Why do chat applications have to be asynchronous? - python

I need to implement a chat application for my web service (that is written in Django + Rest api framework). After doing some google search, I found that Django chat applications that are available are all deprecated and not supported anymore. And all the DIY (do it yourself) solutions I found are using Tornado or Twisted framework.
So, My question is: is it OK to make a Django-only based synchronous chat application? And do I need to use any asynchronous framework? I have very little experience in backend programming, so I want to keep everything as simple as possible.

Django, like many other web framework, is constructed around the concept of receiving an HTTP request from a web client, processing the request and sending a response. Breaking down that flow (simplified for sake of clarity):
The remote client opens TCP connection with your Django server.
The client sends a HTTP request to the server, having a path, some headers and possibly a body.
Server sends a HTTP response.
Connection is closed
Server goes back to a state where it waits for a new connection.
A chat server, if it needs to be somewhat real-time, needs to be different: it needs to maintain many simultaneous open connections with connected clients, so that when new messages are published on a channel, the appropriate clients are notified accordingly.
A modern way of implementing that is using WebSockets. This communication flow between the client and server starts with a HTTP request, like the one described above, but the client sends a special Upgrade HTTP request to the server, asking for the session to switch over from a simple request/response paradigm to a persistent, "full-duplex" communication model, where both the client and server can send messages at any time in both direction.
The fact that the connections with multiple simultaneous clients needs to be persistent means you can't have a simple execution model where a single request would be taken care of by your server at a time, which is usually what happens in what you call synchronous servers. Tornado and Twisted have different models for doing networking, using multithreading, so that multiple connections can be left open and taken care of simultanously by a server, and making a chat service possible.
Synchronous approach nevertheless
Having said that, there are ways to implement a very simple, non-scalable chat service with apparent latency:
Clients perform POST requests to your server to send messages to channels.
Clients perform periodical GET requests to the server to ask for any new messages to the channels they're subscribed to. The rate at which they send these requests is basically the refresh rate of the chat app.
With this approach, your server will work significantly harder than if it had a asynchronous execution model for maintaining persistent connections, but it will work.

If you're going to make a chat app, you'll want to use websockets. They'll make getting updates to all clients participating in a conversation significantly easier and it'll give you real time conversations within your app. Having said that, I've never seen websockets used within a synchronous framework.
If it's OK to make Django-only based synchronous chat application? Too many unanswered questions for a reasonable answer. How many people will use this chat app? How many people per conversation? How long will this app be around? If you're looking to make something simple for you and a couple friends, make what you know. If you're getting paid to make this app, use websockets and use an asynchronous framework.

You certainly can develop a synchronous chat app, you don't necessarily need to us an asynchronous framework. but it all comes down to what do you want your app to do? how many people will use the app? will there be multiple users and multiple chats going on at the same time?


What's the difference between RabbitMQ and Pusher?

I'm building a django webapp where i need to stream some stock market trades on a webpage in real time. In order to do that, i'm searching for various approaches, and i found about Pusher and RabbitMQ.
With RabbitMQ i would just send the message to RMQ and consume them from Django, in order to get them on the web page. While looking for other solutions, i've also found about Pusher. What it's not clear, to me, is the difference between the two, technically. I don't understand where would i use Rabbit and where would i use Pusher, can someone explain to me how are they different? Thanks in advance!
You may be thinking of data delivery, non-blocking operations or push
notifications. Or you want to use publish / subscribe, asynchronous
processing, or work queues. All these are patterns, and they form
part of messaging.
RabbitMQ is a messaging broker - an intermediary for messaging. It
gives your applications a common platform to send and receive
messages, and your messages a safe place to live until received.
Pusher is a hosted service that makes it super-easy to add real-time data and functionality to web and mobile applications.
Pusher sits as a real-time layer between your servers and your
clients. Pusher maintains persistent connections to the clients -
over WebSocket if possible and falling back to HTTP-based
connectivity - so that as soon as your servers have new data that
they want to push to the clients they can do, instantly via Pusher.
Pusher offers libraries to integrate into all the main runtimes and
frameworks. PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, .NET, Go and Node on the server
and JavaScript, Objective-C (iOS) and Java (Android) on the client.

Creating a real-time chat with Python and websocket

I'm writing a python real-time chat feature embedded in a web app. I'm a little bit confused on the real time implementation. I need to push real time message to different users.
I plan to use websocket but I'm not quite sure how to save those sockets into an array so that once a user send a message to server, the server can find the related socket and push the message.
So any idea about this? Or what's the common way to implement real time chat feature?
Thanks in advance.
You need to use a websocket aware web server, like Tornado to handle websocket traffic. To multiplex chat messages between different chats and users, there are solutions like Redis and ZeroMQ that you can use for message multiplexing.
However, it sounds like you have zero experience and starting point, so starting with an working example is better approach. Please study existing real-time chat implementations for Python:

How to store real-time chat messages in database?

I am using mysqldb for my database currently, and I need to integrate a messaging feature that is in real-time. The chat demo that Tornado provides does not implement a database, (whereas the blog does.)
This messaging service also will also double as an email in the future (like how Facebook's message service works. The chat platform is also email.) Regardless, I would like to make sure that my current, first chat version will be able to be expanded to function as email, and overall, I need to store messages in a database.
Is something like this as simple as: for every chat message sent, query the database and display the message on the users' screen. Or, is this method prone to suffer from high server load and poor optimization? How exactly should I structure the "infrastructure" to make this work?
(I apologize for some of the inherent subjectivity in this question; however, I prefer to "measure twice, code once.")
Input, examples, and resources appreciated.
Tornado is a single threaded non blocking server.
What this means is that if you make any blocking calls on the main thread you will eventually kill performance. You might not notice this at first because each database call might only block for 20ms. But once you are making more than 200 database calls per seconds your application will effectively be locked up.
However that's quite a few DB calls. In your case that would be 200 people hitting send on their chat message in the same second.
What you probably want to do is use a queue with a non blocking API. So Tornado receives a chat message. You put it on the queue to be saved to the database by another process, then you send the chat message back out to the other chat members.
When someone connects to a chat session you also need to send off a request to the queue for all the previous messages, when the queue responds you send those off to the newly connected user.
That's how I would approach the problem anyway.
Also see this question and answer: Any suggestion for using non-blocking MySQL api on Tornado in Python3?
Just remember, Tornado is single threaded. It's amazing. And can handle thousands of simultaneous connections. But if code in one of those connections blocks for 1 second then NOTHING else will be done for any other connection during that second.

XMPP-- openfire,PHP and python web service

I am planning to integrate real time notifications into a web application that I am currently working on. I have decided to go with XMPP for this and selected openfire server which i thought to be suitable for my needs.
The front end uses strophe library to fetch the notifications using BOSH from my openfire server. However the notices are the notifications and other messages are to be posted by my application and hence I think this code needs to reside at the backend.
Initially I thougt of going with PHP XMPP libraries like XMPHP and JAXL but then I think that this would cause much overhead as each script will have to do same steps like connection, authentication etc. and I think this would make the PHP end a little slow and unresponsive.
Now I am thinking of creating a middle-ware application acting as a web service that the PHP will call and this application will handle the stuff with XMPP service. The benefit with this is that this app(a server if you will) will have to connect just once and the it will sit there listening on a port. also I am planning to build it in a asynchronous way such that It will first take all the requests from my PHp app and then when there are no more requests; go about doing the notification publishing stuff. I am planninng to create this service in Python using SleekXMPP.
This is just what I planned. I am new to XMPP and this whole web service stuff ans would like to take your comments on this regarding issues like memory and CPU usage, advantages, disadvantages, scalability issues,security etc.
Thanks in advance.
PS:-- also if something like this already exists(although I didn't find after a lot of Googling) Please direct me there.
EDIT ---
The middle-level service should be doing the following(but not limited to):
1. Publishing notifications for different level of groups and community pages.
2. Notification for single user on some event.
3. User registration(can be done using user service plugin though).
EDIT ---
Also it should like to create pub-sub nodes and subscribe and unsubscribe users from these pub-sub nodes.
Also I want to store the notifications and messages in a database(openfire doesn't). Would that be a good choice?
It seems to me like XMPP is a bit of a heavy-weight solution for what you're doing, given that communication is just one-way and you're just sending notifications (no real-time multi-user chat etc.).
I would consider using something like Socket.io (http://socket.io) for the server<=>client channel along with Redis (http://redis.io) for persistence.

Implement a Web based Client that interacts with a TCP Server

EDIT:Question Updated. Thanks Slott.
I have a TCP Server in Python.
It is a server with asynchronous behaviour. .
The message format is Binary Data.
Currently I have a python client that interacts with the code.
What I want to be able to do eventually implement a Web based Front End to this client.
I just wanted to know , what should be correct design for such an application.
Start with any WSGI-based web server. werkzeug is a choice.
The Asynchronous TCP/IP is a seriously complicated problem. HTTP is synchronous. So using the synchronous web server presenting some asynchronous data is always a problem. Always.
The best you can do is to buffer things and have two processes in your web application.
TCP/IP process that collects data from the remove server and buffers it in a file (or files) somewhere.
WSGI web process which handles GET/POST processing.
GET requests will fetch some or all of the buffer and display it.
POST requests will send a message to the TCP/IP server.
For Web-based, talk HTTP. Use JSON or XML as data formats.
Be standards-compliant and make use of the vast number of libraries out there. Don't reinvent the wheel. This way you have less headaches in the long run.
if you need to maintain a connection to a backend server across multiple HTTP requests, Twisted's HTTP server is an ideal choice, since it's built to manage multiple connections easily.

