rabbitmq messages missing in receiver part - python

I have implemented RabbitMQ in my servers. So basically what it does is that the main server passes messages to the worker server.
The problem that I am facing is that all the message that I pass is not received by the server.
i.e if i send 10 messages only 4 of them are received.
Any idea where am I going wrong.
Receiving code
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(" [x] Received %r" % body)
print(' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C')
Publishing code
import pika
import sys
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
channel.queue_declare(queue='task_queue', durable=True)
message = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) or "Hello World!"
delivery_mode = 2, # make message persistent
print(" [x] Sent %r" % message)

Assuming that you are publishing to the same queue (as the examples you posted shows otherwise). I would recommend that you enable the confirm delivery flag. This will ensure that your message gets delivered, and if not it will either throw an exception, or publish will return False.
channel = connection.channel()
published = channel.basic_publish(...)
if not published:
raise Exception("Unable to publish message!")
It might also be worth to install the management plugin for RabbitMQ and inspect the queue before you start consuming messages. This way you can verify that the messages got published, and later consumed.


Pika RabbitMQ Publish from a consumer

I have a RabbitMQ consumer. I would like to have that consumer do some message processing, simulated by time.sleep(10), then publish a message to a different queue. I know the consumer callback has a channel that in theory could be used to do the publish, but this seems like a bad implementation because if the basic_publish() somehow manages for force close the channel, then the consumer dies. What is the best way to handle this?
import time
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
channel = connection.channel()
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='logs', exchange_type='fanout')
result = channel.queue_declare(queue='original_queue', exclusive=True)
channel.queue_bind(exchange='logs', queue='original_queue')
print(' [*] Waiting for logs. To exit press CTRL+C')
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
ch.basic_publish(exchange='logs', routing_key='different_queue', body='hello_world')
queue='original_queue', on_message_callback=callback, auto_ack=True)
You can implement your consumer in a way that it automatically reconnects to the RabbitMQ server if the connection gets closed. Hope this helps(I didn't put much thought on the design part, feel free to suggest some!)
import time
import pika
reconnect_on_failure = True
def consumer(connection, channel):
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='logs', exchange_type='fanout')
result = channel.queue_declare(queue='original_queue', exclusive=True)
channel.queue_bind(exchange='logs', queue='original_queue')
print(' [*] Waiting for logs. To exit press CTRL+C')
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
ch.basic_publish(exchange='logs', routing_key='different_queue', body='hello_world')
queue='original_queue', on_message_callback=callback, auto_ack=True)
def get_connection_and_channel():
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost'))
channel = connection.channel()
def start(reconnect_on_failure):
connection, channel = get_connection_and_channel()
consumer(connection, channel)
# the if condition will be executed when the consumer's start_consuming loop exists
if reconnect_on_failure:
# cleanly close the connection and channel
if not connection.is_closed():
if not channel.is_close():

Pub/sub based on events - Python

I am trying to build a system where I can send messages to diffferent users based on their subscription to certain events. Basically I have an api which gives me live stream events. Some of the users will be subscribed to those events. My task is to send message to those users whenever such an event occurs. I am trying to design the system in Python.
Currently I have the following questions.
How yo continously poll for events from a live stream api in Python.
How to find out which users are subscribed to that particular event. (Redis or Mysql)
How to send notification to all the users of a particular event. (Pub/sub)
I am thinking of using Amazon SNS. But not quite sure about the overall architecture.
RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premise and in the
cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be
deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet
high-scale, high-availability requirements.
Just small example:
Producer sends messages to the "hello" queue. The consumer receives messages from that queue. This will create a Queue (hello) with a message on the RabbitMQ cluster.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
body='Hello World!')
print(" [x] Sent 'Hello World!'")
Receive a message from a named queue:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(" [x] Received %r" % body)
print(' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C')

RabbitMQ pika connection errors and inconsistency

def response(return_JSON):
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host=HOST))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.exchange_declare(exchange=EXCHANGE, type='direct', durable='True')
channel.queue_declare(queue=QUEUE_NAME, durable='True')
channel.queue_bind(exchange=EXCHANGE, queue=QUEUE_NAME)
channel.basic_publish(exchange=EXCHANGE, routing_key=RESPONSE_ROUTING_KEY, body=return_JSON)
print " [x] Finished sending msg to sender..."
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print " [x] Received message from sender!"
print body
result_JSON = Work().compute(json.loads(body))
if result_JSON is not None:
#result_JSON = json.dumps(result_JSON)
channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method.delivery_tag)
print "Acknowledged to sender"
if __name__ == '__main__':
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host=HOST))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.queue_declare(queue=QUEUE_NAME, durable='True')
channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=QUEUE_NAME, no_ack=False)
print " [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C"
This often works for a while and then falls over. Only need to consume messages one at a time, process them and send back a response message with a different routing KEY. Is there a smarter more reliable way to create a minimal consumer processing messages one at a time.
Error message is:
Connection reset by peer

how to store rabbitMQ messages

I am using a RabbitMQ server with python for sending and receiving messages to the server
This is the code I am using for sending a message in to code.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
message = 'Hello World'
# Printing the Sending Confirmation of ID
print(" [x] Sent %r" % message)
[x] Sent 'Hello World'
This is the code I am using for receiving messages from queue
import pika
import sys
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost'))
channel = connection.channel()
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(" [x] Received %r" % body)
channel.basic_consume(callback, queue='Q1', no_ack=True)
[x] Received 'Hello World'
The problem is I want to save this message i.e. "Hello World" to a variable and then use it in my program
But I am not able to save the message.
How can I save it to a variable.
What will be the solution for Multiple Messages in the queue
The problem is I want to save this message i.e. "Hello World" to a variable and then use it in my program
You've got a variable already which you can use in you program - body. If you'd like to decouple the infrastructure code (i.e. RabbitMq/pika) from the business logic then you can simply declare another function and pass the body to it.
def processing_function(message_received):
print(" [x] Received %r" % message_received)
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
The idea is that pika calls callback once a message is received and then body is passed to the processing_function which performs calculations.
If you're struggling to understand the callback function I'd recommend you to read this first.

How to ensure that messages get delivered?

How do you ensure that messages get delivered with Pika? By default it will not provide you with an error if the message was not delivered succesfully.
In this example several messages can be sent before pika acknowledges that the connection was down.
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()
for index in xrange(10):
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='hello',
body='Hello World #%s!' % index)
print('Total Messages Sent: %s' % x)
When using Pika the channel.confirm_delivery() flag needs to be set before you start publishing messages. This is important so that Pika will confirm that each message has been sent successfully before sending the next message. This will however increase the time it takes to send messages to RabbitMQ, as delivery needs to be confirmed before the program can proceed with the next message.
for index in xrange(10):
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='hello',
body='Hello World #%s!' % index)
print('Total Messages Sent: %s' % x)
except pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as exc:
print('Error. Connection closed, and the message was never delivered.')
basic_publish will return a Boolean depending if the message was sent or not. But, it is important to catch potential exceptions in case the connection is closed during transfer and handle it appropriately. As in those cases the exception will interrupt the flow of the program.
after trying myself and failing to receive other than ack,
i decided to implement a direct reply to the sender.
i followed the example given here

