How to plot a FacetGrid scatter plot with multiple data frames? - python

I have 2 dataframes, 1 has training data and the other has labels. There are 6 features/columns in the training data and 1 column in the labels data frame. I want 6 plots in my facet grid - all of them to be a scatter plot. So feature 1 vs label, feature 2 vs label, feature 3 vs label, feature 4 vs label.
Can someone show me how to do this?
for instance, using these sample data frames
In [15]: training
feature1 feature2 feature3 feature4 feature5 feature6
0 2 3 4 5 2 5
1 5 4 2 5 6 2
In [16]: labels
0 34
1 2
This should make 6 separate scatter plots, each with 2 data points.

Seaborn has a nice FacetGrid function.You can merge your two dataframes wrap the seaborn facetgrid around a normal matplotlib.pyplot.scatter()
import pandas as pd
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
#make a test dataframe
features = {}
for i in range(7):
features['feature%s'%i] = [random.random() for j in range(10)]
f = pd.DataFrame(features)
labels = pd.DataFrame({'label':[random.random() for j in range(10)]})
#unstack it so feature labels are now in a single column
unstacked = pd.DataFrame(f.unstack()).reset_index()
unstacked.columns = ['feature', 'feature_index', 'feature_value']
#merge them together to get the label value for each feature value
plot_data = pd.merge(unstacked, labels, left_on = 'feature_index', right_index = True)
#wrap a seaborn facetgrid
kws = dict(s=50, linewidth=.5, edgecolor="w")
g = sns.FacetGrid(plot_data, col="feature")
g = (, "feature_value", "label", **kws))


Divide two columns in pivot table and plot grouped bar chart with pandas

I have a dataset that looks like this:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Vintage': ['2016Q1','2016Q1', '2016Q2','2016Q3','2016Q4','2016Q1', '2016Q2','2016Q2','2016Q2','2016Q3','2016Q4'],
'Model': ['A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','B','B',],
'Count': [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
Vintage Model Count Case
0 2016Q1 A 1 0
1 2016Q1 A 1 1
2 2016Q2 A 1 1
3 2016Q3 A 1 0
4 2016Q4 A 1 1
5 2016Q1 B 1 1
6 2016Q2 B 1 0
7 2016Q2 B 1 0
8 2016Q2 B 1 1
9 2016Q3 B 1 1
10 2016Q4 B 1 0
What I need to do is:
Plot grouped bar chart, where vintage is the groups and model is the hue/color
Two line plots in the same chart that show the percentage of case over count, aka plot the division of case over count for each model and vintage.
I figured out how to do the first task with a pivot table but haven't been able to add the percentage from the same pivot.
This is the solution for point 1:
dfp = df.pivot_table(index='vintage', columns='model', values='count', aggfunc='sum')
dfp.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(8, 4), rot=45, ylabel='Frequency', title="Vintages")
I tried dividing between columns in the pivot table but it's not the right format to plot.
How can I do the percentage calculation and line plots so without creating a different table?
Could the whole task be done with groupby instead? (as I find it easier to use in general)
Here's a solution using the seaborn plotting library, not sure if it's ok for you to use it for your problem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Vintage': ['2016Q1','2016Q1', '2016Q2','2016Q3','2016Q4','2016Q1', '2016Q2','2016Q2','2016Q2','2016Q3','2016Q4'],
'Model': ['A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','B','B',],
'Count': [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
agg_df = df.groupby(['Vintage','Model']).sum().reset_index()
agg_df['Fraction'] = agg_df['Case']/agg_df['Count']
x = 'Vintage',
y = 'Count',
hue = 'Model',
alpha = 0.5,
data = agg_df,
x = 'Vintage',
y = 'Fraction',
hue = 'Model',
marker = 'o',
legend = False,
data = agg_df,
IIUC you want the lines to be drawn on the same plot. I'd recommend creating a new y-axis after computing the division from the original df. Then you can plot the lines with seaborn:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Vintage': ['2016Q1','2016Q1', '2016Q2','2016Q3','2016Q4','2016Q1', '2016Q2','2016Q2','2016Q2','2016Q3','2016Q4'],
'Model': ['A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','B','B',],
'Count': [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
dfp = df.pivot_table(index='Vintage', columns='Model', values='Count', aggfunc='sum')
ax1 = dfp.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(8, 4), rot=45, ylabel='Frequency', title="Vintages")
dfd = df.groupby(["Vintage", "Model"]).sum() \
.assign(div_pct=lambda x:100*x["Case"]/x["Count"]) \
ax2 = ax1.twinx() # creating a second y axis
sns.lineplot(data=dfd, x="Vintage", y="div_pct", hue="Model", style="Model", ax=ax2, markers=True, dashes=False)

Multiple datasets and fit line

I have different datasets:
1 1
2 5
3 14
4 36
5 90
1 1
2 5
3 21
4 38
5 67
1 1
2 5
3 10
4 50
5 78
I would like to determine a line which fits this data and plot all data in one chart (like a regression).
On the x axis I have the time; on the y axis I have the frequency of an event that occurs.
Any help on the approach on how to determine the line and plot the results keeping the different legends (would be ok with seaborn or matplotlib) would be helpful.
What I have done so far is plotting the three lines as follows:
plot_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(dataset_list, x_lists, y_lists)),
columns =['Dataset', 'X', 'Y']).set_index('Dataset', inplace=False)
plot_df= plot_df.apply(pd.Series.explode).reset_index() # this step should transpose the resulting df and explode the values
# plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,8))
for name, group in plot_df.groupby('Dataset'):
group.plot(x = "X", y= "Y", ax=ax, label=name)
Please note that the three lists at the beginning contain information on the three different df.
I recommend using linregress from scipy.stats as this gives very readable code. Just need to add in the logic to your loop:
from scipy.stats import linregress
for name, group in plot_df.groupby('Dataset'):
group.plot(x = "X", y= "Y", ax=ax, label=name)
#fit a line to the data
fit = linregress(group.X, group.Y)
ax.plot(group.X, group.X * fit.slope + fit.intercept, label=f'{name} fit')

Scatter Plot Binary Data Color Coded Points from Data Labels

I'd like to use matplotlib.pyplot.scatter to create a scatter plot similar to the picture below from data in a dataframe with a header that is formatted similar to the table here where all the points for a given sample are colored based on the label in the first column of the data and a point is only plotted for each gene with a value of 1 - no point for the genes with a 0 value:
gene a
gene b
gene c
gene d
Note: my sample data does not match my sample scatter plot output.
After melting your dataframe to a long format you can draw a matrix with seaborn's sns.relplot
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.read_html('')[0]
df['sample'] = df.index
df = df.melt(['label','sample'])
g = sns.relplot(
x="variable", y="sample", hue="label", size="value",
hue_norm=(-1, 1), palette='tab10',
height=6, sizes=(10, 300), size_norm=(0, 1)
g.set(xlabel="Genes", ylabel="Samples",
# ylim=[df['sample'].max()+.5, df['sample'].min()-.5] # uncomment to invert the y-axis
With the melted dataframe you can access plt.scatter directly from pandas but I think you have to add your own custom legend for the labels.
df.plot(x='variable', y='sample', s=(df.value+0.1) * 300, kind='scatter',
ylim=[df['sample'].max()+.5, df['sample'].min()-.5], # uncomment to flip y-axis
figsize=(7,6), c='label', cmap='coolwarm', colorbar=False

Create a seaborn histogram with two columns of a dataframe

I try to display a histogram with this dataframe.
gr_age weighted_cost
0 1 2272.985462
1 2 2027.919360
2 3 1417.617779
3 4 946.568598
4 5 715.731002
5 6 641.716770
I want to use gr_age column as the X axis and weighted_cost as the Y axis. Here is an example of what I am looking for with Excel:
I tried with the following code, and with discrete=True, but it gives another result, and I didn't do better with displot.
sns.histplot(data=df, x="gr_age", y="weighted_cost")
Thanking you for your ideas!
You want a barplot (x vs y values) not a histplot which plots the distribution of a dataset:
import seaborn as sns
ax = sns.barplot(data=df, x='gr_age', y='weighted_cost', color='#4473C5')
ax.set_title('Values by age group')

Python Plotting: Heatmap from dataframe with fixed colors in case of strings

I'm trying to visualise a large (pandas) dataframe in Python as a heatmap. This dataframe has two types of variables: strings ("Absent" or "Unknown") and floats.
I want the heatmap to show cells with "Absent" in black and "Unknown" in red, and the rest of the dataframe as a normal heatmap, with the floats in a scale of greens.
I can do this easily in Excel with conditional formatting of cells, but I can't find any help online to do this with Python either with matplotlib, seaborn, ggplot. What am I missing?
Thank you for your time.
You could use cmap_custom.set_under('red') and cmap_custom.set_over('black') to apply custom colors to values below and above vmin and vmax (See 1, 2):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 as axes_grid1
import pandas as pd
# make a random DataFrame
arr = np.random.choice(['Absent', 'Unknown']+list(range(10)), size=(5,7))
df = pd.DataFrame(arr)
# find the largest and smallest finite values
finite_values = pd.to_numeric(list(set(np.unique(df.values))
.difference(['Absent', 'Unknown'])))
vmin, vmax = finite_values.min(), finite_values.max()
# change Absent and Unknown to numeric values
df2 = df.replace({'Absent': vmax+1, 'Unknown': vmin-1})
# make sure the values are numeric
for col in df2:
df2[col] = pd.to_numeric(df2[col])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cmap_custom = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
im = plt.imshow(df2, interpolation='nearest', cmap = cmap_custom,
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
# add a colorbar (
divider = axes_grid1.make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, extend='both')
The DataFrame
In [117]: df
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 3 9 6 7 9 3 Absent
1 Absent Unknown 5 4 7 0 2
2 3 0 2 9 8 0 2
3 5 5 7 Unknown 5 Absent 4
4 7 7 5 4 7 Unknown Absent

