For self-practice, I'm writing a dictionary program that stores data in the following data structure: [(average,month),(average,month),....,(average,month)]. The datafile is called table.csv and can be found in the link:
The question I have is why does the list, testList[x][0], go blank when this condition becomes false?:
if dates == UniqueDates[x]:
When x = 0, such that testList[0][0], and the condition is True, the list is [474.98, 468.22, 454.7, 455.19, 439.76, 450.99]. But, when it becomes False, that same list, testList[0][0], mysteriously becomes [ ]. Why aren't the values in the list being kept?
f = open('table.csv','r').readlines()
col = 6
testList = []
uniqueDates = []
x = 0
for i in range(1,len(f)):
dates = f[i].split(',')[0][:7]
column = float(f[i].split(',')[col])
if dates not in uniqueDates:
testList[x] = [],dates
if dates == uniqueDates[x]:
x += 1
Consider this section:
if dates not in uniqueDates:
testList[x] = [],dates
The first time this executes is when processing line 7, the first time the month changes. Before executing this section, x == 0; so the last line in this block replaces the first element of testList. I think you want it to replace the new empty element that you just appended.
I suspect what you want here is to simply combine the last two lines into one:
if dates not in uniqueDates:
I would like to populate a dataframe using a for loop.
one of the column is a list.
this list is empty at the begining at each itteration an element is added or removed from it.
when I print my list at each iteration I am getting the right results, but when I print my dataframe, I am getting the same list on each row:
I you have a look to my code the list I am updatin is list_employe. The magic should happen in the 3 last rows but it did not.
Does anyone have an idea why the list is updated in one way and the dataframe record only the last update on all rows
list_employe = []
total_employe = 0
shiftday = example['SHIFT_DATE'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').unique().tolist()
for i in shiftday:
shift_day = example[example['SHIFT_DATE'] == i]
list_employe_shift = example[example['SHIFT_DATE']==i]['EMPLOYEE_CODE_POS_UPPER'].unique().tolist()
new_employe = 0
end_employe = 0
for k in list_employe_shift:
shift_days_emp = shift_day[shift_day['EMPLOYEE_CODE_POS_UPPER'] == k]
days = shift_days_emp.iloc[0]['last_day']
if k in list_employe:
if days>1:
end_employe= end_employe+1
total_employe = total_employe-1
new_employe = new_employe+1
total_employe = total_employe + 1
day = i
total_emp = total_employe
new_emp = new_employe
end_emp = end_employe
rows.append([day, total_emp, new_emp, end_emp, list_employe])
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=["day", "total_employe", "new_employe", "end_employe", "list_employe"])
the list list_employe is always the same object that you append to the list rows. What you need to do to solve the problem is at the 3rd line from the bottom : rows.append([day, total_emp, new_emp, end_emp, list(list_employe)]) Which create a new list at each itteration
I have a dataframe that I have created by hand. I am working on a code that copies the dataframe and concatenates the new dataframe to the end of the first one. For now, I need the code to look through each value of a column of the 'Name' dataframe that contains strings and if there is a number in the string, increase this number by 1. I need the number to be turned into an int so that I can create a function that will look through the dataframe and automatically add 1 to the largest number in the dataframe. An example:
import pandas as pd
data = {'ID': [1,2,3,4],
'Name': ['BN #1', 'HHC', 'A comp', 'B Comp']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['SysNum'] = [int('(?<=#)\d', x)[0]) for x in df['Name'].values]
Afterwards the new df looks like
data2 = {'ID': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'Name': ['BN #1', 'HHC', 'A comp', 'B Comp','BN #2', 'HHC', 'A comp', 'B Comp']}
When I run this, I receive a 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable error. This makes sense because only the BN # row has a number and returns None when the string parameters are not met, but I cannot figure out how to tell python to ignore the other rows.
Only the first row each dataframe will increase by 1, so if there is an easier way where I do not use, that is fine. I know there are a couple ways of doing this but I want to be able to always look through the string value of BN and increase it by 1 every time I run the code.
df2['BaseName'] = [re.sub('\d', '', x) for x in df2['Name'].values]
df['BaseName'] = [re.sub('\d', '', x) for x in df['Name'].values]
df2['SysNum'] = [int('(?<=#)\d', x)[0]) for x in df2['Name'].values]
# df2['SysNum'] = df2['Name'].get(r'(?<=#)\d').astype(int)
# df['SysNum'] = [int('(?<=#)\d', x)[0]) for x in df['Name'].values]
df['SysNum'] = df['Name'].str.contains('(?<=#)\d').astype(int)
m ='(?<=#)\d', df2['Name'].iloc[0])
if m:
df2['SysNum'] = int( + 1
n ='(?<=#)\d', df['Name'].iloc[0])
if n:
df['SysNum'] = int( + 1
new_names = df2['BaseName'].unique()
maxes2 = np.zeros((len(new_names), ))
for j in range(len(new_names)):
un2 = new_names[j]
maxes2[j] = df['SysNum'].loc[df['BaseName'] == un2].max()
df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2] = np.linspace(1, len(df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2]), len(df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2]))
df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2] += maxes2[j]
newnames2 = [s + '%d' % num for s,num in zip(df2['BaseName'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2].values, df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2].values)]
df2['Name'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2] = newnames2
I have this code working for two dataframes and the numbering works out how I would like it to. The first two have a "Name-###" naming convention for all the rows in the dataframe. This allows the commented out line at the top to run just fine. The next two dataframes I am working on are like the examples I put up earlier with the BN #1 and the rest of the names do not have a number. When I run the commented out lines, the code tries to convert the NoneTypes to int and it cannot do that. When I run the code as is now, a new number is put on each and every row immediately following the name, but I need it to add a new number to the row with the #. So what I need and I am struggling with is a piece of code that looks through the dataframe, looks for a # sign, turns the number after the # sign into an int, a loop that looks for the max int and then adds 1 to that number, adds that new number onto the new dataframe, adds new dataframe onto the old one for a larger master list.
You can access the value on the first row of the Name column using df['Name'].iloc[0].
Thus, you can search for a sequence of digits after a # sign in that value using
m ='#(\d+)', df['Name'].iloc[0])
if m:
df['SysNum'] = int( + 1
>>> df
ID Name SysNum
0 1 BN #1 2
1 2 HHC 2
2 3 A comp 2
3 4 B Comp 2
I am trying to compare two rows of data to one another which I have stored in a list.
for x in range(0, len_data_row):
if company_data[0][0][x] == company_data[1][0][x]:
print ('MATCH 1: {} - {}'.format(x, company_data[0][0][x]))
# do nothing
if company_data[0][0][x] == None and company_data[1][0][x] != None:
print ('MATCH 2: {} - {}'.format(x, company_data[1][0][x]))
# update first company_id with data from 2nd
if company_data[0][0][x] != None and company_data[1][0][x] == None:
print ('MATCH 3: {} - {}'.format(x, company_data[0][0][x]))
# update second company_id with data from 1st
Psuedocode of what I want to do:
If data at index[x] of a list is not None for row 2, but is blank for row 1, then write the value of row 2 at index[x] for row 1 data in my database.
The part I can't figure out is if in SQLAlchemy you can do specify which column is being updated by an "index" (I think in db-land index means something different than what I mean. What I mean is like a list index, e.g., list[1]). And also if you can dynamically specify which column is being updated by passing a variable to the update code? Here's what I'm looking to do (it doesn't work of course):
def some_name(column_by_index, column_value):
u = table_name.update().where(
Thank you!
I have really irritating thing in my script and don't have idea what's wrong. When I try to filter my dataframe and then add rows to newone which I want to export to excel this happen.
File exports as empty DF, also print shows me that "report" is empty but when I try to print report.Name, report.Value etc. I got normal and proper output with elements. Also I can only export one column to excel not entire DF which looks like empty.... What can cause that strange accident?
So this is my script:
df = pd.read_excel('testfile2.xlsx')
report = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Type','Name','Value'])
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if type(row[0]) == str:
type_name = row[0].split(" ")
if type_name[0] == 'const':
selected_index = index
report['Type'].loc[index] = type_name[1]
report['Name'].loc[index] = type_name[2]
report['Value'].loc[index] = row[1]
for elements in type_name:
report['Value'].loc[selected_index] += " " + elements
elif type(row[0]) == float:
df = df.drop(index=index)
print(report) #output - Empty DataFrame
print(report.Name) output - over 500 elements
You are trying to manipulate a series that does not exist which leads to the described behaviour.
Doing what you did just with a way more simple example i get the same result:
report = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Type','Name','Value'])
report['Type'].loc[0] = "A"
report['Name'].loc[0] = "B"
report['Value'].loc[0] = "C"
print(report) #empty df
print(report.Name) # prints "B" in a series
Easy solution: Just add the whole row instead of the three single values:
report = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Type','Name','Value'])
report.loc[0] = ["A", "B", "C"]
or in your code:
report.loc[index] = [type_name[1], type_name[2], row[1]]
If you want to do it the same way you are doing it at the moment you first need to add an empty series with the given index to your DataFrame before you can manipulate it:
report.loc[index] = pd.Series([])
report['Type'].loc[index] = type_name[1]
report['Name'].loc[index] = type_name[2]
report['Value'].loc[index] = row[1]
I have a python script to build inputs for a Google chart. It correctly creates column headers and the correct number of rows, but repeats the data for the last row in every row. I tried explicitly setting the row indices rather than using a loop (which wouldn't work in practice, but should have worked in testing). It still gives me the same values for each entry. I also had it working when I had this code on the same page as the HTML user form.
end1 = number of rows in the data table
end2 = number of columns in the data table represented by a list of column headers
viewData = data stored in database
c = connections['default'].cursor()
c.execute("SELECT * FROM {0}.\"{1}\"".format(analysis_schema, viewName))
curDesc = c.description
end1 = len(viewData)
end2 = len(curDesc)
Creates column headers:
if activityOrCommodity=="activity":
tableDescription={curDesc[2][0] : ("string", "Activity")}
elif (activityOrCommodity == "commodity") or (activityOrCommodity == "aa_commodity"):
tableDescription={curDesc[2][0] : ("string", "Commodity")}
for i in range(3,end2 ):
attValue = curDesc[i][0]
tableDescription[curDesc[i][0]]= ("number", attValue)
Creates row data:
values = {}
for i in range(0,end1):
for j in range(2, end2):
if j == 2:
values[curDesc[j][0]] = viewData[i][j].encode("utf-8")
values[curDesc[j][0]] = viewData[i][j]
dataTable = gviz_api.DataTable(tableDescription)
return dataTable.ToJSon(columns_order=colOrder)
An example javascript output:
var dt = new google.visualization.DataTable({cols:[{id:'activity',label:'Activity',type:'string'},{id:'size',label:'size',type:'number'},{id:'compositeutility',label:'compositeutility',type:'number'}],rows:[{c:[{v:'AA26FedGovAccounts'},{v:49118957568.0},{v:1.94956132673}]},{c:[{v:'AA26FedGovAccounts'},{v:49118957568.0},{v:1.94956132673}]},{c:[{v:'AA26FedGovAccounts'},{v:49118957568.0},{v:1.94956132673}]},{c:[{v:'AA26FedGovAccounts'},{v:49118957568.0},{v:1.94956132673}]},{c:[{v:'AA26FedGovAccounts'},{v:49118957568.0},{v:1.94956132673}]}]}, 0.6);
it seems you're appending values to the data but your values are not being reset after each iteration...
i assume this is not intended right? if so just move values inside the first for loop in your row setting code