Python/Keras - Creating a callback with one prediction for each epoch - python

I'm using Keras to predict a time series. As standard I'm using 20 epochs. I want to know what did my neural network predict for each one of the 20 epochs.
By using model.predict I'm getting only one prediction among all epochs (not sure how Keras select it). I want all predictions, or at least the 10 best.
According to a previous answer I got, I should compute the predictions after each training epoch by implementing an appropriate callback by subclassing Callback() and calling predict on the model inside the on_epoch_end function.
Well, the theory seems in shape but I'm in trouble to code that. Would anyone be able to give a code example on that?
Not sure how to implement the Callback() subclassing and neither how to mix that with the model.predict inside an on_epoch_end function.
Your help will be highly appreciated :)
Well, I evolved a little bit.
Found out how to create the subclass and how to link it to the model.predict.
However, I'm burning my brain on how to create a list with all the predictions. Below is my current code:
#Creating a Callback subclass that stores each epoch prediction
class prediction_history(Callback):
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):
#Calling the subclass
#Executing the of the neural network, y=target_train, nb_epoch=2, batch_size=batch,validation_split=0.1,callbacks=[predictions])
#Printing the prediction history
print predictions.predhis
However, all I'm getting with that is a list of predictions of the last epoch (same effect as printing model.predict(predictor_train)).
The question now is: How do I adapt my code so it adds to predhis the predictions of each one of the epochs?

You are overwriting the prediction for each epoch, that is why it doesn't work. I would do it like this:
class prediction_history(Callback):
def __init__(self):
self.predhis = []
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):
This way self.predhis is now a list and each prediction is appended to the list at the end of each epoch.


Difference between TensorFlow model fit and train_on_batch

I am building a vanilla DQN model to play the OpenAI gym Cartpole game.
However, in the training step where I feed in the state as input and the target Q values as the labels, if I use, y=target_q), it works fine and the agent can eventually play the game well, but if I use model.train_on_batch(x=states, y=target_q), the loss won't decrease and the model will not play the game anywhere better than a random policy.
I wonder what is the difference between fit and train_on_batch? To my understanding, fit calls train_on_batch with a batch size of 32 under the hood which should make no difference since specifying the batch size to equal the actual data size I feed in makes no difference.
The full code is here if more contextual information is needed to answer this question: will train 1 or more epochs. That means it will train multiple batches. model.train_on_batch, as the name implies, trains only one batch.
To give a concrete example, imagine you are training a model on 10 images. Let's say your batch size is 2. will train on all 10 images, so it will update the gradients 5 times. (You can specify multiple epochs, so it iterates over your dataset.) model.train_on_batch will perform one update of the gradients, as you only give the model on batch. You would give model.train_on_batch two images if your batch size is 2.
And if we assume that calls model.train_on_batch under the hood (though I don't think it does), then model.train_on_batch would be called multiple times, likely in a loop. Here's pseudocode to explain.
def fit(x, y, batch_size, epochs=1):
for epoch in range(epochs):
for batch_x, batch_y in batch(x, y, batch_size):
model.train_on_batch(batch_x, batch_y)

Is there a way to save a model at a specified epoch in tf.keras?

Using tf.keras.callbacks, I am only able to auto-save a best model by picking one attribute to monitor (typically validation accuracy), but sometimes, I need it to save according to a comparison of validation and training accuracy. How can I do this?
Do tf.keras.history files record the model's weights at every epoch? If so, how can I save my model from the history file by specifying the epoch I want? That is another possible solution.
This is the situation I'm running into: On occasion, my validation accuracy is very high in an early epoch (purely by chance I suppose) while my training accuracy is still far below it. This epoch ends up being the model that is auto-saved. It's a crappy model because of its poor training accuracy, but it's the one that got saved because of its high validation accuracy. If it had saved at a place where the training and validation accuracy meet, it would have been a pretty good model. So at every epoch, I'd prefer to compare the training accuracy and the validation accuracy, choose the lowest of the two, and decide my best model based on that. Any suggestions on how to do that?
You can implement a Custom callback like this:
class CustomModelCheckpoint(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
# logs is a dictionary
print(f"epoch: {epoch}, train_acc: {logs['acc']}, valid_acc: {logs['val_acc']}")
if logs['val_acc'] > logs['acc']: # your custom condition'model.h5', overwrite=True)
cbk = CustomModelCheckpoint()[cbk]...)
Checkout the callback ModelCheckpoint at
You can save the model for each epoch and include the accuracy/val accuracy in the filename (or check the history object afterwards).

Callback for Keras evaluate_generator

I am using Keras for one of my experiments. When I use fit_generator method I can specify the callbacks so that I can implement after each batch or epoch.
Now, while using evaluate_generator for validation I do following,
One of some other metrics is like below,
def accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(K.equal(y_true, K.round(y_pred)))
The evaluation,
metrics = model.evaluate_generator(my_generator(...),
Here, my_generator() yield a single input (here batch size is 1). Also, I have multiple types of losses defined in the model. I get all of those losses perfectly.
But the problem is, I get only one evaluation metrics. I think it's the overall metric considering all the single batches as one whole input.
How can I define a callback or anything like that so that I can do my own calculations on the single batch evaluations? (like a fit_generator callback).
Note: evaluate_generator does not support callbacks.
I think you are looking for a lambda callback
It is also possible to use a complete custom callback.
Example from keras documentation:
class LossHistory(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_train_begin(self, logs={}):
self.losses = []
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}):

Universal Tensorflow Wrapper for Model training

I want to build a tensorflow wrapper to train model. The idea is that you can define your model in a function, pass it to object/wrapper and it will do the rest. So you don't have to code everything from the beginning every time. I will make it clear with some pseudocode
def model():
//Define your tf graph/structure here
return output
And then you will have a class, which you can pass your model, training data, valid data into it
class tf_wrapper():
def __init___(model,training_data,valid_data):
//init stuffs
def train():
//code to train the model
The train code should look like some standard one in many tutorial:
for i in range(epochs):{placeholder_X: batch_X, placeholder_Y: batchY)
What I struggle with right now is, there is different kind of model structure, loss function, input pipeline ... for example: loss function for classification task is different from regression (crossmax entropy vs MSE) also the calculation of accuracy, or the way you input data of CNN is different from RNN. What is the best way to solve this problem ?

Accessing Variable in Keras Callback

So I've a CNN implemented. I have made custom callbacks that are confirmed working but I have an issue.
This is a sample output.
Example of iteration 5 (batch-size of 10,000 for simplicity)
50000/60000 [========================>.....] - ETA: 10s ('new lr:', 0.01)
('accuracy:', 0.70)
I have 2 callbacks (tested to work as shown in the output):
(1) Changes the learning rate at each iteration. (2) Prints the accuracy at each iteration.
I have an external script that determines the learning rate by taking in the accuracy.
How to make the accuracy at each iteration available so that an external script can access it? In essence an accessible variable at each iteration. I'm able to access it only once the process is over with AccuracyCallback.accuracy
I can pass a changing learning rate. But how do I get the accuracy once this has been passed in a form of an accessible variable at each iteration?
My external script determines the learning rate at iteration 1: 0.01. How do I get the accuracy as an accessible variable in my external script at iteration 1 instead of a print statement?
You can create your own callback
class AccCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}):
accuracy = logs.get('acc')
# pass accuracy to your 'external' script and set new lr here
In order for logs.get('acc') to work, you have to tell Keras to monitor it:
model.compile(optimizer='...', loss='...', metrics=['accuracy'])
Lastly, note that the type of accuracy is ndarray here. Should it cause you any issue, I suggest wrapping it: float(accuracy).

