I am trying to use a python process to animate a plot as shown below:
from multiprocessing import Process
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import numpy as np
process_enabled = 1;
print("Process enabled: ", process_enabled)
x = []
y = []
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
def start_animation():
# Set up plot to call animate() function periodically
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, fargs=(x, y), interval=1000)
print("Called animate function")
# This function is called periodically from FuncAnimation
def animate(i, xs, ys):
0.055,0.04,0.02,0.025,0.0,-0.005,-0.005,-0.02,-0.05,-0.03] # fx values
# Add x and y to lists
# Draw x and y lists
ys_stacked = np.stack((np.array(ys),0.1+np.array(ys)),axis=1)
ax.plot(xs, ys_stacked)
# Format plot
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
plt.title('Force/Torque Sensor Data')
plt.ylabel('Fx (N)')
p_graph = Process(name='Graph', target=start_animation)
print("Created graph process")
print("Started graph process")
When I disable the process, the start_animation() function works fine and the plot is displayed and the animation begins. However, when the process is enabled, the process starts and then the code breaks at print("Called animate function"). There is no plot window and there are no error messages in the terminal).
I'm new to both multiprocessing in python and indeed matplotlib. Any direction would be much appreciated.
I'm trying to solve this same problem, but haven't quite figured it out completely. However, I think I can provide a few useful comments on your question.
To start, is there any reason why you want to handle the animation in a separate process? Your approach seems to work fine within a single process. There's a number of issues you'll need to address to do this. If you truly do require a separate process, then the following might be useful.
First, you won't be able to use your global variables in the 'graph' process, as that process doesn't share the same instances of those variables (see Globals variables and Python multiprocessing).
You can share state between processes, but this is difficult for complex objects that you'd want to share (i.e. plt.figure()). See the multiprocessing reference for more information (https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#sharing-state-between-processes)
One final suggestion would be to do away with the pyplot interface. This is handy for straightforward scripts and interactive data analysis, but it obfuscates a lot of important things - like knowing which figure, axis etc you're dealing with when you call plt methods.
I've provided an alternative, object-oriented approach using a custom class, that can run your animation (without a separate process):
import sys
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import datetime as dt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from matplotlib.backends.qt_compat import QtWidgets
import matplotlib.animation as animation
class StripChart(FigureCanvasQTAgg):
def __init__(self):
self.fig = Figure(figsize=(8,5), dpi=100)
self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
# hold a copy of our torque data
self.fx = [0.045,0.02,0.0,0.04,0.015,-0.01,0.015,0.045,0.035,0.01,
# instantiate the data arrays
self.xs = []
self.ys = []
def start_animation(self):
print("starting animation")
# set up the animation
self.ani = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, self.animate, init_func=self.clear_frame,
frames=100, interval=500, blit=False)
def clear_frame(self):
self.ax.plot([], [])
def animate(self, i):
print("animate frame")
# get the current time
t_now = dt.datetime.now()
# update trace values
self.ys.append(self.fx[i % len(self.fx)])
# keep max len(self.fx) points
if len(self.xs) > len(self.fx):
self.ax.plot(self.xs, self.ys)
# need to reapply format after clearing axes
self.ax.set_title('Force/Torque Sensor Data')
self.ax.set_ylabel('Fx (N)')
if __name__=='__main__':
# start a new qapplication
qapp = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
# create our figure in the main process
strip_chart = StripChart()
# start qt main loop
Things of note in this example:
you'll need to have a backend installed in your environment (i.e. pip install pyqt5)
I've added an init_func to the animation, you don't really need this as you can call self.ax.clear() in the animate method.
If you need better performance for your animation, you can use blit=True but you'll need to modify the clear_frame and animate methods to return the artists that you want to update (see https://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2012/08/18/matplotlib-animation-tutorial/ for more info). One drawback is that you won't be able to update the axis labels with that approach.
I've set it up to run infinitely until you close the window
I'm assuming that the reason you want to run the animation in a separate process is that there is some time consuming/CPU intensive task that is involved in either updating the graph data, or drawing all the points. Perhaps you have this embedded in some other UI?
I've tried to execute the animation in a separate process, but you need to pass the instance of the figure that's displayed. As I mentioned this isn't straightforward, although there do appear to be ways to do it (https://stackoverflow.com/a/57793267/13752965). I'll update if I find a working solution.
I have a Python program that generates graphs using matplotlib. I am trying to get the program to generate a bunch of plots in one program run (the user is asked if they want to generate another graph) all in separate windows. Any way I can do this?
To generate a new figure, you can add plt.figure() before any plotting that your program does.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def make_plot(slope):
x = np.arange(1,10)
y = slope*x+3
Using the latest matlibplot, I found the following to work for my purposes:
# create figure (will only create new window if needed)
# Generate plot1
plt.plot(range(10, 20))
# Show the plot in non-blocking mode
# create figure (will only create new window if needed)
# Generate plot2
plt.plot(range(10, 20))
# Show the plot in non-blocking mode
# Finally block main thread until all plots are closed
The easiest way to ensure all of your lines go to the correct figure window is something like:
from six.moves import input
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
another = True
while another:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# this makes sure that the gui window gets shown
# if this is needed depends on rcparams, this is just to be safe
# this make sure that if the event loop integration is not
# set up by the gui framework the plot will update
another = bool(input("would you like another? "))
If you want to run this with a non-gui backend you will need to drop the flush_events call or wrap it in a try: ... except NotImplementedError. Much of this complication is defensive programming because GUIs can be difficult and the behavior of this code may be dependent on many factors which are not obvious from the code shown.
Using the implicit axes of pyplot can cause problems as the 'current axes' is set by the last axes the user clicked on. You should really only use pyplot when interactively typing at the rpel and almost never (other than plt.subplots) in scripts/programs.
Use the .figure() function to create a new window, the following code makes two windows:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(range(10)) # Creates the plot. No need to save the current figure.
plt.draw() # Draws, but does not block
plt.figure() # New window, if needed. No need to save it, as pyplot uses the concept of current figure
plt.plot(range(10, 20))
You can repeat this as many times as you want
I'm trying to get real-time spectrum analyzer type plot in matplotlib. I've got some code working (with help from other posts on StackOverflow) as follows:
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.axis([0, 1000, 0, 1])
while 1:
y = np.random.rand(1,100)
The code works and I'm getting what I want, but there is a serious problem. The plot window would freeze after some time. I know the program is still running by inspecting the i variable (I'm running the code in Anaconda/Spyder so I can see the variables). However the plot window would show "Non responding" and if I terminate the python program in Spyder by ctrl+c, the plot window comes back to life and show the latest plot.
I'm out of wits here as how to further debug the issue. Anyone to help?
I am not sure that adding plt.pause will entirely solve your issue. It may just take longer before the application crash. The memory used by your application seems to constantly increase over time (even after adding plt.pause). Below are two suggestions that may help you with your current issue:
Instead of removing/recreating the lines artists with each iteration with remove and plot, I would use the same artist throughout the whole animation and simply update its ydata.
I'll use explicit handlers for the axe and figure and call show and draw explicitly on the figure manager and canvas instead of going with implicit calls through pyplot, following the advices given in a post by tcaswell.
Following the above, the code would look something like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.axis([0, 100, 0, 1])
y = np.random.rand(100)
lines = ax.plot(y)
while 1:
y = np.random.rand(100)
I've run the above code for a good 10 minutes and the memory used by the application remained stable the whole time, while the memory used by your current code (without plt.pause) increased by about 30MiB over the same period.
To answer myself, I solved the issue by adding
after the
This probably allows the GUI to finish the drawing and clear the buffer somewhere (my guess) before the new data comes in.
I know I'm late to answer this question, but for your issue you could look into the "joystick" package. It is based on the line.set_data() and canvas.draw() methods, with optional axes re-scaling, hence most probably faster than removing a line and adding a new one. It also allows for interactive text logging or image plotting (in addition to graph plotting).
No need to do your own loops in a separate thread, the package takes care of it, just give the update frequency you wish. Plus the terminal remains available for more monitoring commands while live plotting, which is not possible with a "while True" loop.
See http://www.github.com/ceyzeriat/joystick/ or https://pypi.python.org/pypi/joystick (use pip install joystick to install)
import joystick as jk
import numpy as np
import time
class test(jk.Joystick):
# initialize the infinite loop decorator
_infinite_loop = jk.deco_infinite_loop()
def _init(self, *args, **kwargs):
Function called at initialization, see the doc
self._t0 = time.time() # initialize time
self.xdata = np.array([self._t0]) # time x-axis
self.ydata = np.array([0.0]) # fake data y-axis
# create a graph frame
self.mygraph = self.add_frame(jk.Graph(name="test", size=(500, 500), pos=(50, 50), fmt="go-", xnpts=100, xnptsmax=1000, xylim=(None, None, 0, 1)))
def _generate_data(self): # function looped every 0.2 second to read or produce data
Loop starting with the simulation start, getting data and
pushing it to the graph every 0.2 seconds
# concatenate data on the time x-axis
self.xdata = jk.core.add_datapoint(self.xdata, time.time(), xnptsmax=self.mygraph.xnptsmax)
# concatenate data on the fake data y-axis
self.ydata = jk.core.add_datapoint(self.ydata, np.random.random(), xnptsmax=self.mygraph.xnptsmax)
self.mygraph.set_xydata(t, self.ydata)
t = test()
After these instructions in the Python interpreter one gets a window with a plot:
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
# other code
Unfortunately, I don't know how to continue to interactively explore the figure created by show() while the program does further calculations.
Is it possible at all? Sometimes calculations are long and it would help if they would proceed during examination of intermediate results.
Use matplotlib's calls that won't block:
Using draw():
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, draw, show
print('continue computation')
# at the end call show to ensure window won't close.
Using interactive mode:
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, ion, show
ion() # enables interactive mode
plot([1,2,3]) # result shows immediatelly (implicit draw())
print('continue computation')
# at the end call show to ensure window won't close.
Use the keyword 'block' to override the blocking behavior, e.g.
from matplotlib.pyplot import show, plot
# your code
to continue your code.
It is better to always check with the library you are using if it supports usage in a non-blocking way.
But if you want a more generic solution, or if there is no other way, you can run anything that blocks in a separated process by using the multprocessing module included in python. Computation will continue:
from multiprocessing import Process
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, show
def plot_graph(*args):
for data in args:
p = Process(target=plot_graph, args=([1, 2, 3],))
print 'yay'
print 'computation continues...'
print 'that rocks.'
print 'Now lets wait for the graph be closed to continue...:'
That has the overhead of launching a new process, and is sometimes harder to debug on complex scenarios, so I'd prefer the other solution (using matplotlib's nonblocking API calls)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# other code
# [...]
# Put
# at the very end of your script to make sure Python doesn't bail out
# before you finished examining.
The show() documentation says:
In non-interactive mode, display all figures and block until the figures have been closed; in interactive mode it has no effect unless figures were created prior to a change from non-interactive to interactive mode (not recommended). In that case it displays the figures but does not block.
A single experimental keyword argument, block, may be set to True or False to override the blocking behavior described above.
IMPORTANT: Just to make something clear. I assume that the commands are inside a .py script and the script is called using e.g. python script.py from the console.
A simple way that works for me is:
Use the block = False inside show : plt.show(block = False)
Use another show() at the end of the .py script.
Example of script.py file:
plt.xlabel("true ")
plt.ylabel("predicted ")
plt.title(" the matrix")
# Add block = False
plt.show(block = False)
# the next command is the last line of my script
You may want to read this document in matplotlib's documentation, titled:
Using matplotlib in a python shell
In my case, I wanted to have several windows pop up as they are being computed. For reference, this is the way:
from matplotlib.pyplot import draw, figure, show
f1, f2 = figure(), figure()
af1 = f1.add_subplot(111)
af2 = f2.add_subplot(111)
print 'continuing computation'
PS. A quite useful guide to matplotlib's OO interface.
Well, I had great trouble figuring out the non-blocking commands... But finally, I managed to rework the "Cookbook/Matplotlib/Animations - Animating selected plot elements" example, so it works with threads (and passes data between threads either via global variables, or through a multiprocess Pipe) on Python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu 10.04.
The script can be found here: Animating_selected_plot_elements-thread.py - otherwise pasted below (with fewer comments) for reference:
import sys
import gtk, gobject
import matplotlib
import pylab as p
import numpy as nx
import time
import threading
ax = p.subplot(111)
canvas = ax.figure.canvas
# for profiling
tstart = time.time()
# create the initial line
x = nx.arange(0,2*nx.pi,0.01)
line, = ax.plot(x, nx.sin(x), animated=True)
# save the clean slate background -- everything but the animated line
# is drawn and saved in the pixel buffer background
background = canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox)
# just a plain global var to pass data (from main, to plot update thread)
global mypass
# http://docs.python.org/library/multiprocessing.html#pipes-and-queues
from multiprocessing import Pipe
global pipe1main, pipe1upd
pipe1main, pipe1upd = Pipe()
# the kind of processing we might want to do in a main() function,
# will now be done in a "main thread" - so it can run in
# parallel with gobject.idle_add(update_line)
def threadMainTest():
global mypass
global runthread
global pipe1main
print "tt"
interncount = 1
while runthread:
mypass += 1
if mypass > 100: # start "speeding up" animation, only after 100 counts have passed
interncount *= 1.03
# main plot / GUI update
def update_line(*args):
global mypass
global t0
global runthread
global pipe1upd
if not runthread:
return False
if pipe1upd.poll(): # check first if there is anything to receive
myinterncount = pipe1upd.recv()
update_line.cnt = mypass
# restore the clean slate background
# update the data
# just draw the animated artist
# just redraw the axes rectangle
if update_line.cnt>=500:
# print the timing info and quit
print 'FPS:' , update_line.cnt/(time.time()-tstart)
print "exiting"
return True
global runthread
update_line.cnt = 0
mypass = 0
global t0
t0 = threading.Thread(target=threadMainTest)
# start the graphics update thread
print "out" # will never print - show() blocks indefinitely!
Hope this helps someone,
In many cases it is more convenient til save the image as a .png file on the hard drive. Here is why:
You can open it, have a look at it and close it down any time in the process. This is particularly convenient when your application is running for a long
Nothing pops up and you are not forced to have the windows open. This is particularly convenient when you are dealing with many figures.
Your image is accessible for later reference and is not lost when closing the figure window.
The only thing I can think of is that you will have to go and finder the folder and open the image yourself.
If you are working in console, i.e. IPython you could use plt.show(block=False) as pointed out in the other answers. But if you're lazy you could just type:
Which will be the same.
I had to also add plt.pause(0.001) to my code to really make it working inside a for loop (otherwise it would only show the first and last plot):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter([0], [1])
for i in range(10):
plt.scatter([i], [i+1])
On my system show() does not block, although I wanted the script to wait for the user to interact with the graph (and collect data using 'pick_event' callbacks) before continuing.
In order to block execution until the plot window is closed, I used the following:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# set processing to continue when window closed
def onclose(event):
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', onclose)
fig.show() # this call does not block on my system
fig.canvas.start_event_loop_default() # block here until window closed
# continue with further processing, perhaps using result from callbacks
Note, however, that canvas.start_event_loop_default() produced the following warning:
C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backend_bases.py:2051: DeprecationWarning: Using default event loop until function specific to this GUI is implemented
although the script still ran.
I also wanted my plots to display run the rest of the code (and then keep on displaying) even if there is an error (I sometimes use plots for debugging). I coded up this little hack so that any plots inside this with statement behave as such.
This is probably a bit too non-standard and not advisable for production code. There is probably a lot of hidden "gotchas" in this code.
from contextlib import contextmanager
def keep_plots_open(keep_show_open_on_exit=True, even_when_error=True):
To continue excecuting code when plt.show() is called
and keep the plot on displaying before this contex manager exits
(even if an error caused the exit).
import matplotlib.pyplot
show_original = matplotlib.pyplot.show
def show_replacement(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs['block'] = False
show_original(*args, **kwargs)
matplotlib.pyplot.show = show_replacement
pylab_exists = True
import pylab
except ImportError:
pylab_exists = False
if pylab_exists:
pylab.show = show_replacement
except Exception, err:
if keep_show_open_on_exit and even_when_error:
print "*********************************************"
print "Error early edition while waiting for show():"
print "*********************************************"
import traceback
print traceback.format_exc()
print "*********************************************"
matplotlib.pyplot.show = show_original
if pylab_exists:
pylab.show = show_original
if keep_show_open_on_exit:
# ***********************
# Running example
# ***********************
import pylab as pl
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
with keep_plots_open():
pl.plot([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
pl.plot([3,2,1], [4,5,6])
pl.plot([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
print '...'
print '...'
print '...'
If/when I implement a proper "keep the plots open (even if an error occurs) and allow new plots to be shown", I would want the script to properly exit if no user interference tells it otherwise (for batch execution purposes).
I may use something like a time-out-question "End of script! \nPress p if you want the plotting output to be paused (you have 5 seconds): " from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26704840/corner-cases-for-my-wait-for-user-input-interruption-implementation.
plt.show(block=False) # That's important
raw_input("Press ENTER to exist") # Useful when you run your Python script from the terminal and you want to hold the running to see your figures until you press Enter
The OP asks about detatching matplotlib plots. Most answers assume command execution from within a python interpreter. The use-case presented here is my preference for testing code in a terminal (e.g. bash) where a file.py is run and you want the plot(s) to come up but the python script to complete and return to a command prompt.
This stand-alone file uses multiprocessing to launch a separate process for plotting data with matplotlib. The main thread exits using the os._exit(1) mentioned in this post. The os._exit() forces main to exit but leaves the matplotlib child process alive and responsive until the plot window is closed. It's a separate process entirely.
This approach is a bit like a Matlab development session with figure windows that come up with a responsive command prompt. With this approach, you have lost all contact with the figure window process, but, that's ok for development and debugging. Just close the window and keep testing.
multiprocessing is designed for python-only code execution which makes it perhaps better suited than subprocess. multiprocessing is cross-platform so this should work well in Windows or Mac with little or no adjustment. There is no need to check the underlying operating system. This was tested on linux, Ubuntu 18.04LTS.
import time
import multiprocessing
import os
def plot_graph(data):
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, draw, show
print("entered plot_graph()")
show() # this will block and remain a viable process as long as the figure window is open
print("exiting plot_graph() process")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("starting __main__")
multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_graph, args=([1, 2, 3],)).start()
print("exiting main")
os._exit(0) # this exits immediately with no cleanup or buffer flushing
Running file.py brings up a figure window, then __main__ exits but the multiprocessing + matplotlib figure window remains responsive with zoom, pan, and other buttons because it is an independent process.
Check the processes at the bash command prompt with:
ps ax|grep -v grep |grep file.py
In my opinion, the answers in this thread provide methods which don't work for every systems and in more complex situations like animations. I suggest to have a look at the answer of MiKTeX in the following thread, where a robust method has been found:
How to wait until matplotlib animation ends?
Here is the simplest solution I found (thread blocking code)
plt.show(block=False) # this avoids blocking your thread
plt.pause(1) # comment this if you do not want a time delay
# do more stuff
plt.show(block=True) # this prevents the window from closing on you
If you want to open multiple figures, while keeping them all opened, this code worked for me:
While not directly answering OPs request, Im posting this workaround since it may help somebody in this situation:
Im creating an .exe with pyinstaller since I cannot install python where I need to generate the plots, so I need the python script to generate the plot, save it as .png, close it and continue with the next, implemented as several plots in a loop or using a function.
for this Im using:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#code generating the plot in a loop or function
#saving the plot
plt.savefig(var+'_plot.png',bbox_inches='tight', dpi=250)
#you can allways reopen the plot using
os.system(var+'_plot.png') # unfortunately .png allows no interaction.
#the following avoids plot blocking the execution while in non-interactive mode
#and the following closes the plot while next iteration will generate new instance.
Where "var" identifies the plot in the loop so it wont be overwritten.
What I have found as the best solution so the program does not wait for you to close the figure and have all your plots together so you can examine them side by side is to show all the plots at the end.
But this way you cannot examine the plots while program is running.
# stuff
numFig = 1
numFig += 1
plt.plot(x1, y1)
# other stuff
numFig += 1
plt.plot(x2, y2)
# more stuff
Use plt.show(block=False), and at the end of your script call plt.show().
This will ensure that the window won't be closed when the script is finished.