Pandas: Creating another column with row column multiplication - python

Priority Expected Actual
High 47 30
Medium 22 14
Required 16 5
I'm trying to create two other columns 'Expected_values' which will have the values like for the row High 47*5, for the row Medium 22*3,for the row Required 16*10 and 'Actual_values' for the row High 30*5, for the row Medium 14*3,for the row Required 5*10
like this
Priority Expected Actual Expected_values Actual_values
Required 16 5 160 50
High 47 30 235 150
Medium 22 14 66 42
Any simple way to do that in pandas or numpy?

a = np.array([5, 3, 10])
df['Expected_values'] = df.Expected * a
df['Actual_values'] = df.Actual * a
print df
Priority Expected Actual Expected_values Actual_values
0 High 47 30 235 150
1 Medium 22 14 66 42
2 Required 16 5 160 50


Python combine integer columns to create multiple columns with suffix

I have a dataframe with a sample of the employee survey results as shown below. The values in the delta columns are just the difference between the FY21 and FY20 columns.
Employee leadership_fy21 leadership_fy20 leadership_delta comms_fy21 comms_fy20 comms_delta 88 50 38 90 80 10 22 82 -60 80 90 -10 41 94 -53 44 60 -16 90 66 24 30 10 20
I'd like to create multiple columns that
i. contain the % in the fy21 values
ii. merge it with the columns with the delta suffix such that the delta values are in a ().
example output would be:
Employee leadership_fy21 leadership_delta leadership_final comms_fy21 comms_delta comms_final 88 38 88% (38) 90 10 90% (10) 22 -60 22% (-60) 80 -10 80% (-10) 41 -53 41% (-53) 44 -16 44% (-16) 90 24 90% (24) 30 20 30% (20)
I have tried the following code but it doesn't seem to work. It might have to do with numpy not being able to combine strings. Appreciate any form of help I can get, thank you.
#create a list of all the rating columns
ratingcollist = ['leadership','comms','wellbeing','teamwork']
#create a for loop to get all the columns that match the column list
for rat in ratingcollist:
cols = df.filter(like=rat).columns
fy21cols = df[cols].filter(like='_fy21').columns
deltacols = df[cols].filter(like='_delta').columns
if len(cols) > 0:
df[f'{rat.lower()}final'] = (df[fy21cols].values.astype(str) + '%' + '(' + df[deltacols].values.astype(str) + ')')
You can do this:
def yourfunction(ratingcol):
0 88%(38)
1 22%(-60)
2 41%(-53)
3 90%(24)
Then, using a for loop you can create your columns
for i in ratingcollist:

Filter dataframe based on list with ranges

probably the title of my question is some kind of wrong. Currently I have a list:
a = [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,37,38,39]
and a dataframe df:
colfrom colto
1 99
23 24
25 32
25 40
How can I filter my dataframe that the colfrom is inside the array a or smaller then it, and that coltois inside the array or bigger then it? So basically this rule would lead to:
colfrom colto
1 99
25 32
25 40
The only row who gets kicked out is row 2 (or in python row 1), as 23 and 24 are not in the array (and not lower then 11 and not higher then 39).
mask = ((df['colfrom'].isin(a)) | (df['colfrom']<min(a)) & (df['colto'].isin(a)) | (df['colto']>max(a)))
colfrom colto
0 1 99
2 25 32
3 25 40

Automatic detection of column unit and unit conversion

I need to automatically detect the units of the columns and convert to correct the unit and rename the column.
The standard units should be:
'Inch'(In) for 'Height' column
'Degree Celcius'(°C) for 'Temperature' column.
Sample tables shown below where units need to be converted. The table could have mixture of units, some need to be converted and some that don't. Any idea?
Height (mm) Temperature(°F)
16 27
12 30
17 32
20 23
14 43
Height (mm) Temperature(°C)
14 31
13 42
19 50
22 28
18 36
1 mm = 0.0393701 inch
T(°C) = (T(°F) - 32) × 5/9
You can filter the columns names with .filter method, then apply your conversion and finally rename:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Height (mm)':[16,12,17,20,14],'Temperature(°F)':[27,30,32,23,43]})
print('before conversion',df)
for x in df.filter(like='°F',axis=1).keys():
df[x] = (df[x] - 32) * 5/9
df.rename(columns={x:x.replace('°F','°C')}, inplace=True)
for x in df.filter(like='(mm)',axis=1).keys():
df[x] = df[x] * 0.0393701
df.rename(columns={x:x.replace('(mm)','(In)')}, inplace=True)
print('After conversion',df)
output looks like:
before conversion
Height (mm) Temperature(°F)
0 16 27
1 12 30
2 17 32
3 20 23
4 14 43
After conversion
Height (In) Temperature(°C)
0 0.629922 -2.777778
1 0.472441 -1.111111
2 0.669292 0.000000
3 0.787402 -5.000000
4 0.551181 6.111111

Plot histogram using two columns (values, counts) in python dataframe

I have a dataframe having multiple columns in pairs: if one column is values then the adjacent column is the corresponding counts. I want to plot a histogram using values as x variable and counts as the frequency.
For example, I have the following columns:
Age Counts
60 1204
45 700
21 400
. .
. .
34 56
10 150
I want my code to bin the Age values in ten-year intervals between the maximum and minimum values and get the cumulative frequencies for each interval from the Counts column and then plot a histogram. Is there a way to do this using matplotlib ?
I have tried the following but in vain:
patient_dets.plot(x='PatientAge', y='PatientAgecounts', kind='hist')
(patient_dets is the dataframe with 'PatientAge' and 'PatientAgecounts' as columns)
I think you need
If need bins, one possible solution is with pd.cut:
#helper df with min and max ages
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'G':['14 yo and younger','15-19','20-24','25-29','30-34',
'Min':[0, 15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65],
print (df1)
G Max Min
0 14 yo and younger 14 0
1 15-19 19 15
2 20-24 24 20
3 25-29 29 25
4 30-34 34 30
5 35-39 39 35
6 40-44 44 40
7 45-49 49 45
8 50-54 54 50
9 55-59 59 55
10 60-64 64 60
11 65+ 120 65
cutoff = np.hstack([np.array(df1.Min[0]), df1.Max.values])
labels = df1.G.values
patient_dets['Groups'] = pd.cut(patient_dets.PatientAge, bins=cutoff, labels=labels, right=True, include_lowest=True)
print (patient_dets)
PatientAge PatientAgecounts Groups
0 60 1204 60-64
1 45 700 45-49
2 21 400 20-24
3 34 56 30-34
4 10 150 14 yo and younger
You can use pd.cut() to bin your data, and then plot using the function plot('bar')
import numpy as np
nBins = 10
my_bins = np.linspace(patient_dets.Age.min(),patient_dets.Age.max(),nBins)
patient_dets.groupby(pd.cut(patient_dets.Age, bins =nBins)).sum()['Counts'].plot('bar')

efficiently find maxes of one column over id in a Pandas dataframe

I am working with a very large dataframe (3.5 million X 150 and takes 25 gigs of memory when unpickled) and I need to find maximum of one column over an id number and a date and keep only the row with the maximum value. Each row is a recorded observation for one id at a certain date and I also need the latest date.
This is animal test data where there are twenty additional columns seg1-seg20 for each id and date that are filled with test day information consecutively, for example, first test data fills seg1, second test data fills seg2 ect. The "value" field indicates how many segments have been filled, in other words how many tests have been done, so the row with the maximum "value" has the most test data. Ideally I only want these rows and not the previous rows. For example:
df= DataFrame({'id':[1000,1000,1001,2000,2000,2000],
date id seg1 seg2 seg3 seg4 seg5 seg6 value
0 20010101 1000 22 23 90 3
1 20010201 1000 76 1
2 20010115 1001 23 34 32 32 4
3 20010203 2000 45 52 2
4 20010223 2000 12 24 34 43 43 41 6
5 20010220 2000 12 24 34 43 44 35 6
And eventually it should be:
date id seg1 seg2 seg3 seg4 seg5 seg6 value
0 20010101 1000 22 23 90 3
2 20010115 1001 23 34 32 32 4
4 20010223 2000 12 24 34 43 43 41 6
I first tried to use .groupby('id').max but couldnt find a way to use it to drop rows. The resulting dataframe MUST contain the ORIGINAL ROWS and not just the maximum value of each column with each id. My current solution is:
for i in
df =df.drop(df.loc[].sort(['value','date']).index[:-1])
But this takes around 10 seconds to run each time through, I assume because its trying to call up the entire dataframe each time through. There are 760,000 unique ids, each are 17 digits long, so it will take way too long to be feasible at this rate.
Is there another method that would be more efficient? Currently it reads every column in as an "object" but converting relevant columns to the lowest possible bit of integer doesnt seem to help either.
I tried with groupby('id').max() and it works, and it also drop the rows. Did you remeber to reassign the df variable? Because this operation (and almost all Pandas' operations) are not in-place.
If you do:
df.groupby('id', sort = False).max()
You will get:
date value
1000 20010201 3
1001 20010115 4
2000 20010223 6
And if you don't want id as the index, you do:
df.groupby('id', sort = False, as_index = False).max()
And you will get:
id date value
0 1000 20010201 3
1 1001 20010115 4
2 2000 20010223 6
I don't know if that's going to be much faster, though.
This way the index will not be reseted:
df.iloc[df.groupby('id').apply(lambda x: x['value'].idxmax())]
And you will get:
date id seg1 seg2 seg3 seg4 seg5 seg6 value
0 20010101 1000 22 23 90 3
2 20010115 1001 23 34 32 32 4
4 20010223 2000 12 24 34 43 43 43 6

