I was messing around with classes in python and wrote 2 little ones:
class ClaElement:
start = None
end = None
basesLeft = None
orientation = None
contig = None
size = None
def __init__(self, contig, start, end, orientation, basesLeft=None):
self.contig = contig
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.orientation = orientation
self.basesLeft = basesLeft
self.size = self.end - self.start
def __str__(self):
return "{ClaElement: "+str(self.contig)+"_"+str(self.start)+"_"+str(self.end)+"_"+str(self.orientation)+"}"
def getSize(self):
return self.size
class ClaCluster:
contig = None
clusterElements = []
def __init__(self, contig, firstElement):
self.contig = contig
def addElement(self, claElement):
def getFirst(self):
return self.clusterElements[0]
def getLast(self):
return self.clusterElements[-1]
def getElements(self):
return self.clusterElements
def getContig(self):
return self.contig
def __str__(self):
return "{ClaCluster: "+str(self.contig)+" "+str(len(self.clusterElements))+" elements}"
And my test-main:
from ClaElement import ClaElement
from ClaCluster import ClaCluster
if __name__ == '__main__':
ele = ClaElement("x",1,2,"left")
claDict = dict()
cluster = ClaCluster("x", ele)
claDict["hello"] = cluster
This leads to the following output:
{'hello': <ClaCluster.ClaCluster object at 0x7fe8ee04c5f8>}
{ClaCluster: x 1 elements}
{ClaElement: x_1_2_left}
Now my question is why is the output of my first print the memory address even though I provided a functioning string-method for my class ClaCluster? Is there a way to get the method invoked when I am printing the dictionary or do I have to iterate by hand?
The __str__() method of the built-in dict type uses the __repr__() method of your class, not __str__(). Simply rename your method, and all should work fine.
I've created my Node and Stack classes, but I can't figure out how I can display the repr in the Stack class in order to be able to print all items currently in the stack? I've been trying to concatenate the nodes but I'm not sure how since the Stack() doesn't allow iterating through the way a list does?
The stack works as it should, I just don't know how to display it's contents?
Here is my code:
class Stack:
class Node:
def __init__(self, elem, next):
self.elem = elem
self.next = next
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.elem)
def __init__(self):
self._stack = None
self._size = 0
def __repr__(self):
# *Not sure how to implement this properly*
s = ''
for i in range(self._size):
last = self._stack.elem
s += (str(last))+ ', '
self._stack.elem = self._stack.next
def push(self, elem):
if self._stack == None:
self._stack = self.Node(elem, None)
self._size += 1
self._stack = self.Node(elem, self._stack)
self._size += 1
def pop(self):
if self._stack == None:
raise Exception ('This Stack is empty!')
last = self._stack.elem
self._stack = self._stack.next
self._size -= 1
return last
def top(self):
return self._stack.elem
def isEmpty(self):
return self._size == 0
s= Stack()
joe, 9, 9,
Thank you in advance.
A way simpler implementation that avoids all the problems and pitfalls of your solution:
from typing import Iterable, Any
class Stack:
def __init__(self, xs: Iterable = None):
self._items = [] if xs is None else list(xs)
def push(self, elem: Any):
def pop(self) -> Any:
return self._items.pop()
def top(self) -> Any:
return self._items[-1]
def isEmpty(self) -> bool:
return not self._items
def __repr__(self) -> str:
typename = type(self).__name__
return f'{typename}({self._items})'
def __str__(self) -> str:
return ', '.join(str(x) for x in self._items)
s = Stack()
But note that there's little use to a class like this over just using a list like a stack to begin with.
The output:
4, 9, joe
Stack([4, 9, 'joe'])
Note that this has the top element at the end, you could reverse it if you like of course.
If you insist on a working __repr__ for your specific implementation, using __repr__ as you intend in a non-standard way, something like this would work:
def __repr__(self):
p = self._stack
elems = []
while p is not None:
p = p.next
return ', '.join(elems)
But note that there's several other issues with your implementation, other than this not being a correct __repr__, as previously pointed out here and in the comments. Your 'node' has a __repr__ which just returns its element value (which isn't a valid representation at all in most cases); you seem to be using __repr__ where you're really after __str__.
If this were an assignment in programming class, I'm not sure I'd award a passing grade, depending on what the aim was.
I am working on creating a module with a class that acts as a container for a list of another created class. Is there a way for the container class to be able to tell if any of the objects it contains has changed?
Here is an example:
class Part:
def __init__(self, size):
self.part_size = size
class Assembly:
def __init__(self, *parts):
self.parts = list(parts) # `parts` are all Part() objects
def update(self):
self.assy_size = 0
for each in self.parts:
self.assy_size += each.part_size
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.parts[key]
This is what I get if I try to change any of the Part properties in the Assembly:
>>>x = Part(1)
>>>y = Part(1)
>>>z = Part(1)
>>>u = Assembly(x, y, z)
>>>u[0].part_size = 4
I know that I can create additional methods that will call the update method if I replace, delete, or add Part objects to the Assembly, but is there any way to have the Assembly notified if any of the contained Part properties have changed?
The answer is in your question. Use a property.
class Part:
_size = 0
assembly = None
def part_size(self):
return self._size
def part_size(self, value):
self._size = value
if self.assembly: # only notify if an Assembly is set
def set_assembly(self, assembly):
self.assembly = assembly
def __init__(self, size):
self.part_size = size
class Assembly:
def __init__(self, *parts):
self.parts = list(parts) # `parts` are all Part() objects
for part in self.parts:
part.set_assembly(self) # reference to self needed to notify changes
def update(self):
self.assy_size = 0
for each in self.parts:
self.assy_size += each.part_size
In this version of Assembly the constructor sets a reference on the Part to itself. This way it can update the assembly when the part_size changes. Use it as the example in your question.
>>>x = Part(1)
>>>y = Part(1)
>>>z = Part(1)
>>>u = Assembly(x, y, z)
>>>u[0].part_size = 4
If update isn't an expensive operation (in your example it isn't, but maybe in reality you have thousands of parts), you could calculate the size ad-hoc using a property:
class Assembly:
def __init__(self, *parts):
self.parts = list(parts)
def assy_size(self):
result = 0
for each in self.parts:
result += each.part_size
return result
which can be accessed the same way: assembly.assy_size.
The calculation can also be simplified:
def assy_size(self):
return sum(part.part_size for part in self.parts)
need a help with Dijkstra. I found a lot of codes on the internet, but I can't use any of them, because I'm not given a graph, but just lists of Vertexes & Edges into createGraph function. It's a homework and I gotta have some attributes in classes.
This is what I have:
class Vertex:
def __init__(self, id, name):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.minDistance = float('inf')
self.previousVertex = None
self.edges = []
self.visited = False
class Edge:
def __init__(self, source, target, weight):
self.source = source
self.target = target
self.weight = weight
class Dijkstra:
def __init__(self):
self.vertexes = []
self.result = 0
def createGraph(self, vertexes, edgesToVertexes):
for i in range(len(vertexes)):
for j in range(len(edgesToVertexes)):
if edgesToVertexes[j].source == vertexes[i].id:
def getVertexes(self):
return self.vertexes
def findMinID(self):
maxDistance = 1000000
curVertex = None
result = None
for i in range(len(self.vertexes)):
self.vertexes[i] = curVertex
if curVertex.visited is False and curVertex.minDistance < maxDistance:
curVertex = result
curVertex.minDistance = maxDistance
self.result = result
def computePath(self, sourceId):
start = None
end = None
road = None
while start is None:
if Vertex.id == sourceId:
start = Vertex
start.minDistance = 0
start.visited = True
for i in range(len(start.edges)):
start.edges[i].target = end
start.edges[i].weight = road
if road < end.minDistance:
end.minDistance = start.minDistance + road
end.previousVertex = start.id
I'm still beginner so I tried to keep it simple, but it's not working as it raises error:
'type' object is not subscriptable
AttributeError: type object 'Vertex' has no attribute 'id'
which makes absolutely no sense to me why.
I can use any help, thanks in advance!
When you put the line:
self.vertexes = Vertex
you are assigning the variable to the actual class. Probably what you wanted to do was make an empty list, as you append to it later:
self.vertexes = []
I would assume this is where the error comes from, as if you ever try to iterate over self.vertexes, you are iterating over the Vertex class, which is impossible and throws that error.
You also have later:
start = Vertex
Try initializing the start, like:
start = Vertex(sourceId, "vertex")
Also, the line before that you have
if Vertex.id == sourceId:
meaning that you might want to make the id variable in Vertex static:
class Vertex:
id = 0
def __init__(self, id, name):
self.id = id
id += 1
Some suggestions: class tutorial in python
To find the vertex that has the id you want, use a filter:
start = None
for v in self.vertexes:
if v.id == sourceId:
start = Vertex(sourceId, v.name)
start.minDistance = 0
I'm trying to simplify one of my homework problems and make the code a little better. What I'm working with is a binary search tree. Right now I have a function in my Tree() class that finds all the elements and puts them into a list.
tree = Tree()
#insert a bunch of items into tree
then I use my makeList() function to take all the nodes from the tree and puts them in a list.
To call the makeList() function, I do tree.makeList(tree.root). To me this seems a little repetitive. I'm already calling the tree object with tree.so the tree.root is just a waste of a little typing.
Right now the makeList function is:
def makeList(self, aNode):
if aNode is None:
return []
return [aNode.data] + self.makeList(aNode.lChild) + self.makeList(aNode.rChild)
I would like to make the aNode input a default parameter such as aNode = self.root (which does not work) that way I could run the function with this, tree.makeList().
First question is, why doesn't that work?
Second question is, is there a way that it can work? As you can see the makeList() function is recursive so I cannot define anything at the beginning of the function or I get an infinite loop.
Here is all the code as requested:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.lChild = None
self.rChild = None
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def __str__(self):
current = self.root
def isEmpty(self):
if self.root == None:
return True
return False
def insert (self, item):
newNode = Node (item)
current = self.root
parent = self.root
if self.root == None:
self.root = newNode
while current != None:
parent = current
if item < current.data:
current = current.lChild
current = current.rChild
if item < parent.data:
parent.lChild = newNode
parent.rChild = newNode
def inOrder(self, aNode):
if aNode != None:
print aNode.data
def makeList(self, aNode):
if aNode is None:
return []
return [aNode.data] + self.makeList(aNode.lChild) + self.makeList(aNode.rChild)
def isSimilar(self, n, m):
nList = self.makeList(n.root)
mList = self.makeList(m.root)
print mList == nList
larsmans answered your first question
For your second question, can you simply look before you leap to avoid recursion?
def makeList(self, aNode=None):
if aNode is None:
aNode = self.root
treeaslist = [aNode.data]
if aNode.lChild:
if aNode.rChild:
return treeaslist
It doesn't work because default arguments are evaluated at function definition time, not at call time:
def f(lst = []):
return lst
print(f()) # prints [1]
print(f()) # prints [1, 1]
The common strategy is to use a None default parameter. If None is a valid value, use a singleton sentinel:
NOTHING = object()
def f(arg = NOTHING):
if arg is NOTHING:
# no argument
# etc.
If you want to treat None as a valid argument, you could use a **kwarg parameter.
def function(arg1, arg2, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('arg3', default)
arg3 = kwargs['arg3']
# Continue with function
function("amazing", "fantastic") # uses default
function("foo", "bar", arg3=None) # Not default, but None
function("hello", "world", arg3="!!!")
I have also seen ... or some other singleton be used like this.
def function(arg1, arg2=...):
if arg2 is ...:
arg2 = default
I am trying to solve this problem:
Imagine a (literal) stack of plates. If the stack gets too high, it
might topple. There- fore, in real life, we would likely start a new
stack when the previous stack exceeds some threshold. Implement a data
structure SetOfStacks that mimics this. SetOf- Stacks should be
composed of several stacks, and should create a new stack once the
previous one exceeds capacity. SetOfStacks.push() and
SetOfStacks.pop() should behave identically to a single stack (that
is, pop() should return the same values as it would if there were just
a single stack). Bonus: Implement a function popAt(int index) which
performs a pop operation on a specific sub-stack.
So I wrote the code:
#!/bin/env python
from types import *
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
self.capacity = 3
self.stackscount = 0
def create(self):
id = self.stackscount + 1
id = str(id) + "_stack"
# How to create a new instance of Stack class at runtime ?
# the __init__ must be run too.
def push(self, item):
if self.size() <= self.capacity:
def pop(self):
return self.items.pop()
def popAt(self):
def peek(self):
return self.items[len(self.items)-1]
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
s = Stack()
How do I create a new s type object dynamically at runtime? I searched on the internet and found that using new.instance or new.classobj is the solution but when I did so my new object did not seem to have items from __init__ function. In python3, type() seems to be the answer but the docs doesn't have any examples.
You've confused yourself by referring to a "type object". In Python that means the class itself, not its instances.
To create new Stack objects, simply do what you're already doing: call the Stack class. You can append them to a list:
stacks = [Stack() for _ in range(5)]
However, as jon points out, that won't solve your problem since you haven't defined the SetOfStacks class.
You could simply use a parent-child relation : when a Stack is full, it creates a child and delegate next pushes to it. It could lead to :
class Stack:
def __init__(self, parent = None, id=None):
self.stackscount = 0
self.capacity = 3
self.items = []
self.parent = parent
self.id = id
self.child = None
def create(self):
id = self.stackscount + 1
id = str(id) + "_stack"
return Stack(self, id)
def push(self, item):
if self.size() <= self.capacity:
if self.child is None:
self.child = self.create()
def pop(self):
if self.child is not None:
item = self.child.pop()
if len(self.child.items) == 0:
self.child = None
item = self.items.pop()
return item
def popAt(self):
def peek(self):
if self.child is not None:
item = self.child.peek()
item = self.items[len(self.items)-1]
return item
def size(self):
l = len(self.items)
if self.child is not None:
l += self.child.size()
return l
s = Stack()
popAt is still to be implemented, but I tested it and it correctly creates new stacks when pushing and empties and removes them when popping.
The implementation of popAt will require some evolutions to current pop implementation, to allow removing an intermediate stack :
def pop(self):
if self.child is not None:
item = self.child.pop()
if len(self.child.items) == 0:
self.child = self.child.child
if self.child is not None:
self.child.parent = self
item = self.items.pop()
return item
def popAt(self, stacknumber):
s = self
for i in range(stacknumber):
s = s.child
if s is None:
return None
if len(s.items) == 0:
return None
item = s.items.pop()
if len(s.items) == 0 and s.parent is not None:
s.parent.child = s.child
if s.child is not None:
s.child.parent = s.parent
return item
The type() function is indeed what you are looking for. Documentation can be found here: https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#type
You can call it like this:
# Bases is a tuple of parent classes to inherit
bases = Stack,
# Dict contains extra properties for the class, for example if you want to add a class variable or function
dict_ = {}
# Construct the class
YourClass = type('YourClass', bases, dict_)
# Create an instance of the class
your_instance = YourClass()
It looks like you are just looking at instance creation though:
class Stack(object):
def create(self):
id = self.stackscount + 1
id = str(id) + "_stack"
# How to create a new instance of Stack class at runtime ?
# the __init__ must be run too.
stack = Stack()