sqlite , python c.execute AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'execute' - python
Getting an error:
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS top15' +today +'(symbol TEXT, ending_price REAl, volume REAL, percent REAL)')
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'execute'
Below is original code where no error occurs.
conn = sqlite3.connect('Top15.db')
c = conn.cursor()
def create_table():
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS top15' +today +'(symbol TEXT, ending_price REAl, volume REAL, percent REAL)')
f15= ['hgd', 'bbd.a', 'mri.u', 'iam', 'hnd', 'tth', 'bbd.b', 'bbd.pr.c', 'esp', 'enl', 'rmp', 'amm', 'vrx', 'xtc', 'cxr']
f45=['4,433,389', '2.96', '-13.7', '1,209,421', '2.25', '-13.1', '3,000', '8.60', '-8.5', '1,000', '1.06', '-7.8', '1,180,466', '21.76', '-7.6', '41,777', '0.97', '-7.6', '32,423,597', '1.89', '-7.4', '43,737', '15.20', '-7.3', '87,604', '1.96', '-7.1', '5,239', '34.00', '-6.2', '2,688,261', '1.83', '-5.7', '63,301', '1.39', '-5.4', '1,664,689', '41.83', '-5.4', '63,453', '13.45', '-5.3', '1,642,197', '36.48', '-5.0']
def dynamic_data_entry():
volume = first_45[i]
ending_price = first_45[i+1]
percent = first_45[i+2]
symbol = first_15[z]
c.execute("INSERT INTO top15" +today +"(symbol,ending_price, volume, percent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(symbol,ending_price, volume, percent))
for i, z in zip(range(0,45,3),range(15)):
Below is the new setup. Nothing else has changed other than turning the two lists (f15,f45) into a single list (result) with internal lists. However,now I get the c.execute error. Ive read about c.execute errors and cannot find a solution
conn = sqlite3.connect('Top15.db')
c = conn.cursor()
def create_table():
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS top15' +today +'(symbol TEXT, ending_price REAl, volume REAL, percent REAL)')
f15=[15 list items]
f45=[45 list items]
f45i = iter(f45)
result = [[a, c, b, d] for (a, b, c, d) in zip(f15, f45i, f45i, f45i)]
result = filter(lambda l: l[0].count('.') <= 1, result)
print result
result=[['hgd', '2.96', '4,433,389', '-13.7'], ['bbd.a', '2.25', '1,209,421', '-13.1'], ['mri.u', '8.60', '3,000', '-8.5'], ['iam', '1.06', '1,000', '-7.8'], ['hnd', '21.76', '1,180,466', '-7.6'], ['tth', '0.97', '41,777', '-7.6'], ['bbd.b', '1.89', '32,423,597', '-7.4'], ['esp', '1.96', '87,604', '-7.1'], ['enl', '34.00', '5,239', '-6.2'], ['rmp', '1.83', '2,688,261', '-5.7'], ['amm', '1.39', '63,301', '-5.4'], ['vrx', '41.83', '1,664,689', '-5.4'], ['xtc', '13.45', '63,453', '-5.3'], ['cxr', '36.48', '1,642,197', '-5.0']]
def dynamic_data_entry():
symbol = result[i][0]
ending_price = result[i][1]
volume = result[i][2]
percent = result[i][3]
c.execute("INSERT INTO top15" +today +"(symbol, ending_price, volume, percent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(symbol,ending_price, volume, percent))
while i <len(result):
Is there something about the list inside the list creating the problem? Not too sure why this would now result in this error. When it worked perfectly fine below
ib_insync, prints ticker even though I have not specified it
Just started using ib_insync. I am trying to get the tick data into a dataframe. Here is the relevant code: def onPendingTickers(tickers, conn=conn): for t in tickers: # 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} (timestamp timestamp, bid_qty INT, bid REAL, ask REAL, ' \ # 'ask_qty INT, high REAL, low REAL, close REAL, open REAL, contractID INT)' # print(t) c.execute('INSERT INTO {} (timestamp, bid_qty, bid, ask, ask_qty, high, low, close, open, contractID)' ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);'.format(t.contract.pair()), (t.time, t.bidSize, t.bid, t.ask, t.askSize, t.high, t.low, t.close, t.open, t.contract.conId)) # print(t.time, t.bidSize, t.bid, t.ask, t.askSize, t.high, t.low, t.close, t.open, t.contract.conId) conn.commit() ib.pendingTickersEvent += onPendingTickers ib.sleep(60*60) ib.pendingTickersEvent -= onPendingTickers When I run this code in a terminal, it prints the ticker, I am not sure what exactly needs to be changed here.
If you just want to get ticks without displaying the information, here's some sample code that you should be able to run: from ib_insync import * import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Connect to IB; args are (IP address, device number, client ID) def ibConnect(port,clientID): connection = ib.connect('', port, clientID) ib.sleep(0) return () # Disconnect from IB def ibDisconnect(): ib.disconnect() ib.sleep(0) return # Set up a futures contract def ibFuturesContract(symbol, expirationDate, exchange): futuresContract = Future(symbol, expirationDate, exchange) return futuresContract # Realtime Ticks Subscription def ibGetTicker (contract): ticker = ib.ticker(contract) return [ticker] ib = IB() ibConnect(7496,300) contract = ibFuturesContract('YM',20210618,'ECBOT') # Start the real-time tick subscription ib.reqMktData(contract, '', False, False) # Real Time Ticks global ticker ticker = ibGetTicker(contract) # Get just the last tick each second and put it into a data table x = 0 while x < 10: ib.sleep(1) if ticker is not None: df = util.df(ticker) if (x == 0): dt = df else: dt = dt.append(df) x = x + 1 print (dt) ib.cancelMktData(contract) ibDisconnect()
Python Mysql Insert - tuple index out of range
Here is the snippet of code I am having problem with for x in myresult: sql = "INSERT INTO `writing_correction` (`autoinc`, `q_usage_id`, `ruleId`, `message`, `replacements`, `offset`, `errorLength`, `category`, `ruleIssueType`) VALUES (NULL, %d, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s )" # sql = "INSERT INTO customers (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)" # sql = "INSERT INTO `writing_correction` (`autoinc`, `q_usage_id`, `ruleId`, `message`, `replacements`, `offset`, `errorLength`, `category`, `ruleIssueType`) VALUES (NULL, '100', 'ruleid', 'message', 'replacemenet', '12', '3', 'cat', 'ruleissuetype')" # val = ("John", "Highway 21") # mycursor.execute(sql, val) print(x[3]) matches = tool.check(x[3]) for y in matches: # sql = "INSERT INTO `writing_correction` (`autoinc`, `q_usage_id`, `ruleId`, `message`, `replacements`, `offset`, `errorLength`, `category`, `ruleIssueType`) VALUES (NULL, %d, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s )" % ( x[0], y.ruleId, y.message, y.replacements, y.offset , y.errorLength, y.category, y.ruleIssueType ) val = ( [ x[0] ], (y.ruleId), (y.message), (y.replacements), [y.offset] , [y.errorLength] , (y.category), (y.ruleIssueType) ) print(val) # mycursor.execute(sql , ( x[0], y.ruleId, y.message, y.replacements, y.offset , y.errorLength, y.category, y.ruleIssueType ) ) mycursor.executemany(sql, val) the commented code is my trial and error attempt to make it work but it is not working for some reason. Currently I am getting following error: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/mysql/connector/cursor.py", line 75, in __call__ return bytes(self.params[index]) IndexError: tuple index out of range
val should be an array of tuples. With each tuple corresponding to a row. So fill out the array at a time, and then executemany once. so: val = [] for y in matches: val.append( ( x[0], y.ruleId, y.message, y.replacements, y.offset , y.errorLength , y.category, y.ruleIssueType ) ) print(val) mycursor.executemany(sql, val) ref: executemany
SQLAlchemy not execute a query
I'm having a problem with sqlAlchemy when i try to execute a query. My script has been working fine and every query.execute worked good until now. Here is the code: for i in listaUnificacion: usu = "'AUTO'" incabuniper = "'S'" sCodPersonaPr, sPers = i[0], i[1] engine = sqla.create_engine(URL_ORACLE) connection = engine.connect() seq_query = sqla.Sequence('SEQ_PERUNI') pnCodSecPerUni = connection.execute(seq_query) query = "INSERT INTO TABLE1(SEC, CD, CDUNIF, DATE, USU, INCABUNIPER) VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, SYSDATE, {3}, {4})".format(pnCodSecPerUni, sCodPersonaPr, sPers, str(usu), str(incabuniper)) query = sqla.text(query) print(query) connection.execute(query) query = "UPDATE TABLE2 SET type = 'M' WHERE cd = {}".format(sPers); connection.execute(query) query_uni = "DECLARE\ res varchar2(100);\ errorm varchar2(1000);\ BEGIN\ res := USER.FNC({0},{1},{2},'AUTO',errorm);\ END;".format(pnCodSecPerUni, sCodPersonaPr, sPers) query_uni = sqla.text(query_unifica) connection.execute(query_uni) connection.close() When I try to execute query_unifica, it doesn't work but it doesn't show any error. I put here the execution with some prints: PARES (11005202, 11002071) INSERT INTO TABLE1(SEC, CD, CDUNIF,, DATE, USU, INCABUNIPER) VALUES(1628226, 11005202, 11002071, SYSDATE, 'AUTO', 'S') --> WORKS FINE UPDATE TABLE2 SET type = 'M' WHERE cd = 11002071 --> works fine DECLARE res varchar2(100); errorm varchar2(1000); BEGIN res := USER.FNC(1628226,11005202,11002071,'AUTO',errorm); END; -- > DOSEN'T WORK!!!
SQL insert into.. where (python)
I have the following code: def create_table(): c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TEST(SITE TEXT, SPORT TEXT, TOURNAMENT TEXT, TEAM_1 TEXT, TEAM_2 TEXT, DOUBLE_CHANCE_1X TEXT, DOUBLE_CHANCE_X2 TEXT, DOUBLE_CHANCE_12 TEXT, DRAW_1 TEXT, DRAW_2 TEXT DATE_ODDS TEXT, TIME_ODDS TEXT)') create_table() def data_entry(): c.execute("INSERT INTO TEST(SITE, SPORT, TOURNAMENT, TEAM_1, TEAM_2, DOUBLE_CHANCE_1X, DOUBLE_CHANCE_X2, DOUBLE_CHANCE_12, DATE_ODDS, TIME_ODDS) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (Site, sport.strip(), tournament.strip(), team_1.strip(), team_2.strip(), x_odd.strip(), y_odd.strip(), z_odd.strip(), Date_odds, Time_odds)) conn.commit() def double_chance(): c.execute("UPDATE TEST SET DOUBLE_CHANCE_1X = x_odd, DOUBLE_CHANCE_X2 = y_odd, DOUBLE_CHANCE_12 = z_odd WHERE TOURNAMENT = tournament and TEAM_1 = team_1 and TEAM_2 = team_2 and DATE_ODDS = Date_odds and TIME_ODDS = Time_odds") conn.commit() driver.get(link) Date_odds = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') Time_odds = time.strftime('%H:%M') sport = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='breadcrumb']/li[2]/a")).text #example Footbal tournament = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='breadcrumb']/li[4]/a")).text #example Premier League try: div = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='breadcrumb']/li[5]/a")).text #to find any division if exists except NoSuchElementException: div = "" market = driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[contains(#id,'ip_market_name_')]") market_name = market.text market_num = market.get_attribute('id')[-9:] print market_num team_1 = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='ip_marketBody" + market_num + "']/tr/td[1]//*[contains(#id,'name')]")).text team_2 = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='ip_marketBody" + market_num + "']/tr/td[3]//*[contains(#id,'name')]")).text print sport, tournament, market_name, team_1, team_2 data_entry() #first SQL call for ip in driver.find_elements_by_xpath(".//*[contains(#id,'ip_market3')]"): num = ip.get_attribute('id')[-9:] type = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[contains(#id,'ip_market_name_" + num + "')]")).text if type == 'Double Chance': print type print num x_odd = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='ip_market" + num + "']/table/tbody/tr/td[1]//*[contains(#id,'price')]")).text y_odd = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='ip_market" + num + "']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]//*[contains(#id,'price')]")).text z_odd = (driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//*[#id='ip_market" + num + "']/table/tbody/tr/td[3]//*[contains(#id,'price')]")).text print x_odd, y_odd, z_odd double_chance() #second SQL call c.close() conn.close() Update: Based on the answer below I updated the code, but I can't make it work. When I run it, I get the following error: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: x_odd What should I do? Update 2: I found the solution: I created an unique ID in order to be able to select exactly the row I want when I run the second SQL query. In this case it doesn't modify any other rows: def double_chance(): c.execute("UPDATE TEST SET DOUBLE_CHANCE_1X = (?), DOUBLE_CHANCE_X2 = (?), DOUBLE_CHANCE_12 = (?) WHERE ID = (?)",(x_odd, y_odd, z_odd, ID_unique)) conn.commit() Now it works perfectly.
Use the UPDATE statement to update columns in an existing row. UPDATE TEST SET DRAW_1=value1,DRAW_2=value2 WHERE column3=value3; If data_entry(1) is always called first, then change the statement in data_entry_2() to UPDATE. If not you will need to check if the row exists in both cases and INSERT or UPDATE accordingly.
Data Not Being Inserted Into Sqlite3 Database Using Python 2.7
I'm having trouble inserting data into my table. I have a list of stocks that I pass to the function getStockData. I use a for loop to iterate through the list and get the data for each ticker symbol. At the end I put all the information into a dictionary. My final step is to insert the data into a table. I've been unsuccessful at inserting the data in the dictionary into my table. def getStockData(x): nowdate = raw_input("What Is Todays Date?: ") print "Todays list has %d stocks on it\n" % len(x) for stock in x: stockPrice = ystockquote.get_price(stock) stockPriceChange = ystockquote.get_change(stock) originalPrice = float(stockPrice) + (float(stockPriceChange) * -1) changePercentage = (float(stockPriceChange) / originalPrice) * 100 stockDict = {'Date': nowdate, 'Ticker Symbol': stock, 'Closing Price': stockPrice, 'Price Change': stockPriceChange, 'Percentage Changed': changePercentage} conn = db.connect('stocks.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('insert into losers values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (stockDict['Date'], stockDict['Ticker Symbol'], stockDict['Price Change'], stockDict['Percentage Changed'], stockDict['Closing Price']) ) conn.close()
I think you forget to commit your data to your DB before close. Try conn.commit()