I am new to python and I am trying to pass an argument (dataframe) to a function and change value of the argument (dataframe) by reading an excel file.
(Assume that I have imported all the necessary files)
I have noticed that python does not pass the argument by reference here and I end up not having the dataframe initialized/changed.
I read that python passes by object-reference and not by value or reference. However, I do not need to change the same dataframe.
The output is : class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
from pandas import DataFrame as df
class Data:
x = df
def import_File(df_name , file):
df_name = pd.io.excel.read_excel(file.replace('"',''), sheetname='Sheet1', header=0, skiprows=None, skip_footer=0, index_col=None, parse_cols=None, parse_dates=True, date_parser=True, na_values=None, thousands=None, convert_float=True, has_index_names=None, converters=None, engine=None )
def inputdata():
You seem to be doing a lot of things the hard way. I'll try to simplify it while conforming to standard patterns of use.
# Whatever imports you need
import pandas as pd
# Static variables and methods should generally be avoided.
# Change class and variable names to whatever is more suitable.
# Names should be meaningful when possible.
class MyData:
# Load data in constructor. Could easily do this in another method.
def __init__(self, filename):
self.data = pd.io.excel.read_excel(filename, sheetname='Sheet1')
def inputData():
# In my experience, forward slashes work just fine on Windows.
# Create new MyData object using constructor
x = MyData('C:/Users/Data/try.xlsx')
# Access member variable from object
Here's the version where it loads in a method rather than the constructor.
import pandas as pd
class MyData:
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
# Whatever setup you need
self.data = None
self.loaded = False
# Method with optional argument
def loadFile(self, filename, sheetname='Sheet1')
self.data = pd.io.excel.read_excel(filename, sheetname=sheetname)
self.loaded = True
def inputData():
x = MyData()
# load some other data, using sheetname 'Sheet2' instead of default
y = MyData()
y.loadFile('C:/Users/Data/tryagain.xlsx', 'Sheet2')
# can also pass arguments by name in any order like this:
# y.loadFile(sheetname='Sheet2', filename='C:/Users/Data/tryagain.xlsx')
# x and y both still exist with different data.
# calling x.loadFile() again with a different path will overwrite its data.
The reason why it doesn't save in your original code is because assigning values to argument names never changes the original variable in Python. What you can do is something like this:
# Continuing from the last code block
def loadDefault(data):
def testReference():
x = MyData()
# x.data now has been loaded
# Another example
def setIndex0(variable, value):
variable[0] = value
def testSetIndex0():
v = ['hello', 'world']
setIndex0(v, 'Good morning')
# v[0] now equals 'Good morning'
But you can't do this:
def setString(variable, value):
# The only thing this changes is the value of variable inside this function.
variable = value
def testSetString():
v = 'Start'
setString(v, 'Finish')
# v is still 'Start'
If you want to be able to specify the location to store a value using a name, you could use a data structure with indexes/keys. Dictionaries let you access and store values using a key.
import pandas as pd
class MyData:
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
# make data a dictionary
self.data = {}
# Method with optional argument
def loadFile(self, storename, filename, sheetname='Sheet1')
self.data[storename] = pd.io.excel.read_excel(filename, sheetname=sheetname)
# Access method
def getData(self, name):
return self.data[name]
def inputData():
x = MyData()
x.loadFile('name1', 'C:/Users/Data/try.xlsx')
x.loadFile('name2', 'C:/Users/Data/tryagain.xlsx', 'Sheet2')
# access Sheet1
# access Sheet2
If you really want the function to be static, then you don't need to make a new class at all. The main reason for creating a class is to use it as a reusable structure to hold data with methods specific to that data.
import pandas as pd
# wrap read_excel to make it easier to use
def loadFile(filename, sheetname='Sheet1'):
return pd.io.excel.read_excel(filename, sheetname=sheetname)
def inputData():
x = loadFile('C:/Users/Data/try.xlsx')
# the above is exactly the same as
x = pd.io.excel.read_excel('C:/Users/Data/try.xlsx', sheetname='Sheet1')
In your code df is a class object. To create an empty data frame you need to instantiate it. Instantiating classes in Python uses function notation. Also, we don't need to pass the default parameters when we read the excel file. This will help the code look cleaner.
Also, we don't need to pass the default parameters when we read the excel file. This will help the code look cleaner.
from pandas import DataFrame as df
class Data:
x = df()
def import_File(df_name, file):
df_name = pd.io.excel.read_excel(file.replace('"',''), sheetname='Sheet1')
When you pass Data.x to import_File(), df_name will refer to the same object as Data.x, which in this case is an empty dataframe. However, when you assign pd.io.excel.read_excel(file) to df_name then the connection between df_name and the empty dataframe is broken, and df_name now refers to the excel dataframe. Data.x has undergone no change during this process so it is still connected to for the empty data frame object.
A simpler way to see this with strings:
x = 'red'
df_name = x
We can break the df_name connection between string object 'red' and form a new one with object 'excel`.
df_name = 'excel'
However, there's a simple fix for Data.x to return the excel dataframe.
from pandas import DataFrame as df
class Data:
x = df()
def import_File(file):
Data.x = pd.io.excel.read_excel(file.replace('"',''), sheetname='Sheet1')
def inputdata():
However, I don't recommend using staticmethods, and you should include a constructor in your class as the other answer has recommended.
I got a small problems on working with Pandas. The problem is I created a file that stores class to read and clean data from a .csv file. and I import my own library to load the data and then i want to use the pandas dataframe for other operations. But for some reason, I can't do it.
So, here is the code I created a class for loading/reading the file:
import pandas as pd
class Load_Data:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.__filename = filename
def load(self):
df = pd.read_csv(self.__filename)
del df["Remarks"]
df = df.dropna()
return df
and in another file, i was trying to import this self-created library for data processing step and then try to work on it with Pandas DataFrame.
from Load_Data import Load_Data
import pandas as pd
test_df = Load_Data("Final_file.csv")
There is no problem printing the table of the content from my file. But when I tried to use it (test_df) as a Pandas dataframe, for example, I want to GroupBy some of the attributes
it ends up showing:
'Load_Data' object has no attribute 'groupby'
which means if i want to use the groupby function, i have to write it on my own in my own class. but I don't want to do that. I just want to convert my class to a Pandas DataFrame and work using their package directly for some complex operations.
I would be really appreciate for any kindly helps
You are using class as if it was a function. Push return statement inside load method
import pandas as pd
class Load_Data:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.__filename = filename
def load(self):
df = pd.read_csv(self.__filename)
del df["Remarks"]
df = df.dropna()
return df # this change
test_df = Load_Data("Final_file.csv").load() #this change
# or
load_data = Load_Data("Final_file.csv")
test_df = load_data.load()
load returns a DataFrame and not a Load_Data instance.
Can you share the next line or two which throw an error?
Are you referencing the returned data, or the class?
df2= test_df.load()
Are you trying to create a new data frame class build on pandas?
If so you'd need something like this (might work)
class LoadDF(pd.DataFrame)
def __init__(self, filename):
self.__filename = filename
def load(self):
df = pd.read_csv(self.__filename)
del df["Remarks"]
df = df.dropna()
self = df
I have a class like below. I am wondering what is the most pythonic way to declare and initialize multiple empty dataframes?
import pandas as pd
class ReadData:
def __init__(self, input_dir):
self.df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
self.df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
self.df3 = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
self.input_dir = input_dir
def read_inputs():
self.df1 = pd.read_csv(self.input_dir+"/file1.csv")
self.df2 = pd.read_csv(self.input_dir+"/file2.csv")
self.df3 = pd.read_csv(self.input_dir+"/file3.csv")
In general, dataframes are not supposed to be initialized empty and appended to (appending to dataframes is a slow memory intensive operation). You'll be better off storing your data in structures that can append data quickly such as a list.
However, to answer your question, you can use a dictionary comprehension and keep your dataframes in a dictionary. Or you can do the same with a list.
import pandas as pd
class Data:
def __init__(self):
self.dfs = {
"df{}".format(i): pd.DataFrame(data=None)
for i in range(3)
Then you can access your data likeso:
data = Data()
Though the power of using a dictionary is that you can explicitly name your data. So a structure like this may be more intuitive:
class Data:
def __init__(self, df_names):
self.dfs = {
name: pd.DataFrame(data=None) for name in df_names
data = Data(df_names=["df1", "better_named_df", "averages"])
# accessing underlying frames
Another approach using a list-comprehension instead of a dictionary:
import pandas as pd
class Data:
def __init__(self):
self.dfs = [pd.DataFrame(data=None) for _ in range(3)]
data = Data()
Since you specified that you're just reading in these dataframes to run different queries against them, I wouldn't recommend a class at all. This is because there no common functionality that you're going to run against each dataframe, aside from reading them into memory. A function that returns a dictionary should suffice:
import pathlib
import pandas as pd
def read_data(base_dir, file_names):
dataframes = {}
base_dir = pathlib.Path(base_dir)
for fname in file_names:
fpath = base_dir / fname
dataframes[fpath.stem] = pd.read_csv(fpath)
return dataframes
# you can call this function like so:
dfs = read_data("./", ["file1.csv", "file2.csv", "file3.csv"])
# frames is a dictionary with this structure:
# {"file1": dataframe from file1.csv,
# "file2": dataframe from file2.csv,
# "file3": dataframe from file3.csv}
# access data like this
If you are intent on having each DataFrame be an attribute you can take advantage of setattr.
class Data:
def __init__(self, n):
for num in range(1, n + 1):
setattr(self, f"df{num}", pd.DataFrame())
Then whatever number you supply to the constructor, you would have that many DataFrame attributes on the object.
Newbie at dealing with classes.
I have some dataframe objects I want to transform, but I'm having trouble manipulating them with classes. Below is an example. The goal is to transpose a dataframe and reassign it to its original variable name. In this case, the dataframe is assets.
import pandas as pd
from requests import get
import numpy as np
html = get("https://www.cbn.gov.ng/rates/Assets.asp").text
table = pd.read_html(html,skiprows=[0,1])[2]
assets = table[1:13]
class Array_Df_Retitle:
def __init__(self,df):
self.df = df
def change(self):
self.df = self.df.transpose()
self.df.columns = self.df[0]
return self.df
However, calling assets = Array_Df_Retitle(assets).change() simply yields an error:
KeyError: 0
I'd like to know where I'm getting things wrong.
I made a few changes to your code. The problem is coming from self.df[0]. This means you are selecting the column named 0. However, after transposing, you will not have any column named 0. You will have a row instead.
import pandas as pd
from requests import get
import numpy as np
html = get("https://www.cbn.gov.ng/rates/Assets.asp").text
table = pd.read_html(html,skiprows=[0,1])[2]
assets = table[1:13]
class Array_Df_Retitle:
def __init__(self,df):
self.df = df
def change(self):
self.df = self.df.dropna(how='all').transpose()
self.df.columns = self.df.loc[0,:]
return self.df.drop(0).reset_index(drop=True)
I am using a for loop to read multiple csv files and create dataframe.I would like to access these data frames outside for loop as well. For which I used the Global keyword as well but it doesn't work.
for file in os.listdir('C:\\Users\\ABCDE\\Desktop\\Measurement'):
if file.endswith('.csv'):
name = file[3:6]
global df_name # this is the line
df_name = 'df' + name
df_name = pd.read_csv('C:\\Users\\ABCDE\\Desktop\\Measurement\\' + str(file),low_memory = False)
g = df_name.level_1.str[-2:] # Extracting column names
df_name['lvl'] = df_name.level_1.apply(lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, x))))
As you can see above, I would like to access these dataframes (df_name (3 dataframes as I have 3 files) outside for loop as well
How do I use Global keyword to make these dataframes accessible outside for loop?
After your clarification with comments, you can achieve what you want using a list or a dictionary.
dataFrames = list()
dataFrameDict = dict()
for file in os.listdir('C:\\Users\\ABCDE\\Desktop\\Measurement'):
if file.endswith('.csv'):
name = file[3:6]
df_name = pd.read_csv('C:\\Users\\ABCDE\\Desktop\\Measurement\\' + str(file),low_memory = False)
g = df_name.level_1.str[-2:] # Extracting column names
df_name['lvl'] = df_name.level_1.apply(lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, x))))
dataFramesDict[name] = df_name
# How to Access
# Index for 10 files would be 0-9
index = 0
# Name of the dataset you want to access
name = "..."
You need to define the variable name at the top of the function then use
a = dataframe
def func():
global a
a = yourdataframe
You need to add a separate line after declaring the variable to make it global
Something like this
df_name = 'df' + name
global df_name
I can understand what you're trying to achieve, but not why do you expect your code to work. 'df' + name is a string, not a variable; plus, you don't declare an external variable like that. The syntax is much simpler, and has nothing to do with pandas.
Here's an example of the usage:
a = 'foo'
def get_a():
global a
return a
def set_a(b):
global a
a = b
if __name__ == '__main__': # Just defining the entry point of the python script
And here is what you should expect as output of the script:
This question may have been asked for fundamentals of Python, unfortunately, I spent an hour looking for the answer, but couldn't find it. So I am hoping for someone's input. I am used to writing Class where I can give self and get the variable into the def function from another function. How do I capture that variable without writing a Class function? Is there a way? Thanks!
import pandas as pd
file_Name = 'test.xlsx'
def read_file():
df = pd.read_excel(file_Name)
return df
def clean_data():
text_data = df['some_column_name'].str.replace(';',',') # How to get df from read_file() function?
return text_data
You're overthinking it:
df = read_file()
clean_data() # Uses the global variable df capturing the return value of read_file
Or course, clean_data should take an argument rather than using a global variable.
def clean_data(f):
text_data = f['some_column_name'].str.replace(';', ',')
return text_data
f = read_file()
Call the first function and save the returned dataframe in a variable df. Then call the second function (clean_data) and pass this df inside it as argument.
Use this:
import pandas as pd
file_Name = 'test.xlsx'
import pandas as pd
def read_file():
df = pd.read_excel(file_Name)
return df
df = read_file()
def clean_data(df):
text_data = df['some_column_name'].str.replace(';', ',')
return text_data
In general... you can use global variables. But with how your method is set up, you should just do
df = read_file()
inside of your clean_data() method. Then use df from there. Notice df is just the local name for the result of calling read_file(), you can call it anything.