I have a 2 arrays; one is an ordered array generated from a set of previous positions for connected points; the second is a new set of points specifying the new positions of the points. The task is to match up each old point with the best fitting new position. The differential between each set of points is stored in a new Array which is of size n*n. The objective is to find a way to map each previous point to a new point resulting in the smallest total sum. As such each old point is a row of the matrix and must match to a single column.
I have already looked into a exhaustive search. Although this works it has complexity O(n!) which is just not a valid solution.
The code below can be used to generate test data for the 2D array.
import numpy as np
def make_data():
org = np.random.randint(5000, size=(100, 2))
new = np.random.randint(5000, size=(100, 2))
arr = []
# ranges = []
for i,j in enumerate(org):
values = np.linalg.norm(new-j, axis=1)
# print(arr)
# print(ranges)
arr = np.array(arr)
return arr
Here are some small examples of the array and the expected output.
Ex. 1
1 3 5
0 2 3
5 2 6
The above output should return [0,2,1] to signify that row 0 maps to column 0, row 1 to column 2 and row 2 to column 1. As the optimal solution would b 1,3,2
The algorithm would be nice to be 100% accurate although something much quicker that is 85%+ would also be valid.
Google search terms: "weighted graph minimum matching". You can consider your array to be a weighted graph, and you're looking for a matching that minimizes edge length.
The assignment problem is a fundamental combinatorial optimization problem. It consists of finding, in a weighted bipartite graph, a matching in which the sum of weights of the edges is as large as possible. A common variant consists of finding a minimum-weight perfect matching.
The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time and which anticipated later primal-dual methods.
I'm not sure whether to post the whole algorithm here; it's several paragraphs and in wikipedia markup. On the other hand I'm not sure whether leaving it out makes this a "link-only answer". If people have strong feelings either way, they can mention them in the comments.
I have two numpy array that describes a spatial curve, that are intersected on one point and I want to find the nearest value in both array for that intersection point, I have this code that works fine but its to slow for large amount of points.
from scipy import spatial
def nearest(arr0, arr1):
ptos = []
j = 0
for i in arr0:
distance, index = spatial.KDTree(arr1).query(i)
ptos.append([distance, index, j])
j += 1
return (arr1[ptos[0][1]].tolist(), ptos[0][1], ptos[0][2])
the result will be (<point coordinates>,<position in arr1>,<position in arr0>)
Your code is doing a lot of things you don't need. First you're rebuilding the KDtree on every loop and that's a waste. Also query takes an array of points, so no need to write your own loop. Ptos is an odd data structure, and you don't need it (and don't need to sort it). Try something like this.
from scipy import spatial
def nearest(arr0, arr1):
tree = spatial.KDTree(arr1)
distance, arr1_index = tree.query(arr0)
best_arr0 = distance.argmin()
best_arr1 = arr1_index[best_arr0]
two_closest_points = (arr0[best_arr0], arr1[best_arr1])
return two_closest_points, best_arr1, best_arr0
If that still isn't fast enough, you'll need to describe your problem in more detail and figure out if another search algorithm will work better for your problem.
I have a csv file with two columns (latitude, longitude) that contains over 5 million rows of geolocation data.
I need to identify the points which are not within 5 miles of any other point in the list, and output everything back into another CSV that has an extra column (CloseToAnotherPoint) which is True if there is another point is within 5 miles, and False if there isn't.
Here is my current solution using geopy (not making any web calls, just using the function to calculate distance):
from geopy.point import Point
from geopy.distance import vincenty
import csv
class CustomGeoPoint(object):
def __init__(self, latitude, longitude):
self.location = Point(latitude, longitude)
self.close_to_another_point = False
output = open('output.csv','w')
writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter = ',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
writer.writerow(['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'CloseToAnotherPoint'])
# 5 miles
close_limit = 5
geo_points = []
with open('geo_input.csv', newline='') as geo_csv:
reader = csv.reader(geo_csv)
next(reader, None) # skip the headers
for row in reader:
geo_points.append(CustomGeoPoint(row[0], row[1]))
# for every point, look at every point until one is found within 5 miles
for geo_point in geo_points:
for geo_point2 in geo_points:
dist = vincenty(geo_point.location, geo_point2.location).miles
if 0 < dist <= close_limit: # (0,close_limit]
geo_point.close_to_another_point = True
writer.writerow([geo_point.location.latitude, geo_point.location.longitude,
As you might be able to tell from looking at it, this solution is extremely slow. So slow in fact that I let it run for 3 days and it still didn't finish!
I've thought about trying to split up the data into chunks (multiple CSV files or something) so that the inner loop doesn't have to look at every other point, but then I would have to figure out how to make sure the borders of each section checked against the borders of its adjacent sections, and that just seems overly complex and I'm afraid it would be more of a headache than it's worth.
So any pointers on how to make this faster?
Let's look at what you're doing.
You read all the points into a list named geo_points.
Now, can you tell me whether the list is sorted? Because if it was sorted, we definitely want to know that. Sorting is valuable information, especially when you're dealing with 5 million of anything.
You loop over all the geo_points. That's 5 million, according to you.
Within the outer loop, you loop again over all 5 million geo_points.
You compute the distance in miles between the two loop items.
If the distance is less than your threshold, you record that information on the first point, and stop the inner loop.
When the inner loop stops, you write information about the outer loop item to a CSV file.
Notice a couple of things. First, you're looping 5 million times in the outer loop. And then you're looping 5 million times in the inner loop.
This is what O(n²) means.
The next time you see someone talking about "Oh, this is O(log n) but that other thing is O(n log n)," remember this experience - you're running an n² algorithm where n in this case is 5,000,000. Sucks, dunnit?
Anyway, you have some problems.
Problem 1: You'll eventually wind up comparing every point against itself. Which should have a distance of zero, meaning they will all be marked as within whatever distance threshold. If your program ever finishes, all the cells will be marked True.
Problem 2: When you compare point #1 with, say, point #12345, and they are within the threshold distance from each other, you are recording that information about point #1. But you don't record the same information about the other point. You know that point #12345 (geo_point2) is reflexively within the threshold of point #1, but you don't write that down. So you're missing a chance to just skip over 5 million comparisons.
Problem 3: If you compare point #1 and point #2, and they are not within the threshold distance, what happens when you compare point #2 with point #1? Your inner loop is starting from the beginning of the list every time, but you know that you have already compared the start of the list with the end of the list. You can reduce your problem space by half just by making your outer loop go i in range(0, 5million) and your inner loop go j in range(i+1, 5million).
Consider your latitude and longitude on a flat plane. You want to know if there's a point within 5 miles. Let's think about a 10 mile square, centered on your point #1. That's a square centered on (X1, Y1), with a top left corner at (X1 - 5miles, Y1 + 5miles) and a bottom right corner at (X1 + 5miles, Y1 - 5miles). Now, if a point is within that square, it might not be within 5 miles of your point #1. But you can bet that if it's outside that square, it's more than 5 miles away.
As #SeverinPappadeaux points out, distance on a spheroid like Earth is not quite the same as distance on a flat plane. But so what? Set your square a little bigger to allow for the difference, and proceed!
Sorted List
This is why sorting is important. If all the points were sorted by X, then Y (or Y, then X - whatever) and you knew it, you could really speed things up. Because you could simply stop scanning when the X (or Y) coordinate got too big, and you wouldn't have to go through 5 million points.
How would that work? Same way as before, except your inner loop would have some checks like this:
five_miles = ... # Whatever math, plus an error allowance!
list_len = len(geo_points) # Don't call this 5 million times
for i, pi in enumerate(geo_points):
if pi.close_to_another_point:
continue # Remember if close to an earlier point
pi0max = pi[0] + five_miles
pi1min = pi[1] - five_miles
pi1max = pi[1] + five_miles
for j in range(i+1, list_len):
pj = geo_points[j]
# Assumes geo_points is sorted on [0] then [1]
if pj[0] > pi0max:
# Can't possibly be close enough, nor any later points
if pj[1] < pi1min or pj[1] > pi1max:
# Can't be close enough, but a later point might be
# Now do "real" comparison using accurate functions.
if ...:
pi.close_to_another_point = True
pj.close_to_another_point = True
What am I doing there? First, I'm getting some numbers into local variables. Then I'm using enumerate to give me an i value and a reference to the outer point. (What you called geo_point). Then, I'm quickly checking to see if we already know that this point is close to another one.
If not, we'll have to scan. So I'm only scanning "later" points in the list, because I know the outer loop scans the early ones, and I definitely don't want to compare a point against itself. I'm using a few temporary variables to cache the result of computations involving the outer loop. Within the inner loop, I do some stupid comparisons against the temporaries. They can't tell me if the two points are close to each other, but I can check if they're definitely not close and skip ahead.
Finally, if the simple checks pass then go ahead and do the expensive checks. If a check actually passes, be sure to record the result on both points, so we can skip doing the second point later.
Unsorted List
But what if the list is not sorted?
#RootTwo points you at a kD tree (where D is for "dimensional" and k in this case is "2"). The idea is really simple, if you already know about binary search trees: you cycle through the dimensions, comparing X at even levels in the tree and comparing Y at odd levels (or vice versa). The idea would be this:
def insert_node(node, treenode, depth=0):
dimension = depth % 2 # even/odd -> lat/long
dn = node.coord[dimension]
dt = treenode.coord[dimension]
if dn < dt:
# go left
if treenode.left is None:
treenode.left = node
insert_node(node, treenode.left, depth+1)
# go right
if treenode.right is None:
treenode.right = node
insert_node(node, treenode.right, depth+1)
What would this do? This would get you a searchable tree where points could be inserted in O(log n) time. That means O(n log n) for the whole list, which is way better than n squared! (The log base 2 of 5 million is basically 23. So n log n is 5 million times 23, compared with 5 million times 5 million!)
It also means you can do a targeted search. Since the tree is ordered, it's fairly straightforward to look for "close" points (the Wikipedia link from #RootTwo provides an algorithm).
My advice is to just write code to sort the list, if needed. It's easier to write, and easier to check by hand, and it's a separate pass you will only need to make one time.
Once you have the list sorted, try the approach I showed above. It's close to what you were doing, and it should be easy for you to understand and code.
As the answer to Python calculate lots of distances quickly points out, this is a classic use case for k-D trees.
An alternative is to use a sweep line algorithm, as shown in the answer to How do I match similar coordinates using Python?
Here's the sweep line algorithm adapted for your questions. On my laptop, it takes < 5 minutes to run through 5M random points.
import itertools as it
import operator as op
import sortedcontainers # handy library on Pypi
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from math import cos, degrees, pi, radians, sqrt
from random import sample, uniform
Point = namedtuple("Point", "lat long has_close_neighbor")
miles_per_degree = 69
number_of_points = 5000000
data = [Point(uniform( -88.0, 88.0), # lat
uniform(-180.0, 180.0), # long
for _ in range(number_of_points)
start = time.time()
# Note: lat is first in Point, so data is sorted by .lat then .long.
print(time.time() - start)
# Parameter that determines the size of a sliding lattitude window
# and therefore how close two points need to be to be to get flagged.
threshold = 5.0 # miles
lat_span = threshold / miles_per_degree
coarse_threshold = (.98 * threshold)**2
# Sliding lattitude window. Within the window, observations are
# ordered by longitude.
window = sortedcontainers.SortedListWithKey(key=op.attrgetter('long'))
# lag_pt is the 'southernmost' point within the sliding window.
point = iter(data)
lag_pt = next(point)
milepost = len(data)//10
# lead_pt is the 'northernmost' point in the sliding window.
for i, lead_pt in enumerate(data):
if i == milepost:
print('.', end=' ')
milepost += len(data)//10
# Dec of lead_obs represents the leading edge of window.
# Remove observations further than the trailing edge of window.
while lead_pt.lat - lag_pt.lat > lat_span:
lag_pt = next(point)
# Calculate 'east-west' width of window_size at dec of lead_obs
long_span = lat_span / cos(radians(lead_pt.lat))
east_long = lead_pt.long + long_span
west_long = lead_pt.long - long_span
# Check all observations in the sliding window within
# long_span of lead_pt.
for other_pt in window.irange_key(west_long, east_long):
if other_pt != lead_pt:
# lead_pt is at the top center of a box 2 * long_span wide by
# 1 * long_span tall. other_pt is is in that box. If desired,
# put additional fine-grained 'closeness' tests here.
# coarse check if any pts within 80% of threshold distance
# then don't need to check distance to any more neighbors
average_lat = (other_pt.lat + lead_pt.lat) / 2
delta_lat = other_pt.lat - lead_pt.lat
delta_long = (other_pt.long - lead_pt.long)/cos(radians(average_lat))
if delta_lat**2 + delta_long**2 <= coarse_threshold:
# put vincenty test here
#if 0 < vincenty(lead_pt, other_pt).miles <= close_limit:
# break
data[i] = data[i]._replace(has_close_neighbor=False)
print(time.time() - start)
If you sort the list by latitude (n log(n)), and the points are roughly evenly distributed, it will bring it down to about 1000 points within 5 miles for each point (napkin math, not exact). By only looking at the points that are near in latitude, the runtime goes from n^2 to n*log(n)+.0004n^2. Hopefully this speeds it up enough.
I would give pandas a try. Pandas is made for efficient handling of large amounts of data. That may help with the efficiency of the csv portion anyhow. But from the sounds of it, you've got yourself an inherently inefficient problem to solve. You take point 1 and compare it against 4,999,999 other points. Then you take point 2 and compare it with 4,999,998 other points and so on. Do the math. That's 12.5 trillion comparisons you're doing. If you can do 1,000,000 comparisons per second, that's 144 days of computation. If you can do 10,000,000 comparisons per second, that's 14 days. For just additions in straight python, 10,000,000 operations can take something like 1.1 seconds, but I doubt your comparisons are as fast as an add operation. So give it at least a fortnight or two.
Alternately, you could come up with an alternate algorithm, though I don't have any particular one in mind.
I would redo algorithm in three steps:
Use great-circle distance, and assume 1% error so make limit equal to 1.01*limit.
Code great-circle distance as inlined function, this test should be fast
You'll get some false positives, which you could further test with vincenty
A better solution generated from Oscar Smith. You have a csv file and just sorted it in excel it is very efficient). Then utilize binary search in your program to find the cities within 5 miles(you can make small change to binary search method so it will break if it finds one city satisfying your condition).
Another improvement is to set a map to remember the pair of cities when you find one city is within another one. For example, when you find city A is within 5 miles of city B, use Map to store the pair (B is the key and A is the value). So next time you meet B, search it in the Map first, if it has a corresponding value, you do not need to check it again. But it may use more memory so care about it. Hope it helps you.
This is just a first pass, but I've sped it up by half so far by using great_circle() instead of vincinty(), and cleaning up a couple of other things. The difference is explained here, and the loss in accuracy is about 0.17%:
from geopy.point import Point
from geopy.distance import great_circle
import csv
class CustomGeoPoint(Point):
def __init__(self, latitude, longitude):
super(CustomGeoPoint, self).__init__(latitude, longitude)
self.close_to_another_point = False
def isCloseToAnother(pointA, points):
for pointB in points:
dist = great_circle(pointA, pointB).miles
if 0 < dist <= CLOSE_LIMIT: # (0, close_limit]
return True
return False
with open('geo_input.csv', 'r') as geo_csv:
reader = csv.reader(geo_csv)
next(reader, None) # skip the headers
geo_points = sorted(map(lambda x: CustomGeoPoint(x[0], x[1]), reader))
with open('output.csv', 'w') as output:
writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
writer.writerow(['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'CloseToAnotherPoint'])
# for every point, look at every point until one is found within a mile
for point in geo_points:
point.close_to_another_point = isCloseToAnother(point, geo_points)
writer.writerow([point.latitude, point.longitude,
I'm going to improve this further.
$ time python geo.py
real 0m5.765s
user 0m5.675s
sys 0m0.048s
$ time python geo.py
real 0m2.816s
user 0m2.716s
sys 0m0.041s
This problem can be solved with a VP tree. These allows querying data
with distances that are a metric obeying the triangle inequality.
The big advantage of VP trees over a k-D tree is that they can be blindly
applied to geographic data anywhere in the world without having to worry
about projecting it to a suitable 2D space. In addition a true geodesic
distance can be used (no need to worry about the differences between
geodesic distances and distances in the projection).
Here's my test: generate 5 million points randomly and uniformly on the
world. Put these into a VP tree.
Looping over all the points, query the VP tree to find any neighbor a
distance in (0km, 10km] away. (0km is not include in this set to avoid
the query point being found.) Count the number of points with no such
neighbor (which is 229573 in my case).
Cost of setting up the VP tree = 5000000 * 20 distance calculations.
Cost of the queries = 5000000 * 23 distance calculations.
Time for setup and queries is 5m 7s.
I am using C++ with GeographicLib for calculating distances, but
the algorithm can of course be implemented in any language and here's
the python version of GeographicLib.
ADDENDUM: The C++ code implementing this approach is given here.
I have generate a large data frame by reading large number of files in a directory. I have managed to parallelize that section that read files in parse. I take that data and generate the data frame for the next step. Which is calculating similarity matrix.
Now and I am trying to calculate the cosine similarity between rows of the data frame. Since its a large data frame it takes long time (hours) to run. How can I parallelize this process.
Here is my current code of calculating cosine similarity which runs on the single thread:
df = df.fillna(0)
data = df.values
m, k = data.shape
mat = np.zeros((m, m))
scipy cosine similarity is between 0-2 instead of -1 to 1
in that case 1 is 0 and 2 is -1
for i in xrange(m):
for j in xrange(m):
if i != j:
mat[i][j] = 1 - cosine(data[i,:], data[j,:])
mat[i][j] = 1. # 0 if we don't do 1-cosine()
First, I'm assuming your cosine is scipy.spatial.distance.cosine, whose key calculation is:
dist = 1.0 - np.dot(u, v) / (norm(u) * norm(v))
So it looks like I can replace your double loop with:
data1 = data/np.linalg.norm(data,axis=1)[:,None]
mat1 = np.einsum('ik,jk->ij', data1, data1)
That is, normalize data once at the start, rather than at each node. And then use einsum to calculate the whole set of dot products.
For a small test case (m,k=4,3), this is 25x faster than your double loop.
Cautions: I've only tested against your answer for one small data array.
scipy.spactial.distance.norm and cosine have some checks that I haven't implemented.
einsum, while fast for this sort of thing on modest size arrays, can get bogged down with larger ones, and will run into memory errors before your element by element dot. And the underlying dot library may be better tuned to handle multi-core machines.
But even if data is too large to handle with one call to einsum, you could break the calculation into blocks, e.g.
mat[n1:n2,m1:m2] = np.einsum('ik,jk->ij', data1[n1:n2,:], data1[m1:m2,:])
I'd like to point you in the direction of https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html
Take note of pool.map(function, iterable)
Then build the set of triangular position tuples, write the appropriate function and fire away.
I have two lists of float numbers, and I want to calculate the set difference between them.
With numpy I originally wrote the following code:
aprows = allpoints.view([('',allpoints.dtype)]*allpoints.shape[1])
rprows = toberemovedpoints.view([('',toberemovedpoints.dtype)]*toberemovedpoints.shape[1])
diff = setdiff1d(aprows, rprows).view(allpoints.dtype).reshape(-1, 2)
This works well for things like integers. In case of 2d points with float coordinates that are the result of some geometrical calculations, there's a problem of finite precision and rounding errors causing the set difference to miss some equalities. For now I resorted to the much, much slower:
diff = []
for a in allpoints:
remove = False
for p in toberemovedpoints:
if norm(p-a) < 0.1:
remove = True
if not remove:
return array(diff)
But is there a way to write this with numpy and gain back the speed?
Note that I want the remaining points to still have their full precision, so first rounding the numbers and then do a set difference probably is not the way forward (or is it? :) )
Edited to add an solution based on scipy.KDTree that seems to work:
def remove_points_fast(allpoints, toberemovedpoints):
diff = []
removed = 0
# prepare a KDTree
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
tree = KDTree(toberemovedpoints, leafsize=allpoints.shape[0]+1)
for p in allpoints:
distance, ndx = tree.query([p], k=1)
if distance < 0.1:
removed += 1
return array(diff), removed
If you want to do this with the matrix form, you have a lot of memory consumption with larger arrays. If that does not matter, then you get the difference matrix by:
diff_array = allpoints[:,None] - toberemovedpoints[None,:]
The resulting array has as many rows as there are points in allpoints, and as many columns as there are points in toberemovedpoints. Then you can manipulate this any way you want (e.g. calculate the absolute value), which gives you a boolean array. To find which rows have any hits (absolute difference < .1), use numpy.any:
hits = numpy.any(numpy.abs(diff_array) < .1, axis=1)
Now you have a vector which has the same number of items as there were rows in the difference array. You can use that vector to index all points (negation because we wanted the non-matching points):
return allpoints[-hits]
This is a numpyish way of doing this. But, as I said above, it takes a lot of memory.
If you have larger data, then you are better off doing it point by point. Something like this:
return allpoints[-numpy.array([numpy.any(numpy.abs(a-toberemoved) < .1) for a in allpoints ])]
This should perform well in most cases, and the memory use is much lower than with the matrix solution. (For stylistic reasons you may want to use numpy.all instead of numpy.any and turn the comparison around to get rid of the negation.)
(Beware, there may be pritning mistakes in the code.)