Multi-dimensional gather in Tensorflow - python

The general solution to this question is being worked on in this github issue, but I was wondering if there are workarounds using tf.gather (or something else) to achieve array indexing using a multi-index. One solution I came up with was to broadcast multiply each index in the multi-idx with the cumulative product of the tensor shape, which produces indices suitable for indexing the flattened tensor:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def __cumprod(l):
# Get the length and make a copy
ll = len(l)
l = [v for v in l]
# Reverse cumulative product
for i in range(ll-1):
l[ll-i-2] *= l[ll-i-1]
return l
def ravel_multi_index(tensor, multi_idx):
Returns a tensor suitable for use as the index
on a gather operation on argument tensor.
if not isinstance(tensor, (tf.Variable, tf.Tensor)):
raise TypeError('tensor should be a tf.Variable')
if not isinstance(multi_idx, list):
multi_idx = [multi_idx]
# Shape of the tensor in ints
shape = [i.value for i in tensor.get_shape()]
if len(shape) != len(multi_idx):
raise ValueError("Tensor rank is different "
"from the multi_idx length.")
# Work out the shape of each tensor in the multi_idx
idx_shape = [tuple(j.value for j in i.get_shape()) for i in multi_idx]
# Ensure that each multi_idx tensor is length 1
assert all(len(i) == 1 for i in idx_shape)
# Create a list of reshaped indices. New shape will be
# [1, 1, dim[0], 1] for the 3rd index in multi_idx
# for example.
reshaped_idx = [tf.reshape(idx, [1 if i !=j else dim[0]
for j in range(len(shape))])
for i, (idx, dim)
in enumerate(zip(multi_idx, idx_shape))]
# Figure out the base indices for each dimension
base = __cumprod(shape)
# Now multiply base indices by each reshaped index
# to produce the flat index
return (sum(b*s for b, s in zip(base[1:], reshaped_idx[:-1]))
+ reshaped_idx[-1])
# Shape and slice starts and sizes
shape = (Z, Y, X) = 4, 5, 6
Z0, Y0, X0 = 1, 1, 1
ZS, YS, XS = 3, 3, 4
# Numpy matrix and index
M = np.random.random(size=shape)
idx = [
np.arange(Z0, Z0+ZS).reshape(ZS,1,1),
np.arange(Y0, Y0+YS).reshape(1,YS,1),
np.arange(X0, X0+XS).reshape(1,1,XS),
# Tensorflow matrix and indices
TM = tf.Variable(M)
TF_flat_idx = ravel_multi_index(TM, [
tf.range(Z0, Z0+ZS),
tf.range(Y0, Y0+YS),
tf.range(X0, X0+XS)])
TF_data = tf.gather(tf.reshape(TM,[-1]), TF_flat_idx)
with tf.Session() as S:
# Obtain data via flat indexing
data =
# Check that it agrees with data obtained
# by numpy smart indexing
assert np.all(data == M[idx])
However, this only works on tensors of rank 3 due to this (current) limitation limiting broadcasts to tensors of rank 3.
At the moment I can only think of doing a chained gather, transpose, gather, transpose, gather, but this is unlikely to be efficient. e.g.
shape = (8, 9, 10)
A = tf.random_normal(shape)
data = tf.gather(tf.transpose(tf.gather(A, [1, 3]), [1,0,2]), ...)
Any ideas?

It sounds like you want gather_nd.


Translate accumarray (Matlab) to python

I have to translate a Matlab script to python, it transforms some complicated data into an array. And I don't know how to translate this part of the code:
That is in Matlab, the shapes of j2, i2 and iq are (1362730 x 1). But the shape of [j2, i2] would be (1362730 x 2).
I found this function in python to use accumarray:
def accum(accmap, a, func=None, size=None, fill_value=0, dtype=None):
An accumulation function similar to Matlab's `accumarray` function.
accmap : ndarray
This is the "accumulation map". It maps input (i.e. indices into
`a`) to their destination in the output array. The first `a.ndim`
dimensions of `accmap` must be the same as `a.shape`. That is,
`accmap.shape[:a.ndim]` must equal `a.shape`. For example, if `a`
has shape (15,4), then `accmap.shape[:2]` must equal (15,4). In this
case `accmap[i,j]` gives the index into the output array where
element (i,j) of `a` is to be accumulated. If the output is, say,
a 2D, then `accmap` must have shape (15,4,2). The value in the
last dimension give indices into the output array. If the output is
1D, then the shape of `accmap` can be either (15,4) or (15,4,1)
a : ndarray
The input data to be accumulated.
func : callable or None
The accumulation function. The function will be passed a list
of values from `a` to be accumulated.
If None, numpy.sum is assumed.
size : ndarray or None
The size of the output array. If None, the size will be determined
from `accmap`.
fill_value : scalar
The default value for elements of the output array.
dtype : numpy data type, or None
The data type of the output array. If None, the data type of
`a` is used.
out : ndarray
The accumulated results.
The shape of `out` is `size` if `size` is given. Otherwise the
shape is determined by the (lexicographically) largest indices of
the output found in `accmap`.
>>> from numpy import array, prod
>>> a = array([[1,2,3],[4,-1,6],[-1,8,9]])
>>> a
array([[ 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, -1, 6],
[-1, 8, 9]])
>>> # Sum the diagonals.
>>> accmap = array([[0,1,2],[2,0,1],[1,2,0]])
>>> s = accum(accmap, a)
array([9, 7, 15])
>>> # A 2D output, from sub-arrays with shapes and positions like this:
>>> # [ (2,2) (2,1)]
>>> # [ (1,2) (1,1)]
>>> accmap = array([
>>> # Accumulate using a product.
>>> accum(accmap, a, func=prod, dtype=float)
array([[ -8., 18.],
[ -8., 9.]])
>>> # Same accmap, but create an array of lists of values.
>>> accum(accmap, a, func=lambda x: x, dtype='O')
array([[[1, 2, 4, -1], [3, 6]],
[[-1, 8], [9]]], dtype=object)
# Check for bad arguments and handle the defaults.
if accmap.shape[:a.ndim] != a.shape:
raise ValueError("The initial dimensions of accmap must be the same as a.shape")
if func is None:
func = np.sum
if dtype is None:
dtype = a.dtype
if accmap.shape == a.shape:
accmap = np.expand_dims(accmap, -1)
adims = tuple(range(a.ndim))
if size is None:
size = 1 + np.squeeze(np.apply_over_axes(np.max, accmap, axes=adims))
size = np.atleast_1d(size)
# Create an array of python lists of values.
vals = np.empty(size, dtype='O')
for s in product(*[range(k) for k in size]):
vals[s] = []
for s in product(*[range(k) for k in a.shape]):
indx = tuple(accmap[s])
val = a[s]
# Create the output array.
out = np.empty(size, dtype=dtype)
for s in product(*[range(k) for k in size]):
if vals[s] == []:
out[s] = fill_value
out[s] = func(vals[s])
return out
But it doesnt work when the shapes of accmap and a are different, which is the case because my accmap would be [j2, i2] with shape (1362730 x 2) and a would be iq with shape (1362730 x 1). I don't quite understand what does Matlab do when the inputs are of different sizes. Is there a way to modify the python function to be able to do that, or just another way to translate that line to python?
I had a project in Matlab where I used accumarray(). I recently ported it to Python using numpy.histogramdd() as its closest replacement.

How to sum a single column array with another array (going column by column)?

The code below allows me to add a vector to each row of a given matrix using Numpy:
import numpy as np
m = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])
v = np.array([1, 1, 0])
print("Original vector:")
print("Original matrix:")
result = np.empty_like(m)
for i in range(4):
result[i, :] = m[i, :] + v
print("\nAfter adding the vector v to each row of the matrix m:")
How do I perform a similar addition operation, but going column by column?
I have tried the following:
import numpy as np
array1 = np.array([[5,5,3],[2,2,3]])
addition = np.array([[1],[1]])
for i in range(3):
array1[:,i] = array1[:,i] + addition
However, I get the following broadcasting error:
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2,2) into shape (2)
Just match the number of dimensions, numpy will broadcast the arrays as needed. In the first example, it should be:
result = m + v.reshape((1, -1))
In the second example, the addition is already 2D so it will be just:
array1 + addition
You can alternatively, add a dimension via Numpy None syntax and then do the addition:
array1 += addition[:,None]

Multidimensional Tensor slicing

First things first: I'm relatively new to TensorFlow.
I'm trying to implement a custom layer in tensorflow.keras and I'm having relatively hard time when I try to achieve the following:
I've got 3 Tensors (x,y,z) of shape (?,49,3,3,32) [where ? is the batch size]
On each Tensor I compute the sum over the 3rd and 4th axes [thus I end up with 3 Tensors of shape (?,49,32)]
By doing an argmax (A)on the above 3 Tensors (?,49,32) I get a single (?,49,32) Tensor
Now I want to use this tensor to select slices from the initial x,y,z Tensors in the following form:
Each element in the last dimension of A corresponds to the selected Tensor.
(aka: 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z)
The index of the last dimension of A corresponds to the slice that I would like to extract from the Tensor last dimension.
I've tried to achieve the above using tf.gather but I had no luck. Then I tried using a series of tf.map_fn, which is ugly and computationally costly.
To simplify the above:
let's say we've got an A array of shape (3,3,3,32). Then the numpy equivalent of what I try to achieve is this:
import numpy as np
x = np.random.rand(3,3,32)
y = np.random.rand(3,3,32)
z = np.random.rand(3,3,32)
x_sums = np.sum(np.sum(x,axis=0),0);
y_sums = np.sum(np.sum(y,axis=0),0);
z_sums = np.sum(np.sum(z,axis=0),0);
max_sums = np.argmax([x_sums,y_sums,z_sums],0)
A = np.array([x,y,z])
tmp = []
for i in range(0,len(max_sums)):
output = np.transpose(np.stack(tmp))
Any suggestions?
ps: I tried tf.gather_nd but I had no luck
This is how you can do something like that with tf.gather_nd:
import tensorflow as tf
# Make example data
b = 10 # Batch size
x = tf.random.uniform((b, 49, 3, 3, 32))
y = tf.random.uniform((b, 49, 3, 3, 32))
z = tf.random.uniform((b, 49, 3, 3, 32))
# Stack tensors together
data = tf.stack([x, y, z], axis=2)
# Put reduction axes last
data_t = tf.transpose(data, (0, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4))
# Reduce
s = tf.reduce_sum(data_t, axis=(4, 5))
# Find largest sums
idx = tf.argmax(s, 3)
# Make gather indices
data_shape = tf.shape(data_t, idx.dtype)
bb, ii, jj = tf.meshgrid(*(tf.range(data_shape[i]) for i in range(3)), indexing='ij')
# Gather result
output_t = tf.gather_nd(data_t, tf.stack([bb, ii, jj, idx], axis=-1))
# Reorder axes
output = tf.transpose(output_t, (0, 1, 3, 4, 2))
# TensorShape([10, 49, 3, 3, 32])

Local reduce with specified slices over a single axis in tensorflow

I am trying to perform a local reduce with specified slices over a single axis on a 2D array.
I achieved this using numpy's numpy.ufunc.reduceat or numpy.add.reduceat but I would like do the same in tensorflow as the input to this reduce operation is an output from tensorflow convolution.
I came across tf.math.reduce_sum but I am not sure how this can be used in my case.
It will be great if I can do the reduceat operation in tensorflow as I can take advantage of a GPU.
You can do almost the same using tf.math.segment_sum:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def add_reduceat_tf(a, indices, axis=0):
a = tf.convert_to_tensor(a)
indices = tf.convert_to_tensor(indices)
# Transpose if necessary
transpose = not (isinstance(axis, int) and axis == 0)
if transpose:
axis = tf.convert_to_tensor(axis)
ndims = tf.cast(tf.rank(a), axis.dtype)
a = tf.transpose(a, tf.concat([[axis], tf.range(axis),
tf.range(axis + 1, ndims)], axis=0))
# Make segment ids
r = tf.range(tf.shape(a, out_type=indices.dtype)[0])
segments = tf.searchsorted(indices, r, side='right')
# Compute segmented sum and discard first unused segment
out = tf.math.segment_sum(a, segments)[1:]
# Transpose back if necessary
if transpose:
out = tf.transpose(out, tf.concat([tf.range(1, axis + 1), [0],
tf.range(axis + 1, ndims)], axis=0))
return out
# Test
a = np.random.rand(5, 10).astype(np.float32)
indices = [2, 4, 7]
axis = 1
# NumPy computation
out_np = np.add.reduceat(a, indices, axis=axis)
# TF computation
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
out = add_reduceat_tf(a, indices, axis=axis)
out_tf =
# Check result
print(np.allclose(out_np, out_tf))
# True
You can replace tf.math.segment_sum above with the reduction function you want to use. The only difference between this and the actual np.ufunc.reduceat is the special case where indices[i] >= indices[i + 1]. The posted function requires indices to be sorted, and if there were a case where indices[i] == indices[i + 1] the corresponding i position in the output would be zero, not a[indices[i]].

How to implement tf.nn.top_k with Numpy?

How can I implement the tensorflow function tf.nn.top_k with Numpy? Suppose the input is ndarray in format heigh x width x channel?
You can use the answer here with Numpy 1.8 and up.
I spent more time on this than I wanted, because the other answers treated the whole multidimensional array as a single search where top_k only looks at the last dimension. There's more information here, where the partition is used to specifically sort a given axis.
To summarize, based upon the tensorflow signature (without name):
def top_k(input, k=1, sorted=True):
"""Top k max pooling
input(ndarray): convolutional feature in heigh x width x channel format
k(int): if k==1, it is equal to normal max pooling
sorted(bool): whether to return the array sorted by channel value
ndarray: k x (height x width)
ndarray: k
ind = np.argpartition(input, -k)[..., -k:]
def get_entries(input, ind, sorted):
if len(ind.shape) == 1:
if sorted:
ind = ind[np.argsort(-input[ind])]
return input[ind], ind
output, ind = zip(*[get_entries(inp, id, sorted) for inp, id in zip(input, ind)])
return np.array(output), np.array(ind)
return get_entries(input, ind, sorted)
Keep in mind, for your answer, you tested with
arr = np.random.rand(3, 3, 3)
arr1, ind1 = top_k(arr)
arr2 = np.max(arr, axis=(0,1))
arr3, ind3 = tf.nn.top_k(arr)
but arr2.shape is (3,) and arr3.numpy().shape is (3, 3, 1).
If you really want tf.nn.top_k like functionality, you should use np.array_equal(arr3, np.max(arr, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) as the test. I ran this with tf.enable_eager_execution() executed, hence the .numpy() instead of .eval().
import numpy as np
def top_k(input, k=1):
"""Top k max pooling
input(ndarray): convolutional feature in heigh x width x channel format
k(int): if k==1, it is equal to normal max pooling
ndarray: k x (height x width)
input = np.reshape(input, [-1, input.shape[-1]])
input = np.sort(input, axis=0)[::-1, :][:k, :]
return input
arr = np.random.rand(3, 3, 3)
arr1 = top_k(arr)
arr2 = np.max(arr, axis=(0,1))
assert np.array_equal(top_k(arr)[0], np.max(arr, axis=(0,1)))

