I am having some troubles with my program as when it reaches the end of the third() function, it continues to try to execute transactions. I tried having it return None to break out of the seemly infinite loop that it is in with no success. I am sure that I am missing something very simple here and am guessing it has something to do with the recursion that I used. Thanks for any help that you can provide.
import asyncio
import base64
import json
import os
import os.path
import time
import httpcore
import requests
from typing import Awaitable
import solana
import httpx
from rich import print
from solana.keypair import Keypair
from solana.publickey import PublicKey
from solana.rpc.api import Client
from solana.rpc.async_api import AsyncClient
from solana.rpc.commitment import Confirmed
from solana.rpc.types import TxOpts
from solana.transaction import Transaction
# Notes
# This is meant as a bare bones hello world and as such does not have :
# - error handling on http calls
# - checks / retries to ensure solana transactions go through
# - logging - just your basic print statement here. But at least you get the Rich pretty printing variant :)
# Libraries used
# - https://www.python-httpx.org/ - cause it's shinier and better than requests
# - https://michaelhly.github.io/solana-py/
# - https://github.com/Textualize/rich for pretty printing - because it rocks.
# I use poetry to manage dependencies but am not including the project file here for brevity.
# Mint constants
USDC_MINT = "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v", 6
SOL_MINT = "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112", 9
FAB_MINT = "EdAhkbj5nF9sRM7XN7ewuW8C9XEUMs8P7cnoQ57SYE96", 9
FUSD_MINT = "B7mXkkZgn7abwz1A3HnKkb18Y6y18WcbeSkh1DuLMkee", 8
# This works ok - most of the time
rpc_host = "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com"
filename = r"C:\Users\myname\.config\solana\burner.json"
def get_wallet_keypair(filename: str) -> Keypair:
"""Load a keypair from a filesystem wallet."""
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise Exception(f"Wallet file '{filename}' is not present.")
with open(filename) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
mid = len(data) // 2
secret_key = data[:mid]
secret_bytes = bytes(secret_key)
keypair = Keypair.from_secret_key(secret_bytes)
print(f"Public Key is: {keypair.public_key}")
return keypair
async def get_quote(
input_mint: str, output_mint: str, amount: int, slippage: int = 0.2):
url_query = f"https://quote-api.jup.ag/v1/quote?outputMint={output_mint}&inputMint={input_mint}&amount={amount}&slippage={slippage}"
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
r = await client.get(url_query)
return r.json()
async def get_transaction(route: dict, user_key: str) -> dict:
swap_url = "https://quote-api.jup.ag/v1/swap"
input = {"route": route, "userPublicKey": user_key, "wrapUnwrapSOL": True}
print(json.dumps(input, indent=2))
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
r = await client.post(swap_url, json=input,
timeout=6.0) # slightly longer timout as the free rpc server can be a bit laggy
return r.json()
def send_transaction(payer: Keypair, cc: Client, swap_transaction: str, opts: TxOpts) -> str:
""" Send a serialized transaction to the RPC node """
trans = Transaction.deserialize(base64.b64decode(swap_transaction))
result = cc.send_transaction(trans, payer, opts=opts)
txid = result["result"]
print(f"transaction details :https://solscan.io/tx/{txid}")
return txid
async def async_main(from_mint, from_decimals, to_mint, quantity):
cc = Client(rpc_host)
print(f" Converting {quantity} {from_mint} to {to_mint} with {from_decimals} Decimals")
quote_quantity = quantity * (10 ** from_decimals)
r = await get_quote(str(from_mint), str(to_mint), quote_quantity, slippage=2)
quote, outAmount = r["data"][0], int(r['data'][0]['outAmountWithSlippage']) / (10 ** from_decimals)
print("Out Amount =", outAmount)
if quote := r["data"][0]:
# get the relevant transaction details
trans = await get_transaction(quote, str(pubkey))
setup_transaction = trans["setupTransaction"] if "setupTransaction" in trans else None
swap_transaction = trans["swapTransaction"] if "swapTransaction" in trans else None
cleanup_transaction = trans["cleanupTransaction"] if "cleanupTransaction" in trans else None
opts = TxOpts(skip_preflight=True)
# Setup transaction. Will create any missing accounts if required.
if setup_transaction:
print("Sending setup transaction")
send_transaction(payer, cc, setup_transaction, opts)
# This one actually does the business
if swap_transaction:
print("Sending swap transaction")
txid = send_transaction(payer, cc, swap_transaction, opts)
# Wait for the transaction to complete before looking it up on chain.
# Clearly this is *not* the right way to do this. Retry in a loop or something fancy.
await asyncio.sleep(20)
result = cc.get_transaction(txid, commitment=Confirmed)
# Haven't seen one of these needed yet. Hopefully the jup.ag devs can explain when it's required.
if cleanup_transaction:
print("Sending send transaction")
send_transaction(payer, cc, cleanup_transaction, opts)
print("Swap Complete !")
return outAmount
def get_balance(input_mint):
url = "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com"
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
if input_mint == "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112":
data = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getBalance", "params": [f"{pubkey}"]}
response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
response = response.text
parsed = json.loads(response)
# print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
accountBal = (parsed['result']['value']) / 10 ** SOL_MINT[1]
data = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getTokenAccountsByOwner",
"params": [f"{pubkey}",
{"mint": f"{input_mint}"}, {"encoding": "jsonParsed"}]}
response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
response = response.text
parsed = json.loads(response)
# print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
accountBal = parsed['result']['value'][0]['account']['data']['parsed']['info']['tokenAmount']['uiAmount']
return accountBal
# usdc buys fusd fusd is sold for sol sol is sold for usdc
# (from_mint, from_decimals, to_mint, quantity):
class swaps:
def __init__(self, input_mint, decimals, output_mint, amount):
self.input_mint = input_mint
self.decimals = decimals
self.output_mint = output_mint
self.amount = amount
def swap(self):
asyncio.run(async_main(self.input_mint, self.decimals, self.output_mint, self.amount))
def first(count, previous = 0):
if get_balance(USDC_MINT[0]) <= 1:
count += 1
if count >= 60:
except TypeError:
step1 = swaps(USDC_MINT[0], USDC_MINT[1], FUSD_MINT[0], get_balance(USDC_MINT[0]) if previous == 0 else previous)
except httpx.ReadTimeout:
def second(count, previous = 0):
if get_balance(FUSD_MINT[0]) <= 1:
count += 1
if count >= 60:
except TypeError:
step2 = swaps(FUSD_MINT[0], FUSD_MINT[1], SOL_MINT[0], get_balance(FUSD_MINT[0]) if previous == 0 else previous)
count = 0
def third(count, previous = 0):
if get_balance(SOL_MINT[0]) < .6:
count += 1
if count >= 60:
step3 = swaps(SOL_MINT[0], SOL_MINT[1], USDC_MINT[0], get_balance(SOL_MINT[0]) - 0.5 if previous == 0 else previous)
print("All Swaps Completed")
return None
payer = get_wallet_keypair(filename)
pubkey = payer.public_key
loops = 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
previousBalence = get_balance(USDC_MINT[0])
print(f"Starting Balence: {previousBalence}")
#for loops in range(5):
loops += 1
endBalance = get_balance((USDC_MINT[0]))
print(f"End balence is {endBalance}")
totalProfit = endBalance-previousBalence
print(f"Total Profit is: {totalProfit}")
Edit: The output when the code continues is it keeps trying to swap fUSD for SOL and SOL for USDC over and over again.
Solution: https://pastebin.com/8id7gfe4
I tried the GitHub code to make a USB connection with an iOS device and Python on a PC.
The above code was created in Python2, so I ran 2to3 -w usbmux.py to convert it to Python3 code.
The Python3 code is as follows.
import socket, struct, select, sys
import plistlib
haveplist = True
haveplist = False
class MuxError(Exception):
class MuxVersionError(MuxError):
class SafeStreamSocket:
def __init__(self, address, family):
self.sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def send(self, msg):
totalsent = 0
while totalsent < len(msg):
sent = self.sock.send(msg[totalsent:])
if sent == 0:
raise MuxError("socket connection broken")
totalsent = totalsent + sent
def recv(self, size):
msg = ''
while len(msg) < size:
chunk = self.sock.recv(size-len(msg))
if chunk == '':
raise MuxError("socket connection broken")
msg = msg + chunk
return msg
class MuxDevice(object):
def __init__(self, devid, usbprod, serial, location):
self.devid = devid
self.usbprod = usbprod
self.serial = serial
self.location = location
def __str__(self):
return "<MuxDevice: ID %d ProdID 0x%04x Serial '%s' Location 0x%x>"%(self.devid, self.usbprod, self.serial, self.location)
class BinaryProtocol(object):
def __init__(self, socket):
self.socket = socket
self.connected = False
def _pack(self, req, payload):
if req == self.TYPE_CONNECT:
return struct.pack("IH", payload['DeviceID'], payload['PortNumber']) + "\x00\x00"
elif req == self.TYPE_LISTEN:
return ""
raise ValueError("Invalid outgoing request type %d"%req)
def _unpack(self, resp, payload):
if resp == self.TYPE_RESULT:
return {'Number':struct.unpack("I", payload)[0]}
elif resp == self.TYPE_DEVICE_ADD:
devid, usbpid, serial, pad, location = struct.unpack("IH256sHI", payload)
serial = serial.split("\0")[0]
return {'DeviceID': devid, 'Properties': {'LocationID': location, 'SerialNumber': serial, 'ProductID': usbpid}}
elif resp == self.TYPE_DEVICE_REMOVE:
devid = struct.unpack("I", payload)[0]
return {'DeviceID': devid}
raise MuxError("Invalid incoming request type %d"%req)
def sendpacket(self, req, tag, payload={}):
payload = self._pack(req, payload)
if self.connected:
raise MuxError("Mux is connected, cannot issue control packets")
length = 16 + len(payload)
data = struct.pack("IIII", length, self.VERSION, req, tag) + payload
def getpacket(self):
if self.connected:
raise MuxError("Mux is connected, cannot issue control packets")
dlen = self.socket.recv(4)
dlen = struct.unpack("I", dlen)[0]
body = self.socket.recv(dlen - 4)
version, resp, tag = struct.unpack("III",body[:0xc])
if version != self.VERSION:
raise MuxVersionError("Version mismatch: expected %d, got %d"%(self.VERSION,version))
payload = self._unpack(resp, body[0xc:])
return (resp, tag, payload)
class PlistProtocol(BinaryProtocol):
TYPE_RESULT = "Result"
TYPE_CONNECT = "Connect"
TYPE_LISTEN = "Listen"
TYPE_DEVICE_ADD = "Attached"
TYPE_DEVICE_REMOVE = "Detached" #???
def __init__(self, socket):
if not haveplist:
raise Exception("You need the plistlib module")
BinaryProtocol.__init__(self, socket)
def _pack(self, req, payload):
return payload
def _unpack(self, resp, payload):
return payload
def sendpacket(self, req, tag, payload={}):
payload['ClientVersionString'] = 'usbmux.py by marcan'
if isinstance(req, int):
req = [self.TYPE_CONNECT, self.TYPE_LISTEN][req-2]
payload['MessageType'] = req
payload['ProgName'] = 'tcprelay'
BinaryProtocol.sendpacket(self, self.TYPE_PLIST, tag, plistlib.writePlistToString(payload))
def getpacket(self):
resp, tag, payload = BinaryProtocol.getpacket(self)
if resp != self.TYPE_PLIST:
raise MuxError("Received non-plist type %d"%resp)
payload = plistlib.readPlistFromString(payload)
return payload['MessageType'], tag, payload
class MuxConnection(object):
def __init__(self, socketpath, protoclass):
self.socketpath = socketpath
if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin']:
family = socket.AF_INET
address = ('', 27015)
family = socket.AF_UNIX
address = self.socketpath
self.socket = SafeStreamSocket(address, family)
self.proto = protoclass(self.socket)
self.pkttag = 1
self.devices = []
def _getreply(self):
while True:
resp, tag, data = self.proto.getpacket()
if resp == self.proto.TYPE_RESULT:
return tag, data
raise MuxError("Invalid packet type received: %d"%resp)
def _processpacket(self):
resp, tag, data = self.proto.getpacket()
if resp == self.proto.TYPE_DEVICE_ADD:
self.devices.append(MuxDevice(data['DeviceID'], data['Properties']['ProductID'], data['Properties']['SerialNumber'], data['Properties']['LocationID']))
elif resp == self.proto.TYPE_DEVICE_REMOVE:
for dev in self.devices:
if dev.devid == data['DeviceID']:
elif resp == self.proto.TYPE_RESULT:
raise MuxError("Unexpected result: %d"%resp)
raise MuxError("Invalid packet type received: %d"%resp)
def _exchange(self, req, payload={}):
mytag = self.pkttag
self.pkttag += 1
self.proto.sendpacket(req, mytag, payload)
recvtag, data = self._getreply()
if recvtag != mytag:
raise MuxError("Reply tag mismatch: expected %d, got %d"%(mytag, recvtag))
return data['Number']
def listen(self):
ret = self._exchange(self.proto.TYPE_LISTEN)
if ret != 0:
raise MuxError("Listen failed: error %d"%ret)
def process(self, timeout=None):
if self.proto.connected:
raise MuxError("Socket is connected, cannot process listener events")
rlo, wlo, xlo = select.select([self.socket.sock], [], [self.socket.sock], timeout)
if xlo:
raise MuxError("Exception in listener socket")
if rlo:
def connect(self, device, port):
ret = self._exchange(self.proto.TYPE_CONNECT, {'DeviceID':device.devid, 'PortNumber':((port<<8) & 0xFF00) | (port>>8)})
if ret != 0:
raise MuxError("Connect failed: error %d"%ret)
self.proto.connected = True
return self.socket.sock
def close(self):
class USBMux(object):
def __init__(self, socketpath=None):
if socketpath is None:
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
socketpath = "/var/run/usbmuxd"
socketpath = "/var/run/usbmuxd"
self.socketpath = socketpath
self.listener = MuxConnection(socketpath, BinaryProtocol)
self.version = 0
self.protoclass = BinaryProtocol
except MuxVersionError:
self.listener = MuxConnection(socketpath, PlistProtocol)
self.protoclass = PlistProtocol
self.version = 1
self.devices = self.listener.devices
def process(self, timeout=None):
def connect(self, device, port):
connector = MuxConnection(self.socketpath, self.protoclass)
return connector.connect(device, port)
if __name__ == "__main__":
mux = USBMux()
print("Waiting for devices...")
if not mux.devices:
while True:
for dev in mux.devices:
I ran the above code in Python 3.7 and got the error.
The details of the error are as follows.
File "C:\Users\taichi\Documents\usbmux.py", line 81, in sendpacket
data = struct.pack("IIII", length, self.VERSION, req, tag) + payload
TypeError: can't concat str to bytes
How can I rewrite this code to get rid of the error?
struct.pack returns bytes in python 3, not a string as it did in python 2. Have a look at this answer to see one way to emulate the python 2 behavior.
Edit: actually you may need to do something slightly different, since it looks like socket.send wants bytes as input. So you'd need to convert the combined payload to bytes.
You could try changing the following code that seems to be populating the payload to return bytes in both cases. Notice the "b" added in the return values to specify bytes instead of str. You are hitting the TYPE_LISTEN case but should test the other case as well, as it looks like it had the same bug trying to concat str and bytes:
def _pack(self, req, payload):
if req == self.TYPE_CONNECT:
return struct.pack("IH", payload['DeviceID'], payload['PortNumber']) + b"\x00\x00"
elif req == self.TYPE_LISTEN:
return b""
raise ValueError("Invalid outgoing request type %d"%req)
You'll likely need to edit _pack in PlistProtocol as well.
The line:
data = struct.pack("IIII", length, self.VERSION, req, tag) + payload
is causing the trouble. According to the struct.pack() docs, the method returns bytes. You need to convert your payload also into bytes so that the two can be concatenated, making the error go away.
Not sure what your payload is, but encoding the payload using something like 'utf-8' might do the trick. I believe a simple payload.encode() will work, since 'utf-8' is the default encoding. So, try:
data = struct.pack("IIII", length, self.VERSION, req, tag) + payload.encode()
# add this ^^^^^^^^^
I have a python script that have __main__ statement and took all values parametric.
I want to import and use it in my own script.
Actually I can import but don't know how to use it.
As you see below, __main__ is a bit complicated and rewriting it will take time because I even don't know what does most of code mean.
Want to know is there any way to import and use the code as a function?
import os
import sys
import time
import base64
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib2 import Request
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib import quote
from exceptions import Exception
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.encoders import encode_noop
from api_util import json2python, python2json
class MalformedResponse(Exception):
class RequestError(Exception):
class Client(object):
default_url = 'http://nova.astrometry.net/api/'
def __init__(self,
apiurl = default_url):
self.session = None
self.apiurl = apiurl
def get_url(self, service):
return self.apiurl + service
def send_request(self, service, args={}, file_args=None):
service: string
args: dict
if self.session is not None:
args.update({ 'session' : self.session })
print 'Python:', args
json = python2json(args)
print 'Sending json:', json
url = self.get_url(service)
print 'Sending to URL:', url
# If we're sending a file, format a multipart/form-data
if file_args is not None:
m1 = MIMEBase('text', 'plain')
m1.add_header('Content-disposition', 'form-data; name="request-json"')
m2 = MIMEApplication(file_args[1],'octet-stream',encode_noop)
'form-data; name="file"; filename="%s"' % file_args[0])
#msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
# filename='bud.gif')
#msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
# filename=('iso-8859-1', '', 'FuSballer.ppt'))
mp = MIMEMultipart('form-data', None, [m1, m2])
# Makie a custom generator to format it the way we need.
from cStringIO import StringIO
from email.generator import Generator
class MyGenerator(Generator):
def __init__(self, fp, root=True):
Generator.__init__(self, fp, mangle_from_=False,
self.root = root
def _write_headers(self, msg):
# We don't want to write the top-level headers;
# they go into Request(headers) instead.
if self.root:
# We need to use \r\n line-terminator, but Generator
# doesn't provide the flexibility to override, so we
# have to copy-n-paste-n-modify.
for h, v in msg.items():
print >> self._fp, ('%s: %s\r\n' % (h,v)),
# A blank line always separates headers from body
print >> self._fp, '\r\n',
# The _write_multipart method calls "clone" for the
# subparts. We hijack that, setting root=False
def clone(self, fp):
return MyGenerator(fp, root=False)
fp = StringIO()
g = MyGenerator(fp)
data = fp.getvalue()
headers = {'Content-type': mp.get('Content-type')}
if False:
print 'Sending headers:'
print ' ', headers
print 'Sending data:'
print data[:1024].replace('\n', '\\n\n').replace('\r', '\\r')
if len(data) > 1024:
print '...'
print data[-256:].replace('\n', '\\n\n').replace('\r', '\\r')
# Else send x-www-form-encoded
data = {'request-json': json}
print 'Sending form data:', data
data = urlencode(data)
print 'Sending data:', data
headers = {}
request = Request(url=url, headers=headers, data=data)
f = urlopen(request)
txt = f.read()
print 'Got json:', txt
result = json2python(txt)
print 'Got result:', result
stat = result.get('status')
print 'Got status:', stat
if stat == 'error':
errstr = result.get('errormessage', '(none)')
raise RequestError('server error message: ' + errstr)
return result
except HTTPError, e:
print 'HTTPError', e
txt = e.read()
open('err.html', 'wb').write(txt)
print 'Wrote error text to err.html'
def login(self, apikey):
args = { 'apikey' : apikey }
result = self.send_request('login', args)
sess = result.get('session')
print 'Got session:', sess
if not sess:
raise RequestError('no session in result')
self.session = sess
def _get_upload_args(self, **kwargs):
args = {}
for key,default,typ in [('allow_commercial_use', 'd', str),
('allow_modifications', 'd', str),
('publicly_visible', 'y', str),
('scale_units', None, str),
('scale_type', None, str),
('scale_lower', None, float),
('scale_upper', None, float),
('scale_est', None, float),
('scale_err', None, float),
('center_ra', None, float),
('center_dec', None, float),
('radius', None, float),
('downsample_factor', None, int),
('tweak_order', None, int),
('crpix_center', None, bool),
# image_width, image_height
if key in kwargs:
val = kwargs.pop(key)
val = typ(val)
args.update({key: val})
elif default is not None:
args.update({key: default})
print 'Upload args:', args
return args
def url_upload(self, url, **kwargs):
args = dict(url=url)
result = self.send_request('url_upload', args)
return result
def upload(self, fn, **kwargs):
args = self._get_upload_args(**kwargs)
f = open(fn, 'rb')
result = self.send_request('upload', args, (fn, f.read()))
return result
except IOError:
print 'File %s does not exist' % fn
def submission_images(self, subid):
result = self.send_request('submission_images', {'subid':subid})
return result.get('image_ids')
def overlay_plot(self, service, outfn, wcsfn, wcsext=0):
from astrometry.util import util as anutil
wcs = anutil.Tan(wcsfn, wcsext)
params = dict(crval1 = wcs.crval[0], crval2 = wcs.crval[1],
crpix1 = wcs.crpix[0], crpix2 = wcs.crpix[1],
cd11 = wcs.cd[0], cd12 = wcs.cd[1],
cd21 = wcs.cd[2], cd22 = wcs.cd[3],
imagew = wcs.imagew, imageh = wcs.imageh)
result = self.send_request(service, {'wcs':params})
print 'Result status:', result['status']
plotdata = result['plot']
plotdata = base64.b64decode(plotdata)
open(outfn, 'wb').write(plotdata)
print 'Wrote', outfn
def sdss_plot(self, outfn, wcsfn, wcsext=0):
return self.overlay_plot('sdss_image_for_wcs', outfn,
wcsfn, wcsext)
def galex_plot(self, outfn, wcsfn, wcsext=0):
return self.overlay_plot('galex_image_for_wcs', outfn,
wcsfn, wcsext)
def myjobs(self):
result = self.send_request('myjobs/')
return result['jobs']
def job_status(self, job_id, justdict=False):
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s' % job_id)
if justdict:
return result
stat = result.get('status')
if stat == 'success':
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/calibration' % job_id)
print 'Calibration:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/tags' % job_id)
print 'Tags:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/machine_tags' % job_id)
print 'Machine Tags:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/objects_in_field' % job_id)
print 'Objects in field:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/annotations' % job_id)
print 'Annotations:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/info' % job_id)
print 'Calibration:', result
return stat
def sub_status(self, sub_id, justdict=False):
result = self.send_request('submissions/%s' % sub_id)
if justdict:
return result
return result.get('status')
def jobs_by_tag(self, tag, exact):
exact_option = 'exact=yes' if exact else ''
result = self.send_request(
'jobs_by_tag?query=%s&%s' % (quote(tag.strip()), exact_option),
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--server', dest='server', default=Client.default_url,
help='Set server base URL (eg, %default)')
parser.add_option('--apikey', '-k', dest='apikey',
help='API key for Astrometry.net web service; if not given will check AN_API_KEY environment variable')
parser.add_option('--upload', '-u', dest='upload', help='Upload a file')
parser.add_option('--wait', '-w', dest='wait', action='store_true', help='After submitting, monitor job status')
parser.add_option('--wcs', dest='wcs', help='Download resulting wcs.fits file, saving to given filename; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload')
parser.add_option('--kmz', dest='kmz', help='Download resulting kmz file, saving to given filename; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload')
parser.add_option('--urlupload', '-U', dest='upload_url', help='Upload a file at specified url')
parser.add_option('--scale-units', dest='scale_units',
choices=('arcsecperpix', 'arcminwidth', 'degwidth', 'focalmm'), help='Units for scale estimate')
#parser.add_option('--scale-type', dest='scale_type',
# choices=('ul', 'ev'), help='Scale bounds: lower/upper or estimate/error')
parser.add_option('--scale-lower', dest='scale_lower', type=float, help='Scale lower-bound')
parser.add_option('--scale-upper', dest='scale_upper', type=float, help='Scale upper-bound')
parser.add_option('--scale-est', dest='scale_est', type=float, help='Scale estimate')
parser.add_option('--scale-err', dest='scale_err', type=float, help='Scale estimate error (in PERCENT), eg "10" if you estimate can be off by 10%')
parser.add_option('--ra', dest='center_ra', type=float, help='RA center')
parser.add_option('--dec', dest='center_dec', type=float, help='Dec center')
parser.add_option('--radius', dest='radius', type=float, help='Search radius around RA,Dec center')
parser.add_option('--downsample', dest='downsample_factor', type=int, help='Downsample image by this factor')
parser.add_option('--parity', dest='parity', choices=('0','1'), help='Parity (flip) of image')
parser.add_option('--tweak-order', dest='tweak_order', type=int, help='SIP distortion order (default: 2)')
parser.add_option('--crpix-center', dest='crpix_center', action='store_true', default=None, help='Set reference point to center of image?')
parser.add_option('--sdss', dest='sdss_wcs', nargs=2, help='Plot SDSS image for the given WCS file; write plot to given PNG filename')
parser.add_option('--galex', dest='galex_wcs', nargs=2, help='Plot GALEX image for the given WCS file; write plot to given PNG filename')
parser.add_option('--substatus', '-s', dest='sub_id', help='Get status of a submission')
parser.add_option('--jobstatus', '-j', dest='job_id', help='Get status of a job')
parser.add_option('--jobs', '-J', dest='myjobs', action='store_true', help='Get all my jobs')
parser.add_option('--jobsbyexacttag', '-T', dest='jobs_by_exact_tag', help='Get a list of jobs associated with a given tag--exact match')
parser.add_option('--jobsbytag', '-t', dest='jobs_by_tag', help='Get a list of jobs associated with a given tag')
parser.add_option( '--private', '-p',
help='Hide this submission from other users')
help='Select license to allow derivative works of submission, but only if shared under same conditions of original license')
help='Select license to disallow derivative works of submission')
help='Select license to disallow commercial use of submission')
opt,args = parser.parse_args()
if opt.apikey is None:
# try the environment
opt.apikey = os.environ.get('AN_API_KEY', None)
if opt.apikey is None:
print 'You must either specify --apikey or set AN_API_KEY'
args = {}
args['apiurl'] = opt.server
c = Client(**args)
if opt.upload or opt.upload_url:
if opt.wcs or opt.kmz:
opt.wait = True
kwargs = dict(
if opt.scale_lower and opt.scale_upper:
elif opt.scale_est and opt.scale_err:
elif opt.scale_lower or opt.scale_upper:
if opt.scale_lower:
if opt.scale_upper:
for key in ['scale_units', 'center_ra', 'center_dec', 'radius',
'downsample_factor', 'tweak_order', 'crpix_center',]:
if getattr(opt, key) is not None:
kwargs[key] = getattr(opt, key)
if opt.parity is not None:
if opt.upload:
upres = c.upload(opt.upload, **kwargs)
if opt.upload_url:
upres = c.url_upload(opt.upload_url, **kwargs)
stat = upres['status']
if stat != 'success':
print 'Upload failed: status', stat
print upres
opt.sub_id = upres['subid']
if opt.wait:
if opt.job_id is None:
if opt.sub_id is None:
print "Can't --wait without a submission id or job id!"
while True:
stat = c.sub_status(opt.sub_id, justdict=True)
print 'Got status:', stat
jobs = stat.get('jobs', [])
if len(jobs):
for j in jobs:
if j is not None:
if j is not None:
print 'Selecting job id', j
opt.job_id = j
success = False
while True:
stat = c.job_status(opt.job_id, justdict=True)
print 'Got job status:', stat
if stat.get('status','') in ['success']:
success = (stat['status'] == 'success')
if success:
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/calibration' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Calibration:', result
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/tags' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Tags:', result
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/machine_tags' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Machine Tags:', result
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/objects_in_field' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Objects in field:', result
#result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/annotations' % opt.job_id)
#print 'Annotations:', result
retrieveurls = []
if opt.wcs:
# We don't need the API for this, just construct URL
url = opt.server.replace('/api/', '/wcs_file/%i' % opt.job_id)
retrieveurls.append((url, opt.wcs))
if opt.kmz:
url = opt.server.replace('/api/', '/kml_file/%i/' % opt.job_id)
retrieveurls.append((url, opt.kmz))
for url,fn in retrieveurls:
print 'Retrieving file from', url, 'to', fn
f = urlopen(url)
txt = f.read()
w = open(fn, 'wb')
print 'Wrote to', fn
opt.job_id = None
opt.sub_id = None
if opt.sdss_wcs:
(wcsfn, outfn) = opt.sdss_wcs
c.sdss_plot(outfn, wcsfn)
if opt.galex_wcs:
(wcsfn, outfn) = opt.galex_wcs
c.galex_plot(outfn, wcsfn)
if opt.sub_id:
print c.sub_status(opt.sub_id)
if opt.job_id:
print c.job_status(opt.job_id)
#result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/annotations' % opt.job_id)
#print 'Annotations:', result
if opt.jobs_by_tag:
tag = opt.jobs_by_tag
print c.jobs_by_tag(tag, None)
if opt.jobs_by_exact_tag:
tag = opt.jobs_by_exact_tag
print c.jobs_by_tag(tag, 'yes')
if opt.myjobs:
jobs = c.myjobs()
print jobs
#print c.submission_images(1)
No, there is no clean way to do so. When the module is being imported, it's code is executed and all global variables are set as attributes to the module object. So if part of the code is not executed at all (is guarded by __main__ condition) there is no clean way to get access to that code. You can however run code of this module with substituted __name__ but that's very hackish.
You should refactor this module and move whole __main__ part into a method and call it like this:
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
This way consumer apps will be able to run code without having to run it in a separate process.
Use the runpy module in the Python 3 Standard Library
See that data can be passed to and from the called script
# top.py
import runpy
import sys
sys.argv += ["another parameter"]
module_globals_dict = runpy.run_path("other_script.py",
init_globals = globals(), run_name="__main__")
# other_script.py
# Note we did not load sys module, it gets passed to this script
script_name = sys.argv[0]
print(f"Script {script_name} loaded")
if __name__ == "__main__":
params = sys.argv[1:]
print(f"Script {script_name} run with params: {params}")
return_value = f"{script_name} Done"
by what your saying you want to call a function in the script that is importing the module so try:
import __main__