Use Scipy to find a target value Python - python

I am new with scipy and python. I have searched quite extensively to find a tool similar to Excel Solver in Python and scipy seems to be very powerful. My question is kinda simple. I was trying to find the discount rate for a series of cash flows so that the sum of the present value of CFs equates to a specific value.
I got this error message if I run the codes. 1500 is my target value so I try to minimize the difference between my target value and f(DR).
RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
DRfactor[i] = DRfactor[i-1]*(1+DRs[i])
Any and all help is much appreciated
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize
def f(DR):
CFs = [100]*50
DRs = [np.nan]*50
DRfactor = [np.nan]*50
for i in range(0,50):
if 0<=i<=4:
DRs[i] = DR
DRs[i] = (DRs[i-1]-0.1)*0.9+0.1
if i == 0:
DRfactor[i] = 1+DRs[i]
DRfactor[i] = DRfactor[i-1]*(1+DRs[i])
CFPV = np.divide(CFs, DRfactor)
CFsum = np.sum(CFPV)
return (CFsum - 1500)**2
print (f(0.05))
sol = sp.optimize.minimize(f, 0.05)

I figured it out. scipy.optimize.newton can zero out f(DR) and give 0.041611073570941355 which is the same answer given by excel solver.


How to find discount rate value if total present value and future time series of cash flows is known in Python

While going through an article, I encountered a situation where I encountered below polynomial equation.
For reference, below is the equation.
15446 = 537.06/(1+r) + 612.25/(1+r)**2 + 697.86/(1+r)**3 + 795.67/(1+r)**4 + 907.07/(1+r)**5
This is discount cash flow time series values which we use in finance to get the idea of present value of future cash flows after applying the appropriate discount rate.
So from above equation, I need to calculate the variable r in python programming environment?. I do hope that there must be some library which can be used to solve such equations?.
I solve this, I thought to use the numpy.npv API.
import numpy as np
presentValue = 15446
futureValueList = [537.06, 612.25, 697.86,795.67, 907.07]
// I know it is not possible to get r from below. Just put
// it like this to describe my intention.
presentValue = np.npv(r, futureValueList)
You can multiply your NPV formula with the highest power or (1+r) and then find the roots of the polynomial with polyroots (just take the only real root and disregard the complex ones):
import numpy as np
presentValue = 15446
futureValueList = [537.06, 612.25, 697.86,795.67, 907.07]
roots = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyroots(futureValueList[::-1]+[-presentValue])
r = roots[np.argwhere(roots.imag==0)].real[0,0] - 1
As it turns out the formula given is incomplete, see p. 14 of the linked article. The correct equation can be solved with standard optimization procedures, e.g. optimize.root providing a sensible initial guess:
from scipy import optimize
def fun(r):
r1 = 1 + r
return 537.06/r1 + 612.25/r1**2 + 697.86/r1**3 + 795.67/r1**4 + 907.07/r1**5 * (1 + 1.0676/(r-.0676)) - 15446
roots = optimize.root(fun, [.1])
print(roots.x if roots.success else roots.message)

PYOMO: Constraint does not have a proper value

I'm pretty new to pyomo and python, so this might be a pretty dumb mistake.
The gist of what I'm trying to do: I have a demand array, one demand value for each time step. The power bought plus the power provided by a CHP should equal the demand in each time step. (That's what I'm trying to do with the constraint). Running it leads to the following error:
ValueError: Constraint 'ElPowerBalanceEq' does not have a proper value. Found '<generator object ElPowerBalance.<locals>.<genexpr> at 0x000001BBF81DC040>'
Expecting a tuple or equation. Examples:
sum(model.costs) == model.income
(0, model.price[item], 50)
Here's the relevant code.
Thanks in advance :-)
from pyomo.environ import*
import numpy as np
t = np.linspace(0,24,97) #time variable, one day in 0.25 steps
model.i=range(t.size) #index
model.Pel_buy = Var(within=PositiveReals) #electrical power bought
model.Pel_chp = Var(within=PositiveReals) #electrical power of chp
Del = 2+2*np.exp(-(t-12)**2/8**2) #demand electrical
#Define constraints
#Power Balance
def ElPowerBalance(model) :
return (model.Pel_chp[i] + model.Pel_buy[i] == Del[i] for i in model.i)
model.ElPowerBalanceEq = Constraint(rule = ElPowerBalance)
Your ElPowerBalance() function is returning a generator object because you have the return value wrapped in parantheses (which python interprets as a generator). The simplest solution would be to use the * operator to unpack your generator, like so:
def ElPowerBalance(model) :
return *(model.Pel_chp[i] + model.Pel_buy[i] == Del[i] for i in model.i)

Error evaluating a derivative on Python (with .subs, .evalf and .lambdify)

I am trying to separately compute the elements of a Taylor expansion and did not obtain the results I was supposed to. The function to approximate is x**321, and the first three elements of that Taylor expansion around x=1 should be:
1 + 321(x-1) + 51360(x-1)**2
For some reason, the code associated with the second term is not working.
See my code below.
import sympy as sy
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = sy.Symbol('x')
f = x**321
x0 = 1
func0 = f.diff(x,0).subs(x,x0)*((x-x0)**0/factorial(0))
func1 = f.diff(x,1).subs(x,x0)*((x-x0)**1/factorial(1))
func2 = f.diff(x,2).subs(x,x0)*((x-x0)**2/factorial(2))
The prints I obtain running this code are
321x - 321
51360*(x - 1)**2
I also used .evalf and .lambdify but the results were the same. I can't understand where the error is coming from.
f = x**321
x = sy.Symbol('x')
def fprime(x):
return sy.diff(f,x)
DerivativeOfF = sy.lambdify((x),fprime(x),"numpy")
321*x - 321
I'm obviously just starting with the language, so thank you for your help.
I found a beginners guide how to Taylor expand in python. Check it out perhaps all your questions are answered there:
I tested your code and it works fine. like Bazingaa pointed out in the comments it is just an issue how python saves functions internally. One could argument that for a computer it takes less RAM to save 321*x - 321 instead of 321*(x - 1)**1.
In your first output line it also gives you 1 instead of (x - 1)**0

CVXPY throws SolverError

When using CVXPY, I frequently get "SolverError". Their doc just says this is caused by numerical issues, but no further information is given about how to avoid them.
The following code snippet is an example, the problem is trivial, but the 'CVXOPT' solver just throws "SolverError". It is true that if we change the solver to another one, like 'ECOS', the problem will be solved as expected. But the point is, 'CVXOPT' should in principle solve this trivial problem and it really baffles me why it doesn't work.
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cv
temp = np.random.rand(5)
T = 2
x = cv.Variable(T)
u = cv.Variable(2, T)
pbs = []
for t in range(T):
cost = cv.sum_squares(x[t]-temp[t])
constr = [x[t] == u[0,t]+u[1,t],]
pbs.append(cv.Problem(cv.Minimize(cost), constr))
prob = sum(pbs)
Use prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT', kktsolver=cv.ROBUST_KKTSOLVER) to make the optimisation process more robust.

The MSS-maximum likelihood method for Fluctuation Test

I am trying to implement an algorithm in the following paper (method 5) in python2.7 to improve my programming skill. Implementations can be found at these locations: Apparently I cannot post so many links. If my reputation goes up, I will post the links here.
Essentially, the algorithm is used for biological research, and finds the mutation rate of cells under some condition. Here is my attempt, which has errors (NOTE: I updated this code to remove an error however I am still not getting the right answer):
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def leeCoulson(nparray):
M_est=sp.solve(sp.Eq(-x*sp.log(x) - 1.24*x + median,0),x)
return M_est
def ctArray(nparray,max):
list=[0] * int(max+1)
for i in range(int(max)+1):
return list
ef mssCalc(estM,max=mVal,count=ctArray_):
def rec(pi,r):
pr=(estM/r)+sum([(pi[i]/(r-i+1)) for i in range(0,r-1)])
return pr
for r in range(1,max):
return -1*prod
finalM=minimize (mssCalc,leeCoulson(data),method='nelder-mead',options={'xtol':1e-3,'disp':True})
print finalM
This code gives the following errors: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in subtract
numpy.max(numpy.abs(fsim[0] - fsim[1:])) <= ftol):
Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded.
Please help me make this code better if you have some time.
Thanks for looking, there were a couple stupid mistakes in my code. Here is the working code (as far as I can tell):
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def leeCoulson(nparray):
M_est=sp.solve(sp.Eq(-x*sp.log(x) - 1.24*x + median,0),x)
return float(M_est[0])
def ctArray(nparray,max):
list=[0] * int(max+1)
for i in range(int(max)+1):
return list
def mssCalc(estM,max=mVal,count=ctArray_):
def rec(pi,r):
pr=(estM/r)*sum([(pi[i]/(r-i+1)) for i in range(0,r)])
return pr
for r in range(1,max+1):
return -1*prod
finalM=minimize (mssCalc,leeCoulson(data),method='nelder-mead',options={'xtol':1e-3,'disp':True})
print finalM

