Write JSON field with its key - python

I have the JSON variable var with the following content:
[{"name":"name0", "surname":"surname01", "surname2":"surname02", "number": 0}, {"name":"name1", "surname":"surname11", "surname2":"surname12", "number": 1}]
And I want to write in a JSON file just the name and the number fields.
Currently, I am doing it the following way:
for a, i in enumerate(var):
f.write('{"name":' + i['name'] + ', "number":' + i['number'] + '}')
Is there a better way to write to a file a subset of the JSON fields in Python?

You could use a list comprehension and the json module to make this shorter;
import json
json.dump([{'name': i['name'], 'number': i['number']} for i in var ], f)

You could use the json module and convert it to al list
import json
newVar = []
for i in var:
newVar.append({'name': i['name'], 'number': i['number']})
return json.dumps(newVar)
however this is not much better, just different


Open a JSON files and edit structure

I have produced a couple of json files after scraping a few elements. The structure for each file is as follows:
{'Pres': 'Biden', 'Vice': 'Harris', 'Secretary': 'Blinken'}
{'1st Min': 'Johnson', 'Queen':'Elizabeth', 'Prince': 'Charles'}
I'd like to know how I could edit the structure of each dictionary inside the json file to get an output as it follows:
{"title": "Pres",
"name": "Biden"}
{"title": "Vice",
"name": "Harris"}
{"title": "Secretary",
"name": "Blinken"}
As far as I am able to think how to do it (I'm a beginner, studying only since a few weeks) I need first to run a loop to open each file, then I should generate a list of dictionaries and finally modify the dictionary to change the structure. This is what I got NOT WORKING as it overrides always with the same keys.
import os
import json
list_of_dicts = []
for filename in os.listdir("DOCS/Countries Data"):
with open(os.path.join("DOCS/Countries Data", filename), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
text = f.read()
country_json = json.loads(text)
for country in list_of_dicts:
newdict = country
lastdict = {}
for key in newdict:
lastdict = {'Title': key}
for value in newdict.values():
lastdict['Name'] = value
Extra bonus if you could also show me how to generate an ID mumber for each entry. Thank you very much
This look like task for list comprehension, I would do it following way
import json
us = '{"Pres": "Biden", "Vice": "Harris", "Secretary": "Blinken"}'
data = json.loads(us)
us2 = [{"title":k,"name":v} for k,v in data.items()]
us2json = json.dumps(us2)
[{"title": "Pres", "name": "Biden"}, {"title": "Vice", "name": "Harris"}, {"title": "Secretary", "name": "Blinken"}]
data is dict, .items() provide key-value pairs, which I unpack into k and v (see tuple unpacking).
You can do this easily by writing a simple function like below
import uuid
def format_dict(data: dict):
return [dict(title=title, name=name, id=str(uuid.uuid4())) for title, name in data.items()]
where you can split the items as different objects and add a identifier for each using uuid.
Full code can be modified like this
import uuid
import os
import json
def format_dict(data: dict):
return [dict(title=title, name=name, id=str(uuid.uuid4())) for title, name in data.items()]
list_of_dicts = []
for filename in os.listdir("DOCS/Countries Data"):
with open(os.path.join("DOCS/Countries Data", filename), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
country_json = json.load(f)
# list_of_dicts contains all file contents

json to dictionary in python

This is my json file input.
I am writing python program to convert the input into the below format in my dictionary.
I am new to python.
Expected output:
out: {"id": "101", "type": "typeA", "rptid": "r001", "subrpt_subid": "74", "subrpt_subname": "name1", "subrpt_subval":"113","Relid":"8","Rel_subname":"name8","Rel_Subval":"65","Relid":"5","Rel_subname":"name5","Rel_Subval":"40","fldA":"30","fldB":"23"
I used the following logic to convert the output till subrpt.
Current output:
out: {'id': '101', 'type': 'typeA', 'rptid': 'r001', 'subrpt_subid': '74', 'subrpt_subname': 'name1', 'subrpt_subval': '113'}
But I am struggling to get the logic of RelsubList(it looks like it has both list and dictionary[{}] ).
please help me to get the logic for the same.
import json
list1 = []
dict1 = {}
dict2 = {}
data_file = "samp1.json"
file = open(data_file)
for line in file:
json_line = json.loads(line)
json_line = json_line["Report"]
dict1["type"] = str(json_line["type"])
json_line = json_line["Replist"]
dict1["rptid"]= str(json_line[0]["rptid"])
dict1["subrpt_subid"] = str(json_line[0]["subrpt"]["subid"])
dict1["subrpt_subname"] = str(json_line[0]["subrpt"]["subname"])
dict1["subrpt_subval"] = str(json_line[0]["subrpt"]["subval"])
print("out:", dict1)
Some of your logic is confusing to me, i.e. why are you doing json.loads(line) in every loop?
Anyway, the following should get you the logic for RealsubList:
import json
f = open("data.json")
data = json.load(f)
for line in data:
relsublist = data["Report"]["Replist"][0]["RelsubList"]
Results in:
[{'Relid': 8, 'Relsubdetails': {'Rel_subname': 'name8', 'Rel_Subval': 65}}, {'Relid': 5, 'Relsubdetails': {'Rel_subname': 'name5', 'Rel_Subval': 40}}]
The reason for the [0] index after ["Replist"] is Replist contains an array of nested dictionaries, so you need to call it out by index. In this case its only a single array, so it would be 0

PYTHON JSONtoDICT help needed - It appears python is interpreting my json-dictionary conversion as a list

The following code is giving me the error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "AMZGetPendingOrders.py", line 66, in <module>
item_list.append(item['SellerSKU']) TypeError: string indices must be integers
The code:
from mws import mws
import time
import json
import xmltodict
access_key = 'xx' #replace with your access key
seller_id = 'yy' #replace with your seller id
secret_key = 'zz' #replace with your secret key
marketplace_usa = '00'
orders_api = mws.Orders(access_key, secret_key, seller_id)
orders = orders_api.list_orders(marketplaceids=[marketplace_usa], orderstatus=('Pending'), fulfillment_channels=('MFN'), created_after='2018-07-01')
#save as XML file
filename = 'c:order.xml'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
#ConvertXML to JSON
dictString = json.dumps(xmltodict.parse(orders.original))
#Write new JSON to file
with open("output.json", 'w') as f:
#Read JSON and parse our order number
with open('output.json', 'r') as jsonfile:
data = json.load(jsonfile)
#initialize blank dictionary
id_list = []
for order in data['ListOrdersResponse']['ListOrdersResult']['Orders']['Order']:
#This "gets" the orderitem info - this code actually is similar to the initial Amazon "get" though it has fewer switches
orders_api = mws.Orders(access_key, secret_key, seller_id)
#opens and empties the orderitem.xml file
open('c:orderitem.xml', 'w').close()
#iterated through the list of AmazonOrderIds and writes the item information to orderitem.xml
for x in id_list:
orders = orders_api.list_order_items(amazon_order_id = x)
filename = 'c:orderitem.xml'
with open(filename, 'a') as f:
#ConvertXML to JSON
amz_items_pending = json.dumps(xmltodict.parse(orders.original))
#Write new JSON to file
with open("pending.json", 'w') as f:
#read JSON and parse item_no and qty
with open('pending.json', 'r') as jsonfile1:
data1 = json.load(jsonfile1)
#initialize blank dictionary
item_list = []
for item in data1['ListOrderItemsResponse']['ListOrderItemsResult']['OrderItems']['OrderItem']:
I don't understand why Python thinks this is a list and not a dictionary. When I print id_list it looks like a dictionary (curly braces, single quotes, colons, etc)
print(data1) shows my dictionary
'#xmlns':'https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/201 3-09-01',
'QuantityOrdered ':'1',
'Title':'Delta Rothko Rolling Bicycle Stand',
'Is Gift':'false',
'OrderItemId':'49 624373726506',
'C onditionSubtypeId':'New'
'ResponseM etadata':{
Any ideas?
because you are iterating over each key value in dict:
{'QuantityOrdered ': '1', 'Title': 'Delta Rothko Rolling Bicycle Stand', 'ConditionId': 'New', 'Is Gift': 'false', 'ASIN': 'B00XXXXTIK', 'SellerSKU': '9934638', 'OrderItemId': '49 624373726506', 'ProductInfo': {'NumberOfItems': '1'}, 'QuantityShipped': '0', 'C onditionSubtypeId': 'New'}
so first value in item will be 'QuantityOrdered ' and you are trying to access this string as if it is dictionary
you can just do:
and avoid for loop in dictionary
I guess you are trying to iterate OrderItems and finding their SellerSKU values.
for item in data1['ListOrderItemsResponse']['ListOrderItemsResult']['OrderItems']:

Remove specific JSON oobjects from a File and then store this file

This is just a part of my json file which looks like:
"network_lo": "",
"ec2_block_device_mapping_root": "/dev/sda1",
"selinux": "false",
"uptime_seconds": 127412,
"ec2_reservation_id": "r-cd786568",
"ec2_block_device_mapping_ami": "/dev/sda1",
"memorysize": "3.66 GB",
"swapsize": "0.00 kB",
"netmask": "",
"uniqueid": "24wq0see",
"kernelmajversion": "3.2",
I have a Python scipt which download this file.. i want to parse this file and remove a number of objects like "swapsize","sshdsakey"
sqs = boto.sqs.connect_to_region("ap-west-1")
q = sqs.get_queue("deathvally")
m = q.read(visibility_timeout=15)
if m == None:
print "No message!"
with open('download.json', 'w') as json_data:
print m.get_body()
# I want a logic here which can simply delete the specific json objects
# Something like this is what i tried but didn't work...
# clean_data = json.load(json_data)
# for element in clean_data: ##
# del element['sshdsakey']
# json_data.write(clean_data)
I basically need to parse the fetched json file and then remove the specific objects and then just write this new modified stuff in a file.
json.loads will decode JSON string into Python dictionary (Although format you provided is not a valid JSON format, there have to be curly braces on each side), then you can delete the needed keys with del , encode dictionary back to JSON string with json.dumps and write the resultit
clean_data = json.loads(json_data.read())
del clean_data[your_key]
with open(your_file_to_write, 'w') as f:
You can parse your json using loads from native json module.
Then delete an element from the dict using del
import json
keys_to_remove = ['sshdsakey', 'selinux']
json_str = '''{
"network_lo": "",
"ec2_block_device_mapping_root": "/dev/sda1",
"selinux": "false",
"uptime_seconds": 127412,
"ec2_reservation_id": "r-cd786568",
data = json.loads(json_str)
for key in keys_to_remove:
if key in data:
del data[key]
print data
You need to first convert the JSON object string into a Python dict, delete the keys from it, and then write to to the output file.
import json
sqs = boto.sqs.connect_to_region("ap-west-1")
q = sqs.get_queue("deathvally")
m = q.read(visibility_timeout=15)
if m is None:
print "No message!"
KEYS_TO_REMOVE = "swapsize", "sshdsakey", "etc"
with open('download.json', 'w') as json_data:
json_obj = json.loads(m.get_body())
for key in KEYS_TO_REMOVE:
del json_obj[key]
except KeyError:
json_data.write(json.dumps(json_obj, indent=4))

python - extract a specific key / value from json file by a variable

a bit new to python and json.
i have this json file:
{ "hosts": {
"example1.lab.com" : ["mysql", "apache"],
"example2.lab.com" : ["sqlite", "nmap"],
"example3.lab.com" : ["vim", "bind9"]
what i want to do is use the hostname variable and extract the values of each hostname.
its a bit hard to explain but im using saltstack, which already iterates over hosts and i want it to be able to extract each host's values from the json file using the hostname variable.
hope im understood.
You could do something along these lines:
import json
j='''{ "hosts": {
"example1.lab.com" : ["mysql", "apache"],
"example2.lab.com" : ["sqlite", "nmap"],
"example3.lab.com" : ["vim", "bind9"]
for key,di in json.loads(j).iteritems(): # items on Py 3k
for k,v in di.items():
if k.startswith(specific_key):
print k,v
if found:
Or, you could do:
def pairs(args):
for arg in args:
if arg[0].startswith(specific_key):
print k,v
Either case, prints:
example2.lab.com [u'sqlite', u'nmap']
If you have the JSON in a string then just use Python's json.loads() function to load JSON parse the JSON and load its contents into your namespace by binding it to some local name
#!/bin/env python
import json
some_json = '''{ "hosts": {
"example1.lab.com" : ["mysql", "apache"],
"example2.lab.com" : ["sqlite", "nmap"],
"example3.lab.com" : ["vim", "bind9"]
some_stuff = json.loads(some_json)
print some_stuff['hosts'].keys()
---> [u'example1.lab.com', u'example3.lab.com', u'example2.lab.com']
As shown you then access the contents of some_stuff just as you would any other Python dictionary ... all the top level variable declaration/assignments which were serialized (encoded) in the JSON will be keys in that dictionary.
If the JSON contents are in a file you can open it like any other file in Python and pass the file object's name to the json.load() function:
import json
with open("some_file.json") as f:
some_stuff = json.load(f)
print ' '.join(some_stuff.keys())
If the above json file is stored as 'samplefile.json', you can write following in python:
import json
f = open('samplefile.json')
data = json.load(f)
value1 = data['hosts']['example1.lab.com']
value2 = data['hosts']['example2.lab.com']
value3 = data['hosts']['example3.lab.com']

