downloaded via script.
Note: When I run the script without docker i.e. python I can read, write and delete the file.*
Any feedback will be appreciated.
you can run docker with your own user with the following command:
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) ...
This will make the container run as your user and all the files will be created with the right owner (see docker run docs). Don't forget to delete the files you already have there or create a new folder for this

Spring Boot Application which triggers another App with CLI

I am currently developing a Spring Boot Application which triggers a Python program via CLI. I've used Processbuilder to do that and it's been working ok so far.
Now I'm trying to get the Spring Boot Application and the Python program in a Docker container. Since I'm new to Docker I don't know the best way to do this. I've tried using COPY to copy the whole folder to create an image but for some reason the folder pythonapp in the Container is always empty.
Am I missing something or is there a better way to do this?
FROM openjdk:8u151-jdk-slim
ADD springbootapp-0.0.1.jar app.jar
COPY . /root/pythonapp
RUN sh -c 'touch /app.jar'
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python \
python-gi \
ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /app.jar" ]
Normally the idea of docker is that 1 container does 1 thing and 1 thing good. So it mostly is not a good idea to put two things in 1 docker container. Think about two containers :-)
Other than that it might be a good idea to add files separately or as a tar/zip file and extract it in the image.

Docker development workflow

What's the proper development workflow for code that runs in a Docker container?
Solomon Hykes said that the "official" workflow involves building and running a new Docker image for each Git commit. That makes sense, but what if I want to test a change before committing it to the Git repo?
I can think of two ways to do it:
Run the code on a local development server (e.g., the Django development server). Edit a file; test on the dev server; make a Git commit; rebuild the Docker image with the new code; test again on the local Docker container.
Don't run a local dev server. Instead, build and run a new Docker image each time I edit a file, and then test the change on local Docker container.
Both approaches are pretty inefficient. Is there a better way?
A more efficient way is to run a new container from the latest image that was built (which then has the latest code).
You could start that container starting a bash shell so that you will be able to edit files from inside the container:
docker run -it <some image> bash -l
You would then run the application in that container to test the new code.
Another way to alter files in that container is to start it with a volume. The idea is to alter files in a directory on the docker host instead of messing with files from the command line from the container itself:
docker run -it -v /home/joe/tmp:/data <some image>
Any file that you will put in /home/joe/tmp on your docker host will be available under /data/ in the container. Change /data to whatever path is suitable for your case and hack away.

How do I run Django as a service?

I am having difficulty running Django on my Ubuntu server. I am able to run Django but I don't know how to run it as a service.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 10.10
Release: 10.10
Codename: maverick
Here is what I am doing:
I log onto my Ubuntu server
Start my Django process: sudo ./ runserver &
Test: Traffic passes and the app displays the right page.
Now I close my terminal window and it all stops. I think I need to run it as a service somehow, but I can't figure out how to do that.
How do I keep my Django process running on port 80 even when I'm not logged in?
Also, I get that I should be linking it through Apache, but I'm not ready for that yet.
Don't use runserver to run your server on port 80. Not even for development. If you need that for your development environment, it's still better to redirect traffic from 8000 to 80 through iptables than running your django application as root.
In django documentation (or in other answers to this post) you can find out how to run it with a real webserver.
If, for any other reason you need a process to keep running in background after you close your terminal, you can't just run the process with & because it will be run in background but keep your session's session id, and will be closed when the session leader (your terminal) is terminated.
You can circunvent this behaviour by running the process through the setsid utility. See your manpage for setsid for more details.
Anyway, if after reading other comments, you still want to use the process with, just add "nohup" before your command line:
sudo nohup /home/ubuntu/django_projects/myproject/ runserver &
For this kind of job, since you're on Ubuntu, you should use the awesome Ubuntu upstart.
Just specify a file, e.g. django-fcgi, in case you're going to deploy Django with FastCGI:
and put the required upstart syntax instructions.
Then you can you would be able to start and stop your runserver command simply with:
start runserver
stop runserver
Examples of managing the deployment of Django processes with Upstart: here and here. I found those two links helpful when setting up this deployment structure myself.
The problem is that & runs a program in the background but does not separate it from the spawning process. However, an additional issue is that you are running the development server, which is only for testing purposes and should not be used for a production environment.
Use gunicorn or apache with mod_wsgi. Documentation for django and these projects should make it explicit how to serve it properly.
If you just want a really quick-and-dirty way to run your django dev server on port 80 and leave it there -- which is not something I recommend -- you could potentially run it in a screen. screen will create a terminal that will not close even if you close your connection. You can even run it in the foreground of a screen terminal and disconnect, leaving it to run until reboot.
If you are using virtualenv,the sudo command will execute the runserver command outside of the virtual enviorment context, and you'll get all kind of errors.
To fix that, I did the following:
while working on the virtual env type:
which python
outputs: /home/oleg/.virtualenvs/openmuni/bin/python
then type:
sudo !!
outputs: /usr/bin/python
Then all what's left to do is create a symbolic link between the global python and the python at the virtualenv that you currently use, and would like to run on
first move the global python folder to a backup location:
mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python.old
that should do it:
ln -s /usr/bin/python /home/oleg/.virtualenvs/openmuni/bin/python
that's it! now you can run sudo python runserver in virtaulenv context!
Keep in mind that if you are using postgres DB on your developement local setup, you'll probably need a root role.
Credit to #ydaniv

