Checking if two items in a list are the same? - python

My Objective:
In a game of Lingo, there is a hidden word, five characters long. The
object of the game is to find this word by guessing, and in return
receive two kinds of clues: 1) the characters that are fully correct,
with respect to identity as well as to position, and 2) the characters
that are indeed present in the word, but which are placed in the wrong
position. Write a program with which one can play Lingo. Use square
brackets to mark characters correct in the sense of 1), and ordinary
parentheses to mark characters correct in the sense of 2)
Current Code:
def lingo():
import random
words = ['pizza', 'motor', 'scary', 'motel', 'grill', 'steak', 'japan', 'prism', 'table']
word = random.choice(words)
print word
while True:
guess = raw_input("> ")
guess = list(guess.lower())
word = list(word)
for x in guess:
if x in word:
if x == word[word.index(x)]:
guess[guess.index(x)] = "[" + x + "]"
guess[guess.index(x)] = "(" + x + ")"
print guess
As of now, if the words share a common letter, it puts the letter in square brackets, regardless of whether it shares the same pos or not.
- Word: Table
- My Guess: Cater
- OUTPUT: C[a](t)(e)r
- Word: Japan
- My Guess: Ajpan (Notice the switch between the a and j, I did that on purpose).
- OUTPUT: [A][j][p][a][n] (Should Be (a)(j)[p][a][n])

Your error is this line:
if x == word[word.index(x)]:
which is always true since word[word.index(x)] is the same thing as x. Try changing it to:
if x == word[guess.index(x)]:

if x == word[word.index(x)]: should be if x == word[guess.index(x)]:


How to replace the specified dash with the letter

I wish to write a hangman program and in order to do so, I have to replace the hash ('-') letter(s) with the user's guessed letter (guess). But when I run the code, it replaces all the hashes with the user's guess letter.
The code seems okay but I don't get the desired result.
words is a list of words I have written before the function.
def word_guess():
word = words[0]
l_count = 0
for letter in word:
l_count += 1
# the hidden words are shown a '-'
blank = '-' * l_count
guess = input("please guess a letter ")
if guess in word:
# a list of the position of all the specified letters in the word
a = [i for i, letter in enumerate(word) if letter == guess]
for num in a:
blank_reformed = blank.replace(blank[num], guess)
e.g: when the word is 'funny', and guess is 'n', the output is 'nnnnn'.
How should I replace the desired hash string with guess letter?
it replaces all the hashes
This is exactly what blank.replace is supposed to do, though.
What you should do is replace that single character of the string. Since strings are immutable, you can't really do this. However, lists of strings are mutable, so you could do blank = ['-'] * l_count, which would be a list of dashes, and then modify blank[num]:
for num in a:
blank[num] = guess
A couple things to note:
inefficient/un-pythonic pop operation (see this)
l_count is just len(word)
un-pythonic, unreadable replacement
Instead, here's a better implementation:
def word_guess() -> str:
word = words.pop()
guess = input()
out = ''
for char in word:
if char == guess:
return out
If you don't plan to use the locations of the correct guess later on, then you can simplify the last section of code:
word = 'hangman'
blank = '-------'
guess = 'a'
if guess in word:
blank_reformed = ''.join(guess if word[i] == guess else blank[i] for i in range(len(word)))
(You still have some work to do make the overall game work...)

How do I choose 2 or more letters in a word?

Basically my plan was to return text with random-sized letters in words i.e. "upper" or "lower". The script is working, though it seems raw (I am a Beginner and I'd appreciate some corrections from You).
The problem is:
It is not consistent. With that said, it can print word 'about' even if it should be 'About' or something similar.
I want to be sure that the maximum of UPPER or lower letters in a row do not exceed 3 letters. and I don't know how to do it.
Thank you in advance.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
message = input()
stop = ''
def mocking(message):
result = ''
for word in message:
for letter in word:
word = random.choice(random.choice(letter.upper()) + random.choice(letter.lower()))
result += word
return result
while stop != 'n':
stop = input("Wanna more? y/n ").lower()
if stop == 'n':
message = input()
You need to split the input into words, decide how many positions inside the word you want to change (minimum 3 or less if the word is shorter).
Then generate 3 unique positions inside the word (via random.sample) to change, check if upper then make lower else make upper. Add to resultlist and join words back together.
import random
message = "Some text to randomize"
def mocking(message):
result = []
for word in message.split():
len_word = len(word)
# get max 3 random positions
p = random.sample(range(len_word),k = min(len_word,3))
for position in p:
l = word[position]
if l.isupper():
word = word[:position] + l.lower() + word[position+1:]
word = word[:position] + l.upper() + word[position+1:]
return ' '.join(result)
while True:
stop = input("Wanna more? y/n ").lower()
if stop == 'n':
message = input()
See Understanding slice notation for slicing
At most 3 modifications? I would go with something like this.
def mocking(message):
result = ''
randomCount = 0
for word in message:
for letter in word:
newLetter = random.choice( letter.upper() + letter.lower() )
if randomCount < 3 and newLetter != letter:
randomCount += 1
result += newLetter
result += letter
randomCount = 0
return result
If the random choice has modified the letter then count it.

Creating a word scrambler but it won't work, need help as a beginner

Beginner python coder here, keep things simple, please.
So, I need this code below to scramble two letters without scrambling the first or last letters. Everything seems to work right up until the scrambler() function.
from random import randint
def wordScramble(string):
stringArray = string.split()
for word in stringArray:
if len(word) >= 4:
letter = randint(1,len(word)-2)
point = letter
while point == letter:
point = randint(1, len(word)-2)
word = switcher(word,letter,point)
' '.join(stringArray)
return stringArray
def switcher(word,letter,point):
word = list(word)
return word
print(wordScramble("I can't wait to see how this turns itself out"))
The outcome is always:
I can't wait to see how this turns itself out
Since you are a beginner, I tried to change your code as little as possible. Mostly you are expecting changes to word to change the contents or your list stringArray. The comments mark the changes and reasons.
from random import randint
def wordScramble(myString): # avoid name clashes with python modules
stringArray = myString.split()
for i, word in enumerate(stringArray): # keep the index so we can update the list
if len(word) >= 4:
letter = randint(1,len(word)-2)
point = letter
while point == letter:
point = randint(1, len(word)-2)
stringArray[i] = switcher(word,letter,point) # update the array
return ' '.join(stringArray) # return the result of the join
def switcher(word,letter,point):
word = list(word)
return ''.join(word) # return word back as a string
print(wordScramble("I can't wait to see how this turns itself out"))
Because there had to be a cleaner (and better documented) way to do this:
from random import sample
def wordScramble(sentence):
# Split sentence into words; apply switcher to each; rejoin into a sentence
return ' '.join([switcher(x) for x in sentence.split()])
def switcher(word):
if len(word) <= 3: # Don't bother if not enough letters to scramble
return word
# Pick 2 positions from interior of word
a,b = sorted(sample( xrange(1,len(word)-1), 2 ))
# Re-assemble word with out 2 positions swapped using bits before, between & after them
return word[:a] + word[b] + word[a+1:b] + word[a] + word[b+1:]
print wordScramble("I can't wait to see how this turns itself out")

Implementing a hangman function in Python

Here is the problematic piece of my function:
def hangman1(word):
global guessesMade
global guessesLeft
currentGuess = '_ ' * len(word)
let = print(input('Please guess a letter: '))
for i in range(len(word)):
if word[i] == let:
print('{} is contained in the word.'.format(let))
if i == 0:
currentGuess = word[0] + currentGuess[1:]
currentGuess = currentGuess[:i] + word[i] + currentGuess[i + 1:]
The user enters a letter at the prompt and it checks if the letter is in the randomWord that was generated outside of the function from a list of words. I can get it to print the blanks correctly, but if the user enters a letter that is in the word it prints out a line of the correct letter instead of the blanks with the correct letter mixed in between.
Any help is appreciated.
The main problem you're having right now is two-fold - one, that the replace() method replaces all instances of any given input within a string, not the first one, and two, that you don't currently have any way of telling which letters you've already uncovered. Calling replace("_", let) will always replace every single instance of "_", and given that you're applying that to a string that is only composed of underscores, it'll always overwrite the entire string. It seems like you're also regenerating hidden_let every time hangman() is called with a guess letter, meaning that best-case with your design now you're only going to ever show every letter the user just guessed and a bunch of underscores otherwise.
What you'd want to do is have two values, correct_word and current_guess. correct_word will be the word the player has to guess, and current_guess will be their progress in guessing the word, starting with a string of only underscores of the same length as correct_word.
Here's a short example. I've taken the liberty of removing your global references - globals are generally frowned upon - and encapsulated the behavior in a small class. You'd want to replace the value in hangmanner.play_hangman() with whatever your random word is.
class Hangmanner:
correct_word = ''
current_guess = ''
def play_hangman(self, word):
self.correct_word = word
self.current_guess = '_' * len(self.correct_word)
while self.current_guess != self.correct_word:
self.guess_letter(input("Please guess a letter: "))
def guess_letter(self, guessed_letter):
for i in range(len(self.correct_word)):
if self.correct_word[i] == guessed_letter:
if i == 0:
self.current_guess = self.correct_word[i] + self.current_guess[1:]
self.current_guess = self.current_guess[:i] + self.correct_word[i] + self.current_guess[i + 1:]
if __name__ == "__main__":
hangmanner = Hangmanner()
This uses the slicing function in python, where you can use the brackets and the [first:last] syntax to access an arbitrary range of any given collection. If either first or last is missing, the slice continues to the beginning or end of the collection, respectively. Above, current_guess[1:] returns current_guess from the second index to the last. current_guess[:i] returns current_guess from the first index up to the index preceding i, given that last is the exclusive end bound.
hiddenLet.replace('_',let) replaces all occurrences of _ with whatever let represents.
newWordList = [x if x==let else '_' for x in randWord]
newWord = ''.join(newWordList)

Replacing every instance of a character in Python string

I have a game where the user guesses letters. They are shown a blank version of the mystery work (_____ for example, the _'s are equal to number of characters in the word). The program knows the word, and needs to replace every index in the blanked out version of the word if the letter they guess is present in the mystery word.
For example, if the player guesses "p" and the word is "hippo" they will be shown __pp_. But, my code will only replace the first instance of "p", giving __p__ instead.
Would this be easier to tackle as a list problem?
mistakes = 0
complete = False
t = False
words = ['cow','horse','deer','elephant','lion','tiger','baboon','donkey','fox','giraffe']
print("\nWelcome to Hangman! Guess the mystery word with less than 6 mistakes!")
# Process to select word
word_num = valid_number()
word = words[word_num]
print("\nThe length of the word is: ", str(len(word)))
attempt = len(word)*"_"
# Guesses
while not (mistakes == 6):
guess = valid_guess()
for letter in word:
if guess == letter:
print("The letter is in the word.")
position = word.index(guess)
attempt = attempt [0:position] + guess + attempt [position + 1:]
print("Letters matched so far: ", attempt)
t = True
while (t == False):
print("The letter is not in the word.")
print("Letters matched so far: ", attempt)
mistakes = mistakes + 1
hangMan = ["------------", "| |", "| O", "| / |", "| |", "| / |\n|\n|"]
t = True
t = False
answer = 'hippo'
fake = '_'*len(answer) #This appears as _____, which is the place to guess
fake = list(fake) #This will convert fake to a list, so that we can access and change it.
guess = raw_input('What is your guess? ') #Takes input
for k in range(0, len(answer)): #For statement to loop over the answer (not really over the answer, but the numerical index of the answer)
if guess == answer[k] #If the guess is in the answer,
fake[k] = guess #change the fake to represent that, EACH TIME IT OCCURS
print ''.join(fake) #converts from list to string
This runs as:
>>> What is your guess?
>>> __pp_
To loop over everything, I did not use index, because index only returns the first instance:
>>> var = 'puppy'
>>> var.index('p')
So to do that, I analyzed it not by the letter, but by its placement, using a for that does not put k as each letter, but rather as a number so that we can effectively loop over the entire string without it returning only one variable.
One could also use re, but for a beginning programmer, it is better to understand how something works rather than calling a bunch of functions from a module (except in the case of random numbers, nobody wants to make their own pseudo-random equation :D)
Based on Find all occurrences of a substring in Python:
import re
guess = valid_guess()
matches = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(guess, word)]
if matches:
for match in matches:
attempt = attempt[0:match] + guess + attempt[match+1:]
print("Letters matched so far: ", attempt)

