I wrote this program to draw data from a text file on a website's directory (of which is edited by the user on the site) but it seems to crash. A lot.
from sys import argv
import ftplib
import serial
from time import sleep
one = "0"
repeat = True
ser = serial.Serial("COM3", 9600)
while repeat == True:
path = 'public_html/'
filename = 'fileone.txt'
ftp = ftplib.FTP("*omitted*")
ftp.login("*omitted*", "*omitted*")
ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename ,open(filename, 'wb').write)
txt = open(filename)
openup = txt.read()
Does anyone know any kind of way to stop it from crashing? I was thinking of using an exception but I'm no Python expert. The program does what it's meant to do, by the way, and the address and login have been omitted for obvious reasons. Also if possible I ask for an exception to stop the program from crashing when it disconnects from the serial port.
Thanks in advance!
Two things:
You might want to put all the ftplib related code in a try-except block like so:
#code related to ftplib
except Exception, e: #you can fill this in after you encounter the exception once
print str(e)
You seem to be opening the file but not closing it when you're done. This might also cause errors later. The best way to do this would be:
with open(filename, 'r') as txt:
openup = txt.read()
This way the file will be closed automatically once you're outside the 'with' block.
Here is some code.
sbfldr = input('Enter subfolder name: ')
os.remove(os.path.join(sbfldr, 'Report.html'))
print('Remove error. Please close the report file')
fwrite = open(os.path.join(sbfldr, 'Report.html'),'a')
print('Open error. Please close the report file')
The results I expect are
If an old version of 'Report.html' exists, then remove it.
Open a new 'Report.html' for writing.
When I search for this question I get lots of answers (to other questions). This is probably because the answer is very easy, but I just do not understand how to do it.
There's no need to remove the file when you can just empty it. File mode w will "open for writing, truncating the file first", and if the file doesn't exist, it will create it.
sbfldr = input('Enter subfolder name: ')
fname = os.path.join(sbfldr, 'Report.html')
with open(fname, 'w') as fwrite:
pass # Actual code here
BTW this uses a with-statement, which is the best practice for opening files. As well it ignores the bad error handling (bare except) and unnecessary exit() in your program.
Thanks to #furas for mentioning this in the comments
Try the following, using os.path.exists to check if the file exists, and os.remove to remove it if so:
import os
if os.path.exists("Report.html"):
with open("Report.html", "w") as f:
pass #do your thing
I have a python program (say reader.py) which uses file setting.py to read from:
while( True ):
execfile( settings.py )
But there is other python program (say writer.py) that uses this file to write to:
settings = open('settings.py', 'w')
settings.write( 'some text')
except IOError:
print('Cannot write to file')
Note1: reader.py and writer.py do not ''know'' about each other.
Note2: reader.py reads settings.py cyclically, though writer.py writes to file when user wants to (not necessarily right after he/she clicked ''write'', it just means that there is no any rule when to write).
Question: What is the best way to cooperate two programs in order to avoid any contradiction? I know this might depend on platform. I am using Linux. Distributions are: Ubuntu, Scientific Linux.
EDIT1: If I choose to use FiFo I encounter the following problem: Once writer has write to settings file it will probably never write again but reader should have access to settings anyway in this case. In other words, reader should have an ability to read from file and not to wait for writer in this case. Otherwise reader has to wait for writer.
Ordinary using of FiFo does not allow reader to read from file if writer does not write (until it has written). How to deal with this problem?
You may be interested in using a named pipe for your interprocess communications. Available in Linux, it is a special type of file designed for client (writer.py), server (reader.py), tasks. After writing to the pipe, the client will wait until the server has received the data. This allows you to sync the two processes somewhat.
Linux Manual for FiFo
Python doc: os.mkfifo(path[, mode])
I found the following solution which seems to be working. I use flock to create locks.
import errno
import fcntl
from time import *
path = "testLock.py"
f = open(path, "r")
while True:
fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN:
print 'Waiting...'
#reader's action
#drop lock
fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
import errno
import fcntl
from time import *
path = "testLock.py"
f = open(path, "w")
while True:
fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_SH | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN:
print 'Waiting...'
#writer's action
for i in (1,10,2):
f.write('print "%d" % i')
#drop lock
fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
I have some question here:
Qusetion 1: Is it correct usage of LOCK_EX and LOCK_SH I mean are they in the right place?
Question 2: Is the reader's action i.e execfile correct here? If the file is already opened is execfile try to open it anyway?
Backstory is im trying to pull some data from an ftp login I was given. This data constantly gets updated, about daily, and I believe they wipe the ftp at the end of each week or month. I was thinking about inputting a date and having the script run daily to see if there are any files that match the date, but if the servers time isn't accurate it could cause data loss. For now I just want to download ALL the files, and then ill work on fine-tuning it.
I haven't worked much with coding ftp before, but seems simple enough. However, the problem I'm having is small files get downloaded without a problem and their file sizes check out and match. When it tries to download a big file that would normally take a few minutes, it gets to a certain point (almost completing the file) and then it just stops and the script hangs.
For Example:
It tries to download a file that is 373485927 bytes in size. The script runs and downloads that file up until 373485568 bytes. It ALWAYS stops at this amount after trying different methods and changing some code.
Don't understand why it always stops at this byte and why it would work fine with smaller files (1000 bytes and under).
import os
import sys
import base64
import ftplib
def get_files(ftp, filelist):
for f in filelist:
print "Downloading file " + f + "\n"
local_file = os.path.join('.', f)
file = open(local_file, "wb")
ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + f, file.write)
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
print str(e)
def list_files(ftp):
print "Getting directory listing...\n"
filelist = ftp.nlst()
#determine new files to DL, pass to get_files()
#for now we will download all each execute
get_files(ftp, filelist)
def get_conn(host,user,passwd):
ftp = ftplib.FTP()
print "\nConnecting to " + host + "...\n"
ftp.connect(host, 21)
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
print str(e)
print "Logging in...\n"
ftp.login(user, base64.b64decode(passwd))
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
print str(e)
def main():
host = "host.domain.com"
user = "admin"
passwd = "base64passwd"
if __name__ == '__main__':
Output looks like this with file dddd.tar.gz being the big one and never finishes it.
Downloading file aaaa.del.gz
Downloading file bbbb.del.gz
Downloading file cccc.del.gz
Downloading file dddd.tar.gz
This could be caused by a timeout issue, perhaps try in:
def get_conn(host,user,passwd):
ftp = ftplib.FTP()
add in larger timeouts until you have more of an idea whats going on, like:
def get_conn(host,user,passwd):
ftp = ftplib.FTP(timeout=100)
I'm not sure if ftplib defaults to a timeout or not, it would be worth checking and worth checking if you are being timed-out from the server. Hope this helps.
If you are running your scrpit in windows cmd console, try to disable the "QuickEdit Mode" option of cmd.
I had encontered a problem that my ftp script hangs running in windows, but works normally in linux. At last i found that solution is working for me.
Ref:enter link description here
I want to send 'hello world' to a script in python already running in ubuntu.
The script that's always running is this one (part of it):
print("$ echo 'foobar' > {0}".format(get_ttyname()))
print("$ echo 'foobar' > /proc/{0}/fd/0".format(os.getpid()))
it throws the pid of the running process so I can send stuff by console with:
echo 'hello script!' > /proc/PID/fd/0
It will print it in the console! but I can't send \x15 or EOF or anything to break sys.stdin.readline() and do some other stuff in my script, for example:
def f(e):
print 'we already read:',s
while True:
s = sys.stdin.readline()
print 'we break the readline'
.....blablabla some other stuff, and then we return to the top of the while to keep reading...
Does anyone know how to do it? The script that send the string will not always be running, but the script that receives the info will be always running.
Thank's to Rafael this is the solution:
import os
import sys
path = "/tmp/my_program.fifo"
except OSError:
fifo = open(path, "r")
while True:
for line in fifo:
linea = line
print "Received: " + linea,
if linea =='quit':
fifo = open(path, "r")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
path = "/tmp/my_program.fifo"
fifo = open(path, "w")
fifo.write("Hello Wordl!!\n")
Since you obviously don't have a problem with being limited to a Unix system, you can use named pipes to communicate with the program. Very unix-y way to work.
Python provides the os.mkfifo function to ease creating named pipes; otherwise they work just like files.
Write to a text file that is read by the already running program. The two can interact via this file. For example, these two programs simultaneously read and write to an initially empty text file.
# executed 1st
import time
while True:
text = open('file.txt').read()
print 'File contents: ' + text
# executed 2nd
import time
while True:
text = open('file.txt', 'a')
text.write(raw_input('Enter data: '))
I'm trying to read all files from a folder that matches a certain criteria. My program crashes once I have an exception raised. I am trying to continue even if there's an exception but it still stops executing.
This is what I get after a couple of seconds.
error <type 'exceptions.IOError'>
Here's my code
import os
path = 'Y:\\Files\\'
listing = os.listdir(path)
for infile in listing:
if infile.startswith("ABC"):
fo = open(infile,"r")
for line in fo:
if line.startswith("REVIEW"):
print infile
print "error "+str(IOError)
Put your try/except structure more in-wards. Otherwise when you get an error, it will break all the loops.
Perhaps after the first for-loop, add the try/except. Then if an error is raised, it will continue with the next file.
for infile in listing:
if infile.startswith("ABC"):
fo = open(infile,"r")
for line in fo:
if line.startswith("REVIEW"):
print infile
This is a perfect example of why you should use a with statement here to open files. When you open the file using open(), but an error is catched, the file will remain open forever. Now is better than never.
for infile in listing:
if infile.startswith("ABC"):
with open(infile,"r") as fo
for line in fo:
if line.startswith("REVIEW"):
print infile
Now if an error is caught, the file will be closed, as that is what the with statement does.
Move the try/except inside the for loop.
Like in:
import os
path = 'C:\\'
listing = os.listdir(path)
for infile in listing:
if infile.startswith("ABC"):
fo = open(infile,"r")
for line in fo:
if line.startswith("REVIEW"):
print infile
print "error "+str(IOError)
You're code is doing exactly what you're telling it to do. When you get an exception, it jumps down to this section:
print "error "+str(IOError)
Since there's nothing after that, the program ends.
Also, that pass is superfluous.
As per strictest interpretation of the question "continue even if there's an exception". Python gives us a keyword "finally" which executes a block of code no matter what precedes it. The only issue with this method will run a block of code regardless of the type of error, which might not be desirable for all cases.
unreal = 3/0 # raises divide by zero exception
# handles zerodivision exception
except :
print("Can't divide by zero, 0 has no multiplicative inverse")
# this block is always executed
print("Brahmagupta claimed that “zero divided by a zero is zero.”)