I am setting up an anaconda environment, and I'm able to install and run all packages against the default anaconda python except for a package installed on the local system.
On the other hand, I have a locally compiled python executable that works with the problematic package, however when I run it explicitly, it can't see the packages I installed for the anaconda version of py (as expected). Is there a way to install packages against my local executable of python?
The error I'm receiving is
ImportError: /data/..../libboost_python-mt.so.1.55.0: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_FromEncodedObject
Thanks for your help!
I worked around this by symlinking my system's python executable in the anaconda folder and installing packages against it. Still, it's a dirty fix and I had some problems with packages that worked with the default python executable.
I first installed Spyder and then afterwards Python on a server (with Windows Server 2019) all on the directory "C:\Users\wi932\ .spyder-py3" and the Python folder "C:\Users\wi932\Python\Python38". Then I installed many packages (like tensorflow, matplotlib, scikitlearn) by using the command prompt of windows and pip from the directory "C:\Users\wi932\Python\Python38\Scripts" and it was okay.
However, when running Spyder I can't use the packages that I installed using pip. Whenever I run a Python programm with those modules I get an error message "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow'". So the question is how can I build a "connection" between the pip and Spyder?
Does anyone have an idea? I'll appreciate every comment.
Have you considered installing anaconda?
Spyder comes as a part of this and is easy to install from the anaconda client. You can also create your base environment in the anaconda client and then switch to pip to install packages from there.
I have installed dlib using Anaconda 3 prompt.
It has shown me that it got installed successfully. I checked through command import dlib it did not give me any error even I checked the version also it came up with 19.9.0.
But when I open my program in IDLE and run the program its showing me error
import dlib ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dlib'
Even from command prompt, I am getting same error.
What is the issue? I am using Python 3.6.
Installation process of dlib using anaconda3:
You have installed the package in different version of python and importing the package in other version of the python.
Package is installed. in virtual environment(3.6.8) and is being imported in standard system python (3.6.0).
So either you need to use this virtual environment for your application otherwise you will need to install the package into global system python.
Extending #Rohit's answer:
As you have installed dlib in Anaconda, you need to run the program using Anaconda prompt.
By default, IDLE and python command in command prompt use Python that is installed system wide (which is Python 3.6.0 in your case).
But to use dlib which is installed in Anaconda's virtual environment (env_dlib) you need to do:
Open Anaconda prompt.
Activate env_dlib environment: activate env_dlib
Run the Python file which uses dlib package: python FILENAME
I'm trying to install 'pymorph' on mac os x with 'PIP':
sudo pip install pymorph
I'm getting the following error:
NameError: name 'execfile' is not defined
Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in
I have read that using a python version different from 2.7 could lead to this kind of problem. Yet, I'm using the 2.7 version:
python --version
Python 2.7.13
Any ideas to solve this issue ?
Thank you in advance
It's possible to have a pip command on your PATH that comes from a different Python installation than the python command. (Each entry script to a Python-based tool is bound to the Python installation that was used to install the package that provided it. This means that the pip command does not search PATH for a python installation.) If this pip comes up later on PATH than python, it would lead to behaviour that you describe.
This can happen, say, if you first install a Python 2.7 without pip, and then a Python 3.x with pip, if the installers prepend to PATH.
You can verify which version of Python pip is using and where it's installed by running pip -V.
The robust solution to this should be using a virtual environment that lets you tie the base python installation and libraries specific to your application alone with your project, as well as avoid cluttering your global site-packages, and prevent inadvertent compatibility issues from different versions of the same package being needed by different projects.
It seems that the current (as of late 2017) recommended virtual environment solution is Pipenv. A decent-looking introduction to virtual environments using Pipenv, by the author of Pipenv, can be found here.
I've been having a lot of trouble with getting virtualenv to work.
First I installed it via pip and then tried setting up a virtualenv. That didn't work and I got this error message:
ResNets-iMac:desktop zachary$ virtualenv anothertest
Using base prefix '/Applications/Canopy.app/appdata/canopy-'
New python executable in anothertest/bin/python
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/Python
Referenced from: /Users/zachary/Desktop/anothertest/bin/python
Reason: image not found
ERROR: The executable anothertest/bin/python is not functioning
ERROR: It thinks sys.prefix is u'/Users/zachary/Desktop' (should be u'/Users/zachary/Desktop/anothertest')
ERROR: virtualenv is not compatible with this system or executable
So then I went through just about all of the troubleshooting I could and decided that Canopy was the problem. So I deleted that, reinstalled virualenv (via 'pip uninstall virtualenv' then 'pip install virtualenv') and now I am getting this error whenever I try to do anything involving virtualenv:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/Python
Referenced from: /Users/zachary/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/python
Reason: image not found
I'm not sure what to do and when I check what my default version of python is, I get:
I very new at all of this and I don't really have any idea what I have been doing or how to fix this so any help would be greatly appreciated.
The problem is you have multiple versions of Python on your system.
You have the Python that ships with OSX (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python), then you have the Python that comes with Canopy; which is /Users/zachary/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/python.
Your path is pointing the default version to the one from Canopy, yet pip is installed against the default system version of Python.
So when you installed virtualenv, it was installed against the default version of Python; but when you try to create a virtual environment - due to the way your path are setup, it is trying to use the Canopy version of Python - and that's the source of your error.
To solve this problem you can do any of the following:
Remove Canopy, and use the OSX version of Python.
Install virtualenv on the Canopy version of Python.
Modify your PATH so that the system version of Python takes precedence.
Install another version of Python (from say, homebrew) and make that the default.
The resolution you chose will depend on what you need the system to do. If you need the libraries bundled with Canopy, then you need to choose option #2, otherwise pick any of the other options. #4 is the most disruptive (as it will involve installing a lot of other stuff).
The Enthought Canopy website recommends this: to use venv, and not virtualenv.
In windows I'm having trouble installing things such as PIL and MySQL inside my virtualenv for Python 2.7 64-bit.
I've downloaded extensions from here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ and installed them globally.
But how can I get them to apply to my virtualenv installation?
If I do a re-installation of virtualenv for my project, will it inherit the currently installed PIL and MySQL?
My main error is when I do a pip installed: error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
Now what I've read is I need Visual Studio to compile such things, and I'm hoping this isn't the only way to get things working.
Create your environment with the --system-site-packages option. Once you are in the virtual environment, if you try to import a package that isn't installed, it will try to find it in the global site packages and only if it can't find it there will it raise an ImportError.
This is by far the simplest way to do what you are trying on Windows - short of creating your own build environment - which I can tell you from my experience isn't always guaranteed to work.
If you do go with this approach, make sure you still add the package (and ideally pin it) in your requirements.txt file. This way if you were to deploy it on another environment, you will not miss any dependencies.