Exporting Interactive Jupyter Notebook to html - python

The following code plots an interactive figure where I can toggle specific lines on/off. This works perfectly when I'm working in an Ipython Notebook
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import cycle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3
from matplotlib.widgets import CheckButtons
import matplotlib.patches
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib nbagg
df = pd.DataFrame({'freq': {0: 0.01, 1: 0.02, 2: 0.029999999999999999, 3: 0.040000000000000001, 4: 0.050000000000000003, 5: 0.059999999999999998, 6: 0.070000000000000007, 7: 0.080000000000000002, 8: 0.089999999999999997, 9: 0.10000000000000001, 10: 0.01, 11: 0.02, 12: 0.029999999999999999, 13: 0.040000000000000001, 14: 0.050000000000000003, 15: 0.059999999999999998, 16: 0.070000000000000007, 17: 0.080000000000000002, 18: 0.089999999999999997, 19: 0.10000000000000001, 20: 0.01, 21: 0.02, 22: 0.029999999999999999, 23: 0.040000000000000001, 24: 0.050000000000000003, 25: 0.059999999999999998, 26: 0.070000000000000007, 27: 0.080000000000000002, 28: 0.089999999999999997, 29: 0.10000000000000001}, 'kit': {0: 'B', 1: 'B', 2: 'B', 3: 'B', 4: 'B', 5: 'B', 6: 'B', 7: 'B', 8: 'B', 9: 'B', 10: 'A', 11: 'A', 12: 'A', 13: 'A', 14: 'A', 15: 'A', 16: 'A', 17: 'A', 18: 'A', 19: 'A', 20: 'C', 21: 'C', 22: 'C', 23: 'C', 24: 'C', 25: 'C', 26: 'C', 27: 'C', 28: 'C', 29: 'C'}, 'SNS': {0: 91.198979591799997, 1: 90.263605442199989, 2: 88.818027210899999, 3: 85.671768707499993, 4: 76.23299319729999, 5: 61.0969387755, 6: 45.1530612245, 7: 36.267006802700003, 8: 33.0782312925, 9: 30.739795918400002, 10: 90.646258503400006, 11: 90.306122449, 12: 90.178571428600009, 13: 89.498299319699996, 14: 88.435374149599994, 15: 83.588435374200003, 16: 75.212585034, 17: 60.969387755100001, 18: 47.278911564600001, 19: 37.627551020399999, 20: 90.986394557800011, 21: 90.136054421799997, 22: 89.540816326499993, 23: 88.690476190499993, 24: 86.479591836799997, 25: 82.397959183699996, 26: 73.809523809499993, 27: 63.180272108800004, 28: 50.935374149700003, 29: 41.241496598699996}, 'FPR': {0: 1.0953616823100001, 1: 0.24489252678500001, 2: 0.15106142277199999, 3: 0.104478605177, 4: 0.089172822253300005, 5: 0.079856258734300009, 6: 0.065881413455800009, 7: 0.059892194050699996, 8: 0.059892194050699996, 9: 0.0578957875824, 10: 0.94097291541899997, 11: 0.208291741532, 12: 0.14773407865800001, 13: 0.107805949291, 14: 0.093165635189999998, 15: 0.082518134025399995, 16: 0.074532508152000007, 17: 0.065881413455800009, 18: 0.062554069341799995, 19: 0.061888600519100001, 20: 0.85313103081100006, 21: 0.18899314567100001, 22: 0.14107939043000001, 23: 0.110467824582, 24: 0.099820323417899995, 25: 0.085180009316599997, 26: 0.078525321088700001, 27: 0.073201570506399985, 28: 0.071870632860800004, 29: 0.0705396952153}})
tableau20 = ["#6C6C6C", "#92D050", "#FFC000"]
tableau20 = cycle(tableau20)
kits = ["A","B", "C"]
color = iter(["#6C6C6C", "#92D050", "#FFC000"])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
for kit in kits:
colour = next(color)
for i in df.groupby('kit'):
grouped_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(i[1]), columns =
['freq', 'SNS', 'FPR', 'kit'])
if grouped_df.kit.tolist()[1] == kit:
x = [float(value) for i, value in enumerate(grouped_df.FPR)]
y = [float(value) for i, value in enumerate(grouped_df.SNS)]
x, y = (list(x) for x in zip(*sorted(zip(x, y))))
label = grouped_df['kit'].tolist()[1]
p = plt.plot(x, y, "-o",label = label, color = colour)
labels = [label.get_text() for label in plt.legend().texts]
for i, value in enumerate(labels):
exec('label%s="%s"'%(i, value))
for i in range(len(labels)):
rax = plt.axes([0.92, 0.7, 0.2, 0.2], frameon=False)
check = CheckButtons(rax, (labels), ('True ' * len(labels)))
for i, rec in enumerate(check.rectangles):
def func(label):
for i in range(len(labels)):
if label == eval('label%s'%(i)): eval('l%s.set_visible(not l%s.get_visible())'%(i,i))
Problem is, I need to export the notebook as a html to share with colleagues who know nothing about python. How can I export the notebook to html and get it to maintain the interactive (toggle) functionality (which it currently loses)? Thanks!

Maybe you don't need to export jupyter notebook to html, but share the notebook link to the other people and they can visit the url using their browser.
A jupyter notebook plugin would help you do this more efficiently: jupyter/dashboards, it's maintained by official jupyter team, and it helps you share your notebook like a report, and you can control which cell to display and the location of each cell displayed. Worth a try!


How can I convert an array inside a python dictionary to a tuple?

I have this dictionary:
0: array([-0.16638531, -0.11749843]),
1: array([-0.2318372 , 0.00917023]),
2: array([-0.42934129, -0.0675385 ]),
3: array([-0.63377579, -0.02102854]),
4: array([-0.26648222, -0.42038916]),
5: array([-0.17250316, -0.73490218]),
6: array([-0.42774336, -0.61259704]),
7: array([-0.55420825, -0.77304496]),
8: array([0.13900166, 0.07800885]),
9: array([0.42223986, 0.16563338]),
10: array([ 0.39895669, -0.09198566]),
12: array([0.24324618, 0.44829616]),
11: array([ 0.55394714, -0.17960723]),
13: array([0.192127 , 0.5988793]),
14: array([0.39554203, 0.7186038 ]),
15: array([0.53721604, 1. ])
I want to convert those numpy.ndarray values to tuples, and have something like this:
0: (-0.16638531, -0.11749843),
1: (-0.2318372 , 0.00917023),
From this answer here it looks like for each value in the dictionary you can:
So for the whole dictionary you can probably do something like:
new_dict = {key: tuple(arr) for key, arr in old_dict.items()}
Or easier to understand:
new_dict = {}
for key, arr in old_dict.items():
new_dict.update({key: tuple(arr)})
You can use a dictionary comprehension.
Python dictionaries have an .items() method that return a tuple of (key, value) for each key-value pair.
The comprehension recreates a new mapping with the original key and the array cast as a tuple.
from numpy import array
data = {
0: array([-0.16638531, -0.11749843]),
1: array([-0.2318372 , 0.00917023]),
2: array([-0.42934129, -0.0675385 ]),
3: array([-0.63377579, -0.02102854]),
4: array([-0.26648222, -0.42038916]),
5: array([-0.17250316, -0.73490218]),
6: array([-0.42774336, -0.61259704]),
7: array([-0.55420825, -0.77304496]),
8: array([0.13900166, 0.07800885]),
9: array([0.42223986, 0.16563338]),
10: array([ 0.39895669, -0.09198566]),
12: array([0.24324618, 0.44829616]),
11: array([ 0.55394714, -0.17960723]),
13: array([0.192127 , 0.5988793]),
14: array([0.39554203, 0.7186038 ]),
15: array([0.53721604, 1. ])
print({key: tuple(value) for key, value in data.items()})
{0: (-0.16638531, -0.11749843), 1: (-0.2318372, 0.00917023), 2: (-0.42934129, -0.0675385), 3: (-0.63377579, -0.02102854), 4: (-0.26648222, -0.42038916), 5: (-0.17250316, -0.73490218), 6: (-0.42774336, -0.61259704), 7: (-0.55420825, -0.77304496), 8: (0.13900166, 0.07800885), 9: (0.42223986, 0.16563338), 10: (0.39895669, -0.09198566), 12: (0.24324618, 0.44829616), 11: (0.55394714, -0.17960723), 13: (0.192127, 0.5988793), 14: (0.39554203, 0.7186038), 15: (0.53721604, 1.0)}
mapping = { key: (item[0], item[1]) for key, item in your_dict.items() }

Change actor color after window is rendered

I'm trying to change the color of one of the actors. Seems like the method SetColor(colors.GetColor3d("Silver")) is not working.
I'm also tried with b.GetMapper().ScalarVisibilityOff() but doesn´t work.
import vtk
colors = vtk.vtkNamedColors()
def crear_superficie(*puntos):
points = vtk.vtkPoints()
polygon = vtk.vtkPolygon()
for i, p in enumerate(puntos):
polygon.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i)
polygons = vtk.vtkCellArray()
# Create a PolyData
polygonPolyData = vtk.vtkPolyData()
# Create a mapper and actor
mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
actor = vtk.vtkActor()
return actor
def main():
a = crear_superficie((0, 0, 0), (0, 6, 0), (15, 10, 0), (30, 6, 0), (30, 0, 0))
b = crear_superficie((0, 6, 0), (15, 10, 0), (15, 10, 60), (0, 6, 60))
# Add the polygon to a list of polygons
# Visualize
renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer()
renderWindow = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
renderWindowInteractor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
if __name__ == '__main__':
After call Render like Nico suggested I get this Warning:
2020-06-01 12:45:40.413 ( 5.598s) [ ] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined.2020-06-01 12:45:40.467 ( 5.652s) [ ] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined.2020-06-01 12:45:40.484 ( 5.669s) [ ] vtkShaderProgram.cxx:437 ERR| vtkShaderProgram (000002380CB1D770): 1: #version 150
2: #ifndef GL_ES
3: #define highp
4: #define mediump
5: #define lowp
6: #endif // GL_ES
7: #define attribute in
8: #define varying out
11: /*=========================================================================
13: Program: Visualization Toolkit
14: Module: vtkPolyDataVS.glsl
16: Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
17: All rights reserved.
18: See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
20: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
22: PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
24: =========================================================================*/
26: in vec4 vertexMC;
30: // frag position in VC
31: out vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;
33: // optional normal declaration
34: //VTK::Normal::Dec
36: // extra lighting parameters
37: //VTK::Light::Dec
39: // Texture coordinates
40: //VTK::TCoord::Dec
42: // material property values
43: //VTK::Color::Dec
45: // clipping plane vars
46: //VTK::Clip::Dec
48: // camera and actor matrix values
49: uniform mat4 MCDCMatrix;
50: uniform mat4 MCVCMatrix;
52: // Apple Bug
53: //VTK::PrimID::Dec
55: // Value raster
56: //VTK::ValuePass::Dec
58: // picking support
59: //VTK::Picking::Dec
61: void main()
62: {
63: //VTK::Color::Impl
65: //VTK::Normal::Impl
67: //VTK::TCoord::Impl
69: //VTK::Clip::Impl
71: //VTK::PrimID::Impl
73: vertexVCVSOutput = MCVCMatrix * vertexMC;
74: gl_Position = MCDCMatrix * vertexMC;
77: //VTK::ValuePass::Impl
79: //VTK::Light::Impl
81: //VTK::Picking::Impl
82: }
2020-06-01 12:45:41.157 ( 6.341s) [ ] vtkShaderProgram.cxx:438 ERR| vtkShaderProgram (000002380CB1D770): Could not create shader object.
VTK works on a lazy evaluation mode to preserve performance. You should manually ask for rendering after modifications if you want to see them.
So add a renderWindow.Render() after the SetColor(colors.GetColor3d("Silver")) line

How can I create groups that have similar totals using pandas, numpy, or itertools?

What is the best way to create n groups of n size that have a similar total file size given a DataFrame with a column for files and file sizes? While searching, this problem sounded similar to the knapsack problem, except there are no hard stops. Any solution that is quick and produces groups of any length that are close to average (be it under or over) would be a great improvement.
My first attempt (t1) creates groups by counting in a circular order. Next attempt (t2), sorts the DataFrame by size in hopes of preventing one group from getting a clump of large files, but the approach is basically the same as t1. There are usually ~300 files total. In this context, I was not sure if it is practical to calculate all possible combinations or if there is a better approach.
from itertools import repeat, chain
from math import ceil
import pandas as pd
source_dict = {'file_name_': {0: 'file_0', 1: 'file_1', 2: 'file_2', 3: 'file_3', 4: 'file_4', 5: 'file_5', 6: 'file_6', 7: 'file_7', 8: 'file_8', 9: 'file_9'
, 10: 'file_10', 11: 'file_11', 12: 'file_12', 13: 'file_13', 14: 'file_14', 15: 'file_15', 16: 'file_16', 17: 'file_17', 18: 'file_18'
, 19: 'file_19', 20: 'file_20', 21: 'file_21', 22: 'file_22', 23: 'file_23', 24: 'file_24', 25: 'file_25', 26: 'file_26', 27: 'file_27'
, 28: 'file_28', 29: 'file_29', 30: 'file_30', 31: 'file_31', 32: 'file_32', 33: 'file_33', 34: 'file_34', 35: 'file_35', 36: 'file_36'
, 37: 'file_37', 38: 'file_38', 39: 'file_39', 40: 'file_40', 41: 'file_41', 42: 'file_42', 44: 'file_44', 45: 'file_45', 46: 'file_46'
, 47: 'file_47', 48: 'file_48', 49: 'file_49', 50: 'file_50'}
, 'file_size': {0: 3407245, 1: 3973920, 2: 7408640, 3: 4086426, 4: 12795600, 5: 2155039, 6: 9514856, 7: 13190235, 8: 32043703, 9: 4936240, 10: 9591964
, 11: 70153435, 12: 5106282, 13: 212414, 14: 24998146, 15: 11605646, 16: 2427516, 17: 23634036, 18: 169983, 19: 7011305, 20: 2106828
, 21: 3420304, 22: 11254, 23: 1271220, 24: 1164562, 25: 83613105, 26: 1030701, 27: 366948, 28: 7014895, 29: 8274642, 30: 2731629
, 31: 1596299, 32: 524, 33: 302, 34: 42332100, 35: 5441036, 36: 40633457, 37: 34680208, 38: 123505, 39: 15905009, 40: 52071678
, 41: 10624966, 42: 15425993, 44: 27673986, 45: 144988223, 46: 62619919, 47: 21562386, 48: 10620299, 49: 254661, 50: 232406680}}
sampleSizesDF = pd.DataFrame(source_dict)
desired_groups = 4 # multiprocessing.cpu_count()
group_size = ceil(sampleSizesDF.file_name_.count() / desired_groups)
max_length = sampleSizesDF.file_name_.count() # upper bound for list
# trial 1, count off and group
my_groups = list(chain(*repeat(list(range(0,desired_groups)), group_size)))[:max_length]
sampleSizesDF['pGroup_t1'] = my_groups
# trial 2, sort + trial 1
sampleSizesDF.sort_values('file_size', inplace = True)
sampleSizesDF['pGroup_t2'] = my_groups
pGroupDistDF = pd.concat([
sampleSizesDF.groupby('pGroup_t1').agg({'file_size': 'sum'})
, sampleSizesDF.groupby('pGroup_t2').agg({'file_size': 'sum'})
, axis=1)
pGroupDistDF.columns = ['t1', 't2']
pGroupDistDF = pGroupDistDF.merge(pd.DataFrame(pGroupDistDF.values, columns=['t1_dist', 't2_dist']).apply(lambda x: x/x.sum()), left_index=True, right_index=True)
presentation_order = ['t1', 't1_dist', 't2', 't2_dist']
t1 t1_dist t2 t2_dist
0 304015174 0.281916 291719748 0.270514
1 470551775 0.436347 396619142 0.367788
2 134901157 0.125095 183490246 0.170152
3 168921844 0.156643 206560814 0.191546

How to create dictionary from another dictionary if some condition met

From dictionary :
{0: (u'Donald', u'PERSON'), 1: (u'John', u'PERSON'), 2: (u'Trump', u'PERSON'), 14: (u'Barack', u'PERSON'), 15: (u'Obama', u'PERSON'), 17: (u'Michelle', u'PERSON'), 18: (u'Obama', u'PERSON'), 30: (u'Donald', u'PERSON'), 31: (u'Jonh', u'PERSON'), 32: (u'Trump', u'PERSON')}
I'd like to create another dictionary as follows:
{u'Donald John Trump': 2, u'Barack Obama':1, u'Michele Obama':1}
Here 0,1,2 and 30,31,32 keys are increasing by 1 and occurred twice. And 14,15 17,18 occurred once each. Is there any way to create such dict?
I think the main problem you need to solve is to identify persons by grouping keys denoting an increasing int sequence, as you described it.
Fortunately, Python has a recipe for this.
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict
dct = {
0: ('Donald', 'PERSON'),
1: ('John', 'PERSON'),
2: ('Trump', 'PERSON'),
14: ('Barack', 'PERSON'),
15: ('Obama', 'PERSON'),
17: ('Michelle', 'PERSON'),
18: ('Obama', 'PERSON'),
30: ('Donald', 'PERSON'),
31: ('John', 'PERSON'),
32: ('Trump', 'PERSON')
persons = defaultdict(int) # Used for conveniance
keys = sorted(dct.keys()) # So groupby() can recognize sequences
for k, g in groupby(enumerate(keys), lambda d: d[0] - d[1]):
ids = map(itemgetter(1), g) # [0, 1, 2], [14, 15], etc.
person = ' '.join(dct[i][0] for i in ids) # "Donald John Trump", "Barack Obama", etc
persons[person] += 1
# defaultdict(<class 'int'>,
# {'Barack Obama': 1,
# 'Donald John Trump': 2,
# 'Michelle Obama': 1})
def add_name(d, consecutive_keys, result):
result_key = ' '.join(d[k][0] for k in consecutive_keys)
if result_key in result:
result[result_key] += 1
result[result_key] = 1
d = {0: (u'Donald', u'PERSON'), 1: (u'John', u'PERSON'), 2: (u'Trump', u'PERSON'),
14: (u'Barack', u'PERSON'), 15: (u'Obama', u'PERSON'),
17: (u'Michelle', u'PERSON'), 18: (u'Obama', u'PERSON'),
30: (u'Donald', u'PERSON'), 31: (u'John', u'PERSON'), 32: (u'Trump', u'PERSON')}
sorted_keys = sorted(d.keys())
last_key = sorted_keys[0]
consecutive_keys = [last_key]
result = {}
for i in sorted_keys[1:]:
if i == last_key + 1:
add_name(d, consecutive_keys, result)
consecutive_keys = [i]
last_key = i
add_name(d, consecutive_keys, result)
{'Donald John Trump': 2, 'Barack Obama': 1, 'Michelle Obama': 1}

Reg ex to recognize leading zeros?

I'm working on a program that searches all the files in my database and groups them based on what number is in the file name (from 001 to 100).
The only problem is that python interprets '001' as '1', but '001' is the exact number in the file name, and since I'm using regular expressions to search it doesn't recognize the numbers the way I want it to.
Would really appreciate some help! Here's my code so far:
import sys
import os
import re
import glob
time_data = open("time_data.txt", "w")
space_data = open("space_data.txt", "w")
folder_list = ['/Users/fenyolab/Downloads/root images/pet week img seq - removed 621 and after - ch1 registered', 'C:/Users/fenyolab/Downloads/root images/0329 to 033116 - WERSCR regen - STELLAR - registered', 'C:/Users/fenyolab/Downloads/root images/0406 to 040816 - H2BIAAWOX regen - GOOD - pt II - REGISTERED']
def stack_at_time_point(direc, time_point):
time_list = []
for x in glob.glob('%s/*' % direc):
if re.search("t.*%s_z" % time_point, x) != None and re.search('_c1.*', x) != None:
for i in time_list:
time_data.write("%s\n" % i)
def stack_at_zlocation(direc, location):
location_list = []
for x in glob.glob('%s/*' % direc):
if re.search("_z.*%s_." % location, x) != None and re.search('_c1.*', x) != None:
for i in location_list:
space_data.write("%s\n" % i)
for i in folder_list:
for x in xrange(100):
stack_at_zlocation(i, x)
stack_at_time_point(i, x)
print "Done."
The regex "_z.*%s_." % location would match to _z023_ if the specified location is 23, but if the specified location is 1, the program will return _z001_, _z011_, _z021_, _z031_, _z041_ ... _z091_.
You use printf-style string formatting. Using printf-style formatting, you may specify leading zereos and a field width.
Replace your %s with %03d:
re.search("t.*%03d_z" % time_point, x)
re.search("_z.*%03d_." % location, x)
Suggest that you build an index based on a flexible length number portion and use this to lookup the appropriate file. E.g.:
>>> import re
>>> locations = ['_z{0:03d}_'.format(x) for x in range(1,101)]
>>> def create_zindex(names):
... reg = re.compile('_z(\d+)_')
... result = {}
... for name in names:
... m = reg.search(name)
... if not m:
... print "Can't find z index in {0!r}".format(name)
... continue
... zindex = int(m.groups()[0])
... if zindex in result:
... print "Duplicate z-index {0} - {1}".format(name,result[zindex])
... continue
... result[zindex] = name
... return result
>>> print locations
['_z001_', '_z002_', '_z003_', '_z004_', '_z005_', '_z006_', '_z007_', '_z008_', '_z009_', '_z010_', '_z011_', '_z012_', '_z013_', '_z014_', '_z015_', '_z016_', '_z017_', '_z018_', '_z019_', '_z020_', '_z021_', '_z022_', '_z023_', '_z024_', '_z025_', '_z026_', '_z027_', '_z028_', '_z029_', '_z030_', '_z031_', '_z032_', '_z033_', '_z034_', '_z035_', '_z036_', '_z037_', '_z038_', '_z039_', '_z040_', '_z041_', '_z042_', '_z043_', '_z044_', '_z045_', '_z046_', '_z047_', '_z048_', '_z049_', '_z050_', '_z051_', '_z052_', '_z053_', '_z054_', '_z055_', '_z056_', '_z057_', '_z058_', '_z059_', '_z060_', '_z061_', '_z062_', '_z063_', '_z064_', '_z065_', '_z066_', '_z067_', '_z068_', '_z069_', '_z070_', '_z071_', '_z072_', '_z073_', '_z074_', '_z075_', '_z076_', '_z077_', '_z078_', '_z079_', '_z080_', '_z081_', '_z082_', '_z083_', '_z084_', '_z085_', '_z086_', '_z087_', '_z088_', '_z089_', '_z090_', '_z091_', '_z092_', '_z093_', '_z094_', '_z095_', '_z096_', '_z097_', '_z098_', '_z099_', '_z100_']
>>> print create_zindex(locations)
{1: '_z001_', 2: '_z002_', 3: '_z003_', 4: '_z004_', 5: '_z005_', 6: '_z006_', 7: '_z007_', 8: '_z008_', 9: '_z009_', 10: '_z010_', 11: '_z011_', 12: '_z012_', 13: '_z013_', 14: '_z014_', 15: '_z015_', 16: '_z016_', 17: '_z017_', 18: '_z018_', 19: '_z019_', 20: '_z020_', 21: '_z021_', 22: '_z022_', 23: '_z023_', 24: '_z024_', 25: '_z025_', 26: '_z026_', 27: '_z027_', 28: '_z028_', 29: '_z029_', 30: '_z030_', 31: '_z031_', 32: '_z032_', 33: '_z033_', 34: '_z034_', 35: '_z035_', 36: '_z036_', 37: '_z037_', 38: '_z038_', 39: '_z039_', 40: '_z040_', 41: '_z041_', 42: '_z042_', 43: '_z043_', 44: '_z044_', 45: '_z045_', 46: '_z046_', 47: '_z047_', 48: '_z048_', 49: '_z049_', 50: '_z050_', 51: '_z051_', 52: '_z052_', 53: '_z053_', 54: '_z054_', 55: '_z055_', 56: '_z056_', 57: '_z057_', 58: '_z058_', 59: '_z059_', 60: '_z060_', 61: '_z061_', 62: '_z062_', 63: '_z063_', 64: '_z064_', 65: '_z065_', 66: '_z066_', 67: '_z067_', 68: '_z068_', 69: '_z069_', 70: '_z070_', 71: '_z071_', 72: '_z072_', 73: '_z073_', 74: '_z074_', 75: '_z075_', 76: '_z076_', 77: '_z077_', 78: '_z078_', 79: '_z079_', 80: '_z080_', 81: '_z081_', 82: '_z082_', 83: '_z083_', 84: '_z084_', 85: '_z085_', 86: '_z086_', 87: '_z087_', 88: '_z088_', 89: '_z089_', 90: '_z090_', 91: '_z091_', 92: '_z092_', 93: '_z093_', 94: '_z094_', 95: '_z095_', 96: '_z096_', 97: '_z097_', 98: '_z098_', 99: '_z099_', 100: '_z100_'}

