The function search_for_song(pbody) is running twice, i can't figure out why.
would like some help, just started learning python a few days ago.
Here's the full code:
#a bot that replies with youtube songs that were mentioned in the comments
import traceback
import praw
import time
import sqlite3
import requests
from lxml import html
import socket
import errno
import re
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys
import urllib2
APP_ID = ""
APP_URI = ""
USERAGENT = "Python automatic youtube linkerbot"
# This is a short description of what the bot does.
# For example "Python automatic replybot v2.0 (by /u/GoldenSights)"
SUBREDDIT = "kqly"
# This is the sub or list of subs to scan for new posts. For a single sub, use "sub1". For multiple subreddits, use "sub1+sub2+sub3+..."
# Look for submissions, comments, or both.
KEYWORDS = ["linksong"]
# These are the words you are looking for
# These are the names of the authors you are looking for
# The bot will only reply to authors on this list
# Keep it empty to allow anybody.
#REPLYSTRING = "**Hi, I'm a bot.**"
# This is the word you want to put in reply
# This is how many posts you want to retrieve all at once. PRAW can download 100 at a time.
WAIT = 30
# This is how many seconds you will wait between cycles. The bot is completely inactive during this time.
# After this many cycles, the bot will clean its database
# Keeping only the latest (2*MAXPOSTS) items
'''All done!'''
import bot
except ImportError:
print('Opening SQL Database')
sql = sqlite3.connect('sql.db')
cur = sql.cursor()
cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oldposts(id TEXT)')
print('Logging in...')
r = praw.Reddit(USERAGENT)
r.set_oauth_app_info(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, APP_URI)
def replybot():
print('Searching %s.' % SUBREDDIT)
subreddit = r.get_subreddit(SUBREDDIT)
posts = []
posts += list(subreddit.get_new(limit=MAXPOSTS))
posts += list(subreddit.get_comments(limit=MAXPOSTS))
for post in posts:
#print ("Searching for another the next comment")
# Anything that needs to happen every loop goes here.
pid =
pauthor =
except AttributeError:
# Author is deleted. We don't care about this post.
if pauthor.lower() ==
# Don't reply to yourself, robot!
print('Will not reply to myself.')
if KEYAUTHORS != [] and all(auth.lower() != pauthor for auth in KEYAUTHORS):
# This post was not made by a keyauthor
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM oldposts WHERE ID=?', [pid])
if cur.fetchone():
# Post is already in the database
if isinstance(post, praw.objects.Comment):
pbody = post.body
pbody = '%s %s' % (post.title, post.selftext)
pbody = pbody.lower()
if not any(key.lower() in pbody for key in KEYWORDS):
# Does not contain our keyword
cur.execute('INSERT INTO oldposts VALUES(?)', [pid])
print('Replying to %s by %s' % (pid, pauthor))
if search_for_song(pbody):
# pbody=pbody[8:]
# pbody=pbody.replace("\n", "")
post.reply("[**"+temp+"**]("+search_for_song(pbody)+") \n ---- \n ^^This ^^is ^^an ^^automated ^^message ^^by ^^a ^^bot, ^^if ^^you ^^found ^^any ^^bug ^^and/or ^^willing ^^to ^^contact ^^me. [**^^Press ^^here**](")
except praw.errors.Forbidden:
print('403 FORBIDDEN - is the bot banned from %s?' % post.subreddit.display_name)
def search_for_song(pbody):
#print("in search_for_song")
if len(song)>8:
if song.isspace()==True or song=='':
return False
print("Search if %s exists in the database" % song )
#HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'Song checker - check if songs exists by searching this website, part of a bot for reddit'}
author, song_name = song_string_generator(song)
url = ''+author+'/'+song_name+'-lyrics/'
print url
#page = requests.get(url, HEADERS)
while check==1:
headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0' }
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
page= urllib2.urlopen(req)
except socket.error as error:
except Exception:
print('An error occured while tryinc to verify song existence')
return False
soup = BeautifulSoup(, "lxml")
if "Please check the spelling and try again" not in soup.get_text():
print ("Song was found in the database!")
return result
print ("Song was not found in the database!")
return False
def song_string_generator(song):
#print("in song_string_generator")
author,song_name= '',''
if "-" in song:
l=song.split('-', 1 )
print ("2 ",l)
elif "by" in song:
l=song.split('by', 1 )
print ("2 ",l)
song_name=" ".join(song_name.split())
author=" ".join(author.split())
print (author,song_name)
if author == 'guns and roses':
author="guns n' roses"
song_name=song_name.replace("\n", "")
author=author.replace("\n", "")
author=author.replace(" ", "-")
song_name=song_name.replace(" ", "-")
author=author.replace("'", "-")
song_name=song_name.replace("'", "-")
song_name=" ".join(song_name.split())
return author, song_name
print ("No song was mentioned in the comment!")
return False
def first_youtube(textToSearch):
query_string = textToSearch
html_content = urllib.urlopen("" + query_string)
search_results = re.findall(r'href=\"\/watch\?v=(.{11})',
result="" + search_results[0]
return result
except IOError:
print ("IOError Occured while contacting Youtube!")
except Exception:
print ("A non IOError Occured while contacting Youtube!")
return False
cycles = 0
while True:
cycles += 1
except Exception as e:
if cycles >= CLEANCYCLES:
print('Cleaning database')
cur.execute('DELETE FROM oldposts WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM oldposts ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?)', [MAXPOSTS * 2])
cycles = 0
print('Running again in %d seconds \n' % WAIT)
This is the output I'm getting:
Opening SQL Database
Logging in...
Searching kqly.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Will not reply to myself.
Replying to d0kwcrs by itailitai
Search if guns and roses - paradise city exists in the database
('2 ', [u' guns and roses ', u' paradise city'])
(u'guns and roses', u'paradise city')
Song was found in the database!
Search if guns and roses - paradise city exists in the database
('2 ', [u' guns and roses ', u' paradise city'])
(u'guns and roses', u'paradise city')
Song was found in the database!
Running again in 30 seconds
it's a bot for reddit that replies with the youtube video of a song that was mentioned in the comments, if anyone wants to know.
With a cursory reading of your code you have
if search_for_song(pbody):
# do stuff..
post.reply("[**"+temp+"**]("+search_for_song(pbody)+") \n ---- \n ^^This ^^is ^^an ^^automated ^^message ^^by ^^a ^^bot, ^^if ^^you ^^found ^^any ^^bug ^^and/or ^^willing ^^to ^^contact ^^me. [**^^Press ^^here**](")
You call the function in the start of the if and in your post.reply line
If you need to check the results but don't want to call twice simply save the output
res = search_for_song(pbody):
if res:
post.reply(... + res + ...)
I've just quickly searched for the function call search_for_song, I suppose the following piece of code is resulting in 2 function calls.
if search_for_song(pbody):
# pbody=pbody[8:]
# pbody=pbody.replace("\n", "")
Once at the if statement, and once inside the post.reply statement.
In a previous question I got the answer from Hedgehog! (How to check for new discounts and send to telegram if changes detected?)
But another question is, how can I get only the new (products) items in the output and not all the text what is changed. My feeling is that the output I got is literally anything what is changed on the website and not only the new added discount.
Here is the code, and see the attachment what the output is. Thanks again for all the effort.
`# Import all necessary packages
import requests, time, difflib, os, re, schedule, cloudscraper
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
# Define scraper
scraper = cloudscraper.create_scraper()
# Send a message via a telegram bot
def telegram_bot_sendtext(bot_message):
bot_chatID = '-XXXXXXXXXXX'
send_text = '' + bot_token + '/sendMessage?chat_id=' + bot_chatID
+ '&parse_mode=Markdown&text=' + bot_message
response = requests.get(send_text)
return response.json()
PrevVersion = ""
FirstRun = True
while True:
# Download the page with the specified URL
response = scraper.get("https://").content
# Url for in the messages to show
url = "https://"
# Act like a browser
#headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36'}
# Parse the downloaded page and check for discount on the page
soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
def get_discounts(soup):
for d in'.cept-discount'):
if d.text != '' and 65 < int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, d.text))) < 99:
return True
return False
# Remove all scripts and styles
for script in soup(["script", "style"]):
discounts = get_discounts(soup)
soup = soup.get_text()
# Compare the page text to the previous version and check if there are any discounts in your range
if PrevVersion != soup and discounts:
# On the first run - just memorize the page
if FirstRun == True:
PrevVersion = soup
FirstRun = False
print ("Start Monitoring "+url+ ""+ str(
print ("Changes detected at: "+ str(
OldPage = PrevVersion.splitlines()
NewPage = soup.splitlines()
diff = difflib.context_diff(OldPage,NewPage,n=0)
out_text = "\n".join([ll.rstrip() for ll in '\n'.join(diff).splitlines() if ll.strip()])
print (out_text)
OldPage = NewPage
# Send a message with the telegram bot
telegram_bot_sendtext("Nieuwe prijsfout op Pepper " + url )
# print ('\n'.join(diff))
PrevVersion = soup
print( "No Changes "+ str(
What happens?
As discussed, your assumptions are going in the right direction, all the changes identified by the difflib will be displayed.
It may be possible to adjust the content of difflib but I am sure that difflib is not absolutely necessary for this task.
How to fix?
First step is to upgrade get_discounts(soup) to not only check if discount is in range but also get information of the item itself, if you like to display or operate on later:
def get_discounts(soup):
discounts = []
for d in'.cept-discount'):
if d.text != '' and 65 < int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, d.text))) < 99:
return discounts
Second step is to check if there is a new discount, close to the difflib but more focused:
def compare_discounts(d1: list, d2: list):
diff = [i for i in d1 + d2 if i not in d1]
result = len(diff) == 0
if not result:
return diff
Last step is to react to changes from the discounts, if so it will print the urls from so you can go directly to the offert products.
Note Cause we have stored additional information in our list of dicts you can adjust the printing to get also the whole information or specific attributes
if newDiscounts:
#Send a message with the telegram bot
print('\n'.join([c['url'] for c in newDiscounts]))
telegram_bot_sendtext("Nieuwe prijsfout op Pepper " + url)
import requests, time, difflib, os, re, schedule, cloudscraper
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
# Define scraper
scraper = cloudscraper.create_scraper()
# Send a message via a telegram bot
def telegram_bot_sendtext(bot_message):
bot_chatID = '-XXXXXXXXXXX'
send_text = '' + bot_token + '/sendMessage?chat_id=' + bot_chatID + '&parse_mode=Markdown&text=' + bot_message
response = requests.get(send_text)
return response.json()
PrevVersion = ""
PrevDiscounts = []
FirstRun = True
def get_discounts(soup):
discounts = []
for d in'.cept-discount'):
if d.text != '' and 65 < int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, d.text))) < 99:
return discounts
def compare_discounts(d1: list, d2: list):
diff = [i for i in d1 + d2 if i not in d1]
result = len(diff) == 0
if not result:
return diff
while True:
# Download the page with the specified URL
response = requests.get("").content
# Url for in the messages to show
url = ""
# Parse the downloaded page and check for discount on the page
soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
# Remove all scripts and styles
for script in soup(["script", "style"]):
discounts = get_discounts(soup)
souptext = soup.get_text()
# Compare the page text to the previous version and check if there are any discounts in your range
if PrevVersion != souptext and discounts:
# On the first run - just memorize the page
if FirstRun == True:
PrevVersion = souptext
PrevDiscounts = discounts
FirstRun = False
print ("Start Monitoring "+url+ ""+ str(
print ("Changes detected at: "+ str(
newDiscounts = compare_discounts(PrevDiscounts,discounts)
if newDiscounts:
print('\n'.join([c['url'] for c in newDiscounts]))
#Send a message with the telegram bot
telegram_bot_sendtext("Nieuwe prijsfout op Pepper " + url)
print('These are general changes but there are no new discounts available.')
PrevVersion = souptext
PrevDiscounts = discounts
print( "No Changes "+ str(
Start Monitoring 2021-12-12 12:28:38.391028
No Changes 2021-12-12 12:28:54.009881
Changes detected at: 2021-12-12 12:29:04.429961
No Changes 2021-12-12 12:29:14.698933
No Changes 2021-12-12 12:29:24.985394
No Changes 2021-12-12 12:29:35.271794
No Changes 2021-12-12 12:29:45.629790
No Changes 2021-12-12 12:29:55.917246
Changes detected at: 2021-12-12 12:30:06.184814
These are general changes but there are no new discounts available.
I don't know why this code does not work.
When I print the list "videos" and "search results" to see what is happening, they are both empty. This is why the if statement is never reached as you can see in the screenshot.
# Query youtube results based on the songs entered in the text file
def find_video_urls(self, songs):
videos = list()
for song in songs:
self.update_text_widget("\nSong - " + song + " - Querying youtube results ...")
query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode({"search_query": song})
with urllib.request.urlopen("" + query_string) as html_content:
# retrieve all videos that met the song name criteria
search_results = re.findall(r'href=\"\/watch\?v=(.{11})',
# only take the top result
if len(search_results) != 0:
videos.append("" + search_results[0])
self.update_text_widget("\nSong - " + song + " - Found top result!")
return videos
GUI Output
Hi Vigilante I will share a code on how to do it with requests. Maybe you can implement it in your code.
import re
import requests
def find_video_urls(songs):
videos = list()
for song in songs:
with requests.session() as ses:
r = ses.get('', params={"search_query": song})
search_results = re.findall(b'(/watch\?v=.{11})\"', r.content, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
# only take the top result
if len(search_results) != 0:
videos.append(b"".join([b'', search_results[0]]))
return videos
print(find_video_urls(['Eminem - Lose Yourself']))
I'm writing a code to send a values (one by one) to send function which will send it as msg to me. I have a two lists allowed and denied for regex keywords which are allowed in and which are denied. I'm scraping an elements from web, trying to filter it with allowed which works, and send it to the second function where I'm trying to filter it second time. This time filter out string which contains denied words. Here Is the problem. When I'm doing a loop one time allowed it goes good, but when I'm trying to do the second loop for denied in loop, it sending the string two times to my send function. How could I change the code, to make it work please?
Here Is the code
allowed = ["pc", "FUJITSU", "LIFEBOOK", "win" "Windows",
"PC", "Linux" "linux", "HP", "hp", "notebook", "desktop",
"raspberry", "NEC", "mac", "Mac", "Core"]
denied = ["philips", "samsung"]
used = set()
source = requests.get("").text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')
def skype_login(user, password):
sk = Skype(user, password)
def send(sk, title, address, price, town, topic='Not'):
for c in sk.chats.recent():
chat = sk.chats[c]
if hasattr(chat, 'topic') and chat.topic == topic:
chat.sendMsg(f'Some string {title} \n {price} \n \n {town} \n \n URL: {address}' )
chat.sendMsg("Additional Message")
def jimoti(sk):
global used
for h2 in soup.find_all('div', class_='p-item-content-info'):
title = h2.select_one('.p-item-title').text
address = h2.select_one('.p-item-title').a["href"]
price = (h2.select_one('.p-item-most-important').text).replace("円", "").replace("\n", "").replace(",", "")
price = int(price)
town = h2.select_one('.p-item-supplementary-info').text
if price < 2000 and title not in used:
for pattern in allowed:
if, title):
second(sk, title, address, price, town)
def second(sk, title, address, price, town):
sk = sk
title = title
address = address
price = price
town = town
# for prh in denied: # Here it makes the problem
# print(prh)
# if, title):
# break
# else:
send(sk, title, address, price, town)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sk = skype_login('username', 'pass')
while True:
If I read your code correctly you had this set up (pseudo-python):
for bad in denied:
if bad exists in string:
send message
This means that for every denied word that isn't found, you send the message. So if there are two bad words and it doesn't contain either, then you'll send it twice.
You can easily fix this by just having a bool
def second(sk, title, address, price, town):
# I'm not sure why you do this, it's 100% unnecessary
# sk = sk
# title = title
# address = address
# price = price
# town = town
is_ok = True
for prh in denied:
if, title):
is_ok = False
if is_ok:
send(sk, title, address, price, town)
How to make text clickable ?
class ComplainceServer():
def __init__(self, jira_server, username, password, encoding='utf-8'):
if jira_server is None:
error('No server provided.')
self.jira_server = jira_server
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.encoding = encoding
def checkComplaince(self, appid, toAddress):
query = "/rest/api/2/search?jql=issuetype = \"Application Security\" AND \"Prod Due Date\" < now()
request = self._createRequest()
response = request.get(query, contentType='application/json')
# Parse result
if response.status == 200 and action == "warn":
data = Json.loads(response.response)
print "#### Issues found"
issues = {}
msg = "WARNING: The below tickets are non-complaint in fortify, please fix them or raise exception.\n"
issue1 = data['issues'][0]['key']
for item in data['issues']:
issue = item['key']
issues[issue] = item['fields']['summary']
print u"* {0} - {1}".format(self._link(issue), item['fields']['summary'])
print "\n"
data = u" {0} - {1}".format(self._link(issue), item['fields']['summary'])
msg += '\n'+ data
SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 30000 # 30s
email = SimpleEmail()
for toAddress in toAddress.split(','):
email.setSubject('complaince report')
email.addHeader('X-Priority', '1')
def _createRequest(self):
return HttpRequest(self.jira_server, self.username, self.password)
def _link(self, issue):
return '[{0}]({1}/browse/{0})'.format(issue, self.jira_server['url'])
This is the calling function. APPid and toAddress will be passed in from different UI.
from Complaince import ComplainceServer
jira = ComplainceServer(jiraServer, username, password)
issues = jira.checkComplaince(appid, toAddress)
I want issueid to be an embedded link.
currently the email sends as below:
MT-4353( - Site Sc: DM isg_cq5
but i want [MT-4353] as hyperlink to the URL
Firstly, you need to encode your email as html. I'm not familiar with the library you are using so I cannot give an example of this.
I have replaced a snippet of your code with html syntax just to illustrate the point that you are meant to use html syntax to have clickable links in an email.
msg = "<p>WARNING: The below tickets are non-compliant in fortify, please fix them or raise exception.</p>"
issue1 = data['issues'][0]['key']
for item in data['issues']:
issue = item['key']
issues[issue] = item['fields']['summary']
data = u"<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>".format(self._link(issue), item['fields']['summary'])
msg += '<br />'+ data
In future, please ask your questions carefully as your title does not question does not indicate what you are actually meaning. You also have spelling mistakes: Compliant
Oh, I missed the point of self._link(issue) not returning the correct link. It returns MT-4353( so you are going to need to extract the link part between the brackets. I suggest a regular expression.
I coded a reddit bot and i tested it alot and I can say it works well except for the last part automation. The first time it checks every comment left there and replies to them from the list of the arrays called
truths and dares when it finishes it just prints the messages that it checks but doesn't do anything to the new comments. Im using PRAW(Pythons Reddit API Wrapper) and python 3.5. Thank you
#1. Import libraries
import praw
import random
import time
#2. Write the truths and dares
dares = ["Draw snoo", "Draw the android logo", "Spin in a circle for a minute", "Wish a random contact on a social media platform Happy birthday but it isn't their birthday", "Eat a potato" ]
truths = ["Do you like someone on this subreddit", "Do you do drugs","Do you watch porn", "Do you pirate stuff", "What is your favorite Disney princess", "How many times have you been drunk"]
cache = []
#3. Connect to reddit
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent = "TruthAndDare by #UnknownDevelope /u/unknowndeveloper")
def run_bot():
print("Getting Subreddit ...")
subreddit = r.get_subreddit("subreddit")
print("Getting comments ...")
comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=200)
#4. Check subreddit
#5. Check for a truth or a dares
#6. Reply
submission = r.get_submission(submission_id='submissionid')
flat_comments = praw.helpers.flatten_tree(submission.comments)
already_done = set()
for comment in flat_comments:
if comment.body == "/u/TruthAndDareBot Truth" and not in already_done:
randomTruth = random.choice(truths)
print("SIR I found a truth and im gonna reply to it. The post ID is: "+
if comment.body == "/u/TruthAndDareBot Dare" and not in already_done:
randomDare = random.choice(dares)
print("SIR I found a Dare and im gonna reply to it. The post ID is: "+
while True:
This part of the code was not properly indented so it didn't work. This is the code on how it should work:
def run_bot():
print("Getting Subreddit ...")
subreddit = r.get_subreddit(SUBREDDIT)
print("Getting comments ...")
comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=SUBMISSION_ID)
submission = r.get_submission(submission_id='49q8l1')
flat_comments = praw.helpers.flatten_tree(submission.comments)
already_done = set()
for comment in flat_comments:
print comment.body
if comment.body == "/u/TruthAndDareBot Truth" and not in already_done:
randomTruth = random.choice(truths)
print("Found a truth and I'm going to reply to it. Comment ID is: "+
if comment.body == "/u/TruthAndDareBot Dare" and not in already_done:
randomDare = random.choice(dares)
print("Found a Dare and I'm going to reply to it. Comment ID is: "+