I want to convert an xlsx file to TAB delimited csv using python. After reading I was pointed to library called openpyxl (code below)
def importXLSX(fileName):
temp = os.path.basename(fileName).split('.xlsx')
tempFileName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fileName))+"/TEMP_"+temp[0]+".csv"
tempFile = open(tempFileName,'w')
wb = load_workbook(filename=fileName)
ws = wb.worksheets[0] #Get first worksheet
for row in ws.rows: #Iterate over rows
for cell in row:
cellValue = ""
if cell.value is not None:
cellValue = cell.value
return tempFileName
The input file I have contains billing data, but this function is converting $2,000 to 2000 and 0.00 to 0
Any idea why?
This is because in Excel when you set the format for a cell to e.g. currency format so the value 2000 displays as $2000.00, you aren't changing the value in the cell, and openpyxl is reading the value in the cell, not its formatted/displayed presentation. if you had typed the string '$2000.00 in the cell then that's what openpyxl would see. Similarly for display format showing two decimal places, so 0 is displayed as 0.00, the value in the cell is still 0, so that's what openpyxl sees.
There are other questions on SO about reading cell formatting using the xlrd library instead of openpyxl: for example see How to get Excel cell properties in Python and Identifying Excel Sheet cell color code using XLRD package and in general google python excel read cell format
I am trying to merge multiple .xls files that have many columns, but 1 column with hyperlinks. I try to do this with Python but keep running into unsolvable errors.
Just to be concise, the hyperlinks are hidden under a text section. The following ctrl-click hyperlink is an example of what I encounter in the .xls files: ES2866911 (T3).
In order to improve reproducibility, I have added .xls1 and .xls2 samples below.
ES2866911 (T3)
EP3887362 (A1)
AR118706 (A2)
ES2867600 (T3)
Desired outcome:
ES2866911 (T3)
EP3887362 (A1)
AR118706 (A2)
ES2867600 (T3)
I am unable to get .xls file into Python without losing formatting or losing hyperlinks. In addition I am unable to convert .xls files to .xlsx. I have no possibility to acquire the .xls files in .xlsx format. Below I briefly summarize what I have tried:
1.) Reading with pandas was my first attempt. Easy to do, but all hyperlinks are lost in PD, furthermore all formatting from original file is lost.
2.) Reading .xls files with openpyxl.load
InvalidFileException: openpyxl does not support the old .xls file format, please use xlrd to read this file, or convert it to the more recent .xlsx file format.
3.) Converting .xls files to .xlsx
from xls2xlsx import XLS2XLSX
x2x = XLS2XLSX(input.file.xls)
wb = x2x.to_xlsx()
TypeError: got invalid input value of type <class 'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element'>, expected string or Element
import pyexcel as p
p.save_book_as(file_name=input_file.xls, dest_file_name=export_file.xlsx)
TypeError: got invalid input value of type <class 'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element'>, expected string or Element
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
4.) Even if we are able to read the .xls file with xlrd for example (meaning we will never be able to save the file as .xlsx, I can't even see the hyperlink:
import xlrd
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file) # where vis.xls is your test file
ws = wb.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
ws.cell(5, 1).value
'AR118706 (A2)' #Which is the name, not hyperlink
5.) I tried installing older versions of openpyxl==3.0.1 to overcome type error to no succes. I tried to open .xls file with openpyxl with xlrd engine, similar typerror "xml.entree.elementtree.element' error occured. I tried many ways to batch convert .xls files to .xlsx all with similar errors.
Obviously I can just open with excel and save as .xlsx but this defeats the entire purpose, and I can't do that for 100's of files.
You need to use xlrd library to read the hyperlinks properly, pandas to merge all data together and xlsxwriter to write the data properly.
Assuming all input files have same format, you can use below code.
# imports
import os
import xlrd
import xlsxwriter
import pandas as pd
# required functions
def load_excel_to_df(filepath, hyperlink_col):
book = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
hyperlink_map = sheet.hyperlink_map
data = pd.read_excel(filepath)
hyperlink_col_index = list(data.columns).index(hyperlink_col)
required_links = [v.url_or_path for k, v in hyperlink_map.items() if k[1] == hyperlink_col_index]
data['hyperlinks'] = required_links
return data
# main code
# set required variables
input_data_dir = 'path/to/input/data/'
hyperlink_col = 'Publication_Number'
output_data_dir = 'path/to/output/data/'
output_filename = 'combined_data.xlsx'
# read and combine data
required_files = os.listdir(input_data_dir)
combined_data = pd.DataFrame()
for file in required_files:
curr_data = load_excel_to_df(data_dir + os.sep + file, hyperlink_col)
combined_data = combined_data.append(curr_data, sort=False, ignore_index=True)
cols = list(combined_data.columns)
m, n = combined_data.shape
hyperlink_col_index = cols.index(hyperlink_col)
# writing data
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output_data_dir + os.sep + output_filename, engine='xlsxwriter')
combined_data[cols[:-1]].to_excel(writer, index=False, startrow=1, header=False) # last column contains hyperlinks
workbook = writer.book
worksheet = writer.sheets[list(workbook.sheetnames.keys())[0]]
for i, col in enumerate(cols[:-1]):
worksheet.write(0, i, col)
for i in range(m):
worksheet.write_url(i+1, hyperlink_col_index, combined_data.loc[i, cols[-1]], string=combined_data.loc[i, hyperlink_col])
reading hyperlinks - https://stackoverflow.com/a/7057076/17256762
pandas to_excel header formatting - Remove default formatting in header when converting pandas DataFrame to excel sheet
writing hyperlinks with xlsxwriter - https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/example_hyperlink.html
Without a clear reproducible example, the problem is not clear. Assume I have two files called tmp.xls and tmp2.xls containing dummy data as in the two screenshots below.
Then pandas can easily, load, concatenate, and convert to .xlsx format without loss of hyperlinks. Here is some demo code and the resulting file:
import pandas as pd
f1 = pd.read_excel('tmp.xls')
f2 = pd.read_excel('tmp2.xls')
f3 = pd.concat([f1, f2], ignore_index=True)
Inspired by #Kunal, I managed to write code that avoids using Pandas libraries. .xls files are read by xlrd, and written to a new excel file by xlwt. Hyperlinks are maintened, and output file was saved as .xlsx format:
import os
import xlwt
from xlrd import open_workbook
# read and combine data
directory = "random_directory"
required_files = os.listdir(directory)
#Define new file and sheet to get files into
new_file = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8', style_compression = 0)
new_sheet = new_file.add_sheet('Sheet1', cell_overwrite_ok = True)
#Initialize header row, can be done with any file
old_file = open_workbook(directory+"/"+required_files[0], formatting_info=True)
old_sheet = old_file.sheet_by_index(0)
for column in list(range(0, old_sheet.ncols)):
new_sheet.write(0, column, old_sheet.cell(0, column).value) #To create header row
#Add rows from all files present in folder
for file in required_files:
old_file = open_workbook(directory+"/"+file, formatting_info=True)
old_sheet = old_file.sheet_by_index(0) #Define old sheet
hyperlink_map = old_sheet.hyperlink_map #Create map of all hyperlinks
for row in range(1, old_sheet.nrows): #We need all rows except header row
if row-1 < len(hyperlink_map.items()): #Statement to ensure we do not go out of range on the lower side of hyperlink_map.items()
Row_depth=len(new_sheet._Worksheet__rows) #We need row depth to know where to add new row
for col in list(range(old_sheet.ncols)): #For every column we need to add row cell
if col is 1: #We need to make an exception for column 2 being the hyperlinked column
click=list(hyperlink_map.items())[row-1][1].url_or_path #define URL
new_sheet.write(Row_depth, col, xlwt.Formula('HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")'.format(click, old_sheet.cell(row, 1).value)))
else: #If not hyperlinked column
new_sheet.write(Row_depth, col, old_sheet.cell(row, col).value) #Write cell
I assume the same as daedalus in terms of the excel files. Instead of pandas I use openpyxl to read and create a new excel file.
import openpyxl
wb1 = openpyxl.load_workbook('tmp.xlsx')
ws1 = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
wb2 = openpyxl.load_workbook('tmp2.xlsx')
ws2 = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
csvDict = {}
# Go through first sheet to find the hyperlinks and keys.
for (row in ws1.max_row):
hyperlink_dict[ws1.cell(row=row, column=1).value] =
[ws1.cell(row=row, column=2).hyperlink.target,
ws1.cell(row=row, column=2).value]
# Go Through second sheet to find hyperlinks and keys.
for (row in ws2.max_row):
hyperlink_dict[ws2.cell(row=row, column=1).value] =
[ws2.cell(row=row, column=2).hyperlink.target,
ws2.cell(row=row, column=2).value]
Now you have all the data so you can create a new workbook and save the values from the dict into it via opnenpyxl.
wb = Workbook(write_only=true)
ws = wb.create_sheet()
for irow in len(csvDict):
#use ws.append() to add the data from the csv.
I am trying to iterate xlsx file and find the cell that contains our company's name using python. The file consists of 2 or more sheets, and each sheet has 6 company's information. Each cell I am looking for has formation as below:
Cell F6 = 1ST(Company_A+Company_B)
Cell G6 = 2ND(Company_C+Company_D)
Cell H6 = 3RD(Company_E+Company_F)
and so on.
I'd like to find the cell that contains Company_A. I have done some coding, but I got some problem.
The coding I can do is as following:
import openpyxl
bid = openpyxl.load_workbook('C:/Users/User/Desktop/bidding.xlsx', data_only=True)
for sheet in bid.worksheets:
for row in sheet.iter_rows():
for entry in row:
if entry.value == '1ST(Company_A+Company_B)':
I can find the value I want, but I want to find the cell without entering everything
As you're using == the script is checking for the string in the cell to match exactly that. Instead use in.
Your code should be:
import openpyxl
bid = openpyxl.load_workbook('C:/Users/User/Desktop/bidding.xlsx', data_only=True)
for sheet in bid.worksheets:
for row in sheet.iter_rows():
for entry in row:
if 'Company_A' in entry.value:
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
i have to update/append data into existing xlsx file.
xlsx file contains multiple sheets.
for example i want to append some data into existing sheet 'Sheet1', how to do this
To append a new row of data to an existing spreadsheet, you could use the openpyxl module. This will:
Load the existing workbook from the file.
Determines the last row that is in use using ws.get_highest_row()
Add the new row on the next empty row.
Write the updated spreadsheet back to the file
For example:
import openpyxl
file = 'input.xlsx'
new_row = ['data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4']
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=file)
ws = wb['Sheet1'] # Older method was .get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
row = ws.get_highest_row() + 1
for col, entry in enumerate(new_row, start=1):
ws.cell(row=row, column=col, value=entry)
Note, as can be seen in the docs for XlsxWriter:
XlsxWriter is designed only as a file writer. It cannot read or modify
an existing Excel file.
This approach does not require the use of Windows / Excel to be installed but does have some limitations as to the level of support.
Try xlwings (currently available from http://xlwings.org) it is suitable for both reading and writing excel files.
Everything you need is in the quickstart tutorial. Something like this should be what you want.
import xlwings as xw
with open("FileName.xlsx", "w") as file:
wb = xw.Book(file) # Creates a connection with workbook
xw.Range('A1:D1').value = [1,2,3,4]
Selecting a Sheet
In order to read and write data to a specific sheet. You can activate a sheet and then call Range('cell_ref').
Using Range to select cells
To select a single cell on the current worksheet
a = xw.Range('A1').value;
xw.Range('A1').value = float(a)+5;
To explicitly select a range of cells
xw.Range('A1:E8').value = [new_cell_values_as_list_of_lists];
xw.Range('Named range').value = [new_cell_values_as_list_of_lists];
To automatically select a contiguous range of populated cells that start from 'A1' and go right and down... until empty cell found.
It is also possible to just select a row or column using:
Other methods of creating a range object (from the api doc enter link description here)
Range('A1') Range('Sheet1', 'A1') Range(1, 'A1')
Range('A1:C3') Range('Sheet1', 'A1:C3') Range(1, 'A1:C3')
Range((1,2)) Range('Sheet1, (1,2)) Range(1, (1,2))
Range((1,1), (3,3)) Range('Sheet1', (1,1), (3,3)) Range(1, (1,1), (3,3))
Range('NamedRange') Range('Sheet1', 'NamedRange') Range(1, 'NamedRange')
I am using the xlrd, xlwt & xlutils library in python to read & write from an excel sheet. So, I have successfully read & written to the excel sheet.
But I need some directions in capturing the format of the cell I am reading from & applying the same format to the cell I am writing to.
Below is what I have tried -
#Open excel sheet & read from tab1
rb = open_workbook(r'C:\Users\abc\excel.xls', formatting_info=True)
sheet = rb.sheet_by_name("tab1")
#Search the excel sheet for the string and return location of Cell
def searchStringCell(searchString):
for i in range(sheet.nrows):
row = sheet.row_values(i)
for j in range(len(row)):
if row[j] == searchString:
return i,j
# Search string to be read
cell = sheet.cell(headerTitleX, headerTitleY)
print "Title Cell : (",headerTitleX,",",headerTitleY,")"
#Write data to cell which is 2 columns to the right of the cell already read
wb = copy(rb)
w_sheet = wb.get_sheet(0)
w_sheet.write(headerTitleX, headerTitleY+2, 'New data')
#Have tried the below; not sure about what to do
fmt = rb.xf_list[cell.xf_index]
rgb = wb.colour_map[bg]
#Save the changes
I have tried to read fmt, bg & rgb from the sheet; but I am unsure of how to apply the same format of the cell from which data is read & apply it to the new cell. Thanks.
I'm having an issue with saving an Excel file in openpyxl.
I'm trying to create a processing script which would grab data from one excel file, dump it into a dump excel file, and after some tweaking around with formulas in excel, I will have all of the processed data in the dump excel file. My current code is as so.
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import os
import datetime
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter, Cell, column_index_from_string, coordinate_from_string
dump = dumplocation
desktop = desktoplocation
date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
excel = load_workbook(dump+date+ ".xlsx", use_iterators = True)
sheet = excel.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet1")
query = raw_input('How many rows of data is there?\n')
except ValueError:
print 'Not a number'
#sheetname = raw_input('What is the name of the worksheet in the data?\n')
for filename in os.listdir(desktop):
if filename.endswith(".xlsx"):
print filename
data = load_workbook(filename, use_iterators = True)
ws = data.get_sheet_by_name(name = '17270115')
#copying data from excel to data excel
for row in sheet.iter_rows():
for cell in row:
for rows in ws.iter_rows():
for cells in row:
if (n>=17) and (n<=32):
cell.internal_value = cells.internal_value
#adding column between time in UTC and the data
column_index = 1
new_cells = {}
sheet.column_dimensions = {}
for coordinate, cell in sheet._cells.iteritems():
column_letter, row = coordinate_from_string(coordinate)
column = column_index_from_string(column_letter)
# shifting columns
if column >= column_index:
column += 1
column_letter = get_column_letter(column)
coordinate = '%s%s' % (column_letter, row)
# it's important to create new Cell object
new_cells[coordinate] = Cell(sheet, column_letter, row, cell.value)
sheet.cells = new_cells
#setting columns to be hidden
for coordinate, cell in sheet._cells.iteritems():
column_letter, row = coordinate_from_string(coordinate)
column = column_index_from_string(column_letter)
if (column<=3) and (column>=18):
column.set_column(column, options={'hidden': True})
A lot of my code is messy I know since I just started Python two or three weeks ago. I also have a few outstanding issues which I can deal with later on.
It doesn't seem like a lot of people are using openpyxl for my purposes.
I tried using the normal Workbook module but that didn't seem to work because you can't iterate in the cell items. (which is required for me to copy and paste relevant data from one excel file to another)
UPDATE: I realised that openpyxl can only create workbooks but can't edit current ones. So I have decided to change tunes and edit the new workbook after I have transferred data into there. I have resulted to using back to Workbook to transfer data:
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import worksheet
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import os
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter, Cell, column_index_from_string, coordinate_from_string
dump = "c:/users/y.lai/desktop/data/201501.xlsx"
desktop = "c:/users/y.lai/desktop/"
excel = Workbook()
sheet = excel.add_sheet
query = raw_input('How many rows of data is there?\n')
except ValueError:
print 'Not a number'
#sheetname = raw_input('What is the name of the worksheet in the data?\n')
for filename in os.listdir(desktop):
if filename.endswith(".xlsx"):
print filename
data = load_workbook(filename, use_iterators = True)
ws = data.get_sheet_by_name(name = '17270115')
#copying data from excel to data excel
for x in range(6,int(query)):
for s in range(65,90):
for cell in Cell(sheet,chr(s),x):
for rows in ws.iter_rows():
for cells in rows:
if q>=5:
if (n>=17) and (n<=32):
cell.value = cells.internal_value
But this doesn't seem to work still
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "xxx\Desktop\xlspostprocessing.py", line 40, in <module>
for cell in Cell(sheet,chr(s),x):
File "xxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\openpyxl\cell.py", line 181, in __init__
self._shared_date = SharedDate(base_date=worksheet.parent.excel_base_date)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'parent'
Went through the API but..I'm overwhelmed by the coding in there so I couldn't make much sense of the API. To me it looks like I have used the Cell module wrongly. I read the definition of the Cell and its attributes, thus having the chr(s) to give the 26 alphabets A-Z.
You can iterate using the standard Workbook mode. use_iterators=True has been renamed read_only=True to emphasise what this mode is used for (on demand reading of parts).
Your code as it stands cannot work with this method as the workbook is read-only and cell.internal_value is always a read only property.
However, it looks like you're not getting that far because there is a problem with your Excel files. You might want to submit a bug with one of the files. Also the mailing list might be a better place for discussion.
You could try using xlrd and xlwt instead of pyopenxl but you might find exactly what you are looking to do already available in xlutil - all are from python-excel.