How to get document id in python search api? - python

I'm developing a map site using Google App Engine with Python language, and have used Search API to apply to my site ( How i get doccument id after put it in an index? I did as below but not get the doc_id:
fields = [
search.TextField(name = 'userid', value = request.userid),
search.NumberField(name = 'zoom', value = request.zoom),
search.TextField(name = 'title', value = request.title),
search.TextField(name = 'content', value = request.content),
search.GeoField(name = 'location', value = search.GeoPoint(, request.lng))
d = search.Document(fields = fields)
search.Index(name = _INDEX_NAME).put(d)
doc_id = d.doc_id

See the full documentation:
results = search.Index(name=_INDEX_NAME).put(d)
doc_id = results[0].id


Elasticsearch: search does not return documents

When I run the following:
search_doc =
search_doc = search_doc.query("term", doc_field = f"string_{num}")
and then use .scan() I get Hit objects. So, something seems to be wrong...
However, when I use the ids of those hit objects:
all_docs = [ for doc in search_doc.scan()]
for id in all_docs:
loc = Document.get(
id = id
assert isinstance(doc, Document) # <- always true!!
Why is there this difference? Why doesn't the search object return documents objects?
Here's the definition of my Document class:
field_1 = dsl.Keyword()
field_2 = dsl.Keyword(multi=True)
data = dsl.Object(Inner_Document) # data will have many other fields
last_updated = dsl.Date()
class Index:
name = default_index # different from custom_index
settings = {
"number_of_shards": 1
class Meta:
dynamic = dsl.MetaField('strict')
The version of ES that I'm using is 7.17.6 .
The package elasticsearch is 7.17.3
and elasticsearch-dsl is 7.4.0 .

Odoo: Values of Many2many with dynamic domain aren't getting saved

I am trying to dynamically change the values of a many2many field products_ids based on multiple onchange functions of other fields (e.g. brand_id and origin_id).
So far everything is working great and it does show the expected values, but once i hit the save button the values of the many2many field disappear
class CustomModifyPrice(models.Model):
brand_id = fields.Many2many(comodel_name="custom.brand", string="Brand", required=False, )
origin_id = fields.Many2many(comodel_name="", string="Origin", required=False, )
product_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name="custom.product", string="Products", readonly=True, )
search_terms = {}
product_ids_list = []
def onchange_change_brand(self):
for rec in self:
product_brands = []
for prod_brand in rec.brand_id:
rec.search_terms["product_brands"] = product_brands
def onchange_change_origin(self):
for rec in self:
product_origins = []
for prod_origin in rec.origin_id:
rec.search_terms["product_origins"] = product_origins
def get_products(self):
domain = []
self.product_ids_list = []
if 'product_brands' in self.search_terms:
product_brands = self.search_terms['product_brands']
if product_brands:
tuple1 = ('brand_id', 'in', product_brands)
if 'product_origins' in self.search_terms:
product_origins = self.search_terms['product_origins']
if product_origins:
tuple1 = ('country_id', 'in', product_origins)
if domain:
products = self.env['custom.product'].search(domain)
if products.ids:
for prod in products:
self.product_ids = [(6, False, self.product_ids_list)]
Make sure force_save="1" is placed as an attribute in your field (xml file)

Is there a way to pass data from a python list into particular fields of an sqlite database using a django command?

I have data that has been scraped from a website, parsed, and cleaned into the pieces I need. The data is stored in a two dimensional list as such [[address1, name1, ip1], [address2, name2, ip2]]. The scraping and storing of the aforementioned data is done through a django command, and I would like to update my model with the same command as it validates the data. I also have a model with the following fields and attributes:
class MonitoredData(models.Model):
external_id = models.UUIDField(
primary_key = True,
default = uuid.uuid4,
editable = False)
mac_address = models.CharField(max_length=12)
ipv4_address = models.CharField(max_length=200)
interface_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
update_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
address1 needs to go in the mac_address field, name1 needs to go into the interface_name field, and ip1 needs to go into ipv4_address field. The other fields need to auto-fill according to their attributes.
The django command that grabs and parses the data is:
class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
url1 = ''
url2 = ''
res1 = requests.get(url1)
data1 = str(res1.content)
res2 = requests.get(url2)
data2 = str(res2.content)
parsedData1 = parse1(data1)
goodMac1 = []
badMac1 = []
for k in parsedData1:
if len(k[0]) == 12:
if match(k[0]):
parsedData2 = parse2(data2)
goodMac2 = []
badMac2 = []
for j in parsedData2:
if len(j[0]) == 12:
if match(j[0]):
I'd like to store the data into the database instead of appending to the goodMac list in the nested if statement.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, I am using Python 3.7.5 and Django 3.0.5
I figured it out! I hope this will save someone all the time and trouble I went through solving this, the solution, as I suspected, was fairly trivial once I found it. You import your model, instantiate an object of it, then update the fields and use the save() function. Here is the fixed code.
import requests
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from Monitor.models import *
from Monitor.parse1 import parse1
from Monitor.parse2 import parse2
from Monitor.matcher import match
class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
url1 = ''
url2 = ''
res1 = requests.get(url1)
data1 = str(res1.content)
res2 = requests.get(url2)
data2 = str(res2.content)
parsedData1 = parse1(data1)
goodMac1 = []
badMac1 = []
for k in parsedData1:
if len(k[0]) == 12:
if match(k[0]):
monInter = MonitoredData()
monInter.mac_address = k[0]
monInter.interface_name = k[1]
monInter.ipv4_address = k[2]
parsedData2 = parse2(data2)
goodMac2 = []
badMac2 = []
for j in parsedData2:
if len(j[0]) == 12:
if match(j[0]):
Here are links to the documentation I ultimately ended up using:

GAE Search: Relationships between documents in index

I'd like to return a result object which contains the indexed document AND other information, from another entity, with which the indexed document has a relationship.
So, let's say I have two Kinds:
class Store(BaseHandler):
store_name = ndb.StringProperty()
logo_url = ndb.StringProperty()
about_store = ndb.TextProperty()
class Product(BaseHandler):
product_name = ndb.StringProperty
store_key = ndb.KeyProperty() #Store entity which created this product.
Then, I add each new Product entity to the index, like this:
class NewProduct(BaseHandler):
def get(self, store_id):
def post(self, store_id):
product_name = self.request.get('product_name')
store_key = ndb.Key('Store', store_id)
p = Product(
store_key = store_key,
product_name = product_name)
# Add p to index
p_doc = search.Document(
doc_id = str(,
fields = [
search.AtomField(name = 'store_id', value = str(str_id)),
search.TextField(name = 'product_name', value = e.product_name)])
index = search.Index('product_index')
# handle error
Now, if I run a search query using...
index = search.Index('product_index')'PRODUCT_NAME')
I should be able to return all the Product documents from the index by its query string.
My question is: How do I efficiently return a result object which contains both the product document AND its Store kind information (store_name, logo_url, about_store)?

mongoengine OperationError on saving

I'm writing a python script to populate a mongodb database, my models look like the following:
from mongoengine import *
from mongoengine.django.auth import User
class TrackGroup (Document):
name = StringField(required=True)
users = ListField(ReferenceField('User'))
devices = ListField(ReferenceField('Device'))
class Device(Document):
name = StringField(max_length=50, required=True)
grp = ListField(ReferenceField(TrackGroup))
class User(User):
first_name = StringField(max_length=50)
last_name = StringField(max_length=50)
grp = ListField(ReferenceField(TrackGroup))
And my script goes like this:
#Create a group
gName = 'group name'
g = TrackGroup(name=gName)
g.users = []
g.devices = []
#create a user
u = User.create_user(username='name', password='admin', email='')
gRef = g
u.grp = [gRef, ]
u.first_name = 'first'
u.last_name = 'last'
#create a device
dev = Device(name='name').save()
gRef = g
dev.grp = [gRef, ]
gRef.devices.append(dev) #Problem happens here
The problem happens when I call I get the following error:
raise OperationError(message % unicode(err))
mongoengine.errors.OperationError: Could not save document (LEFT_SUBFIELD only supports Object: users.0 not: 7)
I looked around for a while, and here it says that this means I'm trying to set a filed with an empty key, like this: (The example is from the link above, not mine)
"_id" : ObjectId("4e52b5e08ead0e3853320000"),
"title" : "Something",
"url" : "",
"" : "",
"tags" : [ "international"]
I don't know where such a field can come from, but I opened a mongo shell and looked at my documents from the three collections, and I couldn't find such a field.
Note: If I add the device first, the same error occurs while saving the group after adding the user.
I had the same error, and this trick work for me:
/* make some change */
the_obj_causing_error.price = 5
just try reload() the object before changing it.

