For an assignment I need to write a basic HANGMAN game. It all works except this part of it...
The game is supposed to print one of these an underscore ("_") for every letter that there is in the mystery word; and then as the user guesses (correct) letters, they will be put in.
Assuming the word was "word"
User guesses "W"
W _ _ _
User guesses "D"
W _ _ D
However, in many cases some underscores will go missing once the user has made a few guesses so it will end up looking like:
W _ D
instead of:
W _ _ D
I can't work out which part of my code is making this happen. Any help would be appreciated! Cheers!
Here is my code:
import random
choice = None
while choice != "0":
Welcome to Hangman
Please select a menu option:
0 - Exit
1 - Enter a new list of words
2 - Play Game
choice= input("Enter you choice: ")
if choice == "0":
print("Exiting the program...")
elif choice =="1":
list = []
x = 0
while x != 5:
word = str(input("Enter a new word to put in the list: "))
word = word.upper()
x += 1
elif choice == "2":
word = random.choice(list)
word = word.upper()
hidden_word = " _ " * len(word)
lives = 6
guessed = []
while lives != 0 and hidden_word != word:
print("The word is")
print("\nThere are", len(word), "letters in this word")
print("So far the letters you have guessed are: ")
print(' '.join(guessed))
print("\n You have", lives,"lives remaining")
guess = input("\n Guess a letter: \n")
guess = guess.upper()
if len(guess) > 1:
guess = input("\n You can only guess one letter at a time!\n Try again: ")
guess = guess.upper()
while guess in guessed:
print("\n You have already guessed that letter!")
guess = input("\n Please take another guess: ")
guess = guess.upper()
if guess in word:
print("Well done!", guess.upper(),"is in the word")
word_so_far = ""
for i in range (len(word)):
if guess == str(word[i]):
word_so_far += guess
word_so_far += hidden_word[i]
hidden_word = word_so_far
print("Sorry, but", guess, "is not in the word")
lives -= 1
if lives == 0:
print("GAME OVER! You ahve no lives left")
print("\n CONGRATULATIONS! You have guessed the word")
print("The word was", word)
print("\nThank you for playing Hangman")
choice = input("\n That is not a valid option! Please try again!\n Choice: ")
You have hidden_word = " _ " * len(word)
This means that at start for a two letter word, you have [space][underscore][space][space][underscore][space].
When you then do word_so_far += hidden_word[i], for i = 0, you will append a space, not an underscore.
The quickest fix would seem to be:
Set hidden_word to just be _'s (hidden_word = " _ " * len(word))
When you print out the word, do
hidden_word.replace("_"," _ ") to add the spaces around the underscores back
#Foon has showed you the problem with your solution.
If you can divide your code up into small functional blocks, it makes it easier to concentrate on that one task and it makes it easier to test. When you are having a problem with a specific task it helps to isolate the problem by making it into a function.
Something like this.
word = '12345'
guesses = ['1', '5', '9', '0']
def hidden_word(word, guesses):
hidden = ''
for character in word:
hidden += character if character in guesses else ' _ '
return hidden
print(hidden_word(word, guesses))
print(hidden_word(word, guesses))
Below code solves the can do some modifications based on your requirement.If the Guessed letter exists in the word.Then the letter will be added to the display variable.If not you can give a warning .But note that it might tempt you to write ELSE statement inside the for loop(condition:if guess not in word).If you do like that then the object inside the Else statement will be repeated untill the For loop that's why it's better to use a separete IF statement outside the for loop.
for i in word:
while True:
Guess=input("Enter the letter:")
for position in range(len(word)):
if Guess==word[position]:
if Guess not in word:
print("letter Doesn't exist")
I've been trying to make a check for if the input (guesses) belongs to the alphabet and if it's a single character for my simple hangman game, but when I try to run the program it just ignores the entire if sentence. It's been working everywhere else and I just can't find the source of the problem.
Here is my code:
def eng():
letter_list = []
global word
global letter
g = 0
lives = 10
while True:
word = input("Insert The Word: ")
if not word.isalpha():
print("Only letters of the English alphabet are allowed")
cls = lambda: print('\n' * 256)
ready_letters = list(set(word.lower()))
while True:
q = len(ready_letters)
while True:
letter = input("Your guess: ")
if not letter.isalpha() and len(letter) != 1:
print("You can make a guess with only one letter of the English alphabet")
if letter in ready_letters and letter not in letter_list:
letter_list += letter
g += 1
if g == q:
print(f"The word was: {word}")
print("GG, ππ")
print(f"{g}/{q} letters guessed correctly!")
elif letter in letter_list:
print("You already wrote this letter, try again")
letter_list += letter
print("Oh noie")
lives -= 1
print(f"You have {lives} lives left")
if lives == 0:
print("GG, μπ")
(read comment)
General tips not related to the issue would also be appreciated.
Thanks for your time!
Simple mistake, instead of using and you should be using or. You want to print our your error message if they type a non-alpha character OR they type more than one letter.
My problem is that when I run the program and get all the letters correct, it does not move on from there and I'm in an infinite loop. I expect it to say "Good Job!" and end the program when the player gets the word right. I am very new to coding, and would greatly appreciate any help.
import random
import time
name = input("What is your name? ")
print(name + ", ay?")
start = input("Up for a game of Hangman?(y/n) ")
lis = random.choice(["yet"])
dash = []
while len(dash) != len(lis):
guess = []
guesscomb = "".join(guess)
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
if start == "y":
print("One game of Hangman comin' right up,",name)
letter = input("Alright then, Guess a letter: ")
thing = ''.join(dash)
while guesscomb != thing:
if letter == "" or letter == " " or len(letter) != 1:
print("I don't understand. Please only use singular letters.")
letter = input("Guess a letter: ")
elif letter in lis and letter in alphabet:
location = lis.find(letter)
dash[location] = letter
alphabet.replace(letter," ")
guesscomb = "".join(guess)
letter = input("Guess a letter: ")
wrongcount = wrongcount + 1
print("Total Mistakes:",wrongcount)
letter = input("Guess a letter: ")
elif start == "n":
print("Good Job!")
The thing variable is equal to ___ while lis is always equal to "yet".
guesscomb cannot be equal to thing as you validate a letter when the guess is equal to a letter in lis
You can use print with the parameter end="" so that the cursor don't go new line.
You can use the method isalpha on string to check if it is all characters instead of comparing it with the alphabets.
And as Ben said, thing is always ___
Modify this part of your code, and it will work
if start == "y":
print("One game of Hangman comin' right up,", name)
print("Alright then, ", end="")
# letter = input("Alright then, Guess a letter: ")
thing = ''.join(dash)
while guesscomb != thing:
letter = input("Guess a letter: ")
if letter == "" or letter == " " or len(letter) != 1:
print("I don't understand. Please only use singular letters.")
elif letter in lis and letter in alphabet:
location = lis.find(letter)
dash[location] = letter
alphabet.replace(letter, " ")
guesscomb = "".join(guess)
wrongcount = wrongcount + 1
print("Total Mistakes:", wrongcount)
thing = ''.join(dash)
I am posting for the first time on Stackoverflow and I don't know if I am doing this the right way, but I am looking to store all letters that the user guessed in a list and if the list is equal to the word, the user wins.
thanks :)
word = "apache"
word_list = [x for x in word]
print("The word is ", "_ " * len(word))
final = []
while True:
guess = input("Your guess : ").lower().strip()
if guess.isalpha() and len(guess) == 1 or len(guess) == len(word):
if guess == word or final == word_list:
print("Good joby you have guessed the word!")
elif guess in word:
final = "".join(x if x in guess else "_ " for x in word_list)
elif len(guess) == len(word) and guess != word:
print("Sorry mate, wrong word")
elif guess not in word:
print("Wrong guess")
print("\nYou need to either enter a word of the same length or a letter\n")
This is the bug I get :
Your guess : a,
a_ a_ _ _
Your guess : p,
_ p_ _ _ _
Your guess : c,
_ _ _ c_ _
Your guess :
It won't store all the letters I guessed before but only the letter I just recently guessed
The first problem is as #Paritosh Singh said you overwrite final. You are also declaring final as a list and overwrite it with a string (which is legal in python). final is probably a string and you need to update it not overwrite it :
word = "apache"
word_list = [x for x in word]
print("The word is ", "_ " * len(word))
final = ""
while True:
guess = input("Your guess : ").lower().strip()
if guess.isalpha() and len(guess) == 1 or len(guess) == len(word):
if guess == word or final == word_list:
print("Good joby you have guessed the word!")
elif guess in word:
final = "".join(x if x in guess or x in final else "_ " for x in word_list)
if final == word:
print("Good joby you have guessed the word!")
elif len(guess) == len(word) and guess != word:
print("Sorry mate, wrong word")
elif guess not in word:
print("Wrong guess")
print("\nYou need to either enter a word of the same length or a letter\n")
print("Welcome to hangman. Are you ready to have some fun?")
def play():
import random
List = ["random", "words", "list"]
word = str(random.choice(List))
mistake = 7
alreadySaid = set()
board = "_" * len(word)
print(" ".join(board))
while mistake > 0:
while True:
guess = input("Please guess a letter: ")
if len(guess) <= 1:
print("Too long. Enter only one letter.")
if guess in word:
print("Correct!",guess, " was in the word!")
board = "".join([guess if guess in word else "_" for str in word])
if board == word:
print("Congratulations! YouΒ΄re correct!!!")
elif guess not in word:
mistake -= 1
print("Wrong!", mistake," mistakes remaining.")
if mistake <= 0:
print("Game Over")
print(" ".join(board))
I'm trying to make hangman with python 3 but whenever I input a correct letter it comes out as a word of only that letter. For example for random when I input r the output is r r r r r r when I want r _ _ _ _ _. What do you think is wrong? Also do I have any other problems?
Might I suggest you take a step back and try a different, cleaner approach? Besides that, I suggest you keep your hidden word as a list, since strings are immutable and do not support item assignment, which means you cannot reveal the character if the user's guess was correct (you can then join() it when you need it to display it to the user as a string):
import random
word_list = [
word = random.choice(word_list)
guess = ['_'] * len(word)
chances = 7
while '_' in guess and chances > 0:
print(' '.join(guess))
char = input('Enter char: ')
if len(char) > 1:
print('Please enter only one char.')
if char not in word:
chances -= 1
if chances == 0:
print('Game over!')
print('You have', chances, 'chances left.')
for i, x in enumerate(word):
if x == char:
guess[i] = char
My hangman program is fully functioning except there is one problem, let's say the word is mathematics, I guess m, a, t, h, e - but once I guess the other m, it says I guessed it (as opposed to saying "You already guessed this letter") but it doesn't replace the _.
My Code:
def start():
import random
words = ["barbershop", "cuddle", "furious", "demolition", "centaur", "forest", "pineapple", "mathematics", "turkish"]
word = random.choice(words);
hiddenword = len(word) * "-"
used_letters = []
lives = 6
print "Welcome to Hangman! You have 6 guesses, good luck!"
while True:
print word
print "".join(hiddenword)
guess = raw_input("> ")
hiddenword = list(hiddenword)
if len(guess) > 1:
print "Error: 1 Letter Maximum"
elif len(guess) < 1:
guess = raw_input("> ")
if guess.isdigit() == True:
print "Error: Hangman only accepts letters."
if guess in used_letters and word.count(guess) == 1:
print "You already guessed that letter"
if guess.lower() in word:
print "You got the letter " + "'" + guess + "'" + "!"
hiddenword[word.index(guess)] = guess
lives -= 1
print "-1 Guesses"
print "Guesses:", lives
if lives == 0:
print "GAME OVER: You're out of guesses, try again!"
if hiddenword == word:
print "Cangratulations, you got the word!"
P.S. - I know I have a lot of excess code e.g. if statements, please do not comment on that.
The problem appears to be with the line:
hiddenword[word.index(guess)] = guess
The string method .index(x) returns the index of the first incidence of x. So this line will persistently fill in the first "m" in mathematics.
Assuming you want the game to reveal all instances of a letter when it is guessed (e.g., show both m's in "mathematics" when you guess "m"), you can substitute this:
for i, x in enumerate(word):
if word[i] == guess:
hiddenword[i] = guess
for your line:
hiddenword[word.index(guess)] = guess
Also, to get the "Congratulations!" message to appear, you will need to change if hiddenword == word to if ''.join(hiddenword) == word, since hiddenword is a list at this point.
Removing multiple occurences of a character in a string in python is easily achieved using:
your_string.replace("m", "");