I have some data, around 400 million rows, some features are categorical. I apply pandas.get_dummies to do one-hot encoding, and I have to use sparse=Trueoption because the data is a little big(otherwise exceptions/errors are raised).
result = result.drop(["time", "Ds"], 1)
result_encoded = pd.get_dummies(result, columns=["id1", "id2", "id3", "id4"], sparse=True)
Then, I get a sparse dataframe(result_encoded) with 9000 features. After that, I want to run a ridge regression on the data. At first, I tried to feed dataframe.value into sklearn,
train_data = result_encoded.drop(['count'].values)
but raised the error: "array is too big".
Then, I just fed sparse dataframe to sklearn, similar error message showed again.
train_data = result_encoded.drop(['count'])
Do I need to consider a different method or preparation of the data so it can be used by sklearn directly?
You should be able to use the experimental .to_coo() method in pandas [1] in the following way:
result_encoded, idx_rows, idx_cols = result_encoded.stack().to_sparse().to_coo()
result_encoded = result_encoded.tocsr()
This method, instead of taking a DataFrame (rows / columns) it takes a Series with rows and columns in a MultiIndex (this is why you need the .stack() method). This Series with the MultiIndex needs to be a SparseSeries, and even if your input is a SparseDataFrame, .stack() returns a regular Series. So, you need to use the .to_sparse() method before calling .to_coo().
The Series returned by .stack(), even if it's not a SparseSeries only contains the elements that are not null, so it shouldn't take more memory than the sparse version (at least with np.nan when the type is np.float).
In general, you'll want to more efficient CSR or CCR format for your sparse scipy array, instead of the simpler COO, so you can convert it with the .tocsr() method.
I have a large matrix (~200 million rows) describing a list of actions that occurred every day (there are ~10000 possible actions). My final goal is to create a co-occurrence matrix showing which actions happen during the same days.
Here is an example dataset:
data = {'date': ['01', '01', '01', '02','02','03'],
'action': [100, 101, 989855552, 100, 989855552, 777]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['date','action'])
I tried to create a sparse matrix with pd.get_dummies, but unravelling the matrix and using groupby on it is extremely slow, taking 6 minutes for just 5000 rows.
# Create a sparse matrix of dummies
dum = pd.get_dummies(df['action'], sparse = True)
df = df.drop(['action'], axis = 1)
df = pd.concat([df, dum], axis = 1)
# Use groupby to get a single row for each date, showing whether each action occurred.
# The groupby command here is the bottleneck.
cols = list(df.columns)
del cols[0]
df = df.groupby('date')[cols].max()
# Create a co-occurrence matrix by using dot-product of sparse matrices
cooc = df.T.dot(df)
I've also tried:
getting the dummies in non-sparse format;
using groupby for aggregation;
going to sparse format before matrix multiplication.
But I fail in step 1, since there is not enough RAM to create such a large matrix.
I would greatly appreciate your help.
I came up with an answer using only sparse matrices based on this post. The code is fast, taking about 10 seconds for 10 million rows (my previous code took 6 minutes for 5000 rows and was not scalable).
The time and memory savings come from working with sparse matrices until the very last step when it is necessary to unravel the (already small) co-occurrence matrix before export.
## Get unique values for date and action
date_c = CategoricalDtype(sorted(df.date.unique()), ordered=True)
action_c = CategoricalDtype(sorted(df.action.unique()), ordered=True)
## Add an auxiliary variable
df['count'] = 1
## Define a sparse matrix
row = df.date.astype(date_c).cat.codes
col = df.action.astype(action_c).cat.codes
sparse_matrix = csr_matrix((df['count'], (row, col)),
shape=(date_c.categories.size, action_c.categories.size))
## Compute dot product with sparse matrix
cooc_sparse = sparse_matrix.T.dot(sparse_matrix)
## Unravel co-occurrence matrix into dense shape
cooc = pd.DataFrame(cooc_sparse.todense(),
index = action_c.categories, columns = action_c.categories)
There are a couple of fairly straightforward simplifications you can consider.
One of them is that you can call max() directly on the GroupBy object, you don't need the fancy index on all columns, since that's what it returns by default:
df = df.groupby('date').max()
Second is that you can disable sorting of the GroupBy. As the Pandas reference for groupby() says:
sort : bool, default True
Sort group keys. Get better performance by turning this off. Note this does not influence the order of observations within each group. Groupby preserves the order of rows within each group.
So try that as well:
df = df.groupby('date', sort=False).max()
Third is you can also use a simple pivot_table() to produce the same result.
df = df.pivot_table(index='date', aggfunc='max')
Yet another approach is going back to your "actions" DataFrame, turning that into a MultiIndex and using it for a simple Series, then using unstack() on it, that should get you the same result, without having to use the get_dummies() step (but not sure whether this will drop some of the sparseness properties you're currently relying on.)
actions_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['date', 'action'])
actions_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(actions_df, names=['date', ''])
actions_series = pd.Series(1, index=actions_index)
df = actions_series.unstack(fill_value=0)
Your supplied sample DataFrame is quite useful for checking that these are all equivalent and produce the same result, but unfortunately not that great for benchmarking it... I suggest you take a larger dataset (but still smaller than your real data, like 10x smaller or perhaps 40-50x smaller) and then benchmark the operations to check how long they take.
If you're using Jupyter (or another IPython shell), you can use the %timeit command to benchmark an expression.
So you can enter:
%timeit df.groupby('date').max()
%timeit df.groupby('date', sort=False).max()
%timeit df.pivot_table(index='date', aggfunc='max')
%timeit actions_series.unstack(fill_value=0)
And compare results, then scale up and check whether the whole run will complete in an acceptable amount of time.
I am currently developing a machine learning algorithm for ticket classification that combines a Title, Description and Customer name together to predict what team a ticket should be assigned to but have been stuck for the past few days.
Title and description are both free text and so I am passing them through TfidfVectorizer. Customer name is a category, for this I am using OneHotEncoder. I want these to work within a pipeline so have them being joined with a column transformer where I can pass in an entire dataframe and have it be processed.
file = "train_data.csv"
train_data= pd.read_csv(train_file)
string_features = ['Title', 'Description']
string_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer()))
categorical_features = ['Customer']
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[('OHE', preprocessing.OneHotEncoder()))
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(transformers = [('str', string_transformer, string_features), ('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)])
clf = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),('clf', SGDClassifier())]
X_train = train_data.drop('Team', axis=1)
y_train = train_data['Team']
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
However I get an error: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly.
After looking into it, print(OneHotEncoder().fit_transform(X_train['Customer'])) on its own returns an error: Expected 2d array got 1d array instead.
I believe that OneHotEncoder is failing as it is expecting an array of arrays (a pandas dataframe), each being length one containing the customer name. But instead is just getting a pandas series. By converting the series to a dataframe with .to_frame() the printed output now seems to match what is outputted by the TfidfVectorizer and the dimensions should match.
Is there a way I can modify OneHotEncoder in the pipeline so that it accepts the input as it is in 1 dimension? Or is there something I can add to the pipeline that will convert it before it's passed into OneHotEncoder? Am I right in that this is the reason for the error?
I believe the problem lies in the fact that you're giving two columns to the TfIdfVectorizer (which is thus converted to a DataFrame). This will not work: TfIdfVectorizer expects a list of strings. So an immediate solution (and therefore a check of whether this is in fact the source of the problem), is changing this line to: string_features = 'Description'. Note this is not a list, it just a string. Therefore the Series is passed to the TfIdfVectorizer, and not the DataFrame.
If you would like to combine both string columns, you could either
concatanenate the strings, so you keep one column (which is the easiest), or
Fit two different TfIdfVectorizers, which is more complex but might perform better. See for instance Computing separate tfidf scores for two different columns using sklearn
Should this not solve your problem, I would advise you to share some sample data so we can actually test what is happening.
I believe the difference between your perceived error and the actual pipeline lies in the fact that you're giving it X_train['Customer'] (again a Series), but in the actual pipeline you're giving it X_train[['Customer']] (a DataFrame).
I have a pandas dataframe that I want to split into several smaller pieces of 100k rows each, then save onto the disk so that I can read in the data and process it one by one. I have tried using dill and hdf storage, as csv and raw text appears to take a lot of time.
I am trying this out on a subset of data with ~500k rows and five columns of mixed data. Two contains strings, one integers, one float and the final one contains bigram counts from sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer, stored as a scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix sparse matrix.
It is the last column that I am having problems with. Dumping and loading the data goes without issue, but when I try to actually access the data it is instead a pandas.Series object. Secondly, each row in that Series is a tuple which contains the whole dataset instead.
# Before dumping, the original df has 100k rows.
# Each column has one value except for 'counts' which has 1400.
# Meaning that df['counts'] give me a sparse matrix that is 100k x 1400.
vectorizer = sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', ngram_range=(2,2))
counts = vectorizer.fit_transform(df['string_data'])
df['counts'] = counts
df_split = pandas.DataFrame(np.column_stack([df['string1'][0:100000],
dill.dump(df, open(file[i], 'w'))
df = dill.load(file[i])
> <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
> (100000,)
> (496718, 1400) # 496718 is the number of rows in my complete data set.
> <type 'tuple'>
Am I making any obvious mistake, or is there a better way to store this data in this format, one which isn't very time consuming? It has to be scalable to my full data containing 100 million rows.
df['counts'] = counts
this will produce a Pandas Series (column) with the # of elements equal to len(df) and where each element is a sparse matrix, which is returned by vectorizer.fit_transform(df['string_data'])
you can try to do the following:
df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(counts.A, columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names(), index=df.index)
NOTE: be aware this will explode your sparse matrix into densed (not sparse) DataFrame, so it will use much more memory and you can end up with the MemoryError
That's why I'd recommend you to store your original DF and count sparse matrix separately
I run an sk-learn classifier on a pandas dataframe (X). Since some data is missing, I use sk-learn's imputer like this:
After doing that however, my number of features is decreased, presumably because the imputer just gets rids of the empty columns.
That's fine, except that the imputer transforms my dataframe into a numpy ndarray, and thus I lose the column/feature names. I need them later on to identify the important features (with clf.feature_importances_).
How can I know the names of the features in clf.feature_importances_, if some of the columns of my initial dataframe have been dropped by the imputer?
you can do this:
invalid_mask = np.isnan(imp.statistics_)
valid_mask = np.logical_not(invalid_mask)
valid_idx, = np.where(valid_mask)
Now you have old indexes (Indexes that these columns had in matrix X) for valid columns. You can get feature names by these indexes from list of feature names of old X.
It's more difficult than it should be. The answer is that SimpleImputer should get an argument, add_indicator=True. Then, after fitting, simple_imputer.indicator_ takes the value of another transformer of the type sklearn.impute.MissingIndicator. This in turn will have a variable features_, which contains the features.
So it's roughly like this:
simple_imputer = SimpleImputer(add_indicator=True)
I've implemented a thin wrapper around SimpleImputer, called SimpleImputerWithFeatureNames, which gives you feature names. It's available on github.
>> import openml_speed_dating_pipeline_steps as pipeline_steps
>> imputer = pipeline_steps.SimpleImputerWithFeatureNames()
>> imputer.fit(X_train[numeric_features])
>> imputer.get_feature_names()
I'm trying to add column names to a numpy ndarray, then select columns by their names. But it doesn't work. I can't tell if the problem occurs when I add the names, or later when I try to call them.
Here's my code.
data = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=',', dtype=np.float, skip_header=1)
#Add headers
csv_names = [ s.strip('"') for s in file(csv_file,'r').readline().strip().split(',')]
data = data.astype(np.dtype( [(n, 'float64') for n in csv_names] ))
Dimension-based diagnostics match what I expect:
print len(csv_names)
>> 108
print data.shape
>> (1652, 108)
"print data.dtype.names" also returns the expected output.
But when I start calling columns by their field names, screwy things happen. The "column" is still an array with 108 columns...
print data["EDUC"].shape
>> (1652, 108)
... and it appears to contain more missing values than there are rows in the data set.
print np.sum(np.isnan(data["EDUC"]))
>> 27976
Any idea what's going wrong here? Adding headers should be a trivial operation, but I've been fighting this bug for hours. Help!
The problem is that you are thinking in terms of spreadsheet-like arrays, whereas NumPy does use different concepts.
Here is what you must know about NumPy:
NumPy arrays only contain elements of a single type.
If you need spreadsheet-like "columns", this type must be some tuple-like type. Such arrays are called Structured Arrays, because their elements are structures (i.e. tuples).
In your case, NumPy would thus take your 2-dimensional regular array and produce a one-dimensional array whose type is a 108-element tuple (the spreadsheet array that you are thinking of is 2-dimensional).
These choices were probably made for efficiency reasons: all the elements of an array have the same type and therefore have the same size: they can be accessed, at a low-level, very simply and quickly.
Now, as user545424 showed, there is a simple NumPy answer to what you want to do (genfromtxt() accepts a names argument with column names).
If you want to convert your array from a regular NumPy ndarray to a structured array, you can do:
data.view(dtype=[(n, 'float64') for n in csv_names]).reshape(len(data))
(you were close: you used astype() instead of view()).
You can also check the answers to quite a few Stackoverflow questions, including Converting a 2D numpy array to a structured array and how to convert regular numpy array to record array?.
Unfortunately, I don't know what is going on when you try to add the field names, but I do know that you can build the array you want directly from the file via
data = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=',', names=True)
It seems like adding field names only works when the input is a list of tuples:
data = np.array(map(tuple,data), [(n, 'float64') for n in csv_names])