I was working on a problem that determines whether the digits in the numbers are in the increasing sequence. Now, the approach I took to solve the problem was, For instance, consider the number 5678.
To check whether 5678 is an increasing sequence, I took the first digit and the next digit and the last digit which is 5,6,8 and substitute in range function range(first,last,(diff of first digit and the next to first digit)) i.e range(5,8+1,abs(5-6)).The result is the list of digits in the ascending order
To this problem, there is a constraint saying
For incrementing sequences, 0 should come after 9, and not before 1, as in 7890. Now my program breaks at the input 7890. I don't know how to encode this logic. Can someone help me, please?.
The code for increasing sequence was
len(set(['5','6','7','8']) - set(map(str,range(5,8+1,abs(5-6))))) == 0
You can simply check if the number, when converted to a string, is a substring of '1234567890':
str(num) in '1234567890'
you could zip the string representation of the number with a shifted self and iterate on consecutive digits together. Use all to check that numbers follow, using a modulo 10 to handle the 0 case.
num = 7890
result = all((int(y)-int(x))%10 == 1 for x,y in zip(str(num),str(num)[1:]))
I would create a cycling generator and slice that:
from itertools import cycle, islice
num = 5678901234
num = tuple(str(num))
print(num == tuple(islice(cycle(map(str, range(10))), int(num[0]), int(num[0]) + len(num))))
This is faster than solutions that check differences between individual digits. Of course, you can sacrifice the length to make it faster:
def digits(num):
while num:
yield num % 10
num //= 10
def check(num):
num = list(digits(num))
for i, j in zip(islice(cycle(range(10)), num[0], num[0] + len(num)), num):
if i != j:
return False
return True
Since you already have the zip version, here is an alternative solution:
import sys
order = dict(enumerate(range(10)))
order[0] = 10
def increasing(n):
n = abs(n)
o = order[n % 10] + 1
while n:
n, r = divmod(n, 10)
if o - order[r] != 1:
return False
o = order[r]
return True
for n in sys.argv[1:]:
print n, increasing(int(n))
Here's my take that just looks at the digits and exits as soon as there is a discrepancy:
def f(n):
while (n):
last = n % 10
n = n / 10
if n == 0:
return True
prev = n % 10
print last, prev
if prev == 0 or prev != (last - 1) % 10:
return False
print f(1234)
print f(7890)
print f(78901)
print f(1345)
Somehow this question got me thinking of Palindromes and that got me to thinking of this in a different way.
5 6 7 8
8 7 6 5
13 13 13 13
9 0 1
1 0 9
10 0 10
9 0 1 2
2 1 0 9
11 1 1 11
And that leads to this solution and tests.
pos_test_data = [5678, 901, 9012, 9012345678901]
neg_test_data = [5876, 910, 9021]
def monotonic_by_one(n):
fwd = str(n)
tgt = ord(fwd[0]) + ord(fwd[-1])
return all([ord(f) + ord(r) in (tgt, tgt - 10) for f, r in zip(fwd, reversed(fwd))])
print("Positive: ", all([monotonic_by_one(n) for n in pos_test_data]))
print("Negative: ", all([not monotonic_by_one(n) for n in neg_test_data]))
Positive: True
Negative: True
Instead of using to full list comprehension you could use a for loop and bail out at the first failure. I'd want to look at the size of the numbers being checked and time somethings to decide which was faster.
I would try this, a little verbose for readability:
seq = list(input())
seq1 = seq[1:]
seq2 = seq[:-1]
diff = [x-y for x,y in zip([int(x) if int(x)>0 else 10 for x in seq1],[int(x) if int(x)>0 else 10 for x in seq2])]
if any (t != 1 for t in diff) :
print('not <<<<<')
else :
A simple solution that checks the next number in the sequence and then using current_number + 1 == next_number to detect sequence.
import bisect
def find_next(x, a):
i = bisect.bisect_right(x, a)
if i:
return x[i]
return None
def is_sequence(x):
ans = True
for i in x[:-1]:
next_num = find_next(x, i)
if next_num and i+1 != next_num:
ans = False
return ans
print(is_sequence([1,2,3,4])) # True
I am working on project Euler problem #111. I have created this program which works fantastic for the given example but apparently is not producing the desired answer to the problem. Here's my source code in python:-
#This function generates all the primes of 4 digits with the highest repeated digits 1 to 9 and returns their sum for eg. 3313, 4441, 4111 etc.
Note that any digit from 1 to 9 can come at most of 3 times in a 4 digit prime number. I have highlighted the same in the code.`
from more_itertools import distinct_permutations
from sympy.ntheory.primetest import isprime
def fn1to9():
s = 0
for digit in range(1, 10):
for j in range(0, 10):
permutations = list(distinct_permutations(str(digit) * 3 + str(j)))
for perm in permutations:
num = int("".join(perm))
if (num > 1000000000):
if (isprime(num)):
s = s + num
return s
This function is for the special case of 0. Note that 0 can come atmost 2 times in a 4 digit prime no. I have bolded the number 2 in the code.
def fnFor0():
s = 0
for firstDigit in range(1, 10):
permutations = list(distinct_permutations(str(0) *2+ str(firstDigit)))
for perm in permutations:
for msd in range(1, 10):
temp = list(perm)
temp.insert(0, str(msd))
num = int("".join(temp))
if (num > 1000000000):
if (isprime(num)):
s = s + num
return s
Now, this program works well and produces the desired sum of 273700 as has been stated in the question. So, I made the required changes and ran it for 10 digits. The required changes were changing the str(digit)*3 to str(digit)*9 in fn1to9 and str(digit)*2 to str(digit)*8 in fnFor0 in the distinct_permutations() function (Hoping that 9 digits will be repeated for every digit from 1 to 9 in the prime number and 8 0s for the prime number containing 0s). But it did not give the desired answer. Then I inspected and found out that for repeated digits of 2 and 8, the maximum repetition can be of 8 digits, so I wrote another function specifically for these 2 digits which is as follows:
def fnFor2and8():
s = 0
for digit in [2,8]:
for firstDigit in range(0, 10):
for secondDigit in range(0, 10):
permutations = list(distinct_permutations(str(digit) * 8 + str(firstDigit) + str(secondDigit)))
for perm in permutations:
num = int("".join(perm))
if (num > 1000000000):
if (isprime(num)):
s = s + num
return s
This function as expected produces the desired 10 digits numbers with 2 and 8 repeated exactly 8 times. I had hoped it summing up the results from all of these 3 functions will give me the answer but seems like I am missing some numbers. Can someone please help me point out the flaw in my reasoning or in my program. Thanks a lot in advance.
Here was the solution I came by wehn I was working on this problem:
import eulerlib
def compute():
primes = eulerlib.list_primes(eulerlib.sqrt(10**DIGITS))
# Only valid if 1 < n <= 10^DIGITS.
def is_prime(n):
end = eulerlib.sqrt(n)
for p in primes:
if p > end:
if n % p == 0:
return False
return True
ans = 0
# For each repeating digit
for digit in range(10):
# Search by the number of repetitions in decreasing order
for rep in range(DIGITS, -1, -1):
sum = 0
digits = [0] * DIGITS
# Try all possibilities for filling the non-repeating digits
for i in range(9**(DIGITS - rep)):
# Build initial array. For example, if DIGITS=7, digit=5, rep=4, i=123, then the array will be filled with 5,5,5,5,1,4,7.
for j in range(rep):
digits[j] = digit
temp = i
for j in range(DIGITS - rep):
d = temp % 9
if d >= digit: # Skip the repeating digit
d += 1
if j > 0 and d > digits[DIGITS - j]: # If this is true, then after sorting, the array will be in an already-tried configuration
digits[-1 - j] = d
temp //= 9
digits.sort() # Start at lowest permutation
while True: # Go through all permutations
if digits[0] > 0: # Skip if the number has a leading zero, which means it has less than DIGIT digits
num = int("".join(map(str, digits)))
if is_prime(num):
sum += num
if not eulerlib.next_permutation(digits):
if sum > 0: # Primes found; skip all lesser repetitions
ans += sum
return str(ans)
if __name__ == "__main__":
def isPrime(n):
if n == 1:
return False
for i in range(2,n):
if n%i == 0:
return False
return True
I'd like to know why this code omits two when saying if a number isPrime and how do I fix it if I should make the value of n be 2.
range(2,2) is empty.
you can see it by doing
for i in range(2,2):
Im new to python. About two days lol.
But i think i can see what the problem is.
The range(a, b) function counts to the length "b-a"
because thats what a range is(highest - smallest)
So when you're using the range() function write it out this way:
def isPrime(n):
if n == 1:
return False
for i in range(1,n):
if n%i == 0:
return False
return True
It omits 2 because range(2,2) is empty, like the other answers have stated. However, for n=2 you WANT the range to be empty, because you never want to include 1 (every positive integer is divisible by 1), and 2 is divisible by 2. In general, you want to use range(2, n) because n is divisible by n.
Another problem here is that you return True within the for loop; this means that on the first pass through the loop for n≥3, if n is odd the function will return True. The solution to this is just to knock the return True statement back a level of indentation. That way, if the range is empty, or only after checking if n is divisible by every number from 2 to n-1 inclusive, you return True. It should look something like this:
def isPrime(n):
if n == 1:
return False
for i in range(2,n):
if n%i == 0:
return False
return True
It omits 2 because of the range function:
In your code, if you want to include n, you should use range(2,n+1)
for this specific issue, you could do something like:
def isPrime(n):
if n == 1:
return False
elif n == 2:
return False
prime = True
for i in range(2,n):
if n%i == 0:
prime = False
return prime
The elif catches the special case where n == 2. Additionally, I inserted an extra variable which is set to False when the modulo becomes 0 (thus, the variable is not a prime number)
The break makes sure that the check is stopped once a remainder becomes 0, and it is returned whether your variable is prime or not.
I checked it, and got to the following results:
for input = 6
for input = 11
"The simplest primality test is trial division: Given an input number n, check whether any prime integer m from 2 to √n evenly divides n (the division leaves no remainder). If n is divisible by any m then n is composite, otherwise it is prime."
Wikipedia article on primality test, Look at the simple test to understand why this works.
It looks like you keep dividing numbers to see if any number up to that number divides it. You will realize that for a given n, the largest number that can divide n is some m, such that 2 * m = n. So firstly, indexing all the way up to n is checking each case twice. Example:
8 % 1 == 8?
8 % 2 == 0? -> 8 / 2 = 4
8 % 3 == 0?
8 % 4 == 0? -> 8 / 4 = 2
8 % 5 == 0?
8 % 6 == 0?
8 % 7 == 0?
To mitigate these duplicate checks: You square i, and only check divisors (i) no greater √n. In this case, n=8, We stop at i = 3, because then we just swap the divisors order, and check the same cases over again.
Also note: We will start our loop at n = 5, because we check the base cases n = 1, 2 or 3? and we know 4 is not prime:
1 is not prime
2 is prime
3 is prime
4 is not prime
5 is prime
6 is not prime
7 is prime
8 is not prime
9 is not prime
# Via Trivial division
def isPrime(n):
# False by definition
if n <= 1:
return False
# Consider 2 and 3 base cases
# for THIS method of detecting
# prime numbers (trivial division)
elif n <= 3:
return True
# Check that 2 or 3 divides n
elif n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:
return False
i = 5
while (i * i) <= n:
if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2):
return False
i = i + 6
return True
j = 1
while j < 10:
if (isPrime(j)):
print(str(j) + " is prime")
print(str(j) + " is not prime")
j = j + 1
So I was able to solve this problem with a little bit of help from the internet and this is what I got:
def isPrime(n):
for i in range(2,int(n**0.5)+1):
if n%i==0:
return False
return True
But my question really is how to do it, but WHY. I understand that 1 is not considered a "prime" number even though it is, and I understand that if it divides by ANYTHING within the range it is automatically not a prime thus the return False statement. but my question is what role does the squar-rooting the "n" play here?
P.s. I am very inexperienced and have just been introduced to programming a month ago.
Of many prime number tests floating around the Internet, consider the following Python function:
def is_prime(n):
if n == 2 or n == 3: return True
if n < 2 or n%2 == 0: return False
if n < 9: return True
if n%3 == 0: return False
r = int(n**0.5)
# since all primes > 3 are of the form 6n ± 1
# start with f=5 (which is prime)
# and test f, f+2 for being prime
# then loop by 6.
f = 5
while f <= r:
if n % f == 0: return False
if n % (f+2) == 0: return False
f += 6
return True
Since all primes > 3 are of the form 6n ± 1, once we eliminate that n is:
not 2 or 3 (which are prime) and
not even (with n%2) and
not divisible by 3 (with n%3) then we can test every 6th n ± 1.
Consider the prime number 5003:
print is_prime(5003)
The line r = int(n**0.5) evaluates to 70 (the square root of 5003 is 70.7318881411 and int() truncates this value)
Consider the next odd number (since all even numbers other than 2 are not prime) of 5005, same thing prints:
The limit is the square root since x*y == y*x The function only has to go 1 loop to find that 5005 is divisible by 5 and therefore not prime. Since 5 X 1001 == 1001 X 5 (and both are 5005), we do not need to go all the way to 1001 in the loop to know what we know at 5!
Now, let's look at the algorithm you have:
def isPrime(n):
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
There are two issues:
It does not test if n is less than 2, and there are no primes less than 2;
It tests every number between 2 and n**0.5 including all even and all odd numbers. Since every number greater than 2 that is divisible by 2 is not prime, we can speed it up a little by only testing odd numbers greater than 2.
def isPrime2(n):
if n==2 or n==3: return True
if n%2==0 or n<2: return False
for i in range(3, int(n**0.5)+1, 2): # only odd numbers
if n%i==0:
return False
return True
OK -- that speeds it up by about 30% (I benchmarked it...)
The algorithm I used is_prime is about 2x times faster still, since only every 6th integer is looping through the loop. (Once again, I benchmarked it.)
Side note: x**0.5 is the square root:
>>> import math
>>> math.sqrt(100)==100**0.5
Side note 2: primality testing is an interesting problem in computer science.
With n**.5, you are not squaring n, but taking the square root.
Consider the number 20; the integer factors are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20. When you divide 20 by 2 and get 10, you know that it is also divisible by 10, without having to check. When you divide it by 4 and get 5, you know it is divisible by both 4 and 5, without having to check for 5.
After reaching this halfway point in the factors, you will have no more numbers to check which you haven't already recognized as factors earlier. Therefore, you only need to go halfway to see if something is prime, and this halfway point can be found by taking the number's square root.
Also, the reason 1 isn't a prime number is because prime numbers are defined as having 2 factors, 1 and itself. i.e 2 is 1*2, 3 is 1*3, 5 is 1*5. But 1 (1*1) only has 1 factor, itself. Therefore, it doesn't meet this definition.
The question was asked a bit ago, but I have a shorter solution for you
def isNotPrime(Number):
return 2 not in [Number,2**Number%Number]
The math operation will mostly return 2 if the number is a prime, instead of 2. But if 2 is the given number, it is appended to the list where we are looking into.
2^5=32 32%5=2
2^7=128 128%7=2
2^11=2048 2048%11=2
Counter examples:
2^341%341=2, but 341==11*31
2^561%561=2, but 561==3*11*17
2^645%645=2, but 645==3*5*43
isNotPrime() reliably returns True if Number is not prime though.
No floating point operations are done below. This is faster and will tolerate higher arguments. The reason you must go only to the square-root is that if a number has a factor larger than its square root, it also has a factor smaller than it.
def is_prime(n):
""""pre-condition: n is a nonnegative integer
post-condition: return True if n is prime and False otherwise."""
if n < 2:
return False;
if n % 2 == 0:
return n == 2 # return False
k = 3
while k*k <= n:
if n % k == 0:
return False
k += 2
return True
This method will be slower than the the recursive and enumerative methods here, but uses Wilson's theorem, and is just a single line:
from math import factorial
def is_prime(x):
return factorial(x - 1) % x == x - 1
Finding the square root of the number is for efficiency. eg. if I am trying to find the factors of 36, the highest number that can be multiplied by itself to form 36 is 6. 7*7 = 49.
therefore every factor of 36 has to be multiplied by 6 or a lesser number.
def is_prime(x):
if x < 2:
return False
elif x == 2:
return True
for n in range(2, x):
if x % n ==0:
return False
return True
This is my method:
import math
def isPrime(n):
'Returns True if n is prime, False if n is not prime. Will not work if n is 0 or 1'
# Make sure n is a positive integer
n = abs(int(n))
# Case 1: the number is 2 (prime)
if n == 2: return True
# Case 2: the number is even (not prime)
if n % 2 == 0: return False
# Case 3: the number is odd (could be prime or not)
# Check odd numbers less than the square root for possible factors
r = math.sqrt(n)
x = 3
while x <= r:
if n % x == 0: return False # A factor was found, so number is not prime
x += 2 # Increment to the next odd number
# No factors found, so number is prime
return True
To answer the original question, n**0.5 is the same as the square of root of n. You can stop checking for factors after this number because a composite number will always have a factor less than or equal to its square root. This is faster than say just checking all of the factors between 2 and n for every n, because we check fewer numbers, which saves more time as n grows.
def is_prime(x):
if x < 2:
return False
for n in range(2, (x) - 1):
if x % n == 0:
return False
return True
I don't know if I am late but I will leave this here to help someone in future.
We use the square root of (n) i.e int(n**0.5) to reduce the range of numbers your program will be forced to calculate.
For example, we can do a trial division to test the primality of 100. Let's look at all the divisors of 100:
2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50
Here we see that the largest factor is 100/2 = 50. This is true for all n: all divisors are less than or equal to n/2. If we take a closer look at the divisors, we will see that some of them are redundant. If we write the list differently:
100 = 2 × 50 = 4 × 25 = 5 × 20 = 10 × 10 = 20 × 5 = 25 × 4 = 50 × 2
the redundancy becomes obvious. Once we reach 10, which is √100, the divisors just flip around and repeat. Therefore, we can further eliminate testing divisors greater than √n.
Take another number like 16.
Its divisors are, 2,4,8
16 = 2 * 8, 4 * 4, 8 * 2.
You can note that after reaching 4, which is the square root of 16, we repeated 8 * 2 which we had already done as 2*8. This pattern is true for all numbers.
To avoid repeating ourselves, we thus test for primality up to the square root of a number n.
So we convert the square root to int because we do not want a range with floating numbers.
Read the primality test on wikipedia for more info.
def isPrime(num,div=2):
return True
elif(num % div == 0):
return False
return isPrime(num,div+1)
def is_prime(num, div = 2):
if num == div: return True
elif num % div == 0: return False
elif num == 1: return False
else: return is_prime(num, div + 1)
isPrime=lambda x: all(x % i != 0 for i in range(int(x**0.5)+1)[2:])
and here goes how to use it
isPrime(2) == False
isPrime(5) == True
isPrime(7) == True
To find all primes you might use:
filter(isPrime, range(4000)[2:])[:5]
=> [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
Note that 5, in this case, denotes number of prime numbers to be found and 4000 max range of where primes will be looked for.
Every code you write should be efficient.For a beginner like you the easiest way is to check the divisibility of the number 'n' from 2 to (n-1). This takes a lot of time when you consider very big numbers. The square root method helps us make the code faster by less number of comparisons. Read about complexities in Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
int(n**0.5) is the floor value of sqrt(n) which you confused with power 2 of n (n**2). If n is not prime, there must be two numbers 1 < i <= j < n such that: i * j = n.
Now, since sqrt(n) * sqrt(n) = n assuming one of i,j is bigger than (or equals to) sqrt(n) - it means that the other one has to be smaller than (or equals to) sqrt(n).
Since that is the case, it's good enough to iterate the integer numbers in the range [2, sqrt(n)]. And that's exactly what the code that was posted is doing.
If you want to come out as a real smartass, use the following one-liner function:
import re
def is_prime(n):
return not re.match(r'^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$',n*'1')
An explanation for the "magic regex" can be found here
Implemented a pseudocode (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primality_test) in python, hope this help.
# original pseudocode https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primality_test
def isPrime(n):
# Corner Cases
if (n<= 1): return False
elif (n<= 3): return True
elif (n%2 == 0 or n%3 == 0): return False
i = 5
while i*i<=n:
if (n%i==0 or n%(i+2)==0): return False
i += 6
return True;
%timeit isPrime(800)
This is my np way:
def is_prime(x):
if x < 4:
return True
if all([(x > 2), (x % 2 == 0)]):
return False
return np.array([*map(lambda y: ((x % y) == 0).sum(), np.arange(1, x + 1))]).sum() == 2
Here's the performance:
%timeit is_prime(2)
%timeit is_prime(int(1e3))
%timeit is_prime(5003)
10000 loops, best of 3: 31.1 µs per loop
10000 loops, best of 3: 33 µs per loop
10 loops, best of 3: 74.2 ms per loop
def is_prime(n):
if n<2: #Numbers less than 2 are not prime numbers
return "False"
elif n==2: #2 is a prime number
return "True"
for i in range(2,n): # Highlights range numbers that can't be a factor of prime number n.
if n%i==0:
return "False" #if any of these numbers are factors of n, n is not a prime number
return "True" # This is to affirm that n is indeed a prime number after passing all three tests
It was an exercise in codecademy and that's how i passed it below...
def is_prime(x):
# If number(x) is evenly divided by following dividers then number(x) is not prime
divider = [2, 3, 5, 7]
# An empty list to be able to check whether number(x) is evenly divided:
remainder = []
# exceptions for numbers 1,2,3,5,7:
if x < 2:
return False
if x in divider:
return True
for nums in divider:
remainder.append(x % nums)
if 0 in remainder:
return False
return True
def is_prime(n):
if (n==2 or n==3): return True
if(n<=1 or n%2==0 or n%3==0 ): return False
for i in range(6,int((n**0.5)) + 2,6):
if(n%(i-1)==0 or n%(i+1)==0):
return False
return True
This is the answer to that website.
def is_Prime(n):
if n <= 3:
return n > 1
if n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:
return False
i = 5
while i ** 2 <= n:
if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:
return False
i += 6
return True
for i in range(0,1000001):
if is_Prime(isPrime[i])==True:
This entire solution is based on factors. A natural number which has exactly two factors, i.e. 1 and the number itself, is a prime number. In simple words, if a number is only divisible by 1 and itself, then it is a prime number. Every prime number is an odd number except number 2.
def isprime(x):
if x < 2:
return False
for i in range(1,x+1):
if (x % i == 0):
return True if len(factors) <=2 else False
Remember kids order of operations is important.
Doing it like this eliminates useless branches that costs performance and checks special rare cases only when necessary. there is no need to check if n == 2 unless n is odd. And there is no need to check if n <= 1 unless n is not divisible by any positive numbers other than itself and 1 because it's a rare special case. Also checking if not n%5 is slower, atleast in python. That's why I stopped in 3.
from math import sqrt
def is_prime(n):
if not n%2: return n==2
if not n%3: return n==3
for i in range(5,int(sqrt(n))+1,2):
if not n%i: return False
return n>1
This is even faster solution, which doesn't check numbers that are multipliers of 2 and 3 (in the loop) instead of 2 only. Btw, I stored int(sqrt(n)) to prevent the while loop from calculating it every iteration.
def is_prime(n):
if not n&1: return n==2
if not n%3: return n==3
while i<=r:
if not n%i or not n%(i+2): return False
return n>1
Pretty simple!
def prime(x):
if x == 1:
return False
for a in range(2,x):
if x % a == 0:
return False
return True
def fun(N):#prime test
if N>1 :
for _ in xrange(5):
if pow(Num,N-1,N)!=1:
return False
return True
return False
True if the number is prime otherwise false
The number 1 is a special case which is considered neither prime nor composite.
For more info visit : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PrimeNumber.html
(n**0.5) --> This will give us the "square root" of 'n'. As it is "n raised to the power 0.5 or 1/2"
And WHY do we do that,
Take for example the number 400:
We can represent it in the form a*b
1*400 = 400
2*200 = 400
4*100 = 400
5*80 = 400
8*50 = 400
10*40 = 400
16*25 = 400
20*20 = 400
25*16 = 400
40*10 = 400
50*8 = 400
80*5 = 400
100*4 = 400
200*2 = 400
400*1 = 400
Square root of 400 is 20:
and we can see that we only need to check the divisibility till 20 because, as 'a' reaches 20 'b' starts decreasing...
So, ultimately we are checking divisibility with the numbers less than the square root.
I have a new solution which I think might be faster than any of the mentioned
Function in Python
It's based on the idea that:
N/D = R
for any arbitrary number N, the least possible number to divide N (if not prime) is D=2 and the corresponding result R is (N/2) (highest).
As D goes bigger the result R gets smaller ex: divide by D = 3 results R = (N/3)
so when we are checking if N is divisible by D we are also checking if it's divisible by R
so as D goes bigger and R goes smaller till (D == R == square root(N))
then we only need to check numbers from 2 to sqrt(N)
another tip to save time, we only need to check the odd numbers as it the number is divisible by any even number it will also be divisible by 2.
so the sequence will be 3,5,7,9,......,sqrt(N).
import math
def IsPrime (n):
if (n <= 1 or n % 2 == 0):return False
if n == 2:return True
for i in range(3,int(math.sqrt(n))+1,2):
if (n % i) == 0:
return False
return True
Avinash Jain
for i in range(2,5003):
j = 2
c = 0
while j < i:
if i % j == 0:
c = 1
j = j + 1
j = j + 1
if c == 0:
print(str(i) + ' is a prime number')
c = 0
def is_prime(x):
if x<2:
return False
elif x == 2:
return True
for n in range(2, x):
if x%n==0:
return False
return True
Srsly guys... Why so many lines of code for a simple method like this? Here's my solution:
def isPrime(a):
div = a - 1
res = True
while(div > 1):
if a % div == 0:
res = False
div = div - 1
return res