Installing gr-gsm with PyBombs - python

So I've been using the guide found here to install gr-gsm for GNU Radio with pybombs on Arch Linux. However, when I get to the line for installing gr-gsm, I get the following error:
[josh#localhost ~]$ pybombs install gr-gsm
PyBombs.DepManager - ERROR - Package does not exist: ssl (declared as dependency for package libevent)
According to the guide, it should install dependencies by itself. I've gone through the documentation for pybombs to see if I'm doing something incorrectly and couldn't find anything. I double checked the configuration as well.
If I go into Python and import ssl, it's there.
Checking the recipe list, ssl is in there:
[josh#localhost build]$ pybombs recipes list
ssl ~/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/ssl.lwr
and yet, I get the same error:
[josh#localhost build]$ pybombs install gr-gsm
PyBombs.DepManager - ERROR - Package does not exist: python (declared as dependency for package mako)

It can not find the package. Actually it's the same on Void. It's a pitfall of all these wrap arounds. Because the package managers of Arch (fixed by now if I read the sources of Pybombs correctly), Void are not coded ...
You can edit ~/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/ssl.lwr and add a check yourself. If you add a new key then the code also needs changing if it is not considered in the sources.
But first check if you have SSL installed locally, e.g. using pkg-config openssl --version.
You can also flag the SSL check as optional during dependency check and then make sure it really exists and that it will be found by the compiler (which is invoked later).
Though for Arch this should be fixed by now.
[A nicer way for Arch instead of such wrappers like pybombs are PKGBUILDS - the same is true for Void who uses almost same format templates as Arch. A cross platform system like 0install might also help.]
Edit: GNURadio exists as Arch package already, see


Cannot import module mariadb

I use python 3.9 on MacOS 11.2.2 and want to use mariadb, which is installed ("mariadb 10.5.9 is already installed and up-to-date").
However, python cannot import the module mariadb, and I get this error:
import mariadb File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mariadb/", line 10, in <module>
from ._mariadb import (
ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mariadb/, 2): Symbol not found: _mysql_ps_fetch_functions
Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mariadb/
Expected in: flat namespace
in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mariadb/
Pls help correct this. Thank you.
Too long for a comment... should be linked against libmariadb.3.dylib and the latter one should provide the exported symbol mysql_ps_fetch_functions.
To determine the problem I would suggest the following:
Check that is linked against Connector/C:
ldd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mariadb/ should list libmariadb.3.dylib
Determine the location of libmariadb.3.dylib and check the output of
nm libmariadb.3.dylib | grep mysql_ps_fetch_functions.
If output doesn't list the mysql_ps_fetch_functions api call, your installed C/C version is too old, or you have multiple instances of C/C installed.
Homebrew e.g. provides the latest version 3.1.12, to use this version make sure that will find mariadb_config of the latest installation.
As an alternative you could also build C/C and C/Python from source.
I know that the installation is not very comfortable, but providing generic binaries for non windows platforms doesn't work well due to too much dependencies (like TLS libraries).

ReadTheDocs + Sphinx + setuptools_scm: how to?

I have a project where I manage the version through git tags.
Then, I use setuptools_scm to get this information in my and also generates a file ( that gets included when generating the wheel for pip.
This file is not tracked by git since:
it has the same information that can be gathered by git
it would create a circular situation where building the wheel will modify the version which changes the sources and a new version will be generated
Now, when I build the documentation, it becomes natural to fetch this version from and this all works well locally.
However, when I try to do this within ReadTheDocs, the building of the documentation fails because is not tracked by git, so ReadTheDocs does not find it when fetching the sources from the repository.
EDIT: I have tried to use the method proposed in the duplicate, which is the same as what setuptools_scm indicate in the documentation, i.e. using in docs/
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
__version__ = get_distribution('numeral').version
... # I use __version__ to define Sphinx variables
but I get:
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'numeral' distribution was not found and is required by the application
(Again, building the documentation locally works correctly.)
How could I solve this issue without resorting to maintaining the version number in two places?
Eventually the issue was that ReadTheDocs did not have the option to build my package active by default and I was expecting this to happen.
All I had to do was to enable "Install Project" in the Advanced Settings / Default Settings.

Configure error while installing graph-tool on ubuntu 14.04

So I spent a whole day trying to find out the solution for this. I am trying to install graph-tool on my machine with 14.04 OS. Initially I was unable to succeed because I didn't have gcc 5 on my machine. After installing it, I am trying the following:
./configure CXX='g++5'
and I get the following error:
Using python version: 2.7.6
checking for boostlib >= 1.54.0... configure: We could not detect the boost libraries (version 1.54 or higher). If you have a staged boost library (still not installed) please specify $BOOST_ROOT in your environment and do not give a PATH to --with-boost option. If you are sure you have boost installed, then check your version number looking in <boost/version.hpp>. See for more documentation.
checking whether the Boost::Python library is available... no
configure: error: No usable boost::python found
I see no solution on the mailing list of graph-tool or stackoverflow about this problem. I would be really grateful if somebody could help me with this.
Thanks in advance.
In Debian, the libraries are almost always split in two packages: One
containing the shared object and another one with "-dev" suffix which
contains the header files. For cairomm you need to install the
libcairomm-1.0-dev package, in addition to libcairomm-1.0.
And cairo support is optional. If you want to disable it, just pass
the --disable-cairo to the configure script.
There are some issues with the boost package on ubuntu 14.04 and some of the graph-tool functions (see graph-tool - k-shortest path - boost::coroutine was not found at compile-time and ). At current it seems neccessary to compile boost from source until a newer version of boost is uploaded to the repository in order for graph-tool to work fully.
Once this bug is fixed ( it will no longer be a problem.

Install python, pygtk in user's space

I am trying to install python with pygtk in my ubuntu system.
I don't have root access so I need to install all the packages locally say /home/user/local/lib
I am able to install python, but I am not able to link other packages(pygobject, pygtk, etc) to the locally installed python.
And if I try to install pygtk locally using the command
./configure --prefix=/home/shrihari/local/lib/pygtk2.24/
It gives the following error
checking for GLIB - version >= 2.8.0... yes (version 2.28.6)
checking for PYGOBJECT... yes
checking for gio-types.defs... no
checking for ATK... yes
checking for PANGO... yes
checking for codegen... configure: error: unable to find PyGObject codegen
My default python version is python2.4. If I try to import pygtk in python2.4 it works fine but i need pygtk in python2.7.
So how can I achieve this?
If there is any good documentation available for installing python, pygtk, pygobject locally in user space please share.
Thanks in advance
In general, to be able to link a build to something already installed, you need to have set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and (for Python modules) PYTHONPATH to the directories where you have installed that "something". So in this example, if you install Python 2.7 with prefix /home/shrinari/local/python27, you need afterwards set the system variables like this (for bash):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/shrinari/local/python27/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/home/shrinari/local/python27/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/shrinari/local/python27/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
And after that you can try to compile something dependent on your new Python installation.
But, according to the configuration error provided, I don't think this helps in your situation. It seems that you have something missing from PyGObject, maybe just header files, maybe some module (I don't know PyGObject specifics). Anyway, why the configure script can not find something is usually better visible from config.log file which can be found in the build directory after running the configure script.
This error is because of compatibility between pygobject and gobject-retrospection. To avoid this use Pygobject build earlier than 2.90.1 if your GTK is old. I Used following on CentOS 5.5 to make it work -
When building pygobject disable introspection with --disable-introspection
gobject-retrospection 1.32.1

ImportError: Permission Denied while using LXML

I've been having a ton of trouble using LXML, after installing it from using Easy_Install-2.7. I installed it on Windows using cygwin, and at first the package seemed to be okay. However upon further testing I ran into problems.
When I run code with:
import lxml
it works completely fine. But as soon as I try:
import lxml.etree
I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Nick_Code\NewsScraper\", line 7, in <module>
import lxml.etree
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lxml-3.2.0-py2.7-cygwin-1.7.20-i686.egg/lxml/", line 7, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lxml-3.2.0-py2.7-cygwin-1.7.20-i686.egg/lxml/", line 6, in __bootstrap__
ImportError: Permission denied
I've been trying to find information/work arounds for quite a while but no success. Please let me know if you have any insight or need information.
This is not a solid answer. But I will highlight several of the problems involved for obtaining a solution. Most likely the problem above, is like a cancer caused by several factors acting catastrophically together.
I have the same exact problem as in the OP, when attempting to use the native Cygwin supplied Python packages on my Windows Vista machine. Being new to Python I have spent several days in trying to get this to work, and understand why it is not working. But all my Google-fu returned nothing but countless dead ends. So here's my take on this.
There are many reasons why Python could have trouble under Cygwin, some which you can do something about and some which are beyond most peoples control. What it boils down to, are the following key issues:
Windows is a complete mess when it comes to file permissions, and Cygwin cannot handle windows file permissions very well. So what you see in Cygwin is far from the whole story.
Windows is shamefully character case-independent which causes loads of trouble, especially when you need to (cross)compile anything that was originally developed under *nix based system (i.e. everything). In fact, if you attempt extracting any archive that contains files whose names differ only in capitalization. (I.e. "makefile" vs "Makefile" etc.) files under Windows or Cygwin, you loose all but one of the files. in case their You need to enable case-sensitivity to do anything more than "hello world" *nix compilations.
Windows handles symlinks completely different than Cygwin. And if your ZIP, TAR etc. archives contain any symlinks, they will be broken after extraction to Windows environment.
Sloppy code practices, where developer have not properly tested their creations on various environments, or carefully set proper file permissions to their *.tar.gz collections. Including correct dependency specifications, or mentioning whether or not binaries has been statically linked etc.
For the full gory details and further (Win-Cygwin) issues, look HERE.
At first I tried to use Cygwin's own Python without any additional packages, and nstalling lxml using PIP and easy_install. Then I tried to use Cygwin's own libxml2, libxslt and xml python packages, and I had the same problems.
At first, after installing the static windows binaries (as suggested elsewhere),
I got this error:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lxml-3.2.4-py2.7-cygwin-1.7.24-i686.egg/lxml/", line 6, in __bootstrap__
ImportError: Permission denied
Aborted (core dumped)
Then I investigated the file permissions and changed those with: chmod -R 755 /usr/lib/python2.7/
I got one step further to isolate problem to an apparently missing file.
And enabling verbose and diagnostic mode's didn't help much either.
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lxml-3.2.4-py2.7-cygwin-1.7.24-i686.egg/lxml/", line 6, in __bootstrap__
ImportError: No such file or directory
Aborted (core dumped)
HERE is the exact statement specification:
Load and initialize a module implemented as a dynamically loadable shared
library and return its module object. If the module was already initialized, it
will be initialized again. Re-initialization involves copying the __dict__
attribute of the cached instance of the module over the value used in the module
cached in sys.modules. The pathname argument must point to the shared library.
The name argument is used to construct the name of the initialization function:
an external C function called initname() in the shared library is called. The
optional file argument is ignored. (Note: using shared libraries is highly
system dependent, and not all systems support it.)
So I started reading on the lxml website which clearly state lxml's dependencies on both libxml2 and libxslt, and unless they are statically linked, they also depend on iconv and zlib. So you're lead to believe you need to install all of these. Don't! Continue reading. But if you're going to build from sources (as easy_install may try to do) you'll need everything, including the development header libraries: libxml2-devel, libxslt-devel. Another place states that you also need Cython and install with:
easy_install lxml==dev
The dependencies are shown in this picture from HERE:
So you think you may get away with something like:
STATIC_DEPS=true pip install lxml
But that doesn't do it either. Probably because the libraries used to compile Cygwin's Python have to be the same as those for compiling lxml. But I don't know. Notice how the lxml package refers to Cygwin "1.7.24". My Cygwin is already "1.7.25" and you can check this with uname -a. Then you can check your static python executable with file and ldd. Then you understand that this also depend on the C-compiler used for building python/cygwin under Windows or *nix. Smelling a nightmare I decided that building my own was not the way to go. So next I tried to install the Python libraries (supplied as
executables) meant for Windows Python. This didn't work since I never had windows native Python installed, and I was greeted with an error that the installed could not find Python in my registry. I could of course just extract the executable, but I wouldn't know where to put the binaries without the installer. So I had another idea...
There are 3 possible solutions to getting this to work, as far as I can see.
The easy way of installing a Windows native Python interpreter. You loose some native Cygwin functionality, unless you install in correct place: /usr/lib/python2.7 and make sure Cygwin can find it and use it. This also uses a different file-permissions, case-sensitivity and character set (UTF-16LE) than Cygwin (UTF-8), potentially creating many other issues down the line! Difficulty: Easy
Continue hacking the Cygwin's Python, to make it work with the binary libraries used in (1). But this requires:
a) Uninstall and remove all Cygwin Python packages, except bare Python interpreter.
b) Remove all PIP and easy install traces.
c) Hacking the Windows registry to pretend to have Python27 installed:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.7\InstallPath C:\Python27\
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.7\PythonPath C:\Python27\Lib;C:\Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Lib\lib-tk
d) Install the Windows binary libraries.
e) All the rest should now hopefully work with PIP or easy_install. Difficulty: Medium!
Doing it properly by compiling Python and all libraries from scratch. Difficulty: Hard!
I successfully did (1), but I still think (2) is the smarter way of doing it, but I have not tested it, which is why I don't consider this as a good answer. BTW. One more quirk, I have to run the interpreter with: python.exe -E to avoid an annoying: "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" when hitting return!
Apparently, you don't need the libxml2 and libxslt python packages to use lxml!
In my case I needed Scrapy, so I also had to install a few other packages.
$ pip.exe list
cssselect (0.9.1)
lxml (3.2.4)
pip (1.4.1)
pyOpenSSL (0.11)
pywin32 (218)
queuelib (1.1.1)
Scrapy (0.20.0)
setuptools (1.4.1)
six (1.4.1)
Twisted (13.2.0)
w3lib (1.5)
zope.interface (4.0.5)
$ll /cygdrive/c/Python27/Lib/site-packages/
Useful References:

