How to work with context in Django - python

I'm trying to create a confirmation page. User can create orders on one page, then the create_order view validates the forms and send a request with context to another view which is called confirm_order. I think that I would work correct but there is one problem. The first time confirm_order gets request and context which contains data from forms. But when User clicks on confirm in this page, the confirm_view is called without this context so I'm getting error:
> ValidationError at /create-job/ [u'ManagementForm data is missing or
> has been tampered with']
Do you guys know how to send the context second time?
Here are those two views:
def create_order(request):
LanguageLevelFormSet = formset_factory(LanguageLevelForm, extra=5, max_num=5)
language_level_formset = LanguageLevelFormSet(request.POST or None)
job_creation_form = JobCreationForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
context = {'job_creation_form': job_creation_form,
'formset': language_level_formset}
if request.method == 'POST':
if job_creation_form.is_valid() and language_level_formset.is_valid():
cleaned_data_job_creation_form = job_creation_form.cleaned_data
cleaned_data_language_level_formset = language_level_formset.cleaned_data
context = {
'cleaned_data_job_creation_form': cleaned_data_job_creation_form,
"cleaned_data_language_level_formset": cleaned_data_language_level_formset,
mutable = request.POST._mutable # I'm adding parameter 'review' to be able to differ between two different posts in confirm_order view
request.POST._mutable = True
request.POST['review'] = True
request.POST._mutable = mutable
return confirm_order(request, context)
return render(request, 'auth/jobs/create-job.html', context=context)
return render(request, 'auth/jobs/create-job.html', context=context)
def confirm_order(request, context):
print context
cleaned_data_job_creation_form = context['cleaned_data_job_creation_form']
cleaned_data_language_level_formset = context['cleaned_data_language_level_formset']
print request.POST['review']
if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST['review'] == True:
file = cleaned_data_job_creation_form['file']
count = 5 #simplified multiple rows
jobs = []
for language_level_form in [d for d in cleaned_data_language_level_formset if d]:
language = language_level_form['language']
level = language_level_form['level']
d = {}
d['language_from'] = cleaned_data_job_creation_form['language_from'].name
d['language_to'] = language
d['number_of_characters'] = count
d['price_per_sign'] = 1
d['estimated_price'] = count * d['price_per_sign']
table = CreatedOrdersTable(jobs)
context = {'table': table,
'cleaned_data_job_creation_form': cleaned_data_job_creation_form,
'cleaned_data_language_level_formset': cleaned_data_language_level_formset}
return render(request, 'auth/jobs/confirm-order.html', context=context)
for language_level_form in [d for d in cleaned_data_language_level_formset if d]:
language = language_level_form['language']
level = language_level_form['level']
return HttpResponseRedirect('/order-success')

You are returning a template render on your first view. So, the request doesn't end on your confirm_order view.
If you want, you can redirect to reverse('confirm_order') and add the data on session.
In your confirm_order view you will pop the data from session and continue with your flow.


Passing data from a form to a view Django

I have two functions in, the first one allows you to display information from tables. The second is to get data from the form and redirect to the page with the result. How can I pass the data received from the form to the first function to display information from the tables based on this very data?
In the first function:
def SuOp(request):
allrooms = Rooms.objects.all()
allfood = Food.objects.all()
alltours = Tours.objects.all()
data = {
'allfood': allfood,
'allrooms': allrooms,
'alltours': alltours,
return render(request, './obj.html', data)
in the second function:
def Main(request):
error = ''
if request.method == 'POST':
form = SearchMain(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
budget = form.cleaned_data.get("budget")
arrival_date = form.cleaned_data.get("arrival_date")
departure_date = form.cleaned_data.get("departure_date")
number_of_people = form.cleaned_data.get("number_of_people")
count_days = (departure_date-arrival_date).days
return redirect('allobject')
error = 'The form has been filled out incorrectly'
form SearchMain()
data = {
'formS': form,
'error': error,
return render(request, './main.html', data)
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.Main, name='main'),
path(r'allobject/$', views.SuOp, name='allobject')
You can use sessions to pass values from one view to another. First set the session:
if form.is_valid():
budget = form.cleaned_data.get("budget")
request.session['budget'] = budget
return redirect('allobject')
Then your other view can get the session variable:
def SuOp(request):
budget = request.session.get('budget')
allrooms = Rooms.objects.all()
allfood = Food.objects.all()
alltours = Tours.objects.all()
data = {
'allfood': allfood,
'allrooms': allrooms,
'alltours': alltours,
return render(request, './obj.html', data)
The other option is to do all the calculations in the view that receives the budget, arrival_date, departure_date, number_of_people, save the desired results to the Rooms, Food and Tours objects.

Rendering a "<class 'django.template.response.TemplateResponse'>" Object in Django

I have a requirement to incorporate my existing working openstack horizon with our SSO using python-saml.
Hence i referred to demo docs which is written here:
So here as per the guide, I need to render the page as mentioned.
return render(request, 'auth/login.html', {'errors': errors, 'not_auth_warn': not_auth_warn, 'success_slo': success_slo, 'paint_logout': paint_logout, 'SSO': True})
When I am trying the same I am not getting the expected result on page, to be exact, I am not getting the exact desired page with full details. here is the more detail on the same.
Expected page(This is screenshot of page working fine, before i am enabling saml):
Actual page now(Username and password text box not visible, Because login.html file is not enough to render it, because it need form to fully display, using django_auth_views response object "res" is created for the same):
def login(request, template_name=None, extra_context=None, **kwargs):
"""Logs a user in using the :class:`~openstack_auth.forms.Login` form."""
if not request.is_ajax():.
if (request.user.is_authenticated() and
auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME not in request.GET and
auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME not in request.POST):
return shortcuts.redirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)
# Get our initial region for the form.
initial = {}
current_region = request.session.get('region_endpoint', None)
requested_region = request.GET.get('region', None)
regions = dict(getattr(settings, "AVAILABLE_REGIONS", []))
if requested_region in regions and requested_region != current_region:
initial.update({'region': requested_region})
if request.method == "POST":
if django.VERSION >= (1, 6):
form = functional.curry(forms.Login)
form = functional.curry(forms.Login, request)
form = functional.curry(forms.Login, initial=initial)
if extra_context is None:
extra_context = {'redirect_field_name': auth.REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME}
if not template_name:
if request.is_ajax():
template_name = 'auth/_login.html'
extra_context['hide'] = True
template_name = 'auth/login.html'
res = django_auth_views.login(request,
# Save the region in the cookie, this is used as the default
# selected region next time the Login form loads.
if request.method == "POST":
utils.set_response_cookie(res, 'login_region',
request.POST.get('region', ''))
req = prepare_django_request(request)
auth = init_saml_auth(req)
errors = []
not_auth_warn = False
success_slo = False
attributes = False
paint_logout = False
if 'sso' in req['get_data']:
return HttpResponseRedirect(auth.login())
elif 'slo' in req['get_data']:
name_id = None
session_index = None
if 'samlNameId' in request.session:
name_id = request.session['samlNameId']
if 'samlSessionIndex' in request.session:
session_index = request.session['samlSessionIndex']
slo_built_url = auth.logout(name_id=name_id, session_index=session_index)
request.session['LogoutRequestID'] = auth.get_last_request_id()
print ('set logout id'+auth.get_last_request_id())
return HttpResponseRedirect(slo_built_url)
if 'samlUserdata' in request.session:
paint_logout = True
if len(request.session['samlUserdata']) > 0:
attributes = request.session['samlUserdata'].items()
return render(request, 'auth/login.html', {'errors': errors, 'not_auth_warn': not_auth_warn, 'success_slo': success_slo, 'paint_logout': paint_logout, 'SSO': True})
Would like to know what may be the problem here, What can be the fix to overcome this issue.
I have given try as below, tried returning the TemplateResponse object which was created in above mentioned code correct working code was just returning 'res' object from code.
return res
hence I tried to return the object instead of html file. ie: 'res' instead of 'auth/login.html'.
return render(request, res, {'errors': errors, 'not_auth_warn': not_auth_warn, 'success_slo': success_slo, 'paint_logout': paint_logout, 'SSO': True})
It returns error as follow:
Getting an error as follows:
ContentNotRenderedError at /auth/login/
The response content must be rendered before it can be accessed.
During analysis, I can see that template object(res), Which is of type: class 'django.template.response.TemplateResponse'
Someone please drop thoughts to figure out how we can resolve.

Django form field update

I have a Django form that lets users choose a tag from multiple tag options. The problem I am facing is that even when the tag list gets updated, the model form does not get the updated tag list from database. As a result, new tags do not appear in options.
Here is my code in
class EnglishTagForm(forms.Form):
tag_choices = [(x.tagName, x.tagName.upper()) for x in ClassTag.objects.filter(
agentId=Agent.objects.get(name='English Chowdhury'))]
tag = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=tag_choices,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(EnglishTagForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['tag'].choices = [(x.tagName,
x.tagName.upper()) for x in ClassTag.objects.filter(
agentId=Agent.objects.get(name='English Chowdhury'))]
This form is being instantiated in view. My question is what changes should I do so that tag_choices gets updated from database on every instantiation.
How the above form is used in
def complaintDetail(request, complaint_id):
complaint = Complaints.objects.filter(pk=complaint_id).first()
context = {}
if request.method == 'POST':
agent = Agent.objects.get(name="English Chowdhury")
if "SubmitTag" in request.POST:
englishForm = EnglishTagForm(request.POST)
if englishForm.is_valid:
// Complaint Delete Logic
return redirect('chatbot:modComplaints')
englishForm = EnglishTagForm()
context['eForm'] = englishForm
elif "SubmitBundle" in request.POST:
newTagForm = NewTagForm(request.POST)
if newTagForm.is_valid():
// Complaint Delete Logic
return redirect('chatbot:modComplaints')
newTagForm = NewTagForm()
context['newForm'] = newTagForm
englishForm = EnglishTagForm()
context['eForm'] = englishForm
newTagForm = NewTagForm()
context['newForm'] = newTagForm
context['complaint'] = complaint
return render(request, 'chatbot/complaintDetail.html', context)
Edit: (For future reference)
I decided to modify the tag attribute and convert CharField to ModelChoiceField, which seems to fix the issue.
Updated Class:
class EnglishTagForm(forms.Form):
tag = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=ClassTag.objects.filter(
agentId=Agent.objects.get(name='English Chowdhury')),
empty_label=None, widget=forms.Select(
Please remove the list comprehension from Line 2. So that,
tag_choices = [(x.tagName, x.tagName.upper()) for x in ClassTag.objects.filter(
agentId=Agent.objects.get(name='English Chowdhury'))]
tag_choices = []

Filtering data with __range

I'm using django_tables2 thus part of the code is dependent on this package, but this should be irrelevant to the overall problem.
class PersonForm(forms.Form):
date_from = forms.DateField(input_formats='%d/%m/%Y')
date_to = forms.DateField(input_formats='%d/%m/%Y')
def filter(request):
table = PersonTable(Person.objects.all())
if request.method == 'POST':
form = PersonForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
date_from = form.cleaned_data['date_from']
date_to = form.cleaned_data['date_to']
result_filtered = table.filter(date__range=(date_from, date_to))
RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page": 100}).configure(table)
return render(request, "people.html", {
"table": result_filtered })
args = {}
args['form'] = PersonForm()
args['table'] = table
RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page": 100}).configure(table)
return render(request, 'people.html', args)
Simply, filtering is not working. I can see the entire table, but when I try to filter nothing happens. Can you see what's wrong?
I'm pretty sure you need to call .filter() on the query set rather than the table. For example:
result_filtered = PersonTable(Person.objects.filter(date__range=(date_from, date_to))
Also, on this line:
RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page": 100}).configure(table)
You are passing in table. You should pass in result_filtered instead.
This is one way I'd do it, assuming your Person model has a date field:
def filter(request):
if 'date_from' in request.GET and 'date_to' in request.GET:
# form data has been submitted
form = PersonForm(request.GET)
if form.is_valid():
date_from = form.cleaned_data['date_from']
date_to = form.cleaned_data['date_to']
people = Person.objects.filter(date__range=(date_from, date_to))
table = PersonTable(people)
table = PersonTable(Person.objects.all())
form = PersonForm()
table = PersonTable(Person.objects.all())
RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page": 100}).configure(table)
args = {}
args['form'] = form
args['table'] = table
return render(request, 'people.html', args)
This binds the form if both its expected fields are present, and limits the queryset according to the results if valid. If not valid, it renders the bound form and the table built from the unlimited table. If form data was not submitted, it renders the table built from the unlimited table.
Your form tag's method attribute should be GET rather than POST, if using this design.
This doesn't quite follow the usual Django patterns for form handling because the form isn't actually making any changes, so you can use GET and don't need to return a redirect on success.

Filter only if the value is defined in Django

I have the following view:
def process(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.POST
results = Specs.objects.filter(screenGroup = data['screen_user'], storage = data['storage_user'], mSystem = data['system_user'] )
context = {'results' : results}
return render(request, 'process.html', context)
When the user inputs the three values it filters correctly, but when it just inputs one or two (or nothing), then it filters passing the value None. Is there any way to ignore the filter if it's not set?
The following code is working, but it's obviously a very unefficient way:
def process(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.POST
if(data['screen_user'] != None):
results = Specs.objects.filter(screenGroup = data['screen_user'])
elif (data['storage_user'] != None):
results = Specs.objects.filter(storage = data['storage_user'])
results = Specs.objects.all()
#plus all the other options...
context = {'results' : results}
return render(request, 'process.html', context)
You can build the filter beforehand:
def process(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.POST
spec_filter = {}
for attribute in ['screenGroup', 'storage', 'mSystem']:
if attribute in data and data[attribute]:
spec_filter[attribute] = data[attribute]
results = Specs.objects.filter(**spec_filter)
context = {'results' : results}
return render(request, 'process.html', context)
NB: To use this verbatim you would have to change the names of the variables being passed in the request.POST to match those in the Specs model. I did this just to illustrate, but you can easily use the same principle with your variable names. In that case you'll have to be a bit more verbose.
It's called validating your form.. There are two ways of doing this:
create a django form and use myform.is_valid(). You can read about it in the docs
validate it yourself with a few 'if' statements (either on server side or with javascript before sending the ajax call)

