Python / Pandas: Looping through a list of numbers - python

I am trying to create a loop involving Pandas/ Python and an Excel file. The column in question is named "ITERATION" and it has numbers ranging from 1 to 6. I'm trying to query the number of hits in the Excel file in the following iteration ranges:
1 to 2
4 to 6
I've already made a preset data frame named "df".
iteration_list = ["1,2", "3", "4,5,6"]
i = 1
for k in iteration_list:
table = df.query('STATUS == ["Sold", "Refunded"]')
table["ITERATION"] = table["ITERATION"].apply(str)
table = table.query('ITERATION == ["%s"]' % k)
table = pd.pivot_table(table, columns=["Month"], values=["ID"], aggfunc=len)
table.to_excel(writer, startrow = i)
i = i + 3
The snippet above works only for the number "3". The other 2 scenarios don't seem to work as it literally searches for the string "1,2". I've tried other ways such as:
iteration_list = [1:2, 3, 4:6]
iteration_list = [{1:2}, 3, {4:6}]
to no avail.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
After looking over Stidgeon's answer, I seemed to come up with the following alternatives. Stidgeon's answer DOES provide an output but not the one I'm looking for (it gives 6 outputs - from iteration 1 to 6 in each loop).
Above, my list was the following:
iteration_list = ["1,2", "3", "4,5,6"]
If you play around with the quotation marks, you could input exactly what you want. Since your strings is literally going to be inputted into this line where %s is:
table = table.query('ITERATION == ["%s"]' % k)
You can essentially play around with the list to fit your precise needs with quotations. Here is a solution that could work:
list = ['1", "2', 3, '4", "5", "6']

Just focusing on getting the values out of the list of strings, this works for me (though - as always - there may be more Pythonic approaches):
lst = ['1,2','3','4,5,6']
for item in lst:
items = item.split(',')
for _ in items:
print int(_)
Though instead of printing at the end, you can pass the value to your script.
This will work if all your strings are either single numbers or numbers separated by commas. If the data are consistently formatted like that, you may have to tweak this code.


Runtime Error (Python3) when you manipulate lists with very long strings

I wrote a Python3 code to manipulate lists of strings but the code gives Runtime Error for long strings. Here is my code for the problem:
string = "BANANA"
slist= list (string)
mark = list(range(len(slist)))
vowel_substrings = list()
consonants_substrings = list()
for i in range(len(slist)):
if slist[i]=='A' or slist[i]=='E' or slist[i]=='I' or slist[i]=='O' or mark[i]=='U':
mark[i] = 1
mark[i] = 0
for j in range(len(slist)):
if mark[j] == 1:
for l in range(j,len(string)):
for l in range(j,len(string)):
unique_consonants = list(set(consonants_substrings))
unique_vowels = list(set(vowel_substrings))
##add two lists
all_substrings = consonants_substrings+(vowel_substrings)
##Find points earned by vowel guy and consonant guy
vowel_guy_score = 0
consonant_guy_score = 0
for strng in unique_vowels:
vowel_guy_score += vowel_substrings.count(strng)
for strng in unique_consonants:
consonant_guy_score += consonants_substrings.count(strng)
#print(vowel_guy_score) #Kevin
#print(consonant_guy_score) #Stuart
if vowel_guy_score > consonant_guy_score:
print("Kevin ",vowel_guy_score)
elif vowel_guy_score < consonant_guy_score:
print("Stuart ",consonant_guy_score)
gives the right answer. But if you have a long string, shown below, it fails.
I think initialization or memory allocation might be a problem but I don't know how to allocate memory before even knowing how much memory the code will need. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
In the middle there, you generate a data structure of size O(n³): for each starting position × each ending position × length of the substring. That's probably where your memory problems appear (you haven't posted a traceback).
One possible optimisation would be, instead of having a list of substrings and then generating the set, use instead a Counter class. That would let you know how many times each substring appears without storing all the copies:
vowel_substrings = collections.Counter()
consonant_substrings = collections.Counter()
for j in range(len(slist)):
if mark[j] == 1:
for l in range(j,len(string)):
vowel_substrings[string[j:l+1]] += 1
for l in range(j,len(string)):
consonants_substrings[string[j:l+1]] += 1
Even better would be to calculate the scores as you go along, without storing any of the substrings. If I'm reading the code correctly, the substrings aren't actually used for anything — each letter is effectively scored based on its distance from the end of the string, and the scores are added up. This can be calculated in a single pass through the string, without making any additional copies or keeping track of anything other than the cumulative scores and the length of the string.

CS50 'DNA': Ways to speed up my Week 6 '' program?

So for this problem I had to create a program that takes in two arguments. A CSV database like this:
And a DNA sequence like this:
My program works by first getting the "Short Tandem Repeat" (STR) headers from the database (AGATC, etc.), then counting the highest number of times each STR repeats consecutively within the sequence. Finally, it compares these counted values to the values of each row in the database, printing out a name if a match is found, or "No match" otherwise.
The program works for sure, but is ridiculously slow whenever ran using the larger database provided, to the point where the terminal pauses for an entire minute before returning any output. And unfortunately this is causing the 'check50' marking system to time-out and return a negative result upon testing with this large database.
I'm presuming the slowdown is caused by the nested loops within the 'STR_count' function:
def STR_count(sequence, seq_len, STR_array, STR_array_len):
# Creates a list to store max recurrence values for each STR
STR_count_values = [0] * STR_array_len
# Temp value to store current count of STR recurrence
temp_value = 0
# Iterates over each STR in STR_array
for i in range(STR_array_len):
STR_len = len(STR_array[i])
# Iterates over each sequence element
for j in range(seq_len):
# Ensures it's still physically possible for STR to be present in sequence
while (seq_len - j >= STR_len):
# Gets sequence substring of length STR_len, starting from jth element
sub = sequence[j:(j + (STR_len))]
# Compares current substring to current STR
if (sub == STR_array[i]):
temp_value += 1
j += STR_len
# Ensures current STR_count_value is highest
if (temp_value > STR_count_values[i]):
STR_count_values[i] = temp_value
# Resets temp_value to break count, and pushes j forward by 1
temp_value = 0
j += 1
i += 1
return STR_count_values
And the 'DNA_match' function:
# Searches database file for DNA matches
def DNA_match(STR_values, arg_database, STR_array_len):
with open(arg_database, 'r') as csv_database:
database = csv.reader(csv_database)
name_array = [] * (STR_array_len + 1)
# Iterates over one row of database at a time
for row in database:
# Copies entire row into name_array list
for column in row:
# Converts name_array number strings to actual ints
for i in range(STR_array_len):
name_array[i + 1] = int(name_array[i + 1])
# Checks if a row's STR values match the sequence's values, prints the row name if match is found
match = 0
for i in range(0, STR_array_len, + 1):
if (name_array[i + 1] == STR_values[i]):
match += 1
if (match == STR_array_len):
print("No match")
However, I'm new to Python, and haven't really had to consider speed before, so I'm not sure how to improve upon this.
I'm not particularly looking for people to do my work for me, so I'm happy for any suggestions to be as vague as possible. And honestly, I'll value any feedback, including stylistic advice, as I can only imagine how disgusting this code looks to those more experienced.
Here's a link to the full program, if helpful.
Thanks :) x
Thanks for providing a link to the entire program. It seems needlessly complex, but I'd say it's just a lack of knowing what features are available to you. I think you've already identified the part of your code that's causing the slowness - I haven't profiled it or anything, but my first impulse would also be the three nested loops in STR_count.
Here's how I would write it, taking advantage of the Python standard library. Every entry in the database corresponds to one person, so that's what I'm calling them. people is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one line in the database. We get this for free by using csv.DictReader.
To find the matches in the sequence, for every short tandem repeat in the database, we create a regex pattern (the current short tandem repeat, repeated one or more times). If there is a match in the sequence, the total number of repetitions is equal to the length of the match divided by the length of the current tandem repeat. For example, if AGATCAGATCAGATC is present in the sequence, and the current tandem repeat is AGATC, then the number of repetitions will be len("AGATCAGATCAGATC") // len("AGATC") which is 15 // 5, which is 3.
count is just a dictionary that maps short tandem repeats to their corresponding number of repetitions in the sequence. Finally, we search for a person whose short tandem repeat counts match those of count exactly, and print their name. If no such person exists, we print "No match".
def main():
import argparse
from csv import DictReader
import re
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.database_filename, "r") as file:
reader = DictReader(file)
short_tandem_repeats = reader.fieldnames[1:]
people = list(reader)
with open(args.sequence_filename, "r") as file:
sequence =
count = dict(zip(short_tandem_repeats, [0] * len(short_tandem_repeats)))
for short_tandem_repeat in short_tandem_repeats:
pattern = f"({short_tandem_repeat}){{1,}}"
match =, sequence)
if match is None:
count[short_tandem_repeat] = len( // len(short_tandem_repeat)
person = next(person for person in people if all(int(person[k]) == count[k] for k in short_tandem_repeats))
except StopIteration:
print("No match")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys

How to optimize searching and comparing rows in pandas?

I have a two dfs. Base is 100k rows, Snps is 54k rows.
This is structure of dfs:
SampleNum SampleIdInt SecondName
1 ASA2123313 A2123313
2 ARR4112234 R4112234
3 AFG4234122 G4234122
4 GGF412233 F412233
5 GTF423512 F423512
6 POL23523552 L23523552
And this is Snps df:
SampleNum SampleIdInt
1 ART2114155
2 KWW4112234
3 AFG4234122
4 GGR9999999
5 YUU33434324
6 POL23523552
And now look for example on 2nd row in Snps and base. They have a same numbers (the first 3 chars are not important to me now).
So I created a commonlist contained a numbers from snsp which also appear in the base. The all rows with SAME numbers between dfs. (common has 15k length)
common_list = [4112234, 4234122, 23523552]
And now I want create three new lists.
confirmedSnps = where whole SampleIdInt is identical as in base. In this example: AFG4234122. For this I have a sure that secondName will be proper.
un_comfirmedSnpS = where I have a good number but first three chars are different. Example: KWW4112234 in SnpS and ARR4112234 in base. In this case, I'm not sure that SecondName is proper, so I need to check it later.
And last moreThanOne list. That list should append all duplicate rows. For example If in base I will have KWW4112234 and AFG4112234 both should go to that list.
I wrote a code. It's work fine, but the problem is time. I got 15k elements to filter, and each element processing 4 second. It's mean whole loop will be run for 17h!
I looking for help in optimization that code.
That's my code:
comfirmedSnps = []
un_comfirmedSnps = []
moreThanOne = []
for i in range(len(common)):
testa = baza[baza['SampleIdInt'].str.contains(common[i])]
testa = testa.SampleIdInt.unique()
testb = snps[snps['SampleIdInt'].str.contains(common[i])]
testb = testb.SampleIdInt.unique()
if len(testa) == 1 and len(testb) == 1:
if (testa == testb) == True:
print("testa has more than one contains records. ")
print(i,"/", range(len(common)))
I added a Steps prints to check which part takes most of the time. It's the code between StepOne and stepTwo. First and third steps are running instant.
Can someone help me with that case? For sure most of U will see better solution to this problem.
What you are trying to do is commonly called join, which annoyingly enough is called merge in pandas. There's just the minor annoyance of the three initial letters to deal with, but that's easy:
snps.numeric_id = snps.SampleIdInt.apply(lambda s: s[3:])
base.numeric_id = base.SampleIdInt.apply(lambda s: s[3:])
now you can compute the three dataframes:
confirmed = snps.merge(base, on='SampleIdInt')
unconfirmed = snps.merge(
base, on='numeric_id'
lambda r.SampleIdInt_x != r.SampleIdInt_y
more_than_one = snps.group_by('numeric_id').filter(lambda g: len(g) > 1)
I bet it won't work, but hopefully you get the idea.

BioPython iterating through sequences from fasta file

I'm new to BioPython and I'm trying to import a fasta/fastq file and iterate through each sequence, while performing some operation on each sequence. I know this seems basic, but my code below for some reason is not printing correctly.
from Bio import SeqIO
newfile = open("new.txt", "w")
records = list(SeqIO.parse("rosalind_gc.txt", "fasta"))
i = 0
dna = records[i]
while i <= len(records):
print (
i = i + 1
I'm trying to basically iterate through records and print the name, however my code ends up only printing "records[0]", where I want it to print "records[1-10]". Can someone explain why it ends up only print "records[0]"?
The reason for your problem is here:
i = 0
dna = records[i]
Your object 'dna' is fixed to the index 0 of records, i.e., records[0]. Since you are not calling it again, dna will always be fixed on that declaration. On your print statement within your while loop, use something like this:
while i <= len(records):
print (records[i].name)
i = i + 1
If you would like to have an object dna as a copy of records entries, you would need to reassign dna to every single index, making this within your while loop, like this:
while i <= len(records):
dna = records[i]
print (
i = i + 1
However, that's not the most efficient way. Finally, for you to learn, a much nicer way than with your while loop with i = i + 1 is to use a for loop, like this:
for i in range(0,len(records)):
print (records[i].name)
For loops do the iteration automatically, one by one. range() will give a set of integers from 0 to the length of records. There are also other ways, but I'm keeping it simple.

Python - Zip code to Barcode

The code is supposed to take a 5 digit zip code input and convert it to bar codes as the output. The bar code for each digit is:
For example, the zip code 95014 is supposed to produce:
!!.!.. .!.!. !!... ...!! .!..! ...!!!
There is an extra ! at the start and end, that is used to determine where the bar code starts and stops. Notice that at the end of the bar code is an extra ...!! which is an 1. This is the check digit and you get the check digit by:
Adding up all the digits in the zipcode to make the sum Z
Choosing the check digit C so that Z + C is a multiple of 10
For example, the zipcode 95014 has a sum of Z = 9 + 5 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 19, so the check digit C is 1 to make the total sum Z + C equal to 20, which is a multiple of 10.
def printDigit(digit):
digit_dict = {1:'...!!',2:'..!.!',3:'..!!.',4:'.!..!',5:'.!.!.',6:'.!!..',7:'!...!',8:'!..!.',9:'!.!..',0:'!!...'}
return digit_dict[digit]
def printBarCode(zip_code):
while num!=0:
rem = 20-(sum_digits%20)
for i in str(zip_code):
final='!'+' '.join(answer)+'!'
return final
print printBarCode(95014)
The code I currently have produces an output of
!!.!.. .!.!. !!... ...!! .!..!!
for the zip code 95014 which is missing the check digit. Is there something missing in my code that is causing the code not to output the check digit? Also, what to include in my code to have it ask the user for the zip code input?
Your code computes rem based on the sum of the digits, but you never use it to add the check-digit bars to the output (answer and final). You need to add code to do that in order to get the right answer. I suspect you're also not computing rem correctly, since you're using %20 rather than %10.
I'd replace the last few lines of your function with:
rem = (10 - sum_digits) % 10 # correct computation for the check digit
for i in str(zip_code):
answer.append(printDigit(rem)) # add the check digit to the answer!
final='!'+' '.join(answer)+'!'
return final
Interesting problem. I noticed that you solved the problem as a C-style programmer. I'm guessing your background is in C/C++. I's like to offer a more Pythonic way:
def printBarCode(zip_code):
digit_dict = {1:'...!!',2:'..!.!',3:'..!!.',4:'.!..!',5:'.!.!.',
zip_code_list = [int(num) for num in str(zip_code)]
bar_code = ' '.join([digit_dict[num] for num in zip_code_list])
check_code = digit_dict[10 - sum(zip_code_list) % 10]
return '!{} {}!'.format(bar_code, check_code)
print printBarCode(95014)
I used list comprehension to work with each digit rather than to iterate. I could have used the map() function to make it more readable, but list comprehension is more Pythonic. Also, I used the Python 3.x format for string formatting. Here is the output:
!!.!.. .!.!. !!... ...!! .!..! ...!!!

