kafka-python consumer not receiving messages - python

I am having trouble with KafaConsumer to make it read from the beginning, or from any other explicit offset.
Running the command line tools for the consumer for the same topic , I do see messages with the --from-beginning option and it hangs otherwise
$ ./kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper {localhost:port} --topic {topic_name} --from-beginning
If I run it through python, it hangs, which I suspect to be caused by incorrect consumer configs
consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic_name,
print "Consuming messages from the given topic"
for message in consumer:
print "Message", message
if message is not None:
print message.offset, message.value
print "Quit"
Consuming messages from the given topic
(hangs after that)
I am using kafka-python 0.9.5 and the broker runs kafka 8.2. Not sure what the exact problem is.
Set _group_id=None_ as suggested by dpkp to emulate the behavior of console consumer.

The difference between the console-consumer and the python consumer code you have posted is the python consumer uses a consumer group to save offsets: group_id="test-consumer-group" . If instead you set group_id=None, you should see the same behavior as the console consumer.

I ran into the same problem: I can recieve in kafka console but can't get message with python script using package kafka-python.
Finally I figure the reason is that I didn't call producer.flush() and producer.close() in my producer.py which is not mentioned in its documentation .

auto_offset_reset='earliest' solved it for me.

auto_offset_reset='earliest' and group_id=None solved it for me.

My take is: to print and ensure offset is what you expect it to be. By using position() and seek_to_beginning(), please see comments in the code.
I can't explain:
Why after instantiating KafkaConsumer, the partitions are not assigned, is this by design? Hack around is to call poll() once before seek_to_beginning()
Why sometimes after seek_to_beginning(), first call to poll() returns no data and doesnt change the offset.
import kafka
from kafka import KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer
from time import sleep
KAFKA_URL = 'localhost:9092' # kafka broker
KAFKA_TOPIC = 'sida3_sdtest_topic' # topic name
# ASSUMING THAT the topic exist
# write to the topic
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=[KAFKA_URL])
for i in range(20):
producer.send(KAFKA_TOPIC, ('msg' + str(i)).encode() )
# read from the topic
# auto_offset_reset='earliest', # auto_offset_reset is needed when offset is not found, it's NOT what we need here
consumer = KafkaConsumer(KAFKA_TOPIC,
# (!?) wtf, why we need this to get partitions assigned
# AssertionError: No partitions are currently assigned if poll() is not called
# also AssertionError: No partitions are currently assigned if poll() is not called
print('partitions of the topic: ',consumer.partitions_for_topic(KAFKA_TOPIC))
from kafka import TopicPartition
print('before poll() x2: ')
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 0)))
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 1)))
# (!?) sometimes the first call to poll() returns nothing and doesnt change the offset
messages = consumer.poll()
messages = consumer.poll()
print('after poll() x2: ')
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 0)))
print(consumer.position(TopicPartition(KAFKA_TOPIC, 1)))
print('messages: ', messages)
partitions of the topic: {0, 1}
before poll() x2:
after poll() x2:
messages: {TopicPartition(topic='sida3_sdtest_topic', partition=1): [ConsumerRecord(topic='sida3_sdtest_topic', partition=1, offset=0, timestamp=1600335075864, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value=b'msg0', headers=[], checksum=None, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=4, serialized_header_size=-1), ConsumerRecord(topic='sida3_sdtest_topic', partition=1, offset=1, timestamp=1600335075864, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value=b'msg1', headers=[], checksum=None, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=4, serialized_header_size=-1)]}

I faced the same issue before, so I ran kafka-topics locally at the machine running the code to test and I got UnknownHostException. I added the IP and the host name in hosts file and it worked fine in both kafka-topics and the code.
It seems that KafkaConsumer was trying to fetch the messages but failed without raising any exceptions.

For me, I had to specify the router's IP in the kafka PLAINTEXT configuration.
Get the router's IP with:
echo $(ifconfig | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: | head -n1)
and then add PLAINTEXT_HOST://<touter_ip>:9092 to the kafka advertised listeners. In case of a confluent docker service the configuration is as follows:
image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.0.1
container_name: kafka
- zookeeper
- 9092:9092
- 29092:29092
and finally the python consumer is:
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
from json import loads
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
auto_offset_reset = 'earliest',
for msg in consumer:


confluent-kafka-python consumer unable to read messages

I am stuck with an issue related to Kafka consumer using confluent-kafka's python library.
I have a Kafka topic on AWS EC2 that I need to consume.
Consumer Script (my_topic_consumer.py) uses confluent-kafka-python to create a consumer (shown below) and subscribe to the 'my_topic' topic. The issue is that the consumer is not able to read messages from the Kafka cluster.
All required security steps are met:
1. SSL - security protocol for the consumer and broker.
2. Addition of the consumer EC2 IP block has been added to the Security Group on the cluster.
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError
c = Consumer({
'bootstrap.servers': 'my_host:my_port',
'group.id': 'my_group',
'auto.offset.reset': 'latest',
'security.protocol': 'SSL',
'ssl.ca.location': '/path/to/certificate.pem'
while True:
msg = c.poll(5)
if msg is None:
if msg.error():
#process_msg(msg) - Writes messages to a data file.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Aborted by user\n')
Broker Host: my_host
Port: my_port
Group ID: my_group
working - Running the console-consumer script, I am able to see the data:
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server my_host:my_port --consumer.config client-ssl.properties --skip-message-on-error --topic my_topic | jq
Note: client-ssl.properties: points to the JKS file which has the certs.
Further debugging on the Kafka cluster (separate EC2 instance from consumer), I couldn't see any registration of my consumer by my group_id (my_group):
kafka-consumer-groups --botstrap-server my_host:my_port --command-config client-ssl.properties --descrive --group my_group
This leads me to believe the consumer is not getting registered on the cluster, so may be the SSL handshake is failing? How do I check this from consumer side in python?
- the cluster is behind a proxy (corporate), but I do run the proxy on the consumer EC2 before testing.
- ran the process via pm2, yet didn't see any error logs like req timeouts etc.
Is there any way I can check that the Consumer creation is failing in a definite way and find out the root cause? Any help and feedback is appreciated.

Handling a producer and consumer using Kafka-python

First I would like to say that I am a newbie to Kafka and also stackoverflow, So I am sorry if I am not asking this in the right way.
I am trying to implement the producer-consumer using kafka-python.
But its not working properly
I have the zookeeper installed and its up and running. I have up the kafka-server also. But when I am running the consumer and producer through pycharm, the messages are not getting received by the receiver.The consumer keeps on running but the producer stops.
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
consumer = KafkaConsumer('test', group_id='test-consumer-group',
bootstrap_servers=['my_ip:9092'], api_version=(0, 10, 1),
print("Consuming messages")
for msg in consumer:
from kafka import KafkaProducer
print('above producer')
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=['my_ip:9092'], api_version=(0, 10, 1),
print('after producer')
for _ in range(100):
producer.send('test', b'HELLO NITHIN chandran')
print('after sending messages')
In the place of my_ip, I have provided with my system ip address from ipconfig.
consumer.py Output -
Consuming messages
The consumer.py doesnt stop running
producer.py Output -
above producer
after producer
after sending messages
Process finished with exit code 0
The producer.py stops running and the process is finished as shown in the output.
Please help me in resolving this issue.
All help are appreciated
Your code is ok, the problem is about your broker configuration. Please set it to initial configuration, just change the log.dirs to the path that you want to store Kafka data.
After changing the config file follow these steps:
Stop zookeeper and kafka
Clear both kafka and zookeeper data dir
Run zookeeper and kafa
Start consumer and producer

Access Kafka producer server through python script on GCP

I have got a successful connection between a Kafka producer and consumer on a Google Cloud Platform cluster established by:
$ cd /usr/lib/kafka
$ bin/kafka-console-producer.sh config/server.properties --broker-list \
PLAINTEXT://[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092 --topic test
and executing in a new shell
$ cd /usr/lib/kafka
$ bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server \
PLAINTEXT://[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092 --topic test \
Now, I want to send messages to the Kafka producer server using the following python script:
from kafka import *
topic = 'test'
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='PLAINTEXT://[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092',
producer.send(topic, b"Test test test")
However, this results in a KafkaTimeoutError:
"Failed to update metadata after %.1f secs." % (max_wait,))
kafka.errors.KafkaTimeoutError: KafkaTimeoutError: Failed to update metadata after 60.0 secs.
Looking around online told me to consider:
uncommenting listeners=... and advertised.listeners=... in the /usr/lib/kafka/config/server.properties file.
However, listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092 does not work and this post suggests to set PLAINTEXT://<external-ip>:9092.
So, I started wondering about accessing a Kafka server through an external (static) IP address of the GCP cluster. Then, we have set up a firewall rule to access the port (?) and allow https access to the cluster. But I am unsure whether this is an overkill of the problem.
I definitely need some guidance to connect successfully to the Kafka server from the python script.
You need to set advertised.listeners to the address that your client connects to.
More info: https://rmoff.net/2018/08/02/kafka-listeners-explained/
Thanks Robin! The link you posted was very helpful to find the below working configurations.
Despite the fact that SimpleProducer seems to be a deprecated approach, the following settings finally worked for me:
Python script:
from kafka import *
topic = 'test'
kafka = KafkaClient('[project-name]-w-0.c.[cluster-id].internal:9092')
producer = SimpleProducer(kafka)
message = "Test"
producer.send_messages(topic, message.encode('utf-8'))
and uncomment in the /usr/lib/kafka/config/server.properties file:

Kafka Consumer not reading messages

I have Kafka v1.0.1 running on the single node and I am able to push the messages to the topic but somehow unable to consume the message from another node using the below python code.
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
auto offset reset='earliest',
enable auto commit=True,
group id=' test1',
value_deserializer-lambda x: loads (x.decode('utf-8')))
for message in consumer:
message = message.value
print (message)
I am constantly pushing the messages from the console using the below command:
bin/kafka-console-producer --zookeeper <zookeeper-node>:<port> --topic <topic_name>
and also I can read via console
You're using the old Zookeeper based producer, but the newer Kafka based Consumer. The logic for how these work and store offsets are not the same.
You need to use --broker-list on the Console Producer
Similarly with Console Consumer, use --bootstrap-server, not --zookeeper
Also, these properties should not have spaces in them
auto offset reset='earliest',
enable auto commit=True,
group id=' test1',

Python Kafka consumer missing to poll some messages

The code for my Kafka consumer looks like this
def read_messages_from_kafka():
topic = 'my-topic'
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
bootstrap_servers=['my-host1', 'my-host2'],
api_version=(0, 8, 2)
consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0), TopicPartition(topic, 1)])
messages = consumer.poll(timeout_ms=kafka_config.poll_timeout_ms, max_records=kafka_config.poll_max_records)
for partition in messages.values():
for message in partition:
log.info("read {}".format(message))
if messages:
next_offset0, next_offset1 = consumer.position(TopicPartition(topic, 0)), consumer.position(TopicPartition(topic, 1))
log.info("next offset0={} and offset1={}".format(next_offset0, next_offset1))
while True:
sleep(kafka_config.poll_sleep_ms / 1000.0)
I have realised that this setup of consumer is not able to read all the messages. And I am not able to reproduce this as it's intermittent issue.
When I compare last 100 messages using kafka-cat to this consumer, I found that my consumer intermittently misses few messages randomly. What's wrong with my consumer?
kafkacat -C -b my-host1 -X broker.version.fallback= -t my-topic -o -100
There are just too many ways to consume messages in python. There should be one and preferably only one obvious way to do it.
There is a problem of missing messages in your Kafka client.
I found solution here:
while True:
raw_messages = consumer.poll(timeout_ms=1000, max_records=5000)
for topic_partition, messages in raw_messages.items():
application_message = json.loads(message.value.decode())
Also there is another Kafka client exists: confluent_kafka. It has no such problem.

