My intention was use the index method to search for either a colon (:) or a equal sign (=) in the string and print everything after that character but I realized it's not syntactically possible as it's written below with the OR statement. So is there another way to write this piece of code? (I wasn't able to come up with a simple way to write this without getting into loops and if statements)
l='Name = stack'
pos=l.index(':' or '=')
print (' '.join(l[pos+1:-1].split())) #this just gets rid of the whitespaces
Assuming your example as above, the long way (explanation of each piece below):
pos = max(l.find(':'), l.find('='), 0)
Here's a way to shorten it to one line, with an explanation of each part in the order it's evaluated in.
#--------------- Breakdown
# max -> highest of values; find returns -1 if it isn't there.
# using a 0 at the end means if ':'/'=' aren't in the string, print the whole thing.
# l.find(),l.find() -> check the two characters, using the higher due to max()
# l[max():] -> use that higher value until the end (implied with empty :])
# .strip() -> remove whitespace
import re
l='Name = stack'
print(re.split(':|=', l)[-1])
Regular expression split on either character, then take the last result.
You didn't mention if there was guaranteed to be one or the other separator and not both, always a separator, not more than one separator... this might not do what you want, depending.
You should limit the number of splits to one, using maxsplit in re.split():
import re
s1 = 'name1 = x1 and noise:noise=noise'
s2 = 'name2: x2 and noise:noise=noise'
print(re.split(':|=', s1, maxsplit=1)[-1].strip())
print(re.split(':|=', s2, maxsplit=1)[-1].strip())
x1 and noise:noise=noise
x2 and noise:noise=noise
I have the Python code below and I would like the output to be a string: "P-1888" discarding all numbers after the 2nd "-" and removing the leading 0's after the 1st "-".
So far all I have been able to do in the following code is to remove the trailing 0's:
import re
docket_no = "P-01888-000"
doc_no_rgx1 = re.compile(r"^([^\-]+)\-(0+(.+))\-0[\d]+$")
massaged_dn1 = doc_no_rgx1.sub(r"\1-\2", docket_no)
You can use the split() method to split the string on the "-" character and then use the join() method to join the first and second elements of the resulting list with a "-" character. Additionally, you can use the lstrip() method to remove the leading 0's after the 1st "-". Try this.
docket_no = "P-01888-000"
docket_no_list = docket_no.split("-")
docket_no_list[1] = docket_no_list[1].lstrip("0")
massaged_dn1 = "-".join(docket_no_list[:2])
First way is to use capturing groups. You have already defined three of them using brackets. In your example the first capturing group will get "P", and the third capturing group will get numbers without leading zeros. You can get captured data by using re.match:
match = doc_no_rgx1.match(docket_no)
print(f'{}-{}') # Outputs 'P-1888'
Second way is to not use regex for such a simple task. You could split your string and reassemble it like this:
parts = docket_no.split('-')
It seems like a sledgehammer/nut situation but of you do want to use re then you could use:
doc_no_rgx1 = ''.join(re.findall('([A-Z]-)0+(\d+)-', docket_no)[0])
I don't think I'd use a regular expression for this purpose. Your usecase can be handled by standard string manipulation so using a regular expression would be overkill. Instead, consider doing this:
docket_nos = "P-01888-000".split('-')[:-1]
docket_nos[1] = docket_nos[1].lstrip('0')
docket_no = '-'.join(docket_nos)
print(docket_no) # P-1888
This might seem a little bit verbose but it does exactly what you're looking for. The first line splits docket_no by '-' characters, producing substrings P, 01888 and 000; and then discards the last substring. The second line strips leading zeros from the second substring. And the third line joins all these back together using '-' characters, producing your desired result of P-1888.
Functionally this is no different than other answers suggesting that you split on '-' and lstrip the zero(s), but personally I find my code more readable when I use multiple assignment to clarify intent vs. using indexes:
def convert_docket_no(docket_no):
letter, number, *_ = docket_no.split('-')
return f'{letter}-{number.lstrip("0")}'
_ is used here for a "throwaway" variable, and the * makes it accept all elements of the split list past the first two.
Have a scenario where I wanted to split a string partially and pick up the 1st portion of the string.
Say String could be like aloha_maui_d0_b0 or new_york_d9_b10. Note: After d its numerical and it could be any size.
I wanted to partially strip any string before _d* i.e. wanted only _d0_b0 or _d9_b10.
Tried below code, but obviously it removes the split term as well.
#Output is : ['aloha_maui', '0_b0']
#But Wanted : _d0_b0
Is there any other way to get the partial portion? Do I need to try out in regexp?
How about just
stArr = "aloha_maui_d0_b0".split("_d")
st2 = '_d' + stArr[1]
This should do the trick if the string always has a '_d' in it
You can use index() to split in 2 parts:
s = 'aloha_maui_d0_b0'
idx = s.index('_d')
l = [s[:idx], s[idx:]]
# l = ['aloha_maui', '_d0_b0']
Edit: You can also use this if you have multiple _d in your string:
s = 'aloha_maui_d0_b0_d1_b1_d2_b2'
idxs = [n for n in range(len(s)) if n == 0 or s.find('_d', n) == n]
parts = [s[i:j] for i,j in zip(idxs, idxs[1:]+[None])]
# parts = ['aloha_maui', '_d0_b0', '_d1_b1', '_d2_b2']
I have two suggestions.
Use the method partition() to get a tuple containing the delimiter as one of the elements and use the + operator to get the String you want:
teste1 = 'aloha_maui_d0_b0'
partitiontest = teste1.partition('_d')
print(partitiontest[1] + partitiontest[2])
('aloha_maui', '_d', '0_b0')
The partition() methods returns a tuple with the first element being what is before the delimiter, the second being the delimiter itself and the third being what is after the delimiter.
The method does that to the first case of the delimiter it finds on the String, so you can't use it to split in more than 3 without extra work on the code. For that my second suggestion would be better.
Use the method replace() to insert an extra character (or characters) right before your delimiter (_d) and use these as the delimiter on the split() method.
teste2 = 'new_york_d9_b10'
replacetest = teste2.replace('_d', '|_d')
splitlist = replacetest.split('|')
['new_york', '_d9_b10']
Since it replaces all cases of _d on the String for |_d there is no problem on using it to split in more than 2.
A situation to which you may need to be careful would be for unwanted splits because of _d being present in more places than anticipated.
Following the apparent logic of your examples with city names and numericals, you might have something like this:
teste3 = 'rio_de_janeiro_d3_b32'
replacetest = teste3.replace('_d', '|_d')
splitlist = replacetest.split('|')
['rio', '_de_janeiro', '_d3_b32']
Assuming you always have the numerical on the end of the String and _d won't happen inside the numerical, rpartition() could be a solution:
rpartitiontest = teste3.rpartition('_d')
print(rpartitiontest[1] + rpartitiontest[2])
('rio_de_janeiro', '_d', '3_b32')
Since rpartition() starts the search on the String's end and only takes the first match to separate the terms into a tuple, you won't have to worry about the first term (city's name?) causing unexpected splits.
Use regex's split and keep delimiters capability:
import re
patre = re.compile(r"(_d\d)")
#👆 👆
#note the surrounding parenthesises - they're what drives "keep"
for line in """aloha_maui_d0_b0 new_york_d9_b10""".split():
parts = patre.split(line)
print("\n", line)
p1, p2 = parts[0], "".join(parts[1:])
print(p1, p2)
['aloha_maui', '_d0', '_b0']
aloha_maui _d0_b0
['new_york', '_d9', '_b10']
new_york _d9_b10
credit due:
I'm using Python 3 and I have two strings: abbcabb and abca. I want to remove every double occurrence of a single character. For example:
abbcabb should give c and abca should give bc.
I've tried the following regex (here):
But, it gives wrong output for first string. Also, when I tried another one (here):
But, this one again gives wrong output. What's going wrong here?
The python code is a print statement:
print(re.sub(r'(.)(.*?)\1', '\g<2>', s)) # s is the string
It can be solved without regular expression, like below
>>>''.join([i for i in s1 if s1.count(i) == 1])
>>>''.join([i for i in s if s.count(i) == 1])
re.sub() doesn't perform overlapping replacements. After it replaces the first match, it starts looking after the end of the match. So when you perform the replacement on
it first replaces abbca with bbc. Then it replaces bb with an empty string. It doesn't go back and look for another match in bbc.
If you want that, you need to write your own loop.
while True:
newS = re.sub(r'(.)(.*?)\1', r'\g<2>', s)
if newS == s:
s = newS
Regular expressions doesn't seem to be the ideal solution
they don't handle overlapping so it it needs a loop (like in this answer) and it creates strings over and over (performance suffers)
they're overkill here, we just need to count the characters
I like this answer, but using count repeatedly in a list comprehension loops over all elements each time.
It can be solved without regular expression and without O(n**2) complexity, only O(n) using collections.Counter
first count the characters of the string very easily & quickly
then filter the string testing if the count matches using the counter we just created.
like this:
import collections
s = "abbcabb"
cnt = collections.Counter(s)
s = "".join([c for c in s if cnt[c]==1])
(as a bonus, you can change the count to keep characters which have 2, 3, whatever occurrences)
EDIT: based on the comment exchange - if you're just concerned with the parity of the letter counts, then you don't want regex and instead want an approach like #jon's recommendation. (If you don't care about order, then a more performant approach with very long strings might use something like collections.Counter instead.)
My best guess as to what you're trying to match is: "one or more characters - call this subpattern A - followed by a different set of one or more characters - call this subpattern B - followed by subpattern A again".
You can use + as a shortcut for "one or more" (instead of specifying it once and then using * for the rest of the matches), but either way you need to get the subpatterns right. Let's try:
>>> import re
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(.+?)(.+?)\1')
>>> pattern.sub('\g<2>', 'abbcabbabca')
Hmm. That didn't work. Why? Because with the first pattern not being greedy, our "subpattern A" can just match the first a in the string - it does appear later, after all. So if we use a greedy match, Python will backtrack until it finds as long of a pattern for subpattern A that still allows for the A-B-A pattern to appear:
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(.+)(.+?)\1')
>>> pattern.sub('\g<2>', 'abbcabbabca')
Looks good to me.
The site explains it well, hover and use the explanation section.
(.)(.*?)\1 Does not remove or match every double occurance. It matches 1 character, followed by anything in the middle sandwiched till that same character is encountered again.
so, for abbcabb the "sandwiched" portion should be bbc between two a
You can try something like this instead without regexes:
string = "abbcabb"
result = []
for i in string:
if i not in result:
Note that this produces the "last" odd occurrence of a string and not first.
For "first" known occurance, you should use a counter as suggested in this answer . Just change the condition to check for odd counts. pseudo code(count[letter] %2 == 1)
Basically, I have a list of special characters. I need to split a string by a character if it belongs to this list and exists in the string. Something on the lines of:
def find_char(string):
if string.find("some_char"):
#do xyz with some_char
elif string.find("another_char"):
#do xyz with another_char
return False
and so on. The way I think of doing it is:
def find_char_split(string):
char_list = [",","*",";","/"]
for my_char in char_list:
if string.find(my_char) != -1:
my_strings = string.split(my_char)
my_strings = False
return my_strings
Is there a more pythonic way of doing this? Or the above procedure would be fine? Please help, I'm not very proficient in python.
(EDIT): I want it to split on the first occurrence of the character, which is encountered first. That is to say, if the string contains multiple commas, and multiple stars, then I want it to split by the first occurrence of the comma. Please note, if the star comes first, then it will be broken by the star.
I would favor using the re module for this because the expression for splitting on multiple arbitrary characters is very simple:
The brackets create a character class that matches anything inside of them. The code is like this:
import re
results = re.split(r'[,*;/]', my_string, maxsplit=1)
The maxsplit argument makes it so that the split only occurs once.
If you are doing the same split many times, you can compile the regex and search on that same expression a little bit faster (but see Jon Clements' comment below):
c = re.compile(r'[,*;/]')
results = c.split(my_string)
If this speed up is important (it probably isn't) you can use the compiled version in a function instead of having it re compile every time. Then make a separate function that stores the actual compiled expression:
def split_chars(chars, maxsplit=0, flags=0, string=None):
# see note about the + symbol below
c = re.compile('[{}]+'.format(''.join(chars)), flags=flags)
def f(string, maxsplit=maxsplit):
return c.split(string, maxsplit=maxsplit)
return f if string is None else f(string)
special_split = split_chars(',*;/', maxsplit=1)
result = special_split(my_string)
But also:
result = split_chars(',*;/', my_string, maxsplit=1)
The purpose of the + character is to treat multiple delimiters as one if that is desired (thank you Jon Clements). If this is not desired, you can just use re.compile('[{}]'.format(''.join(chars))) above. Note that with maxsplit=1, this will not have any effect.
Finally: have a look at this talk for a quick introduction to regular expressions in Python, and this one for a much more information packed journey.
Consider an input string :
mystr = "just some stupid string to illustrate my question"
and a list of strings indicating where to split the input string:
splitters = ["some", "illustrate"]
The output should look like
result = ["just ", "some stupid string to ", "illustrate my question"]
I wrote some code which implements the following approach. For each of the strings in splitters, I find its occurrences in the input string, and insert something which I know for sure would not be a part of my input string (for example, this '!!'). Then I split the string using the substring that I just inserted.
for s in splitters:
mystr = re.sub(r'(%s)'%s,r'!!\1', mystr)
result = re.split('!!', mystr)
This solution seems ugly, is there a nicer way of doing it?
Splitting with re.split will always remove the matched string from the output (NB, this is not quite true, see the edit below). Therefore, you must use positive lookahead expressions ((?=...)) to match without removing the match. However, re.split ignores empty matches, so simply using a lookahead expression doesn't work. Instead, you will lose one character at each split at minimum (even trying to trick re with "boundary" matches (\b) does not work). If you don't care about losing one whitespace / non-word character at the end of each item (assuming you only split at non-word characters), you can use something like
which would give
["just", "some stupid string to", "illustrate my question"]
(note that the spaces after just and to are missing). You could then programmatically generate these regexes using str.join. Note that each of the split markers is escaped with re.escape so that special characters in the items of splitters do not affect the meaning of the regular expression in any undesired ways (imagine, e.g., a ) in one of the strings, which would otherwise lead to a regex syntax error).
the_regex = r"\W(?={})".format("|".join(re.escape(s) for s in splitters))
Edit (HT to #Arkadiy): Grouping the actual match, i.e. using (\W) instead of \W, returns the non-word characters inserted into the list as seperate items. Joining every two subsequent items would then produce the list as desired as well. Then, you can also drop the requirement of having a non-word character by using (.) instead of \W:
the_new_regex = r"(.)(?={})".format("|".join(re.escape(s) for s in splitters))
the_split = re.split(the_new_regex, mystr)
the_actual_split = ["".join(x) for x in itertools.izip_longest(the_split[::2], the_split[1::2], fillvalue='')]
Because normal text and auxiliary character alternate, the_split[::2] contains the normal split text and the_split[1::2] the auxiliary characters. Then, itertools.izip_longest is used to combine each text item with the corresponding removed character and the last item (which is unmatched in the removed characters)) with fillvalue, i.e. ''. Then, each of these tuples is joined using "".join(x). Note that this requires itertools to be imported (you could of course do this in a simple loop, but itertools provides very clean solutions to these things). Also note that itertools.izip_longest is called itertools.zip_longest in Python 3.
This leads to further simplification of the regular expression, because instead of using auxiliary characters, the lookahead can be replaced with a simple matching group ((some|interesting) instead of (.)(?=some|interesting)):
the_newest_regex = "({})".format("|".join(re.escape(s) for s in splitters))
the_raw_split = re.split(the_newest_regex, mystr)
the_actual_split = ["".join(x) for x in itertools.izip_longest([""] + the_raw_split[1::2], the_raw_split[::2], fillvalue='')]
Here, the slice indices on the_raw_split have swapped, because now the even-numbered items must be added to item afterwards instead of in front. Also note the [""] + part, which is necessary to pair the first item with "" to fix the order.
(end of edit)
Alternatively, you can (if you want) use string.replace instead of re.sub for each splitter (I think that is a matter of preference in your case, but in general it is probably more efficient)
for s in splitters:
mystr = mystr.replace(s, "!!" + s)
Also, if you use a fixed token to indicate where to split, you do not need re.split, but can use string.split instead:
result = mystr.split("!!")
What you could also do (instead of relying on the replacement token not to be in the string anywhere else or relying on every split position being preceded by a non-word character) is finding the split strings in the input using string.find and using string slicing to extract the pieces:
def split(string, splitters):
while True:
# Get the positions to split at for all splitters still in the string
# that are not at the very front of the string
split_positions = [i for i in (string.find(s) for s in splitters) if i > 0]
if len(split_positions) > 0:
# There is still somewhere to split
next_split = min(split_positions)
yield string[:next_split] # Yield everything before that position
string = string[next_split:] # Retain the rest of the string
yield string # Yield the rest of the string
break # Done.
Here, [i for i in (string.find(s) for s in splitters) if i > 0] generates a list of positions where the splitters can be found, for all splitters that are in the string (for this, i < 0 is excluded) and not right at the beginning (where we (possibly) just split, so i == 0 is excluded as well). If there are any left in the string, we yield (this is a generator function) everything up to (excluding) the first splitter (at min(split_positions)) and replace the string with the remaining part. If there are none left, we yield the last part of the string and exit the function. Because this uses yield, it is a generator function, so you need to use list to turn it into an actual list.
Note that you could also replace yield whatever with a call to some_list.append (provided you defined some_list earlier) and return some_list at the very end, I do not consider that to be very good code style, though.
If you are OK with using regular expressions, use
the_newest_regex = "({})".format("|".join(re.escape(s) for s in splitters))
the_raw_split = re.split(the_newest_regex, mystr)
the_actual_split = ["".join(x) for x in itertools.izip_longest([""] + the_raw_split[1::2], the_raw_split[::2], fillvalue='')]
else, the same can also be achieved using string.find with the following split function:
def split(string, splitters):
while True:
# Get the positions to split at for all splitters still in the string
# that are not at the very front of the string
split_positions = [i for i in (string.find(s) for s in splitters) if i > 0]
if len(split_positions) > 0:
# There is still somewhere to split
next_split = min(split_positions)
yield string[:next_split] # Yield everything before that position
string = string[next_split:] # Retain the rest of the string
yield string # Yield the rest of the string
break # Done.
Not especially elegant but avoiding regex:
mystr = "just some stupid string to illustrate my question"
splitters = ["some", "illustrate"]
indexes = [0] + [mystr.index(s) for s in splitters] + [len(mystr)]
indexes = sorted(list(set(indexes)))
print [mystr[i:j] for i, j in zip(indexes[:-1], indexes[1:])]
# ['just ', 'some stupid string to ', 'illustrate my question']
I should acknowledge here that a little more work is needed if a word in splitters occurs more than once because str.index finds only the location of the first occurrence of the word...