Python average color over square region - python

I'm using four inputs for my function: a picture object, x coordinate, y coordinate, and the height/width of the square. I want to separately average all the red, green, and blue values of the picture. I'm having trouble with the accumulator variables of the RGB pixels and checking the bounds of the square. Can anyone help me out?
from imageTools import *
p1 = makePicture("flower.jpg")
def averageColor(pic, xCord, yCord, width):
rAcc = 0
gAcc = 0
bAcc = 0
for x in range(xCord, xCord + width):
for y in range(yCord, yCord + width):
picWidth = getWidth(pic)
picHeight = getHeight(pic)
if x <= picWidth and y <= picHeight:
pixel = getPixel(pic, xCord, yCord)
r = getRed(pixel)
g = getGreen(pixel)
b = getBlue(pixel)
rAcc = rAcc + 1
gAcc = gAcc + 1
bAcc = bAcc + 1
avgRed = r / rAcc
avgGreen = g / gAcc
avgBlue = b / bAcc
newColor = makeColor(avgRed, avgGreen, avgBlue)
return newColor
col1 = averageColor(p1, 0, 150, 100)

You want to use < and not <= when comparing indexes because indexes are zero based. For instance if the picture is 10 pixels wide 9 is the index to the last pixel
Also you are overwriting your accumulation variables r, g and b. You need to do
r = r + getRed(...)
oh. Also it looks like you are trying to use xCoord and yCoord to get the pixel rather than your x and y variables


box stacking algorithm , each box used once

Given a group of boxes. I want arrange the boxes on top of each other to reach the maximum height. box cannot be placed on top of another box unless the area of 2D base is <= the 2D base of the lower box. allowed to rotated any box to use any two sides as its base.
For example, consider below 4 boxes where each box has the following dimensions
Input: Box 1: (4,5,2), Box 2:(3,1,6), Box 3:(3,2,1), Box 4:(6,8,3)
Output: From bottom to top as follows:
Box 4 on the base (6,3) and height 8,
then Box 1 on the base (4,2) and height 5,
then Box 2 on the base (1,3) and height 6,
finally, on top Box 3 on the base (2,1) and height 3.
The total height is 22
this solution is work but use all instances of all boxes but i need use only one instance for each box.
this code get the same height but use the box 2 twice and ignore another box
the problem is in if statement in this 2 for loop
> for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(0, i):
if (rot[i].w <= rot[j].w and rot[i].l <= rot[j].l) and rot[i].boxNo != rot[j].boxNo:
if msh[i] < msh[j] + rot[i].h:
msh[i] = msh[j] + rot[i].h
how to prevent using the same box twice?
class Box:
def __init__(self,l, w, h):
self.h = h
self.w = w
self.l = l
self.boxNo = 0
def __lt__(self,other):
return self.l * self.w < other.l * other.w
def maxStackHeight(arr, n):
# Create an array of all rotations of given boxes.
rot = [Box(0, 0, 0) for _ in range(3 * n)]
index = 0
for i in range(n):
# original box
rot[index].h = arr[i].h
rot[index].l = max(arr[i].l, arr[i].w)
rot[index].w = min(arr[i].l, arr[i].w)
index = index+ 1
# First rotation
rot[index].h = arr[i].w
rot[index].l = max(arr[i].h, arr[i].l)
rot[index].w = min(arr[i].h, arr[i].l)
rot[index].boxNo = no
index = index + 1
# Second rotation
rot[index].h = arr[i].l
rot[index].l = max(arr[i].h, arr[i].w)
rot[index].w = min(arr[i].h, arr[i].w)
rot[index].boxNo = no
index = index + 1
n=n*3 # new number of boxes
rot.sort(reverse=True) #Sort array in descending order of base area
msh = [0] * n
for i in range(n):
msh[i] = rot[i].h
# Compute optimized msh values in bottom up manner
for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(0, i):
if (rot[i].w <= rot[j].w and rot[i].l <= rot[j].l) and rot[i].boxNo != rot[j].boxNo:
if msh[i] < msh[j] + rot[i].h:
msh[i] = msh[j] + rot[i].h
maxm = -1
for i in range(n):
maxm = max(maxm, msh[i])
return maxm
arr = [Box(4,5,2),Box(3,1,6),Box(3,2,1),Box(6,8,3)]
n = len(arr)
print("The maximum possible height of stack is",maxStackHeight(arr, n))
This ought to do the trick, it uses itertools module to create every possible combination of the boxes using cartesian product, and only checks ones that meet the criteria for your problem.
from itertools import product
class Box:
def __init__(self,l, w, h):
self.h = h
self.w = w
self.l = l
self.boxNo = 0
def __lt__(self,other):
return self.l * self.w < other.l * other.w
def maxStackHeight(arr, n):
# Create an array of all rotations of given boxes.
rot = [Box(0, 0, 0) for _ in range(3 * n)]
numBoxes = n
index = 0
for i in range(n):
# original box
rot[index].h = arr[i].h
rot[index].l = max(arr[i].l, arr[i].w)
rot[index].w = min(arr[i].l, arr[i].w)
index = index+ 1
# First rotation
rot[index].h = arr[i].w
rot[index].l = max(arr[i].h, arr[i].l)
rot[index].w = min(arr[i].h, arr[i].l)
rot[index].boxNo = no
index = index + 1
# Second rotation
rot[index].h = arr[i].l
rot[index].l = max(arr[i].h, arr[i].w)
rot[index].w = min(arr[i].h, arr[i].w)
rot[index].boxNo = no
index = index + 1
rot.sort(reverse=True) #Sort array in descending order of base area
# Compute optimized msh values in bottom up manner
workable = []
for combo in product(rot, repeat = numBoxes):
if len(set(b.boxNo for b in combo)) != numBoxes:
canwork = True
for a, b in zip(combo[:-1], combo[1:]):
if a < b :
canwork = False
if canwork:
return max(sum(box.h for box in combo) for combo in workable)
arr = [Box(4,5,2),Box(3,1,6),Box(3,2,1),Box(6,8,3)]
n = len(arr)
print("The maximum possible height of stack is",maxStackHeight(arr, n))

Script freezes after completing a 'while' loop in a 'while' loop (oops)

How can get the RGB values of every pixel in an image and after it gets all the values of the first row?
image = input("image:")
im =
pix = im.load()
width, height = im.size
x = 0
y = 0
# For each pixel in the Y
while (y < height):
# For each pixel in the X
while (x < width):
print pix[x,y]
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
The way you initialize your x and y values is the problem. X should be initialized back to zero immediately before the second while loop, so that the count starts again for the width of the next row.
Something like:
x = 0
y = 0
#for each pixel in the Y
while (y < height):
# for each pixel in the X
x = 0 #start counting again for the next row
while (x < width):
print pix[x,y]
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
Your loop freezes, because at the end of the first row, x=width and you forget to reset it back to zero for the second iteration of the first while loop.

How do I transform the values of an accumulator [Hough Transformation] back to a line on a canvas?

I am trying to detect the lines within an image using the Hough Transformation. Therefore I first create the accumulator like this:
from math import hypot, pi, cos, sin
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import math
def hough(img):
thetaAxisSize = 460 #Width of the hough space image
rAxisSize = 360 #Height of the hough space image
rAxisSize= int(rAxisSize/2)*2 #we make sure that this number is even
img = im.load()
w, h = im.size
houghed_img ="L", (thetaAxisSize, rAxisSize), 0) #legt Bildgroesse fest
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
d_theta = pi / thetaAxisSize
d_rho = max_radius / (rAxisSize/2)
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 255
col = img[x, y]
if col >= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_imgcode here
And then call the function like this:
im ="img3.pgm").convert("L")
houghed_img = hough(im)"ho.bmp")
The result seems to be okay:
So here comes the problem. I know want to find the top 3 highest values in the hough space and transform it back to 3 lines. The highest values should be the strongest lines.
Therefore I am first looking for the highest values within the pixel array and take the X and Y values of the maxima I found. From my understading this X and Y values are my rho and theta. I finding the maxima like this:
def find_maxima(houghed_img):
w, h = houghed_img.size
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max1, max2, max3 = 0, 0, 0
x1position, x2position, x3position = 0, 0, 0
y1position, y2position, y3position = 0, 0, 0
rho1, rho2, rho3 = 0, 0, 0
theta1, theta2, theta3 = 0, 0, 0
for x in range(1, w):
for y in range(1, h):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = x
theta1 = y
elif(value > max2):
max2 = value
x2position = x
x3position = y
rho2 = x
theta2 = y
elif(value > max3):
max3 = value
x3position = x
y3position = y
rho3 = x
theta3 = y
print('max', max1, max2, max3)
print('rho', rho1, rho2, rho3)
print('theta', theta1, theta2, theta3)
# Results of the print:
# ('max', 255, 255, 255)
# ('rho', 1, 1, 1)
# ('theta', 183, 184, 186)
return rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2, rho3, theta3
And now I want to use this rho and theta values to draw the detected lines. I am doing this with the following code:
img_copy = np.ones(im.size)
rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2, rho3, theta3 = find_maxima(houghed_img)
a1 = math.cos(theta1)
b1 = math.sin(theta1)
x01 = a1 * rho1
y01 = b1 * rho1
pt11 = (int(x01 + 1000*(-b1)), int(y01 + 1000*(a1)))
pt21 = (int(x01 - 1000*(-b1)), int(y01 - 1000*(a1)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt11, pt21, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
a2 = math.cos(theta2)
b2 = math.sin(theta2)
x02 = a2 * rho2
y02 = b2 * rho2
pt12 = (int(x02 + 1000*(-b2)), int(y02 + 1000*(a2)))
pt22 = (int(x02 - 1000*(-b2)), int(y02 - 1000*(a2)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt12, pt22, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
a3 = math.cos(theta3)
b3 = math.sin(theta3)
x03 = a3 * rho3
y03 = b3 * rho3
pt13 = (int(x03 + 1000*(-b3)), int(y03 + 1000*(a3)))
pt23 = (int(x03 - 1000*(-b3)), int(y03 - 1000*(a3)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt13, pt23, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
cv.imshow('lines', img_copy)
However, the result seems to be wrong:
So my assuption is that I either do something wrong when I declare the rho and theta values in the find_maxima() function, meaning that something is wrong with this:
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = x
theta1 = y
OR that I am doing something wrong when translating the rho and theta value back to a line.
I would be very thankful if someone can help me with that!
Edit1: As request please finde the original Image where I want to finde the lines from below:
Thanks to the input of #Alessandro Jacopson and #Cris Luegno I was able to make some changes that definitely give me some hope!
In my def hough(img): I was setting the threshold to 255, which means that I only voted for white pixels, which is wrong since I want to look at the black pixels, since these pixels will indicate lines and not the white background of my image. So the calculation of the accumlator in def hough(img): looks like this now:
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 0
col = img[x, y]
if col <= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_img
This leads to the following Accumulator and the following rho and thea values, when using the find_maxima() function:
# Results of the prints: (now top 8 instead of top 3)
# ('max', 155, 144, 142, 119, 119, 104, 103, 98)
# ('rho', 120, 264, 157, 121, 119, 198, 197, 197)
# ('theta', 416, 31, 458, 414, 417, 288, 291, 292)
The Lines that I can draw from this values look like this:
So this results are much more better but something seems to be still wrong. I have a strong suspicion that still something is wrong here:
for x in range(1, w):
for y in range(1, h):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = value
theta1 = x
Here I am setting rho and theta equals [0...w] respectively [0...h]. I think that this is wrong since in the hough space values of X and why Y are not 0, 1,2,3... since we are in a another space. So I assume, that I have to multiply X and Y with something to bring them back in hough space. But this is just an assumption, maybe you guys can think of something else?
Again thank you very much to Alessandro and Cris for helping me out here!
Edit3: Working Code, thanks to #Cris Luengo
from math import hypot, pi, cos, sin
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import math
def hough(img):
img = im.load()
w, h = im.size
thetaAxisSize = w #Width of the hough space image
rAxisSize = h #Height of the hough space image
rAxisSize= int(rAxisSize/2)*2 #we make sure that this number is even
houghed_img ="L", (thetaAxisSize, rAxisSize), 0) #legt Bildgroesse fest
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
d_theta = pi / thetaAxisSize
d_rho = max_radius / (rAxisSize/2)
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 0
col = img[x, y]
if col <= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta
def find_maxima(houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta):
w, h = houghed_img.size
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
maxNumbers = 9
ignoreRadius = 10
maxima = [0] * maxNumbers
rhos = [0] * maxNumbers
thetas = [0] * maxNumbers
for u in range(0, maxNumbers):
print('u:', u)
value = 0
xposition = 0
yposition = 0
#find maxima in the image
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
if(pixel_houghed_img[x,y] > value):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
xposition = x
yposition = y
#Save Maxima, rhos and thetas
maxima[u] = value
rhos[u] = (yposition - rAxisSize/2) * d_rho
thetas[u] = xposition * d_theta
pixel_houghed_img[xposition, yposition] = 0
#Delete the values around the found maxima
radius = ignoreRadius
for vx2 in range (-radius, radius): #checks the values around the center
for vy2 in range (-radius, radius): #checks the values around the center
x2 = xposition + vx2 #sets the spectated position on the shifted value
y2 = yposition + vy2
if not(x2 < 0 or x2 >= w):
if not(y2 < 0 or y2 >= h):
pixel_houghed_img[x2, y2] = 0
print(pixel_houghed_img[x2, y2])
print('max', maxima)
print('rho', rhos)
print('theta', thetas)
return maxima, rhos, thetas
im ="img5.pgm").convert("L")
houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta = hough(im)"houghspace.bmp")
img_copy = np.ones(im.size)
maxima, rhos, thetas = find_maxima(houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta)
for t in range(0, len(maxima)):
a = math.cos(thetas[t])
b = math.sin(thetas[t])
x = a * rhos[t]
y = b * rhos[t]
pt1 = (int(x + 1000*(-b)), int(y + 1000*(a)))
pt2 = (int(x - 1000*(-b)), int(y - 1000*(a)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt1, pt2, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
cv.imshow('lines', img_copy)
Original Image:
Successful Line Detection:
This part of your code doesn't seem right:
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = value
theta1 = x
If x and y are the two coordinates in the parameter space, they will correspond to rho and theta. Setting rho equal to the value makes no sense. I also don't know why you store x1position and y1position, since you don't use these variables.
Next, you need to transform these coordinates back to actual rho and theta values, inverting the transform you do when writing:
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
The inverse would be:
rho = (y - rAxisSize/2) * d_rho
theta = x * d_theta
First of all, following How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example you should post or give a link to your image img3.pgm, if possible.
Then, you wrote that:
# Results of the print:
# ('max', 255, 255, 255)
# ('rho', 1, 1, 1)
# ('theta', 183, 184, 186)
so rho is the same for the three lines and theta is not so different varying between 183 and 186; so the three lines are almost equal each other and this fact does not depend on the method you use to get the line equation and draw it.
According to the tutorial Hough Line Transform it seems to me that your method for finding two points on a line is correct. That's is what the tutorial is suggesting and it seems to me equivalent to your code:
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges,1,np.pi/180,200)
for rho,theta in lines[0]:
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a*rho
y0 = b*rho
x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))
I suspect the peak finding algorithm may not be correct.
Your peak finding algorithm finds the location of the largest peak and then the two locations very close to that maximum.
For the sake of simplicity see what happens in just one dimension, a peak finding algorithm is expected to find three peak locations at x=-1, x=0 and x=1 and the peak values should be close to .25, .5 and 1.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000)
y = np.exp(-(x-1)**2/0.01)+.5*np.exp(-(x)**2/0.01)+.25*np.exp(-(x+1)**2/0.01)
max1, max2, max3 = 0, 0, 0
m1 = np.zeros(1000)
m2 = np.zeros(1000)
m3 = np.zeros(1000)
x1position, x2position, x3position = 0, 0, 0
for i in range(0,1000):
value = y[i]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x[i]
elif(value > max2):
max2 = value
x2position = x[i]
elif(value > max3):
max3 = value
x3position = x[i]
m1[i] = max1
m2[i] = max2
m3[i] = max3
print('xposition',x1position, x2position, x3position )
print('max', max1, max2, max3)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, m1)
plt.plot(x, m2)
plt.plot(x, m3)
the output is
('xposition', 0.99899899899899891, 1.0030030030030028, 1.0070070070070072)
('max', 0.99989980471948192, 0.99909860379824966, 0.99510221871862647)
and it is not what expected.
Here you have a visual trace of the program:
To detect multiple peaks in a 2D field you should have a look for example at this Peak detection in a 2D array

Sorting and editing a Dictionary in Python

I use the CCL algorithm of Spencer Whitt from Github to remove detected road markings from Noise.
First, I run the CCL algorithm over an image so that it recognizes contiguous elements. Now I extended the algorithm so that it ignores elements with a small number of pixels. So I tried to sort and filter the dictionary created by the CCL algorithm. In the additional code, therefore, keys that are not enough are deleted with the corresponding values.
Unfortunately, the additional code not only deletes small elements, but also fragments up the "large" contiguous road markings. Why?
CCL algorithm:
from PIL import Image
import PIL
from PIL import ImageOps
import collections
import operator
import numpy as np
import sys
import math, random
from itertools import product
from ufarray import *
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1000000000
import cv2
def run(img):
data = img.load()
width, height = img.size
# Union find data structure
uf = UFarray()
# First pass
# Dictionary of point:label pairs
labels = {}
for y, x in product(range(height), range(width)):
# Pixel names were chosen as shown:
# -------------
# | a | b | c |
# -------------
# | d | e | |
# -------------
# | | | |
# -------------
# The current pixel is e
# a, b, c, and d are its neighbors of interest
# 255 is white, 0 is black
# White pixels part of the background, so they are ignored
# If a pixel lies outside the bounds of the image, it default to white
# If the current pixel is white, it's obviously not a component...
if data[x, y] == 255:
# If pixel b is in the image and black:
# a, d, and c are its neighbors, so they are all part of the same component
# Therefore, there is no reason to check their labels
# so simply assign b's label to e
elif y > 0 and data[x, y-1] == 0:
labels[x, y] = labels[(x, y-1)]
# If pixel c is in the image and black:
# b is its neighbor, but a and d are not
# Therefore, we must check a and d's labels
elif x+1 < width and y > 0 and data[x+1, y-1] == 0:
c = labels[(x+1, y-1)]
labels[x, y] = c
# If pixel a is in the image and black:
# Then a and c are connected through e
# Therefore, we must union their sets
if x > 0 and data[x-1, y-1] == 0:
a = labels[(x-1, y-1)]
uf.union(c, a)
# If pixel d is in the image and black:
# Then d and c are connected through e
# Therefore we must union their sets
elif x > 0 and data[x-1, y] == 0:
d = labels[(x-1, y)]
uf.union(c, d)
# If pixel a is in the image and black:
# We already know b and c are white
# d is a's neighbor, so they already have the same label
# So simply assign a's label to e
elif x > 0 and y > 0 and data[x-1, y-1] == 0:
labels[x, y] = labels[(x-1, y-1)]
# If pixel d is in the image and black
# We already know a, b, and c are white
# so simpy assign d's label to e
elif x > 0 and data[x-1, y] == 0:
labels[x, y] = labels[(x-1, y)]
# All the neighboring pixels are white,
# Therefore the current pixel is a new component
labels[x, y] = uf.makeLabel()
# Second pass
colors = {}
# Image to display the components in a nice, colorful way
output_img ="RGB", (width, height))
outdata = output_img.load()
for (x, y) in labels:
# Name of the component the current point belongs to
component = uf.find(labels[(x, y)])
# Update the labels with correct information
labels[(x, y)] = component
# Associate a random color with this component
if component not in colors:
colors[component] = (random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255))
# Colorize the image
outdata[x, y] = colors[component]
return (labels, output_img)
Additional code:
def main():
# Open the image
img ="files/motorway/gabor/motorway_gabor_S.tiff")
img = PIL.ImageOps.invert(img)
# Threshold the image, this implementation is designed to process b+w
# images only
img = img.point(lambda p: p > 190 and 255)
img = img.convert('1')
# labels is a dictionary of the connected component data in the form:
# (x_coordinate, y_coordinate) : component_id
# if you plan on processing the component data, this is probably what you
# will want to use
# output_image is just a frivolous way to visualize the components.
(labels, output_img) = run(img)
sorted_x = sorted(labels.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
str_labels = str(sorted_x) # Convert Dictionary to String, remove unnecessary characters
str_labels = str_labels.replace("{", "[")
str_labels = str_labels.replace("}", "]")
str_labels = str_labels.replace("(", "")
str_labels = str_labels.replace(")", "")
str_labels = str_labels.replace(":", ",")
# print str_labels[:100]
int_labels = eval(str_labels) # Transforming back into an integer list
i = 0
key = []
value = []
#int_labels2 = list(int_labels)
while i < len(int_labels)/3:
key.append(int_labels[3*i]) # x (keys)
key.append(int_labels[3 * i + 1]) # y (keys)
value.append(int_labels[3 * i + 2]) # values
i = i + 1
counter = collections.Counter(value) # Counting the frequency of "values"
counter_values = counter.values()
# Selection
# Sorting out "keys" and "values" that are too big/small
# key2 = relevant "keys"
# value2 = to key2 appropriate relevant values
i = 0
k = 0
v = 0
key2 = []
key3 = []
value2 = []
value3 = []
help = []
while i < len(counter_values):
if counter_values[i] >= 80:# and counter_values[i] <= 71:
v = v + 1
while k < counter_values[i]*2 + sum(help)*2:
k = k + 1
v = v + 1
while k < counter_values[i]*2 + sum(help)*2:
k = k + 1
i = i + 1
# Image to display the components in a nice, colorful way
width, height = img.size
output_img ="RGB", (width, height))
outdata = output_img.load()
# list (key2) to x- and y-tuple-pairs
i = 0
key2t = []
while i < len(key2):
key2t.append(tuple(key2[i:i + 2]))
i = i + 2
# transform value2-list
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
value2_full = []
while i < len(value2):
while j < value2[i]:
j = j + 1
j = 0
i = i + 1
k = k + 1
d = dict(zip(key2t, value2_full))
colors = {}
i = 0
for (x, y) in d:
if value2_full[i] not in colors:
colors[value2_full[i]] = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))
# Colorize the image
outdata[x, y] = colors[value2_full[i]]"files/motorway/gabor/motorway_gabor_S_cc2.tiff")

Python 3.4.3 Diamond-Square Algorithm is producing odd results

I am currently stumped by an artefact in my code. It appears to produce very sharp points in a grid pattern that have a noticeable difference in value to their neighbours.
I am following the blog post at and converting from whichever language they are using (assuming either C# or Java), and have double-checked that what I am doing should match.
Is there any chance that someone could have a browse over this, and see what I'm doing wrong? I've stepped through it at smaller levels, and stopped it on specific iterations of the algorithm (by unrolling the top loop, and explicitly calling the algorithm a set number of times) and everything seems to work until we get to the very last set of points/pixels.
I use a class (called Matrix) to access the list, and wrap any out of bounds values.
The code for the algorithm is as follows:
class World :
def genWorld (self, numcells, cellsize, seed):
self.dims = numcells*cellsize
self.seed = seed
self.cells = Matrix(self.dims, self.dims)
# set the cells at cellsize intervals
half = cellsize/2
for y in range(0, self.dims, cellsize):
for x in range(0, self.dims, cellsize):
self.cells[x,y] = random.random()
scale = 1.0
samplesize = cellsize
while samplesize > 1:
self._diamondSquare(samplesize, scale)
scale *= 0.8
samplesize = int(samplesize/2)
# I need to sort out the problem with the diamond-square algo that causes it to make the weird gridding pattern
def _sampleSquare(self, x, y, size, value):
half = size/2
a = self.cells[x-half, y-half]
b = self.cells[x+half, y-half]
c = self.cells[x-half, y+half]
d = self.cells[x+half, y+half]
res = min(((a+b+c+d+value)/5.0), 1.0)
self.cells[x, y] = res
def _sampleDiamond(self, x, y, size, value):
half = size/2
a = self.cells[x+half, y]
b = self.cells[x-half, y]
c = self.cells[x, y+half]
d = self.cells[x, y-half]
res = min(((a+b+c+d+value)/5.0), 1.0)
self.cells[x, y] = res
def _diamondSquare(self, stepsize, scale):
half = int(stepsize/2)
for y in range(half, self.dims+half, stepsize):
for x in range(half, self.dims+half, stepsize):
self._sampleSquare(x, y, stepsize, random.random()*scale)
for y in range(0, self.dims, stepsize):
for x in range(0, self.dims, stepsize):
self._sampleDiamond(x+half, y, stepsize, random.random()*scale)
self._sampleDiamond(x, y+half, stepsize, random.random()*scale)
and is called with:
w = World()
w.genWorld(16, 16, 1) # a 256x256 square world, since the numcells is multiplied by the cellsize to give us the length of ONE side of the resulting grid
then I save to file to check the result:
file ="sample.raw",'wb')
arr = [int(i * 255) for i in w.cells.cells] # w.cells.cells should not have a value >= 1.0, so what's going on?
ind = 0
for a in arr:
if a > 255:
print ("arr["+str(ind)+"] ::= "+str(a))
ind += 1
which gives the result:
EDIT: Okay, so it appears that I managed to get it working. I swapped from using functions for working out the diamond and square steps to doing it all in the _diamondSquare() function, but this wasn't the only thing. I also found out that random.random() provides values in the range [0.0 ->1.0), when I was expecting values in the range [-1.0 -> 1.0). After I corrected this, everything started working properly, which was a relief.
Thanks for the advice everyone, here's the working code in case anyone else is struggling with something similar:
Random Function
# since random.random() gives a value in the range [0.0 -> 1.0), I need to change it to [-1.0 -> 1.0)
def rand():
mag = random.random()
sign = random.random()
if sign >=0.5:
return mag
return mag * -1.0
Matrix class
class Matrix:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.cells = [0 for i in range(width*height)]
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.max_elems = width*height
def _getsingleindex(self, ind):
if ind < 0:
ind *= -1
while ind >= self.max_elems:
ind -= self.max_elems
return ind
def _getmultiindex(self, xind, yind):
if xind < 0:
xind *= -1
if yind < 0:
yind *= -1
while xind >= self.width:
xind -= self.width
while yind >= self.height:
yind -= self.height
return xind + (yind*self.height)
def __getitem__(self, inds):
# test that index is an integer, or two integers, and throw an indexException if not
if hasattr(inds, "__len__"):
if len(inds) > 1:
return self.cells[self._getmultiindex(int(inds[0]), int(inds[1]))]
return self.cells[self._getsingleindex(int(inds))]
def __setitem__(self, inds, object):
# test that index is an integer, or two integers, and throw an indexException if not
if hasattr(inds, "__len__"):
if len(inds) > 1:
self.cells[self._getmultiindex(int(inds[0]),int(inds[1]))] = object
return self.cells[self._getmultiindex(int(inds[0]),int(inds[1]))]
self.cells[self._getsingleindex(int(inds))] = object
return self.cells[self._getsingleindex(int(inds))]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.cells)
The Actual Diamond-Square Generation
# performs the actual 2D generation
class World:
def genWorld (self, numcells, cellsize, seed, scale = 1.0):
self.dims = numcells*cellsize
self.seed = seed
self.cells = Matrix(self.dims, self.dims)
mountains = Matrix(self.dims, self.dims)
# set the cells at cellsize intervals
for y in range(0, self.dims, cellsize):
for x in range(0, self.dims, cellsize):
# this is the default, sets the heights randomly
self.cells[x,y] = random.random()
while cellsize > 1:
self._diamondSquare(cellsize, scale)
scale *= 0.5
cellsize = int(cellsize/2)
for i in range(len(mountains)):
self.cells[i] = self.cells[i]*0.4 + (mountains[i]*mountains[i])*0.6
def _diamondSquare(self, stepsize, scale):
half = int(stepsize/2)
# diamond part
for y in range(half, self.dims+half, stepsize):
for x in range(half, self.dims+half, stepsize):
self.cells[x, y] = ((self.cells[x-half, y-half] + self.cells[x+half, y-half] + self.cells[x-half, y+half] + self.cells[x+half, y+half])/4.0) + (rand()*scale)
# square part
for y in range(0, self.dims, stepsize):
for x in range(0, self.dims, stepsize):
self.cells[x+half,y] = ((self.cells[x+half+half, y] + self.cells[x+half-half, y] + self.cells[x+half, y+half] + self.cells[x+half, y-half])/4.0)+(rand()*scale)
self.cells[x,y+half] = ((self.cells[x+half, y+half] + self.cells[x-half, y+half] + self.cells[x, y+half+half] + self.cells[x, y+half-half])/4.0)+(rand()*scale)
Main Function (added for completeness)
# a simple main function that uses World to create a 2D array of diamond-square values, then writes it to a file
def main():
w = World()
w.genWorld(20, 16, 1)
mi = min(w.cells.cells)
ma = max(w.cells.cells) - mi
# save the resulting matrix to an image file
file ="sample.raw",'wb')
maxed = [(i-mi)/ma for i in w.cells.cells]
arr = [int(i * 255) for i in maxed]

