I am building a couple of web applications to store data using Django. This data would be generated from lab tests and might have up to 100 parameters being logged against time. This would leave me with an NxN matrix of data.
I'm struggling to see how this would fit into a Django model as the number of parameters logged may change each time, and it seems inefficient to create a new model for each dataset.
What would be a good way of storing data like this? Would it be best to store it as a separate file and then just use a model to link a test to a datafile? If so what would be the best format for fast access and being able to quickly render and search through data, generate graphs etc in the application?
In answer to the question below:
It would be useful to search through datasets generated from the same test for trend analysis etc.
As I'm still beginning with this site I'm using SQLite, but planning to move to full SQL as it grows
I am looking for some high level advice about a project that I am attempting.
I want to write a PyQt application (following the model-view pattern) to read in images from a directory one by one and process them. Typically there will be a few thousand .png images (each around 1 megapixel, 16 bit grayscale) in the directory. After being read in, the application will then process the integer pixel values of each image in some way, and crucially the result will be a matrix of floats for each. Once processed, the user should be able be able to then go back and explore any of the matrices they choose (or multiple at once), and possibly apply further processing.
My question is regarding a sensible way to store the matrices in memory, and access them when needed. After reading in the raw .png files and obatining the corresponding matrix of floats, I can then see the following options for handling the result:
Simply store each matrix as a numpy array and have every one of them stored in a class attribute. That way they will all be easily accessible to the code when requested by the user, but will this be poor in terms of RAM required?
After processing each, write out the matrix to a text file, and read it back in from the text file when requested by the user.
I have seen examples (see here) of people using SQLite databases to store data for a GUI application (using MVC pattern), and then query the database when you need access to data. This seems like it would have the advantage that data is not stored in RAM by the "model" part of the application (like in option 1), and is possibly more storage-efficient than option 2, but is this suitable given that my data are matrices?
I have seen examples (see here) of people using something called HDF5 for storing application data, and that this might be similar to using a SQLite database? Again, suitable for matrices?
Finally, I see that PyQt has the classes QImage and QPixmap. Do these make sense for solving the problem I have described?
I am a little lost with all the options, and don't want to spend too much time investigating all of them in too much detail so would appreciate some general advice. If someone could offer comments on each of the options I have described (as well as letting me know if any can be ruled out in this situation) that would be great!
Thank you
I'm currently using AzureML with pretty complex workflows involving large datasets etc. and I'm wondering what is the best way to manage the splitting resulting of preprocessing steps. All my projects are built as pipelines fed by registered Datasets. I want to be able to track the splitting in order to easily retrieve, for example, test and validation sets for integration testing purposes.
What would be the best pattern to apply there ? Registering every intermediate set as different Dataset ? Directly retrieving the intermediate sets using the Run IDs ? ...
I wish I had a more coherent answer, the upside is that you're at the bleeding edge so, should you find a pattern that works for you, you can evangelize it and make it best practice! Hopefully you find my rantings below valuable.
First off -- if you aren't already, you should definitely use PipelineData to as the intermediate artifact for passing data b/w PipelineSteps. In this way, you can treat the PipelineData as semi-ephemeral in that they are materialized should you need them, but that it isn't a requirement to have a hold on every single version of every PipelineData. You can always grab them using Azure Storage Explorer, or like you said, using the SDK and walking down from a PipelineRun object.
Another recommendation is to split your workflow into the following pipelines:
featurization pipeline (all joining, munging, and featurizing)
training pipeline
scoring pipeline (if you have a batch score scenario).
The intra-pipeline artifacts are PipelineData, and the inter-pipeline artifacts would be registered Datasets.
To actually get actual your question of associating data splits together with a models, our team struggled with this -- especially because for each train,test,split we also have an "extra cols" which contains either identifiers or leaking variables that that the model shouldn't see.
In our current hack implementation, we register our "gold" dataset as an Azure ML Dataset at the end of the featurization pipeline. The first step of our training pipline is a PythonScriptStep, "Split Data", which contains our train,test,split steps and outputs a pickled dictionary as data.pkl. Then we can unpickle anytime we need one of the splits and can join back using the index using for any reporting needs. Here's a gist.
Registration is to make sharing and reuse easier so that you can retrieve the dataset by its name. If you do expect to reuse the test/validation sets in other experiments, then registering them make sense. However, if you are just trying to keep records of what you used for this particular experiment, you can always find those info via Run as you suggested.
thanks for hearing me out.
I have a dataset that is a matrix of shape 75000x10000 filled with float values. Think of it like heatmap/correlation matrix. I want to store this in a SQLite database (SQLite because I am modifying an existing Django project). The source data file is 8 GB in size and I am trying to use python to carry out my task.
I have tried to use pandas chunking to read the file into python and transform it into unstacked pairwise indexed data and write it out onto a json file. But this method is eating up my computational cost. For a chunk of size 100x10000 it generates a 200 MB json file.
This json file will be used as a fixture to form the SQLite database in Django backend.
Is there a better way to do this? Faster/Smarter way. I don't think a 90 GB odd json file written out taking a full day is the way to go. Not even sure if Django databases can take this load.
Any help is appreciated!
SQLite is quite impressive for what it is, but it's probably not going to give you the performance you are looking for at that scale, so even though your existing project is Django on SQLite I would recommend simply writing a Python wrapper for a different data backend and just using that from within Django.
More importantly, forget about using Django models for something like this; they are an abstraction layer built for convenience (mapping database records to Python objects), not for performance. Django would very quickly choke trying to build 100s of millions of objects since it doesn't understand what you're trying to achieve.
Instead, you'll want to use a database type / engine that's suited to the type of queries you want to make; if a typical query consists of a hundred point queries to get the data in particular 'cells', a key-value store might be ideal; if you're typically pulling ranges of values in individual 'rows' or 'columns' then that's something to optimize for; if your queries typically involve taking sub-matrices and performing predictable operations on them then you might improve the performance significantly by precalculating certain cumulative values; and if you want to use the full dataset to train machine learning models, you're probably better off not using a database for your primary storage at all (since databases by nature sacrifice fast-retrieval-of-full-raw-data for fast-calculations-on-interesting-subsets), especially if your ML models can be parallelised using something like Spark.
No DB will handle everything well, so it would be useful if you could elaborate on the workload you'll be running on top of that data -- the kind of questions you want to ask of it?
I am new with Python. Recenty,I have a project which processing huge amount of health data in xml file.
Here is an example:
In my data, there is about 100 of them and each of them have different id, origin, type and text . I want to store in data all of them so that I could training this dataset, the first idea in my mind was to use 2D arry ( one stores id and origin the other stores text). However, I found there are too many features and I want to know which features belong to each document.
Could anyone recommend a best way to do it.
For scalability ,simplicity and maintainance, you should normalised those data, build a database schema and move those stuff into database (sqlite,postgres,mysql,whatever)
This will move complicate data logic out of python. This is a typical practice of Model-view-controller.
Create a python dictionary and traverse it are quick and dirty. It will become huge technical time sink very soon if you want to make practical sense out of the data.
Just for some background. I am developing a hotel data analytics dashboard much like this one [here](https://my.infocaptor.com/free_data_visualization.php"D3 Builder") using d3.js and dc.js (with cross filter). It is a Django project and the database I am using is Postgresql. I am currently working on a universal bar graph series, it will eventually allow the user to choose the fields (from the data set provided) that they would like to see plotted against each other in a bar chart format.
My database consists of 10 million entries, with 54 fields each (single table). Retrieving the three fields used to plot the time based bar chart takes over a minute. Processing the data in Python(altering column key names to match those of the universal bar chart) and putting the data into a json format to be used by the graph takes a further few minutes which is unacceptable for my desired application.
Would it be possible to "parallelise" the querying of the data base and would this be faster than what I am doing currently (a normal query). I have looked around a bit and not found much. And is there a library or optimized function I might use to parse my data to the desired format quickly?
I have worked on similar kind of table size. Well, for what you are looking for you need to switch to something like a distributed postgres environment i.e. Greenplum which is MPP architecture and supports columnar storage. Which is ideal for table with large number of columns and table size.
If you do not intend to switch to Greenplum you can try table partitioning in your current postgres database. Your dashboard queries should be such that they query individual partitions, that way you end up querying smaller partitions(tables) and the query time will be much much faster.