Output of neurons in Multiple Layer Perceprton Classifier in scikit-learn - python

I am currently working on MLPClassifier of neural_network package of sklearn.
I trained the classifier and it is predicting/running fine. Now I need the output values of neurons(nodes) in each layers when it predicts class for a particular input after training, for visualisation purposes.
I read the api and there is an attribute - coefs_ which returns the weight matrix of the network but couldn't find any method or attribute which would return the output of neurons.
So being not mentioned in the documentation, I suppose it is not possible to get it directly. Is there any way/tweaking available to get these output of neurons at each layer OR alternatively any direct method of visualisation of the MLPClassifier.
Note - MLPClassifier is currently not available in stable version of scikit-learn and is 0.18 dev version only.
I am using Python 2.7 and scikit-learn 0.18 dev version.

Output of neurons only makes sense if you have inputs. It's not an intrinsic part of the model. You take an inner product of the inputs with the weights to get the "outputs".


Are there any alternate ways to apply class weights to tensorflow neural networks?

I am currently trying to create a Tensorflow DNN model with a multilabel target variable, and whilst my code hasn't had any problems so far, the imbalanced nature of the dataset that I'm working with has caused a few problems.
As per recommendations in Keras' documentation, I've applied an intial bias to the model. I've also tried to enable the class weight parameter in the model compile function and this is where I'm stuck
There seems to be a known bug in this method as seen in this GitHub link, and my attempts at creating a workaround haven't been successful at all. I'd appreciate any advice on creating a workaround because I'm at a loss myself to be honest. Currently running Tensorflow 2.4
You are using a slightly old version of TensorFlow. This worked for me in a multiclass dataset using TensorFlow 2.7 and Keras 2.7:
from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight
class_weights = compute_class_weight(class_weight="balanced", classes=np.unique(y_train),
The values of y_train must be integers in the range [0, NUMBER_CLASSES - 1] for this code to work correctly. You can accomplish this using LabelEncoder.
Alternatively, you can use sample_weight instead of class_weight to accomplish the same thing (in fact, Keras internally converts class_weight to sample_weight). Here you can find the documentation about these parameters.
Other easy-to-implement and effective methods to combat data imbalance are oversampling and undersampling, which have a similar effect to using class_weight. You can use them in case you have problems using class_weight or sample_weight.

LightGBM - Binary Classification using train API

I have a binary classification problem which I'm trying to solve using LightGBM's train and cv APIs.
First I have tuned the hyperparameters by using hyperopt together with an objective function that wraps the LightGBM CV API call. For that, since the target classes are highly unbalanced, I've used the customized focal loss function with f1-score evaluation to find the best fit.
When I try to fit the final model using the optimized parameters, the model doesn't consider it as a binary problem and outputs continuous values at prediction. See the attached image.
Anyone knows what I'm missing ?
Jupyter notebook

Convert Keras MobileNet model to TFLite with 8-bit quantization

I have used Keras to finetune MobileNet v1. Now I have model.h5 and I need to convert it to TensorFlow Lite to use it in Android app.
I use TFLite conversion script tflite_convert. I can convert it without quantization but I need more performance so I need to make quantization.
If I run this script:
tflite_convert --output_file=model_quant.tflite \
--keras_model_file=model.h5 \
--inference_type=QUANTIZED_UINT8 \
--input_arrays=input_1 \
--output_arrays=predictions/Softmax \
--mean_values=128 \
--std_dev_values=127 \
It fails:
F tensorflow/contrib/lite/toco/tooling_util.cc:1634] Array
conv1_relu/Relu6, which is an input to the DepthwiseConv operator
producing the output array conv_dw_1_relu/Relu6, is lacking min/max
data, which is necessary for quantization. If accuracy matters, either
target a non-quantized output format, or run quantized training with
your model from a floating point checkpoint to change the input graph
to contain min/max information. If you don't care about accuracy, you
can pass --default_ranges_min= and --default_ranges_max= for easy
experimentation.\nAborted (core dumped)\n"
If I use default_ranges_min and default_ranges_max (called as "dummy-quantization"), it works but it is only for debugging performance without accuracy as it is described in error log.
So what I need to do to make Keras model correctly quantizable? Do I need to find best default_ranges_min and default_ranges_max? How? Or it is about changes in Keras training phase?
Library versions:
Python 3.6.4
TensorFlow 1.12.0
Keras 2.2.4
Unfortunately, Tensorflow does not provide the tooling for post-training per layer quantization in flatbuffer (tflite) yet, but only in protobuf. The only available way now is to introduce fakeQuantization layers in your graph and re-train / fine-tune your model on the train or a calibration set. This is called "Quantization-aware training".
Once the fakeQuant layers are introduced, then you can feed the training set and TF is going to use them on Feed-Forward as simulated quantisation layers (fp-32 datatypes that represent 8-bit values) and back-propagate using full precision values. This way, you can get back the accuracy loss that caused by quantization.
In addition, the fakeQuant layers are going to capture the ranges per layer or per channel through moving average and store them in min / max variables.
Later, you can extract the graph definition and get rid of the fakeQuant nodes through freeze_graph tool.
Finally, the model can be fed into tf_lite_converter (cross-fingers it won't brake) and extract the u8_tflite with captured ranges.
A very good white-paper, explaining all these is provided by Google here : https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.08342.pdf
Hope that helps.

Feature selection using tensorflow

I am using python 3.5 with tensorflow 0.11.
I have a dataset with large number of features (>5000) and relatively small number of samples(<200). I am using wrapper skflow function DNNClassifier for deep learning.
It seems to work work well for classification task, but I want to find some important features from large number of features.
Internally, DNNClassifier seems to perform feature selection(or feature
extraction). Is there any way to perform feature selection with tensorflow?
Or, is there some function to extract the weights of the features?
(There was a function DNNClassifier.weights_, but it seems to be deprecated)
If Tensorflow does not support feature selection or weight information, will it be reasonable to conduct feature selection using other method(such as univariate feature selection) and then try deep learning?
Thank you for help.
You can eval the weights.
For example if your variable is define by
weights = tf.Variable(np.ones([100,10],dtype='float32'), name=weights)
you can get it value at the tensorflow session
value = weights.eval();

Multiple regression output nodes in tensorflow learn

I am relatively new to tensorflow and want to use the DNNRegressor from tf.contrib.learn for a regression task. But instead of one output node, I would like to have several (let's say ten for example).
How can I configure my regressor to adjust many output nodes to fit my needs?
My question is related to the following ones already asked on SO, but there seems to be no working answer (I am using TensorFlow version 0.11)
skflow regression predict multiple values
Multiple target columns with SkFlow TensorFlowDNNRegressor
It seems using tflearn will be the other choice.
Update: I realize we should use Keras as an well developed API for tensorflow+ theano .
Using tflearn this works:
net = tfl.input_data(shape=[None, n_features1, n_features2], name='input')
net = tfl.fully_connected(net, 128, activation='relu')
net = tfl.fully_connected(net, n_features, activation='linear')
net = tfl.regression(net, batch_size=batch_size, loss='mean_square', name='target')
Replace the single fully connected layer of 128 nodes here with whatever network architecture you want. And don't forget to choose the loss function appropriate to your problem, e.g., cross-entropy for classification.
python 2.7.11, tensorflow 0.10.0rc0, tflearn 0.2.1

