I'm making a reddit bot and I've made it store the comment ids in an array so it doesn't reply to the same comment twice, however if I close the program the array is cleared.
I'm looking for a way to keep the array, such as storing it in an external file and reading it, thanks!
Here's my code:
import praw
import time
import random
import pickle
#logging into the Reddit API
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent="Random Number machine by /u/---")
print("Logging in...")
r.login(---,---, disable_warning=True)
print("Logged in.")
wordsToMatch = ["+randomnumber","+random number","+ randomnumber","+ random number"] #Words which the bot looks for.
cache = [] #If a comment ID is stored here, the bot will not reply back to the same post.
def run_bot():
print("Start of new loop.")
subreddit = r.get_subreddit(---) #Decides which sub-reddit to search for comments.
comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=100) #Grabbing comments...
for comment in comments:
comment_text = comment.body.lower() #Stores the comment in a variable and lowers it.
isMatch = any(string in comment_text for string in wordsToMatch) #If the bot matches a comment with the wordsToMatch array.
if comment.id not in cache and isMatch: #If a comment is found and the ID isn't in the cache.
print("Comment found: {}".format(comment.id)) #Prints the following line to console, develepors see this only.
#comment.reply("Hey, I'm working!")
while True:
What you're looking for is called serialization. You can use json or yaml or even pickle. They all have very similar APIs:
import json
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
with open("/tmp/foo.json", "w") as fd:
json.dump(a, fd)
with open("/tmp/foo.json") as fd:
b = json.load(fd)
assert b == a
$ cat /tmp/foo.json
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
json and yaml only work with basic types like strings, numbers, lists, and dictionaries. Pickle has more flexibility allowing you to serialize more complex types like classes. json is generally used for communication between programs, while yaml tends to be used when the input is needed to be edited/read by humans as well.
For your case, you probably want json. If you want to make it pretty, there are options to the json library to indent the output.
I am using the Twitter API StreamingClient using the python module Tweepy. I am currently doing a short stream where I am collecting tweets and saving the entire ID and text from the tweet inside of a json object and writing it to a file.
My goal is to be able to collect the Twitter handle from each specific tweet and save it to a json file (preferably print it in the output terminal as well).
This is what the current code looks like:
KEY_FILE = './keys/bearer_token'
def on_data(json_data):
json_obj = json.loads(json_data.decode())
#print('Received tweet:', json_obj)
print(f'Tweet Screen Name: {json_obj.user.screen_name}')
with open('./collected_tweets/tweets.json', 'a') as out:
json.dump(json_obj, out)
bearer_token = open(KEY_FILE).read().strip()
streaming_client = tweepy.StreamingClient(bearer_token)
streaming_client.on_data = on_data
And I have no idea how to do this, the only thing I found is that someone did this:
However, this did not work at all, and I am completely stuck.
So a couple of things
Firstly, I'd recommend using on_response rather than on_data because StreamClient already defines a on_data function to parse the json. (Then it will fire on_tweet, on_response, on_error, etc)
Secondly, json_obj.user.screen_name is part of API v1 I believe, which is why it doesn't work.
To get extra data using Twitter Apiv2, you'll want to use Expansions and Fields (Tweepy Documentation, Twitter Documentation)
For your case, you'll probably want to use "username" which is under the user_fields.
def on_response(response:tweepy.StreamResponse):
tweet:tweepy.Tweet = response.data
users:list = response.includes.get("users")
# response.includes is a dictionary representing all the fields (user_fields, media_fields, etc)
# response.includes["users"] is a list of `tweepy.User`
# the first user in the list is the author (at least from what I've tested)
# the rest of the users in that list are anyone who is mentioned in the tweet
author_username = users and users[0].username
print(tweet.text, author_username)
streaming_client = tweepy.StreamingClient(bearer_token)
streaming_client.on_response = on_response
streaming_client.sample(threaded=True, user_fields = ["id", "name", "username"]) # using user fields
Hope this helped.
also tweepy documentation definitely needs more examples for api v2
KEY_FILE = './keys/bearer_token'
def on_data(json_data):
json_obj = json.loads(json_data.decode())
print('Received tweet:', json_obj)
with open('./collected_tweets/tweets.json', 'a') as out:
json.dump(json_obj, out)
bearer_token = open(KEY_FILE).read().strip()
streaming_client = tweepy.StreamingClient(bearer_token)
streaming_client.on_data = on_data
streaming_client.on_closed = on_finish
streaming_client.sample(threaded=True, expansions="author_id", user_fields="username", tweet_fields="created_at")
I'm new to developing and my question(s) involves creating an API endpoint in our route. The api will be used for a POST from a Vuetify UI. Data will come from our MongoDB. We will be getting a .txt file for our shell script but it will have to POST as a JSON. I think these are the steps for converting the text file:
1)create a list for the lines of the .txt
2)add each line to the list
3) join the list elements into a string
4)create a dictionary with the file/file content and convert it to JSON
This is my current code for the steps:
import json
something.txt: an example of the shell script ###
f = open("something.txt")
create a list to put the lines of the file in
file_output = []
add each line of the file to the list
for line in f:
mashes all of the list elements together into one string
fileoutput2 = ''.join(file_output)
create a dict with file and file content and then convert to JSON
json_object = {"file": fileoutput2}
json_response = json.dumps(json_object)
{"file": "Hello\n\nSomething\n\nGoodbye"}
I have the following code for my baseline below that I execute on my button press in the UI
#bp_customer.route('/install-setup/<string:customer_id>', methods=['POST'])
def install_setup(customer_id):
cust = Customer()
customer = cust.get_customer(customer_id)
### example of a series of lines with newline character between them.
script_string = "Beginning\nof\nscript\n"
json_object = {"file": script_string}
json_response = json.dumps(json_object)
get the install shell script content
replace the values (somebody has already done this)
attempt to return the below example json_response
return make_response(jsonify(json_response), 200)
my current Vuetify button press code is here: so I just have to ammend it to a POST and the new route once this is established
onClickScript() {
.then((resp) => {
console.log("resp: ", resp.data);
this.scriptData = resp.data;
I'm having a hard time combining these 2 concepts in the correct way. Any input as to whether I'm on the right path? Insight from anyone who's much more experienced than me?
You're on the right path, but needlessly complicating things a bit. For example, the first bit could be just:
import json
with open("something.txt") as f:
json_response = json.dumps({'file': f.read()})
And since you're looking to pass everything through jsonify anyway, even this would suffice:
with open("something.txt") as f:
data = {'file': f.read()}
Where you can pass data directly through jsonify. The rest of it isn't sufficiently complete to offer any concrete comments, but the basic idea is OK.
If you have a working whole, you could go to https://codereview.stackexchange.com/ to ask for some reviews, you should limit questions on StackOverflow to actual questions about getting something to work.
I have the following python code that is working ok to use reddit's api and look up the front page of different subreddits and their rising submissions.
from pprint import pprint
import requests
import json
import datetime
import csv
import time
subredditsToScan = ["Arts", "AskReddit", "askscience", "aww", "books", "creepy", "dataisbeautiful", "DIY", "Documentaries", "EarthPorn", "explainlikeimfive", "food", "funny", "gaming", "gifs", "history", "jokes", "LifeProTips", "movies", "music", "pics", "science", "ShowerThoughts", "space", "sports", "tifu", "todayilearned", "videos", "worldnews"]
ofilePosts = open('posts.csv', 'wb')
writerPosts = csv.writer(ofilePosts, delimiter=',')
ofileUrls = open('urls.csv', 'wb')
writerUrls = csv.writer(ofileUrls, delimiter=',')
for subreddit in subredditsToScan:
front = requests.get(r'http://www.reddit.com/r/' + subreddit + '/.json')
rising = requests.get(r'http://www.reddit.com/r/' + subreddit + '/rising/.json')
risingData = rising.json()
frontData = front.json()
for i in range(0, len(risingData['data']['children'])):
author = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['author']
score = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['score']
subreddit = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['subreddit']
gilded = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['gilded']
numOfComments = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['num_comments']
linkUrl = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['permalink']
timeCreated = risingData['data']['children'][i]['data']['created_utc']
writerPosts.writerow([author, score, subreddit, gilded, numOfComments, linkUrl, timeCreated])
for j in range(0, len(frontData['data']['children'])):
author = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['author'].encode('utf-8').strip()
score = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['score']
subreddit = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['subreddit'].encode('utf-8').strip()
gilded = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['gilded']
numOfComments = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['num_comments']
linkUrl = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['permalink'].encode('utf-8').strip()
timeCreated = frontData['data']['children'][j]['data']['created_utc']
writerPosts.writerow([author, score, subreddit, gilded, numOfComments, linkUrl, timeCreated])
It works well and scrapes the data accurately but it constantly gets interrupted, seemingly randomly, and has a run time crash, saying:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dataGather1.py", line 27, in <module>
for i in range(0, len(risingData['data']['children'])):
KeyError: 'data'
I have no idea why this error is occuring on and off and not consistently. I thought maybe I am calling the API too much so it stops me from accessing it so I threw a sleep in my code but that did not help. Any ideas?
When there are no data on the response from the API there are is no key data on the dictionary so you get a keyError on some subreddits. You need to use a try catch
The json you are parsing doesn't contain the 'data' element. Thus you get an error. I think your hunch is correct though. It is probably rate limiting, or that you're asking for hidden/deleted entries.
Reddit is very strict about accessing their API without playing nice. Meaning you should register your app and use a meaningful user-agent to your requets, and you should probably use the python library for this kind of thing: https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Without registering it seems to my experience that the direct REST reddit API is even more strict than the 1 request per 2 seconds rule they have (had?).
Python raises a KeyError whenever a dict() object is requested (using the format a = adict[key]) and the key is not in the dictionary.
It seems like when you are getting this error, your data value is empty.
You might just try to get the length of the dictionary before you execute the for loop. If it’s empty, it will just not run. Some interesting error checking here might help.
size = len(risingData)
if size:
for i in range(0,size):
Ok, so I am having trouble trying to get my code to work, my goal is to make a Reddit Bot that refers to Steam's appid JSON to link users to the steam store page when the user says the name of a game.
The bot is almost complete, however, I keep getting "TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str" when the bot runs.
Here is my code:
import praw
import time
import json
import codecs
# Death Zone /// I hope you have coffee, brcause you won't leave until this is done
with open('API.json', encoding='utf-8-sig') as steam_strings:
dic = json.loads(steam_strings.read())
print("Successfully read JSON")
a = dic.get('appid')
n = dic.get('name')
[app['name'] for app in dic['applist']['apps']['app']]
# End Death Zone
app_id = 'CENSORED'
app_secret = 'CENSORED'
app_uri = ''
app_ua = 'Stop asking me how to get the Windows flair dummy, I am here for that reason'
app_scopes = 'account creddits edit flair history identity livemanage modconfig modcontributors modflair modlog modothers modposts modself modwiki mysubreddits privatemessages read report save submit subscribe vote wikiedit wikiread'
app_account_code = 'CENSORED'
app_refresh = 'CENSORED'
import praw
def login():
r = praw.Reddit(app_ua)
r.set_oauth_app_info(app_id, app_secret, app_uri)
print("Steam Link Bot! Version Alpha 0.1.2")
return r
r = login()
words_to_reply = dic['applist']['apps']['app']['name']
# {'applist':1,'apps':2, 'app':3, 'name':4}
cache = []
def run_bot():
subreddit = r.get_subreddit("eegras")
comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=100)
for comment in comments:
comment_text = comment.body.lower()
isMatch = any(string in comment_text for string in words_to_reply)
if comment.id not in cache and isMatch:
print("I replied to a comment successfully!")
while True:
Any help would be appreciated, I'm kinda a beginner at Python, so take it easy.
This type of error is raised when it is accessed a list by a string , deferentially of dictionaries that allow be indexed by strings.
If possible comment line which occurs this error, or you can check the type of data making a print type and checking if it really is a dictionary . However make sure the JSON really is structured like a dictionary , or if there are lists inside.
So I have a simple reddit bot set up which I wrote using the praw framework. The code is as follows:
import praw
import time
import numpy
import pickle
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent = "Gets the Daily General Thread from subreddit.")
print("Logging in...")
words_to_match = ['sdfghm']
cache = []
def run_bot():
print("Grabbing subreddit...")
subreddit = r.get_subreddit("test")
print("Grabbing thread titles...")
threads = subreddit.get_hot(limit=10)
for submission in threads:
thread_title = submission.title.lower()
isMatch = any(string in thread_title for string in words_to_match)
if submission.id not in cache and isMatch:
print("Match found! Thread ID is " + submission.id)
r.send_message('FlameDraBot', 'DGT has been posted!', 'You are awesome!')
print("Message sent!")
print("Comment loop finished. Restarting...")
# Run the script
while True:
I want to create a file (text file or xml, or something else) using which the user can change the fields for the various information being queried. For example I want a file with lines such as :
Words to Search for = sdfghm
Subreddit to Search in = text
Send message to = FlameDraBot
I want the info to be input from fields, so that it takes the value after Words to Search for = instead of the whole line. After the information has been input into the file and it has been saved. I want my script to pull the information from the file, store it in a variable, and use that variable in the appropriate functions, such as:
words_to_match = ['sdfghm']
subreddit = r.get_subreddit("test")
So basically like a config file for the script. How do I go about making it so that my script can take input from a .txt or another appropriate file and implement it into my code?
Yes, that's just a plain old Python config, which you can implement in an ASCII file, or else YAML or JSON.
Create a subdirectory ./config, put your settings in ./config/__init__.py
Then import config.
Using PEP-18 compliant names, the file ./config/__init__.py would look like:
search_string = ['sdfghm']
subreddit_to_search = 'text'
notify = ['FlameDraBot']
If you want more complicated config, just read the many other posts on that.