how do I make get request directly to a flask app object - python

I inherited a project that uses flask. This flask application has several APIs, each API has a GET function that returns a json object.
I was asked to implement an additional API that requests information from the other APIs. So my question is how do I make a GET request directly to a flask application? Is it something like....
from flask import request
#app.route('/root_dir/api_number_1/info', methods=['GET'])
def request_info_from_api_number_1():
return request.get_json()
#app.route('/root_dir/api_number_2/info', methods=['GET'])
def request_info_from_api_number_2():
return request.get_json()
When I do this the functions return None. I suppose I could always make an http request to the flask url and specify the address as localhost but it seems strange to have to make an http request when I can directly access the flask app object.

Could you just use the existing api functions?
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def foo():
return "foo"
def foobar():
return foo() + "bar"
if __name__ == "__main__":


flask binding resource to an endpoint

as i know so far there are two ways of binding resouces to an endpoint using flask framework,
the first one is using the #app.route decorator, like this:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
the second way is to create a class that inherite from Resources in flask-restfull, this class contains the http methods as functions, we bind it to an endpoint using add_resource method, as follow:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
class HelloWorld(Resource):
def get(self):
return 'Hello, World!'
api.add_resource(HelloWorld, '/')
if __name__ == '__main__':
as I understand this two different syntaxes do the same thing, what I dont understand is what is the difference between the two ? or is one designed for a specific type of applications and the other to another type of applications ?
Flask-RESTful is an extension of Flask, which itself is built on many of the excellent utilities provided by Werkzeug.
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def say_foo():
return 'foo'
def say_bar():
return 'bar'
if __name__ == '__main__':
One of the biggest ideas behind REST is using HTTP to interact with resources. The problem with this code is our resource is split up over multiple methods. There's no encapsulation. While the API itself incorporates basic elements of REST, the code completely fails to capture these ideas. This is bad! There's no reason our internal code shouldn't match the external appearance of our API.
Using Flask-RESTful
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
class Foo(Resource):
def get(self):
return 'foo'
class Bar(Resource)
def get(self):
return 'bar'
# As you might have guessed, these two lines add a given resource to our API at the
# specified route. We no longer need to enumerate what methods a route supports,
# since Flask-RESTful resolves this information by inspecting what methods you've
# defined on your resource object.
api.add_resource(Foo, '/foo')
api.add_resource(Bar, '/bar')
if __name__ == '__main__':
We have classes now! This is a huge deal. Our routes now map directly to objects. Even better, the methods on a given class are exactly the same as their HTTP counterparts. We no longer have to deal with naming methods on our routes like say_foo, since there's a 1 to 1 mapping between HTTP methods and methods on our classes.
read more:

Why does my 'Flask' object have no attribute 'get' [duplicate]

I am getting working outside of request context when trying to access session in a test. How can I set up a context when I'm testing something that requires one?
import unittest
from flask import Flask, session
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
t = Test()
hello = t.hello()
return hello
class Test:
def hello(self):
session['h'] = 'hello'
return session['h']
class MyUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unit(self):
t = tests.Test()
If you want to make a request to your application, use the test_client.
c = app.test_client()
response = c.get('/test/url')
# test response
If you want to test code which uses an application context (current_app, g, url_for), push an app_context.
with app.app_context():
# test your app context code
If you want test code which uses a request context (request, session), push a test_request_context.
with current_app.test_request_context():
# test your request context code
Both app and request contexts can also be pushed manually, which is useful when using the interpreter.
>>> ctx = app.app_context()
>>> ctx.push()
Flask-Script or the new Flask cli will automatically push an app context when running the shell command.
Flask-Testing is a useful library that contains helpers for testing Flask apps.

How to use Flasgger with Flask applications using Blueprints?

I am adding Swagger UI to my Python Flask application using Flasgger. Most common examples on the Internet are for the basic Flask style using #app.route:
from flasgger.utils import swag_from
def get(username):
return jsonify({'username': username})
That works.
In my application however, I am not using #app.route decorators to define the endpoints. I am using flask Blueprints. Like following:
from flask import Flask, Blueprint
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flasgger.utils import swag_from
class TestResourceClass(Resource):
#swag_from('docs_test_get.yml', endpoint='test')
def get() :
print "This is the get method for GET /1.0/myapi/test endpoint"
app = Flask(__name__)
my_api_blueprint = Blueprint('my_api', __name__)
my_api = Api(my_api_blueprint)
app.register_blueprint(my_api_blueprint, url_prefix='/1.0/myapi/')
my_api.add_resource(TestResourceClass, '/test/'
methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
As seen above, I used #swag_from decorator on the TestResourceClass.get() method which is bound to the GET method endpoint. I also have the endpoint=test matching in the two places.
But I am not getting anything on the Swagger UI, it is all blank. The docs_test_get.yml file does contain the valid yaml markup to define the swagger spec.
What am I missing? How can I get Flasgger Swagger UI working with Flask Blueprint based setup?
Now there is an example of blueprint app in
A test to ensure routes from Blueprints are swagged as expected.
from flask import Blueprint, Flask, jsonify
from flasgger import Swagger
from flasgger.utils import swag_from
app = Flask(__name__)
example_blueprint = Blueprint("example_blueprint", __name__)
#example_blueprint.route('/usernames/<username>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
#swag_from('username_specs.yml', methods=['GET'])
#swag_from('username_specs.yml', methods=['POST'])
def usernames(username):
return jsonify({'username': username})
#example_blueprint.route('/usernames2/<username>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def usernames2(username):
This is the summary defined in yaml file
First line is the summary
All following lines until the hyphens is added to description
the format of the first lines until 3 hyphens will be not yaml compliant
but everything below the 3 hyphens should be.
- users
- in: path
name: username
type: string
required: true
description: A single user item
id: rec_username
type: string
description: The name of the user
default: 'steve-harris'
return jsonify({'username': username})
swag = Swagger(app)
if __name__ == "__main__":
You just need to add your blueprint's name when you reference endpoint. Blueprints create namespaces. Example below. And useful tip: use'hello1')) for debugging problems with endpoint - it shows very useful error messages like this Could not build url for endpoint 'hello1'. Did you mean 'api_bp.hello1' instead?.
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, url_for
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flasgger import Swagger, swag_from
app = Flask(__name__)
api_blueprint = Blueprint('api_bp', __name__)
api = Api(api_blueprint)
class Hello(Resource):
#swag_from('hello1.yml', endpoint='api_bp.hello1')
#swag_from('hello2.yml', endpoint='api_bp.hello2')
def get(self, user=''):
name = user or 'stranger'
resp = {'message': 'Hello %s!' % name}
return resp
api.add_resource(Hello, '/hello', endpoint='hello1')
api.add_resource(Hello, '/hello/<string:user>', endpoint='hello2')
swagger = Swagger(app)
swag_from function have some error to parse file can use doc string to define api in get() first.
flasgger will parse MethodView() method like get,post.
Seems flasgger does not work or has no proper support for blue print style Flask definitions (yet). I used which worked great!

How to protect custom endpoints using BasicAuth?

Say I have enabled authentication to the resources using BasicAuth:
class MyBasicAuth(BasicAuth):
def check_auth(self,username,password,allowed_roles,resource,method):
return username == 'secretusername' and password == 'secretpass'
I also have custom routes which are used to manage documents from a HTML view. How do I use the same MyBasicAuth to protect the all the custom routes? I also need to implement logic which authenticates using the above MyBasicAuth.
Please help me with this. It's for personal use, so I preferred hard coding the username and password.
If you are trying to use a custom end-point Authentication you will find it difficult as mentioned here:
I ended up writing a wrapper to get around the issue of 'resource' not being passed to 'requires_auth':
def auth_resource(resource):
def fdec(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return f(resource=resource, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return fdec
This way you can define in your DOMAIN an authentication class:
'testendpoint'= {'authentication':MyCustomAuthetication},
And in my app I have wrapped the requires_auth decorator and added this as a authentication resource.
#app.route('/testendpoint/<item>', methods=['GET'])
def my_end_point_function(*args, **kwargs):
As long as an authentication class is defined in the settings file for an endpoint, this also allows you to reuse any authentication defined in another endpoint which may be handy if you want to make sure all the endpoints use the same authentication.
You can leverage the requires_auth decorator which is used internally by Eve itself. That way, your auth class will also be used to protect your custom routes:
from eve import Eve
from eve.auth import requires_auth
app = Eve()
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
If you are using flask blueprints for your custom routes, you can add a before request function for your blueprint to do that.
First, create a function to check authentication from blueprints. You need to get the Authorization header from the flask request by yourself, like this:
from flask import request, abort, current_app
from werkzeug.http import parse_authorization_header
def check_blueprint_auth():
if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
print('Authorization header not found for authentication')
return abort(401, 'Authorization header not found for authentication')
header = parse_authorization_header(request.headers['Authorization'])
username = None if header is None else header['username']
password = None if header is None else header['password']
return username == 'secretusername' and password == 'secretpass'
Then, you can set this function to be called before each blueprint's request. Below is an example of a blueprint definition, setting the before_request function:
from flask import Blueprint, current_app as app
# your auth function
from auth import check_blueprint_auth
blueprint = Blueprint('prefix_uri', __name__)
# this sets the auth function to be called
#blueprint.route('/custom_route/<some_value>', methods=['POST'])
def post_something(some_value):
# something
Finally, you need to bind the blueprint with your eve app. An example on how to bind blueprints, taken in part from here:
from eve import Eve
# your blueprint
from users import blueprint
from flask import current_app, request
app = Eve()
# register the blueprint to the main Eve application
Hope that helps.

How to access request in Flask Middleware

I want to access request.url in middleware.
Flask app -
from flask import Flask
from middleware import TestMiddleware
app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = TestMiddleware(app.wsgi_app)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
from flask import request
class TestMiddleware(object):
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# How do I access request object here.
print "I'm in middleware"
return, start_response)
I understand request can be accessed in Flask application context. We normally use
with app.test_request_context()
But in middleware, I don't have access to Flask app object.
How do I proceed?
Thanks for any help..
It's the application object that constructs the request object: it doesn't exist until the app is called, so there's no way for middleware to look at it beforehand. You can, however, construct your own request object within the middleware (using Werkzeug directly rather than Flask):
from werkzeug.wrappers import Request
req = Request(environ, shallow=True)
You might even be able to construct Flask's own Request object (flask.wrappers.Request, which is a subclass of Werkzeug's Request class) the same way. Looking at the source I don't see anything that should stop you from doing this, but since it isn't designed to be used that way you're probably best off sticking with the Werkzeug one unless you need one of the extra properties added by Flask's subclass.
Middleware stands between your WSGI server and Flask Application. The request object is created in the Flask Application. So there isn't any request object in the middleware.
Perhaps you need a #before_request handler called just before your view?
You can't have a Request object before the application finds an URL rule and creates it. However, after the application has done its thing, you can find the Request object in the environ:

