I am coding a basic frequency analisys of WAVE audio files, but I have trouble when it comes to convertion from WAVE frames to integer.
Here is the relevant part of my code:
import wave
track = wave.open('/some_path/my_audio.wav', 'r')
byt_depth = track.getsampwidth() #Byte depth of the file in BYTES
frame_rate = track.getframerate()
buf_size = 512
def byt_sum (word):
#convert a string of n bytes into an int in [0;8**n-1]
return sum( (256**k)*word[k] for k in range(len(word)) )
raw_buf = track.readframes(buf_size)
One frame is a string of n bytes, where n = byt_depth.
For instance, with a 24bits-encoded file, track.readframe(1) could be:
raw_buf[n] returns an int in [0;255]
sample_buf = [byt_sum(raw_buf[byt_depth*k:byt_depth*(k+1)])
- 2**(8*byt_depth-1) for k in range(buf_size)]
Problem is: when I plot sample_buf for a single sine signal, I get
an alternative, wrecked sine signal.
I can't figure out why the signal overlaps udpside-down.
Any idea?
P.S.: Since I'm French, my English is quite hesitating. Feel free to edit if there are ugly mistakes.
It might be because you need to use an unsigned value for representing the 16bit samples. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-code_modulation
Try to add 32767 to each sample.
Also you should use the python struct module to decode the buffer.
import struct
buff_size = 512
# 'H' is for unsigned 16 bit integer, try 'h' also
sample_buff = struct.unpack('H'*buf_size, raw_buf)
The easiest way is to use a library that does the decoding for you. There are several Python libraries available, my favorite is the soundfile module:
import soundfile as sf
signal, samplerate = sf.read('/some_path/my_audio.wav')
I'm dealing with some multi bytes issues. For example, I have a variable a = b'\x00\x01\x02\x03', it is a bytes object rather than int. I'd like to struct.pack it to form a package with little endian, but <4s didn't work. In fact, <4s and >4s get the same results. What to do if I'd like the result to be b'\x03\x02\x01\x00.
I know I could use struct.pack('<L', struct.unpack('>L', a)), but is it the only and correct way to deal with multi bytes objects?
import struct
import secrets
mhdr = b'\x20'
joineui = b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07'
deveui = b'\x08\x09\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15'
devnonce = secrets.token_bytes(2)
joinreq = struct.pack(
# The expected joinreq should be b'\x20\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\x00\x15\x14\x13\x12\x11\x10\x09\x08...'
It seems to me you do not want to have 4 single chars, but instead 1 integer.
So instead of '4s' you should try using 'i' or 'I' (whether it is signed or unsigned).
Your example should look like
import struct
import secrets
mhdr = b'\x20'
joineui = b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07'
deveui = b'\x08\x09\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15'
devnonce = secrets.token_bytes(2)
joinreq = struct.pack(
'<BQQH', #use small letters if the values are signed instead of unsigned
"Q" stands for long long unsigned (8byte). If you want to use float instead you can use d for double float precision (8byte).
You can see the meaning of all letters in the documentation of struct.
I googled this issue for last 2 weeks and wasn't able to find an algorithm or solution. I have some short .wav file but it has MULAW compression and python doesn't seem to have function inside wave.py that can successfully decompresses it. So I've taken upon myself to build a decoder in python.
I've found some info about MULAW in basic elements:
A-law u-Law comparison
Some c-esc codec library
So I need some guidance, since I don't know how to approach getting from signed short integer to a full wave signal. This is my initial thought from what I've gathered so far:
So from wiki I've got a equation for u-law compression and decompression :
compression :
decompression :
So judging by compression equation, it looks like the output is limited to a float range of -1 to +1 , and with signed short integer from –32,768 to 32,767 so it looks like I would need to convert it from short int to float in specific range.
Now, to be honest, I've heard of quantisation before, but I am not sure if I should first try and dequantize and then decompress or in the other way, or even if in this case it is the same thing... the tutorials/documentation can be a bit of tricky with terminology.
The wave file I am working with is supposed to contain 'A' sound like for speech synthesis, I could probably verify success by comparing 2 waveforms in some audio software and custom wave analyzer but I would really like to diminish trial and error section of this process.
So what I've had in mind:
u = 0xff
data_chunk = b'\xe7\xe7' # -6169
data_to_r1 = unpack('h',data_chunk)[0]/0xffff # I suspect this is wrong,
# # but I don't know what else
u_law = ( -1 if data_chunk<0 else 1 )*( pow( 1+u, abs(data_to_r1)) -1 )/u
So is there some sort of algorithm or crucial steps I would need to take in form of first: decompression, second: quantisation : third ?
Since everything I find on google is how to read a .wav PCM-modulated file type, not how to manage it if wild compression arises.
So, after scouring the google the solution was found in github ( go figure ). I've searched for many many algorithms and found 1 that is within bounds of error for lossy compression. Which is for u law for positive values from 30 -> 1 and for negative values from -32 -> -1
To be honest i think this solution is adequate but not quite per equation per say, but it is best solution for now. This code is transcribed to python directly from gcc9108 audio codec
def uLaw_d(i8bit):
bias = 33
sign = pos = 0
decoded = 0
i8bit = ~i8bit
if i8bit&0x80:
i8bit &= ~(1<<7)
sign = -1
pos = ( (i8bit&0xf0) >> 4 ) + 5
decoded = ((1 << pos) | ((i8bit & 0x0F) << (pos - 4)) | (1 << (pos - 5))) - bias
return decoded if sign else ~decoded
def uLaw_e(i16bit):
MAX = 0x1fff
BIAS = 33
mask = 0x1000
sign = lsb = 0
pos = 12
if i16bit < 0:
i16bit = -i16bit
sign = 0x80
i16bit += BIAS
if ( i16bit>MAX ): i16bit = MAX
for x in reversed(range(pos)):
if i16bit&mask != mask and pos>=5:
pos = x
lsb = ( i16bit>>(pos-4) )&0xf
return ( ~( sign | ( pos<<4 ) | lsb ) )
With test:
print( 'normal :\t{0}\t|\t{0:2X}\t:\t{0:016b}'.format(0xff) )
print( 'encoded:\t{0}\t|\t{0:2X}\t:\t{0:016b}'.format(uLaw_e(0xff)) )
print( 'decoded:\t{0}\t|\t{0:2X}\t:\t{0:016b}'.format(uLaw_d(uLaw_e(0xff))) )
and output:
normal : 255 | FF : 0000000011111111
encoded: -179 | -B3 : -000000010110011
decoded: 263 | 107 : 0000000100000111
And as you can see 263-255 = 8 which is within bounds. When i tried to implement seeemmmm method described in G.711 ,that kind user Oliver Charlesworth suggested that i look in to , the decoded value for maximum in data was -8036 which is close to the maximum of uLaw spec, but i couldn't reverse engineer decoding function to get binary equivalent of function from wikipedia.
Lastly, i must say that i am currently disappointed that python library doesn't support all kind of compression algorithms since it is not just a tool that people use, it is also a resource python consumers learn from since most of data for further dive into code isn't readily available or understandable.
After decoding the data and writing wav file via wave.py i've successfully succeeded to write a new raw linear PCM file. This works... even though i was sceptical at first.
EDIT 2: ::> you can find real solution oncompressions.py
I find this helpful for converting to/from ulaw with numpy arrays.
import audioop
def numpy_audioop_helper(x, xdtype, func, width, ydtype):
'''helper function for using audioop buffer conversion in numpy'''
xi = np.asanyarray(x).astype(xdtype)
if np.any(x != xi):
xinfo = np.iinfo(xdtype)
raise ValueError("input must be %s [%d..%d]" % (xdtype, xinfo.min, xinfo.max))
y = np.frombuffer(func(xi.tobytes(), width), dtype=ydtype)
return y.reshape(xi.shape)
def audioop_ulaw_compress(x):
return numpy_audioop_helper(x, np.int16, audioop.lin2ulaw, 2, np.uint8)
def audioop_ulaw_expand(x):
return numpy_audioop_helper(x, np.uint8, audioop.ulaw2lin, 2, np.int16)
Python actually supports decoding u-Law out of the box:
audioop.ulaw2lin(fragment, width)
Convert sound fragments in u-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments. u-LAW encoding always uses 8 bits samples, so width
refers only to the sample width of the output fragment here.
I am getting struct.error: bad char in struct format when packing bytes back in the struct even without making any changes to them.
I am trying to do bitwise operations on each byte in RGBTRIPLE of a 24-bit BMP image. For the sake of simplicity, I am posting the code with just one sample bytes sequence representing a pixel in a Bitmap; I don't make any bitwise operations on it, just try to pack it back.
from struct import *
from collections import namedtuple
def main():
RGBTRIPLE = namedtuple('RGBTRIPLE', 'rgbtRed rgbtGreen rgbtBlue')
rgbt_fmt = '=BBB'
rgbt_size = calcsize(rgbt_fmt)
rgbt_buffer = b'\x1c\x1e\x1f'
rgbt = RGBTRIPLE._make(unpack(rgbt_fmt, rgbt_buffer))
rgbtRed = rgbt.rgbtRed
rgbtGreen = rgbt.rgbtGreen
rgbtBlue = rgbt.rgbtBlue
rgbt_buffer = pack('rgbt_fmt', rgbtRed, rgbtGreen, rgbtBlue)
if __name__ == "__main__":
From what I understand, the problem is that when I am unpacking bytes, I am getting ints with size > 1 byte. What is the best way to fix the size of those ints at 1 byte, so I can pack them back using the same =BBB struct format?
so I asked everything in the title:
I have a wav file (written by PyAudio from an input audio) and I want to convert it in float data corresponding of the sound level (amplitude) to do some fourier transformation etc...
Anyone have an idea to convert WAV data to float?
I have identified two decent ways of doing this.
Method 1: using the wavefile module
Use this method if you don't mind installing some extra libraries which involved a bit of messing around on my Mac but which was easy on my Ubuntu server.
import wavefile
# returns the contents of the wav file as a double precision float array
def wav_to_floats(filename = 'file1.wav'):
w = wavefile.load(filename)
return w[1][0]
signal = wav_to_floats(sys.argv[1])
print "read "+str(len(signal))+" frames"
print "in the range "+str(min(signal))+" to "+str(max(signal))
Method 2: using the wave module
Use this method if you want less module install hassles.
Reads a wav file from the filesystem and converts it into floats in the range -1 to 1. It works with 16 bit files and if they are > 1 channel, will interleave the samples in the same way they are found in the file. For other bit depths, change the 'h' in the argument to struct.unpack according to the table at the bottom of this page:
It will not work for 24 bit files as there is no data type that is 24 bit, so there is no way to tell struct.unpack what to do.
import wave
import struct
import sys
def wav_to_floats(wave_file):
w = wave.open(wave_file)
astr = w.readframes(w.getnframes())
# convert binary chunks to short
a = struct.unpack("%ih" % (w.getnframes()* w.getnchannels()), astr)
a = [float(val) / pow(2, 15) for val in a]
return a
# read the wav file specified as first command line arg
signal = wav_to_floats(sys.argv[1])
print "read "+str(len(signal))+" frames"
print "in the range "+str(min(signal))+" to "+str(max(signal))
I spent hours trying to find the answer to this. The solution turns out to be really simple: struct.unpack is what you're looking for. The final code will look something like this:
rawdata=stream.read() # The raw PCM data in need of conversion
from struct import unpack # Import unpack -- this is what does the conversion
npts=len(rawdata) # Number of data points to be converted
formatstr='%ih' % npts # The format to convert the data; use '%iB' for unsigned PCM
int_data=unpack(formatstr,rawdata) # Convert from raw PCM to integer tuple
Most of the credit goes to Interpreting WAV Data. The only trick is getting the format right for unpack: it has to be the right number of bytes and the right format (signed or unsigned).
Most wave files are in PCM 16-bit integer format.
What you will want to:
Parse the header to known which format it is (check the link from Xophmeister)
Read the data, take the integer values and convert them to float
Integer values range from -32768 to 32767, and you need to convert to values from -1.0 to 1.0 in floating points.
I don't have the code in python, however in C++, here is a code excerpt if the PCM data is 16-bit integer, and convert it to float (32-bit):
short* pBuffer = (short*)pReadBuffer;
const float ONEOVERSHORTMAX = 3.0517578125e-5f; // 1/32768
unsigned int uFrameRead = dwRead / m_fmt.Format.nBlockAlign;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uFrameCount * m_fmt.Format.nChannels; ++i )
short i16In = pBuffer[i];
out_pBuffer[i] = (float)i16In * ONEOVERSHORTMAX;
Be careful with stereo files, as the stereo PCM data in wave files is interleaved, meaning the data looks like LRLRLRLRLRLRLRLR (instead of LLLLLLLLRRRRRRRR). You may or may not need to de-interleave depending what you do with the data.
This version reads a wav file from the filesystem and converts it into floats in the range -1 to 1. It works with files of all sample widths and it will interleave the samples in the same way they are found in the file.
import wave
def read_wav_file(filename):
def get_int(bytes_obj):
an_int = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj, 'little', signed=sampwidth!=1)
return an_int - 128 * (sampwidth == 1)
with wave.open(filename, 'rb') as file:
sampwidth = file.getsampwidth()
frames = file.readframes(-1)
bytes_samples = (frames[i : i+sampwidth] for i in range(0, len(frames), sampwidth))
return [get_int(b) / pow(2, sampwidth * 8 - 1) for b in bytes_samples]
Also here is a link to the function that converts floats back to ints and writes them to desired wav file:
The Microsoft WAVE format is fairly well documented. See https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ for example. It wouldn't take much to write a file parser to open and interpret the data to get the information you require... That said, it's almost certainly been done before, so I'm sure someone will give an "easier" answer ;)
I'm trying to write a program to display PCM data. I've been very frustrated trying to find a library with the right level of abstraction, but I've found the python wave library and have been using that. However, I'm not sure how to interpret the data.
The wave.getparams function returns (2 channels, 2 bytes, 44100 Hz, 96333 frames, No compression, No compression). This all seems cheery, but then I tried printing a single frame:'\xc0\xff\xd0\xff' which is 4 bytes. I suppose it's possible that a frame is 2 samples, but the ambiguities do not end there.
96333 frames * 2 samples/frame * (1/44.1k sec/sample) = 4.3688 seconds
However, iTunes reports the time as closer to 2 seconds and calculations based on file size and bitrate are in the ballpark of 2.7 seconds. What's going on here?
Additionally, how am I to know if the bytes are signed or unsigned?
Many thanks!
Thank you for your help! I got it working and I'll post the solution here for everyone to use in case some other poor soul needs it:
import wave
import struct
def pcm_channels(wave_file):
"""Given a file-like object or file path representing a wave file,
decompose it into its constituent PCM data streams.
Input: A file like object or file path
Output: A list of lists of integers representing the PCM coded data stream channels
and the sample rate of the channels (mixed rate channels not supported)
stream = wave.open(wave_file,"rb")
num_channels = stream.getnchannels()
sample_rate = stream.getframerate()
sample_width = stream.getsampwidth()
num_frames = stream.getnframes()
raw_data = stream.readframes( num_frames ) # Returns byte data
total_samples = num_frames * num_channels
if sample_width == 1:
fmt = "%iB" % total_samples # read unsigned chars
elif sample_width == 2:
fmt = "%ih" % total_samples # read signed 2 byte shorts
raise ValueError("Only supports 8 and 16 bit audio formats.")
integer_data = struct.unpack(fmt, raw_data)
del raw_data # Keep memory tidy (who knows how big it might be)
channels = [ [] for time in range(num_channels) ]
for index, value in enumerate(integer_data):
bucket = index % num_channels
return channels, sample_rate
"Two channels" means stereo, so it makes no sense to sum each channel's duration -- so you're off by a factor of two (2.18 seconds, not 4.37). As for signedness, as explained for example here, and I quote:
8-bit samples are stored as unsigned
bytes, ranging from 0 to 255. 16-bit
samples are stored as 2's-complement
signed integers, ranging from -32768
to 32767.
This is part of the specs of the WAV format (actually of its superset RIFF) and thus not dependent on what library you're using to deal with a WAV file.
I know that an answer has already been accepted, but I did some things with audio a while ago and you have to unpack the wave doing something like this.
pcmdata = wave.struct.unpack("%dh"%(wavedatalength),wavedata)
Also, one package that I used was called PyAudio, though I still had to use the wave package with it.
Each sample is 16 bits and there 2 channels, so the frame takes 4 bytes
The duration is simply the number of frames divided by the number of frames per second. From your data this is: 96333 / 44100 = 2.18 seconds.
Building upon this answer, you can get a good performance boost by using numpy.fromstring or numpy.fromfile. Also see this answer.
Here is what I did:
def interpret_wav(raw_bytes, n_frames, n_channels, sample_width, interleaved = True):
if sample_width == 1:
dtype = np.uint8 # unsigned char
elif sample_width == 2:
dtype = np.int16 # signed 2-byte short
raise ValueError("Only supports 8 and 16 bit audio formats.")
channels = np.fromstring(raw_bytes, dtype=dtype)
if interleaved:
# channels are interleaved, i.e. sample N of channel M follows sample N of channel M-1 in raw data
channels.shape = (n_frames, n_channels)
channels = channels.T
# channels are not interleaved. All samples from channel M occur before all samples from channel M-1
channels.shape = (n_channels, n_frames)
return channels
Assigning a new value to shape will throw an error if it requires data to be copied in memory. This is a good thing, since you want to use the data in place (using less time and memory overall). The ndarray.T function also does not copy (i.e. returns a view) if possible, but I'm not sure how you ensure that it does not copy.
Reading directly from the file with np.fromfile will be even better, but you would have to skip the header using a custom dtype. I haven't tried this yet.