strange output when using flags in python - python

I'm currently writing a script in python that takes a number of flags. This is my first attempt at such a program, and I am getting an output from the bash script that I don't quite understand. For example when I run the script in the bash shell:
$ python -f <input_file.txt> -k <test_string> -c <user_input>
I get this output before my script's output:
usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ...
unlink file
I can't seem to get rid of this, which is frustrating for the prettiness of the output. Any help would be great!
The code I'm using:
import sys, getopt, re, subprocess, collections, itertools
def find_kmers( arguments=sys.argv[1:] ):
required_opts = ['-f','-c','-k']
opts, args = getopt.getopt(arguments,'f:k:c:')
opt_dic = dict(opts)
for opt in required_opts:
if opt not in opt_dic:
return "incorrect arguments, please format as: -f <filename> -k <kmer> -c <chromosome_name>"
def rev_comp(sequence):
reversed_dic = {'A':'T','T':'A','C':'G','G':'C'}
return ''.join(reversed_dic[_] for _ in sequence[::-1])
kmer = opt_dic['-k']['bash','-c',"grep '>' S288C_R64.fasta > grep.tmp"])
chromosomes = [_[1:].strip() for _ in open('grep.tmp')]['bash','-c','rm','grep.tmp'])
found = False
if any(opt_dic['-c']==_ for _ in chromosomes):
found = True
def get_sequence(file):
sequence = ''
for line in file:
if line.startswith('>'): break
sequence += line.strip()
return sequence.upper()
ofile = open(opt_dic['-f'])
if found == True:
for line in ofile:
if line.startswith('>'):
if line[1:].strip() == opt_dic['-c']:
sequence = get_sequence(ofile)
return 'chromosome not found in %s. \n chromosomes in file are:%s'%(opt_dic['-f'],', '.join(str(_) for _ in chromosomes))
kmer_matches1 = re.finditer('(?=%s)'%opt_dic['-k'],sequence)
kmer_matches2 = re.finditer('(?=%s)'%opt_dic['-k'],rev_comp(sequence))
def print_statement(start,strand):
return '%s\thw1_script\tkmer=%s\t%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t.\tID=S288C;Name=S288C\n'%(opt_dic['-c'],opt_dic['-k'],start,start+len(opt_dic['-k'])-1,strand)
pos_strand = collections.deque()
neg_strand = collections.deque()
for match1,match2 in itertools.izip(kmer_matches1,kmer_matches2):
wfile = open('answer.gff3','w')
while len(pos_strand)>0 and len(neg_strand)>0:
if pos_strand[0]<neg_strand[0]:
start = pos_strand.popleft()
start = neg_strand.popleft()
while len(pos_strand)>0:
start = pos_strand.popleft()
while len(neg_strand)>0:
start = neg_strand.popleft()
return 'percent-GC = %s'%str(sum(sequence.count(gc) for gc in ["G","C"])/float(len(sequence)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print find_kmers()

Invoking bash one-liners requires that the bash commands be a single string. Change:['bash','-c','rm','grep.tmp'])
to:['bash', '-c', 'rm grep.tmp'])
Or, more reasonably, don't use subprocesses for this, just do:
os.unlink('grep.tmp') # Or os.remove; same thing, different names
which is much faster and less error prone.
In fact, all of your subprocess usage could be replaced with real Python code, and it would improve it substantially (and much of the Python code simplifies too):
def find_kmers( arguments=sys.argv[1:] ):
required_opts = ['-f','-c','-k']
opts, args = getopt.getopt(arguments,'f:k:c:')
opt_dic = dict(opts)
for opt in required_opts:
if opt not in opt_dic:
return "incorrect arguments, please format as: -f <filename> -k <kmer> -c <chromosome_name>"
def rev_comp(sequence):
reversed_dic = {'A':'T','T':'A','C':'G','G':'C'}
return ''.join(reversed_dic[_] for _ in sequence[::-1])
kmer = opt_dic['-k']
# Replaces grep with temp file with trivial Python equivalent
with open('S288C_R64.fasta') as f:
chromosomes = [line[1:].strip() for line in f if '>' in line]
# No need for any loop when just checking for exact value
if opt_dic['-c'] not in chromosomes:
return 'chromosome not found in %s. \n chromosomes in file are:%s'%(opt_dic['-f'],', '.join(str(_) for _ in chromosomes))
def get_sequence(file):
sequence = ''
for line in file:
if line.startswith('>'): break
sequence += line.strip()
return sequence.upper()
with open(opt_dic['-f']) as ofile:
for line in ofile:
if line.startswith('>'):
if line[1:].strip() == opt_dic['-c']:
sequence = get_sequence(ofile)
kmer_matches1 = re.finditer('(?=%s)'%opt_dic['-k'],sequence)
kmer_matches2 = re.finditer('(?=%s)'%opt_dic['-k'],rev_comp(sequence))
def print_statement(start,strand):
return '%s\thw1_script\tkmer=%s\t%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t.\tID=S288C;Name=S288C\n'%(opt_dic['-c'],opt_dic['-k'],start,start+len(opt_dic['-k'])-1,strand)
pos_strand = collections.deque()
neg_strand = collections.deque()
for match1,match2 in itertools.izip(kmer_matches1,kmer_matches2):
with open('answer.gff3','w') as wfile:
while pos_strand and neg_strand:
if pos_strand[0]<neg_strand[0]:
start = pos_strand.popleft()
start = neg_strand.popleft()
for start in pos_strand:
for start in neg_strand:
return 'percent-GC = %s'%str(sum(sequence.count(gc) for gc in ["G","C"])/float(len(sequence)))


Python end function after another function returns result

I may be approaching this all wrong but still this is where I'm at. I have very large log files I'm trying to search, up to 30gb in some cases. I'm writing a script to pull info and have been playing with multi process to speed it up a bit. right now I'm testing running two functions at the same time to search from the top and bottom to get results, which seems to work. I'm wondering if it's possible to stop one function one a result from the other. Such as if the top function finds a result they both stop. This way I can build it out as needed.
from file_read_backwards import FileReadBackwards
from multiprocessing import Process
import sys
z = "log.log"
#!/usr/bin/env python
rocket = 0
def top():
target = "test"
with open(z) as src:
found= None
for line in src:
if len(line) == 0: break #happens at end of file, then stop loop
if target in line:
found= line
def bottom():
target = "text"
with FileReadBackwards(z) as src:
found= None
for line in src:
if len(line) == 0: break #happens at end of file, then stop loop
if target in line:
found= line
if __name__=='__main__':
p1 = Process(target = top)
p2 = Process(target = bottom)
Here's a proof-of-concept of the approach I mentioned in the comments:
import os
import random
import sys
from multiprocessing import Process, Value
def search(proc_no, file_name, seek_to, max_size, find, flag):
stop_at = seek_to + max_size
with open(file_name) as f:
if seek_to: - 1)
prev_char =
if prev_char != '\n':
# Landed in the middle of a line. Skip back one (or
# maybe more) lines so this line isn't excluded. Start
# by seeking back 256 bytes, then 512 if necessary, etc.
exponent = 8
pos = seek_to
while pos >= seek_to:
pos =, pos - (2 ** exponent)))
pos = f.tell()
exponent += 1
while True:
if flag.value:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
break # EOF
data = line.strip()
if data == find:
flag.value = proc_no
if f.tell() > stop_at:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# list.txt contains lines with the numbers 1 to 1000001
file_name = 'list.txt'
info = os.stat(file_name)
file_size = info.st_size
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
# Pick a random value from list.txt
num_lines = 1000001
choices = list(range(1, num_lines + 1))
find = str(random.choice(choices))
find = sys.argv[1]
num_procs = 4
chunk_size, remainder = divmod(file_size, num_procs)
max_size = chunk_size + remainder
flag = Value('i', 0)
procs = []
print(f'Using {num_procs} processes to look for {find} in {file_name}')
for i in range(num_procs):
seek_to = i * chunk_size
proc = Process(target=search, args=(i + 1, file_name, seek_to, max_size, find, flag))
for proc in procs:
for proc in procs:
if flag.value:
print(find, 'found by proc', flag.value)
print(find, 'not found')
After reading various posts[1] about reading files with multiprocessing and multithreading, it seems that neither is a great approach due to potential disk thrashing and serialized reads. So here's a different, simpler approach that is way faster (at least for the file with a million lines I was trying it out on):
import mmap
import sys
def search_file(file_name, text, encoding='utf-8'):
text = text.encode(encoding)
with open(file_name) as f:
with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, flags=mmap.ACCESS_READ, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as m:
index = m.find(text)
if index > -1:
# Found a match; now find beginning of line that
# contains match so we can grab the whole line.
while index > 0:
index -= 1
if m[index] == 10:
index += 1
index = 0
line = m.readline()
return line.decode(encoding)
if __name__ == '__main__':
file_name, search_string = sys.argv[1:]
line = search_file(file_name, search_string)
sys.stdout.write(line if line is not None else f'Not found in {file_name}: {search_string}\n')
I'm curious how this would perform with a 30GB log file.
[1] Including this one
Simple example using a multiprocessing.Pool and callback function.
Terminates remaining pool processes once a result has returned.
You could add an arbitrary number of processes to search from different offsets in the file using this approach.
import math
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
from random import random
def search(pid, wait):
"""Sleep for wait seconds, return PID
return pid
def done(result):
"""Do something with result and stop other processes
print("Process: %d done." % result)
print("Terminate Pool")
pool = Pool(2)
pool.apply_async(search, (1, math.ceil(random() * 3)), callback=done)
pool.apply_async(search, (2, math.ceil(random() * 3)), callback=done)
# do other stuff ...
# Wait for result
pool.join() # block our main thread
This is essentially the same as Blurp's answer, but I shortened it and made it a bit to make it more general. As you can see top should be an infinite loop, but bottom stops top immediately.
from multiprocessing import Process
valNotFound = True
def top():
while ValNotFound:
i += 1
def bottom():
ValNotFound = False
p1 = Process(target = top)
p2 = Process(target = bottom)

How should I Execute this Python Script in powershell

I've solved the problem. The problem is related my %PATH%
I have a script which work with an argument. In powershell I've tried the command you can see below;
.\ C:\Python27\a\DSR_testdata.tsv.gz
And also you can see the script below,
def __init__(self, dsrf2csv_arg):
self.dsrf_filename = dsrf2csv_arg
dsrf_path, filename = os.path.split(self.dsrf_filename)
self.report_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace('DSR', 'Report').replace('tsv', 'csv'))
self.summary_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace('DSR', 'Summary').replace('tsv.gz', 'csv'))
But when I try to run this script there is no any action. How should I run this script with a file? (example : testdata.tsv.gz)
Note : Script and file in same location.
Full Scritp;
import argparse
import atexit
import collections
import csv
import gzip
import os
SKIP_ROWS = ['HEAD', '#HEAD', '#SY02', '#SY03', '#AS01', '#MW01', '#RU01',
'#SU03', '#LI01', '#FOOT']
REPORT_HEAD = ['Asset_ID', 'Asset_Title', 'Asset_Artist', 'Asset_ISRC',
'MW_Asset_ID', 'MW_Title', 'MW_ISWC', 'MW_Custom_ID',
'MW_Writers', 'Views', 'Owner_name', 'Ownership_Claim',
'Gross_Revenue', 'Amount_Payable', 'Video_IDs', 'Video_views']
SUMMARY_HEAD = ['SummaryRecordId', 'DistributionChannel',
'DistributionChannelDPID', 'CommercialModel', 'UseType',
'Territory', 'ServiceDescription', 'Usages', 'Users',
'Currency', 'NetRevenue', 'RightsController',
'RightsControllerPartyId', 'AllocatedUsages', 'AmountPayable',
class DsrfConverter(object):
"""Converts DSRF 3.0 to YouTube CSV."""
def __init__(self, dsrf2csv_arg):
""" Creating output file names """
self.dsrf_filename = dsrf2csv_arg
dsrf_path, filename = os.path.split(self.dsrf_filename)
input("Press Enter to continue...")
self.report_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace(
'DSR', 'Report').replace('tsv', 'csv'))
self.summary_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace(
'DSR', 'Summary').replace('tsv.gz', 'csv'))
def parse_blocks(self, reader):
"""Generator for parsing all the blocks from the file.
reader: the handler of the input file
block_lines: A full block as a list of rows.
block_lines = []
current_block = None
for line in reader:
if line[0] in SKIP_ROWS:
# Exit condition
if line[0] == 'FOOT':
yield block_lines
raise StopIteration()
line_block_number = int(line[1])
if current_block is None:
# Initialize
current_block = line_block_number
if line_block_number > current_block:
# End of block, yield and build a new one
yield block_lines
block_lines = []
current_block = line_block_number
# Also return last block
yield block_lines
def process_single_block(self, block):
"""Handles a single block in the DSR report.
block: Block as a list of lines.
(summary_rows, report_row) tuple.
views = 0
gross_revenue = 0
summary_rows = []
owners_data = {}
# Create an ordered dictionary with a key for every column.
report_row_dict = collections.OrderedDict(
[(column_name.lower(), '') for column_name in REPORT_HEAD])
for line in block:
if line[0] == 'SY02': # Save the financial Summary
if line[0] == 'AS01': # Sound Recording information
report_row_dict['asset_id'] = line[3]
report_row_dict['asset_title'] = line[5]
report_row_dict['asset_artist'] = line[7]
report_row_dict['asset_isrc'] = line[4]
if line[0] == 'MW01': # Composition information
report_row_dict['mw_asset_id'] = line[2]
report_row_dict['mw_title'] = line[4]
report_row_dict['mw_iswc'] = line[3]
report_row_dict['mw_writers'] = line[6]
if line[0] == 'RU01': # Video level information
report_row_dict['video_ids'] = line[3]
report_row_dict['video_views'] = line[4]
if line[0] == 'SU03': # Usage data of Sound Recording Asset
# Summing up views and revenues for each sub-period
views += int(line[5])
gross_revenue += float(line[6])
report_row_dict['views'] = views
report_row_dict['gross_revenue'] = gross_revenue
if line[0] == 'LI01': # Ownership information
# if we already have parsed a LI01 line with that owner
if line[3] in owners_data:
# keep only the latest ownership
owners_data[line[3]]['ownership'] = line[6]
owners_data[line[3]]['amount_payable'] += float(line[9])
# need to create the entry for that owner
data_dict = {'custom_id': line[5],
'ownership': line[6],
'amount_payable': float(line[9])}
owners_data[line[3]] = data_dict
# get rid of owners which do not have an ownership or an amount payable
owners_to_write = [o for o in owners_data
if (owners_data[o]['ownership'] > 0
and owners_data[o]['amount_payable'] > 0)]
report_row_dict['owner_name'] = '|'.join(owners_to_write)
report_row_dict['mw_custom_id'] = '|'.join([owners_data[o]
for o in owners_to_write])
report_row_dict['ownership_claim'] = '|'.join([owners_data[o]
for o in owners_to_write])
report_row_dict['amount_payable'] = '|'.join([str(owners_data[o]
for o in owners_to_write])
# Sanity check. The number of values must match the number of columns.
assert len(report_row_dict) == len(REPORT_HEAD), 'Row is wrong size :/'
return summary_rows, report_row_dict
def run(self):
finished = False
def removeFiles():
if not finished:
with, 'rb') as dsr_file,
self.report_outfilename, 'wb') as report_file, open(
self.summary_outfilename, 'wb') as summary_file:
dsr_reader = csv.reader(dsr_file, delimiter='\t')
report_writer = csv.writer(report_file)
summary_writer = csv.writer(summary_file)
for block in self.parse_blocks(dsr_reader):
summary_rows, report_row = self.process_single_block(block)
finished = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Converts DDEX DSRF UGC profile reports to Standard CSV.')
required_args = arg_parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
required_args.add_argument('dsrf2csv_arg', type=str)
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
dsrf_converter = DsrfConverter(args.dsrf2csv_arg)
In general to execute a python script in powershell like this .\ has two requirements:
Add the path to the python binaries to your %path%: $env:Path = $env:Path + ";C:\Path\to\python\binaries\"
Add the ending .py to the pathtext environment variable: $env:PATHEXT += ";.PY"
The latter will only be used in the current powershell session. If you want to add it to all future powershell sessions, add this line to your powershell profile (f.e. notepad $profile).
In your case there is also an issue with the python script you are trying to excute. def __init__(self) is an constructor for a class, like:
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
print "foo"
Did you give us your complete script?

How to port python2 code to python3?

I find out the following code that print shellcode or machine code of the objdump in the output but in python3 i can't run it. How can I port it to python3:
import subprocess
import sys
from subprocess import Popen
num_of_args = len(sys.argv)
binary_file = sys.argv[1]
#| awk -F'[:]' '{print $2}' | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $1}' | tr -d '[[:space:]]'
proc = subprocess.Popen(['arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump','-d',binary_file], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
if line != '':
array = line.rstrip().split(':')
if len(array) > 1:
if array[1]:
array2 = array[1].split(' ')
array2 = array2[0].lstrip().rstrip()
if array2:
sc_part = '"'
sc_part += '\\x'
sc_part += '\\x'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(array2[::2], array2[1::2]))
sc_part += '"'
print sc_part
Use the 2to3 tool that comes bundled with the python distribution. An example of its usage is this:
def foo:
for i in xrange(5):
print i,
In the command line, you'll type:
$ 2to3 -w (post command):
def foo():
for i in range(5):
print(i, end=' ')
Running 2to3 on your code, it appears only the print needs changing: print(sc_part)
print(sc_part) may well be the only thing you need to change.
It would be helpful if you pasted the stacktrace.
Anyways, try replacing print sc_part with print(sc_part)
Furthermore, you can read all of the changes in Python3 here.

Copy parameters into list

I am trying to copy parameters passed into a python script to a file. Here is the parameters.
["0013","1","1","\"\"","1","P123-ND 10Q","10Q H??C"]
I understand that there is a buffer problem and I am getting bad data into my parameters. However, I do not have control over what is being passed in. I am trying to copy, starting at the 5th parameter, the parameters into a file.
f = open(in_file_name, 'w')
for x in range(5, len(arg_list)):
f.write(arg_list[x] + '\n')
The result of the file is below:
P123-ND 10Q
10Q H??C
Here is what it should be:
How can I not include the bad data? What is happening to the spaces between the valid information and the bad information?
As requested, here is the full program:
class Argument_Indices:
import argparse
import json
import os
from subprocess import call
import sys
from time import strftime
def _handle_args():
''' Setup and run argpars '''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set environment variables for and to call Program')
parser.add_argument('time_to_run', default='NOW', choices=['NOW', 'EOP'], help='when to run the report')
parser.add_argument('arguments', nargs='+', help='the remaining command line arguments')
return parser.parse_args()
def _proces_program(arg_list):
time_stamp = strftime("%d_%b_%Y_%H_%M_%S")
printer = arg_list[Argument_Indices.PRINTER_INDEX]
area = arg_list[Argument_Indices.AREA_INDEX]
label = arg_list[Argument_Indices.LABEL_INDEX]
in_file_name = "/tmp/program{0}.inp".format(time_stamp)
os.environ['INPUT_FILE'] = in_file_name
f = open(in_file_name, 'w')
for x in range(5, len(arg_list)):
call(['./Program.bin', printer, area, label])
def main():
''' Main Function '''
arg_list = None
args = _handle_args()
if len(args.arguments) < 1:
print('Missing name of input file')
return -1
with open(args.arguments[0]) as input_file:
arg_list = json.load(input_file)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
if main() != 0:
print('Program run failed')
For your exact case (where you're getting duplicated parameters received with some spaces in between) this would work:
received_param_list = ["0013","1","1","\"\"","1","P123-ND 10Q","10Q H??C"]
arg_list = [i.split(" ")[0] for i in received_param_list]
last_param = received_param_list[-1].split()[-1]
if last_param != arg_list[-1]:
for x in range(5, len(arg_list)):
print (arg_list[x])
Although there might be another simpler way

Pytonic way of passing values between process

I need a simple way to pass the stdout of a subprocess as a list to another function using multiprocess:
The first function that invokes subprocess:
def beginRecvTest():
command = ["receivetest","-f=/dev/pcan33"]
incoming = Popen(command, stdout = PIPE)
processing = iter(incoming.stdout.readline, "")
lines = list(processing)
return lines
The function that should receive lines:
def readByLine(lines):
i = 0
while (i < len(lines)):
line = lines[i].split()
print ; print "-" *80
for _i in mydict.keys():
printMsg(mydict, _i)
print "Keys: ", ; print mydict.keys()
print ; print "-" *80
i += 1
and the main from my program:
if __name__ == "__main__":
dataStream = beginRecvTest()
p = Process(target=dataStream)
reader = Process(target=readByLine, args=(dataStream,))
I've read up on using queues, but I don't think that's exactly what I need.
The subprocess called returns infinite data so some people have suggested using tempfile, but I am totally confused about how to do this.
At the moment the script only returns the first line read, and all efforts on looping the beginRecvTest() function have ended in compilation errors.

