Collecting attributes from dask dataframe providers - python

TL;DR: How can I collect metadata (errors during parsing) from distributed reads into a dask dataframe collection.
I currently have a proprietary file format i'm using to feed into dask.DataFrame.
I have a function that accepts a file path and returns a pandas.DataFrame, used internally by dask.DataFrame successfully to load multiple files to the same dask.DataFrame.
Up until recently, I was using my own code to merge several pandas.DataFrames into one, and now i'm working on using dask instead. When parsing the file format i may encounter errors and certain conditions i want to log and associate with the dask.DataFrame object as metadata (logs, origin of data, etc).
Its important to note that when reasonable, I'm using MultiImdices quite heavily (13 index levels, 3 column levels). For metadata that describes the entire dataframe and not specific rows, I'm using attributes.
Using a custom function, I could pass the metadata in a tuple with the actual DataFrame. Using pandas, I could add it to the _metadata field and as attributes to the DataFrame obejcts.
How can I collect metadata from separate pandas.DataFrame objects when using the dask framework?

There are a few potential questions here:
Q: How do I load data from many files in a custom format into a single dask dataframe
A: You might check out the dask.delayed to load data and dask.dataframe.from_delayed to convert several dask Delayed objects into a single dask dataframe. Or, as you're probably doing now, you can use dask.dataframe.from_pandas and dask.dataframe.concat. See this example notebook on using dask.delayed from custom objects/functions.
Q: How do I store arbitrary metadata onto a dask.dataframe?
A: This is not supported. Generally I recommend using a different data structure to store your metadata if possible. If there are a number of use cases for this then we should consider adding it to dask dataframe. If this is the case then please raise an issue. Generally thought it'd be good to see better support for this in Pandas before dask.dataframe considers supporting it.
Q: I use multi-indexes heavily in Pandas, how can I integrate this workflow into dask.dataframe?
A: Unfortunately dask.dataframe does not currently support multi-indexes. These would clearly be helpful.


Py-Spark mapPartitions: how to craft the function?

We are using Databricks on Azure with a reasonably large cluster (20 cores, 70GB memory across 5 executors). I have a parquet file with 4 million rows. Spark can read well, call that sdf.
I am hitting the problem that the data must be converted to a Pandas dataframe. Taking the easy/obvious way pdf = sdf.toPandas() causes an out of memory error.
So I want to apply my function separately to subsets of the Spark DataFrame. The sdf itself is in 19 partitions, so what I want to do is write a function and apply it to each partition separately. Here's where mapPartitions comes in.
I was trying to write my own function like
def example_function(sdf):
pdf = sdf.toPandas()
/* apply some Pandas and Python functions we've written to handle pdf.*/
output = great_function(pdf)
return output
Then I'd use mapPartitions to run that.
That fails with all kinds of errors.
Looking back at the instructions, I realize I'm clueless! Iwas too optimistic/simplistic in what they expect to get from me. They don't seem to imagine that I'm using my own functions to handle the whole Spark DF that exists partition. They seem to plan only for code that would handle the rows in the Spark data frame one row at a time and the parameters are Iterators.
Can you please share you thoughts on this?
In your example case it might be counter productive to start from a Spark Dataframe and fall back to RDD if you're aiming at using pandas.
Under the hood toPandas() is triggering collect() which retrieve all data on the driver node, which will fail on large data.
If you want to use pandas code on Spark, you can use pandas UDFs which are equivalent to UDFs but designed and optimized for pandas code.
I did not find a solution using Spark map or similar. Here is best option I've found.
The parquet folder has lots of smaller parquet files inside it. As long as default settings were used, these files have extension snappy.parquet. Use Python os.listdir and filter out the file list to ones with correct extension.
Use Python and Pandas, NOT SPARK, tools to read the individual parquet files. It is much faster to load a parquet file with a few 100,000 rows with pandas than it is with Spark.
For the loaded dataframes, run the function I described in the first message, where the dataframe gets put through the wringer.
def example_function(pdf):
/* apply some Pandas and Python functions we've written to handle pdf.*/
output = great_function(pdf)
return output
Since the work for each data section has to happen in Pandas anyway, there's no need to keep fighting with Spark tools.
Other bit worth mentioning is that joblib's Parallel tool can be used to distribute this work among cluster nodes.

partitioning intake data sources

I have a large dataset of daily files located at /some/data/{YYYYMMDD}.parquet (or can also be smth like /some/data/{YYYY}/{MM}/{YYYYMMDD}.parquet).
I describe data source in mycat.yaml file as follows:
engine: pyarrow
urlpath: "/some/data/*.parquet"
description: ''
driver: intake_parquet.source.ParquetSource
I want to be able to read a subset of files (partitions) into memory,
If I run source = intake.open_catalog('mycat.yaml').source_partitioned; print(source.npartitions) I get 0. Probably because the partition information is not yet initialized. After, source.npartitions is updated to 1726 which is exactly the number of individual files on disk.
How would I load data:
only for a given day (e.g. 20180101)
for a period between to days (e.g. between 20170601 and 20190223)
If this is described somewhere on the wiki, feel free to point me to the appropriate section.
Note: after thinking a little more, I realized this might be related to functionality of dask and probably my goal can be somehow achieved by converting the source to dask_dataframe with .to_dask method. Therefore putting dask label on this question.
There are at least two approaches:
continue with the current approach of loading everything into dask (using *) and then subset to the required range.
load only a specific subset of the data.
For option 2, the parameters option of intake is handy. So, assuming that paths are /some/data/{YYYYMMDD}.parquet, the modified catalog entry would look like this:
type: str
default: "*"
engine: pyarrow
urlpath: "/some/data/{{ date }}.parquet"
description: ''
driver: intake_parquet.source.ParquetSource
In Python, the parameter date can be provided (as 'str' in this case) using source = intake.open_catalog('mycat.yaml').source_partitioned(date='20211101') to load a specific date.
For date ranges, things are a bit trickier, because one way would be to create some list comprehension using desired range and then concatenate the files loaded individually, but that might be not efficient for large date ranges. In those cases I would load bigger chunks, e.g. by year using date="2017*", and concatenate these larger chunks afterwards.
This is a follow-up on a comment to my previous answer.
If the parquet files are indexed by (nonoverlapping) time, then dask will not need to read every file into memory (dask will read only the metadata of each file). The metadata for all files will be loaded, but only the relevant files will be loaded in memory:
from dask.datasets import timeseries
# this df will have 30 partitions
df = timeseries()
# this query will only work with 1 partition
This can be useful if the downstream workflow operates with different subsets of a large dataframe, but which subsets are needed is changed dynamically. So the fixed cost of creating a large dask dataframe (using metadata only) is incurred once, and then dask is responsible for selecting subsets of the data needed.
If the parquet files are not indexed by time and the time information is only in the filename, then dask will not parse the information from the filename. In this case, some of the options are:
writing a custom-loader function that will filter the required filenames and pass them to dask. This can reduce the fixed cost of creating the dask dataframe and is useful when it is known which subset of overall data is needed;
using intake as per previous answer.

Python large dataset feature engineering workflow using dask hdf/parquet

There is already a nice question about it in SO but the best answer is now 5years old, So I think there should be better option(s) in 2018.
I am currently looking for a feature engineering pipeline for larger than memory dataset (using suitable dtypes).
The initial file is a csv that doesn't fit in memory. Here are my needs:
Create features (mainly using groupby operations on multiple columns.)
Merge the new feature to the previous data (on disk because it doesn't fit in memory)
Use a subset (or all) columns/index for some ML applications
Repeat 1/2/3 (This is an iterative process like day1: create 4
features, day2: create 4 more ...)
Attempt with parquet and dask:
First, I splitted the big csv file in multiple small "parquet" files. With this, dask is very efficient for the calculation of new features but then, I need to merge them to the initial dataset and atm, we cannot add new columns to parquet files. Reading the csv by chunk, merging and resaving to multiple parquet files is too time consuming as feature engineering is an iterative process in this project.
Attempt with HDF and dask:
I then turned to HDF because we can add columns and also use special queries and it is still a binary file storage. Once again I splitted the big csv file to multiple HDF with the same key='base' for the base features, in order to use the concurrent writing with DASK (not allowed by HDF).
data = data.repartition(npartitions=10) # otherwise it was saving 8Mo files using to_hdf
data.to_hdf('./hdf/data-*.hdf', key='base', format='table', data_columns=['day'], get=dask.threaded.get)
(Annex quetion: specifying data_columns seems useless for dask as there is no "where" in dask.read_hdf?)
Unlike what I expected, I am not able to merge the new feature to the multiples small files with code like this:
data = dd.read_hdf('./hdf/data-*.hdf', key='base')
data['day_pow2'] = data['day']**2
data['day_pow2'].to_hdf('./hdf/data-*.hdf', key='added', get=dask.threaded.get)
with dask.threaded I get "python stopped working" after 2%.
With dask.multiprocessing.get it takes forever and create new files
What are the most appropriated tools (storage and processing) for this workflow?
I will just make a copy of a comment from the related issue on fastparquet: it is technically possible to add columns to existing parquet data-sets, but this is not implemented in fastparquet and possibly not in any other parquet implementation either.
Making code to do this might not be too onerous (but it is not currently planned): the calls to write columns happen sequentially, so new columns for writing would need to percolate down to this function, together with the file position corresponding to the current first byte of the metadata in the footer. I addition, the schema would need to be updated separately (this is simple). The process would need to be repeated for every file of a data-set. This is not an "answer" to the question, but perhaps someone fancies taking on the task.
I would seriously consider using database (indexed access) as a storage or even using Apache Spark (for processing data in a distributed / clustered way) and Hive / Impala as a backend ...

Python - How To read IRIS CSV Data (a variable) into a Pandas DataFrame

I'm using the sample Python Machine Learning "IRIS" dataset (for starting point of a project). These data are POSTed into a Flask web service. Thus, the key difference between what I'm doing and all the examples I can find is that I'm trying to load a Pandas DataFrame from a variable and not from a file or URL which both seem to be easy.
I extract the IRIS data from the Flask's POST request.values. All good. But at that point, I can't figure out how to get the pandas dataframe like the "pd.read_csv(....)" does. So far, it seems the only solution is to parse each row and build up several series I can use with the DataFrame constructor? There must be something I'm missing since reading this data from a URL is a simple one-liner.
I'm assuming reading a variable into a Pandas DataFrame should not be difficult since it seems like an obvious use-case.
I tried wrapping with io.StringIO(csv_data), then following up with read_csv on that variable, but that doesn't work either.
Note: I also tried things like ...
data = pd.DataFrame(csv_data, columns=['....'])
but got nothing but errors (for example, "constructor not called correctly!")
I am hoping for a simple method to call that can infer the columns and names and create the DataFrame for me, from a variable, without me needing to know a lot about Pandas (just to read and load a simple CSV data set, anyway).

Fastest way to parse large CSV files in Pandas

I am using pandas to analyse large CSV data files. They are around 100 megs in size.
Each load from csv takes a few seconds, and then more time to convert the dates.
I have tried loading the files, converting the dates from strings to datetimes, and then re-saving them as pickle files. But loading those takes a few seconds as well.
What fast methods could I use to load/save the data from disk?
As #chrisb said, pandas' read_csv is probably faster than csv.reader/numpy.genfromtxt/loadtxt. I don't think you will find something better to parse the csv (as a note, read_csv is not a 'pure python' solution, as the CSV parser is implemented in C).
But, if you have to load/query the data often, a solution would be to parse the CSV only once and then store it in another format, eg HDF5. You can use pandas (with PyTables in background) to query that efficiently (docs).
See here for a comparison of the io performance of HDF5, csv and SQL with pandas:
And a possibly relevant other question: "Large data" work flows using pandas
Posting this late in response to a similar question that had found simply using modin out of the box fell short. The answer will be similar with dask - use all of the below strategies in combination for best results, as appropriate for your use case.
The pandas docs on Scaling to Large Datasets have some great tips which I'll summarize here:
Load less data. Read in a subset of the columns or rows using the usecols or nrows parameters to pd.read_csv. For example, if your data has many columns but you only need the col1 and col2 columns, use pd.read_csv(filepath, usecols=['col1', 'col2']). This can be especially important if you're loading datasets with lots of extra commas (e.g. the rows look like index,col1,col2,,,,,,,,,,,. In this case, use nrows to read in only a subset of the data to make sure that the result only includes the columns you need.
Use efficient datatypes. By default, pandas stores all integer data as signed 64-bit integers, floats as 64-bit floats, and strings as objects or string types (depending on the version). You can convert these to smaller data types with tools such as Series.astype or pd.to_numeric with the downcast option.
Use Chunking. Parsing huge blocks of data can be slow, especially if your plan is to operate row-wise and then write it out or to cut the data down to a smaller final form. You can use the chunksize and iterator arguments to loop over chunks of the data and process the file in smaller pieces. See the docs on Iterating through files chunk by chunk for more detail. Alternately, use the low_memory flag to get Pandas to use the chunked iterator on the backend, but return a single dataframe.
Use other libraries. There are a couple great libraries listed here, but I'd especially call out dask.dataframe, which specifically works toward your use case, by enabling chunked, multi-core processing of CSV files which mirrors the pandas API and has easy ways of converting the data back into a normal pandas dataframe (if desired) after processing the data.
Additionally, there are some csv-specific things I think you should consider:
Specifying column data types. Especially if chunking, but even if you're not, specifying the column types can dramatically reduce read time and memory usage and highlight problem areas in your data (e.g. NaN indicators or Flags that don't meet one of pandas's defaults). Use the dtypes parameter with a single data type to apply to all columns or a dict of column name, data type pairs to indicate the types to read in. Optionally, you can provide converters to format dates, times, or other numerical data if it's not in a format recognized by pandas.
Specifying the parser engine - pandas can read csvs in pure python (slow) or C (much faster). The python engine has slightly more features (e.g. currently the C parser can't read files with complex multi-character delimeters and it can't skip footers). Try using the argument engine='c' to make sure the C engine is being used. If your file can't be read by the c engine, I'd try fixing the file(s) first manually (e.g. stripping out a footer or standardizing the delimiters) and then parsing with the C engine, if possible.
Make sure you're catching all NaNs and data flags in numeric columns. This can be a tough one, and specifying specific data types in your inputs can be helpful in catching bad cases. Use the na_values, keep_default_na, date_parser, and converters argumentss to pd.read_csv. Currently, the default list of values interpreted as NaN are ['', '#N/A', '#N/A N/A', '#NA', '-1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '-NaN', '-nan', '1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', '<NA>', 'N/A', 'NA', 'NULL', 'NaN', 'n/a', 'nan', 'null'].For example, if your numeric columns have non-numeric values coded as notANumber then this would be missed and would either cause an error (if you had dtypes specified) or would cause pandas to re-categorieze the entire column as an object column (suuuper bad for memory and speed!).
Read the pd.read_csv docs over and over and over again. Many of the arguments to read_csv have important performance considerations. pd.read_csv is optimized to smooth over a large amount of variation in what can be considered a csv, and the more magic pandas has to be ready to perform (determine types, interpret nans, convert dates (maybe), skip headers/footers, infer indices/columns, handle bad lines, etc) the slower the read will be. Give it as many hints/constraints as you can and you might see performance increase a lot! And if it's still not enough, many of these tweaks will also apply to the dask.dataframe API, so this scales up further nicely.
Additionally, if you have the option, save the files in a stable binary storage format. Apache Parquet is a good columnar storage format with pandas support, but there are many others (see that Pandas IO guide for more options). Pickles can be a bit brittle across pandas versions (of course, so can any binary storage format, but this is usually less a concern for explicit data storage formats rather than pickles), and CSVs are inefficient and under-specified, hence the need for type conversion and interpretation.
One thing to check is the actual performance of the disk system itself. Especially if you use spinning disks (not SSD), your practical disk read speed may be one of the explaining factors for the performance. So, before doing too much optimization, check if reading the same data into memory (by, e.g., mydata = open('myfile.txt').read()) takes an equivalent amount of time. (Just make sure you do not get bitten by disk caches; if you load the same data twice, the second time it will be much faster because the data is already in RAM cache.)
See the update below before believing what I write underneath
If your problem is really parsing of the files, then I am not sure if any pure Python solution will help you. As you know the actual structure of the files, you do not need to use a generic CSV parser.
There are three things to try, though:
Python csv package and csv.reader
NumPy genfromtext
Numpy loadtxt
The third one is probably fastest if you can use it with your data. At the same time it has the most limited set of features. (Which actually may make it fast.)
Also, the suggestions given you in the comments by crclayton, BKay, and EdChum are good ones.
Try the different alternatives! If they do not work, then you will have to do write something in a compiled language (either compiled Python or, e.g. C).
Update: I do believe what chrisb says below, i.e. the pandas parser is fast.
Then the only way to make the parsing faster is to write an application-specific parser in C (or other compiled language). Generic parsing of CSV files is not straightforward, but if the exact structure of the file is known there may be shortcuts. In any case parsing text files is slow, so if you ever can translate it into something more palatable (HDF5, NumPy array), loading will be only limited by the I/O performance.
Modin is an early-stage project at UC Berkeley’s RISELab designed to facilitate the use of distributed computing for Data Science. It is a multiprocess Dataframe library with an identical API to pandas that allows users to speed up their Pandas workflows.
Modin accelerates Pandas queries by 4x on an 8-core machine, only requiring users to change a single line of code in their notebooks.
pip install modin
if using dask
pip install modin[dask]
import modin by typing
import modin.pandas as pd
It uses all CPU cores to import csv file and it is almost like pandas.
Most of the solutions are helpful here, I would like to say that parallelizing the loading can also help. Simple code below:
import os
import glob
path = r'C:\Users\data' # or whatever your path
data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.psv")) #list of all the files to be read
import reader
from multiprocessing import Pool
def read_psv_all (file_name):
return pd.read_csv(file_name,
delimiter='|', # change this as needed
pool = Pool(processes=3) # can change 3 to number of processors you want to utilize
df_list =, data_files)
df = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True,axis=0, sort=False)
Note that if you are using windows/jupyter, it might be a sinister combination to use parallel processing. You might need to use if __name__ == '__main__' in your code.
Along with this, do utilize columns, dtypes which would definitely help.

