I am using QStandardItemModel for my qtableview.
import ui_my_viewlogs
import os
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class my_viewlogs(QtGui.QDialog, ui_my_viewlogs.Ui_viewlogs):
def __init__(self):
super(my_viewlogs, self).__init__()
self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
self.header_names = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'kjl', 'mno', 'pqr']
self.selectionModel = self.tableView.selectionModel()
def open_menu(self, position):
menu = QtGui.QMenu()
remove_selected_item_icon = QtGui.QIcon()
remove_selected_item_icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/images /Images/deleteSelected.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.On)
remove_selected_item = menu.addAction(remove_selected_item_icon, "Remove selected item(s) ")
if action == remove_selected_item:
model = self.model
indices = self.tableView.selectionModel().selectedRows()
for index in sorted(indices):
model.removeRow(index.row(), QtCore.QModelIndex())
here when I am trying to delete the row selected(i.e. model.removeRow() ) I am getting a error" TypeError: argument 1 of QAbstractItemModel.removeRow() has an invalid type".
I have searched a lot for the correct way of deleting a selected row/rows in qtableview of pyqt. However, I am not able to delete the selected row/rows.
Can you please share a sample code for deleting selected row/rows in qtableview of pyqt?
the method model.removeRow(index.row()) removes the row selected.
model = self.model
indices = self.tableView.selectionModel().selectedRows()
for index in sorted(indices):
in the indices variable we get the selected row, then we delete the row.
For deleting multiple rows in our selection of tableview:
index_list = []
for model_index in self.tableView.selectionModel().selectedRows():
index = QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex(model_index)
for index in index_list:
In C++:
QModelIndexList indices = myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows();
for (int i=indices.count()-1; i>=0; --i)
QModelIndex index = indices.at(i);
You have to go from the bottom to the top of the list or your indexing will be screwed up.
This works just fine for me using the reversed().
indices = self.tag_table.selectionModel().selectedRows()
# Must delete in reverse order
for each_row in reversed(sorted(indices)):
If someone is still looking for an answer after implementing Anuj Bhasin's answer because the above solution will not work in many cases as expected.
When you delete row index (for example [0,1,2]), and you start to delete from 0 -> 1 -> 2, then only row 0 and row 2 will be deleted!
Deleting the First item will shift the remaining rows up, making row 1 and row 2 as row 0 and row 1 respectively, thus when you next delete row 1, row 2 (previously) will be deleted as it is now row 1.
I have a solution to this:
Pass rows you want to delete for example from 5 rows delete [0,3]
def setSel(selected: List[int], table_widget: QTableWidget):
Select all rows for the given index range
for i in selected:
then call remove_row_all_table() with table_widget:QTableWidget as parameter
def remove_row_all_table(table_widget):
Select and Delete rows from table widget
table_widget: QTableWidget
selected_rows = table_widget.selectionModel().selectedRows()
if selected_rows:
row_indices = []
for row_index in selected_rows:
row_indices.sort(key=lambda x: -1 * x)
for row in row_indices: # sorted in descending order
print(f"row count:{table_widget.rowCount()}, deleting index:{row}")
Summary of this answer is: You have to turn on MultiSelection mode and Delete in reverse order, i.e. from higher index to lower index, so that the dependency that I mentioned at the beginning of the answer does not occur.
I know this is a bit of an older question, but I think this is more concise and does the trick.
def delete_record1(self, model, view):
"""Delete rows with currently selected cells and/or selected rows of the model"""
rows = [model_index.row() for model_index in view.selectedIndexes()]
for i in rows:
Can anybody advise what the pitfalls of this approach is?
Basically I need to add a QPushButton to the end of every row of QTableView.
Here is how I insert a row:
for row in rows:
timestamp = QStandardItem("%s" % (row[6]))
tbModel.insertRow(0, (timestamp)))
I tried Things such as:
tbModel.insertRow(0, (timestamp, QStandardItemModel(QPushButton("Hi"))))
or at the end of for loop
tableWidget.setIndexWidget(tbModel.index(0, last_index), QPushButton("hi"))
But they both fail.
I Just want to add a button to the end of every row or add a button on the last column.
You have to use the setIndexWidget method passing the proper QModelIndex:
column = tableview.model().columnCount() - 1
for row in range(tableview.model().rowCount()):
index = tableview.model().index(row, column)
button = QPushButton("Hi")
tableview.setIndexWidget(index, button)
I am trying to compare two rows of data to one another which I have stored in a list.
for x in range(0, len_data_row):
if company_data[0][0][x] == company_data[1][0][x]:
print ('MATCH 1: {} - {}'.format(x, company_data[0][0][x]))
# do nothing
if company_data[0][0][x] == None and company_data[1][0][x] != None:
print ('MATCH 2: {} - {}'.format(x, company_data[1][0][x]))
# update first company_id with data from 2nd
if company_data[0][0][x] != None and company_data[1][0][x] == None:
print ('MATCH 3: {} - {}'.format(x, company_data[0][0][x]))
# update second company_id with data from 1st
Psuedocode of what I want to do:
If data at index[x] of a list is not None for row 2, but is blank for row 1, then write the value of row 2 at index[x] for row 1 data in my database.
The part I can't figure out is if in SQLAlchemy you can do specify which column is being updated by an "index" (I think in db-land index means something different than what I mean. What I mean is like a list index, e.g., list[1]). And also if you can dynamically specify which column is being updated by passing a variable to the update code? Here's what I'm looking to do (it doesn't work of course):
def some_name(column_by_index, column_value):
u = table_name.update().where(table_name.c.id==row_id).values(column_by_index=column_value)
Thank you!
I am trying to filter a QTableView based on text in QLineEdit by using a QSortFilterProxyModel. It is working, although not correctly - it is not displaying items that are a "complete match". An example will better illustrate what I mean.
Typing "22" into the QLineEdit will show rows that have "22" in the first column, but not the row that has a column that is equal to 22. "229" will be shown, "2224" will be shown, but not "22"
Below is the stripped down version of my code
self.model = QSqlTableModel()
self.proxy = QSortFilterProxyModel()
def _filter_products(self, text):
search = QRegExp(
It looks to me like you are filtering on column 0...
...and there is only 1 row with 22 in that column.
def listedensecilensatirlar(self):
adada = self.ui.tableWidget.selectionModel().selectedRows()
print adada
I have chosen the line in each row I want to achieve but the model did not read the index. I choose what I want to get as text data contained in rows.
This is a picture of my problem: i.stack.imgur.com/APFPl.png
If you want to get the text from the items in the selected rows, you could try this:
indexes = tablewidget.selectionModel().selectedRows(column)
for index in sorted(indexes):
row = index.row()
rowtext = []
for column in range(tablewidget.columnCount()):
rowtext.append(tablewidget.item(row, column).text())
But note that selectedRows only get rows where all items are selected.
There is a good answer on the top, but try this one too.
indexRows = table.selectionModel().selectedRows()
for indexRow in sorted(indexRows):
row = indexRow.row()
rowText = table_model.item(row, column=number).text()
Based on example found here but I guess I'm not understanding it. This works for single column primary keys but fails on multiple ones.
This is my code
def column_windows(cls, q, columns, windowsize, where = None):
"""Return a series of WHERE clauses against
a given column that break it into windows.
Result is an iterable of tuples, consisting of
((start, end), whereclause), where (start, end) are the ids.
Requires a database that supports window functions,
i.e. Postgresql, SQL Server, Oracle.
Enhance this yourself ! Add a "where" argument
so that windows of just a subset of rows can
be computed.
#Here is the thing... how to compare...
def int_for_range(start_id, end_id):
if end_id:
return and_(
return columns>=start_id
if isinstance(columns, Column):
for c in columns:
cols = cols + (c,)
if not q2:
q2 = q2.add_column(func.row_number().over(order_by=columns_k).label('rownum'))
if windowsize > 1:
q2 = q2.filter("rownum %% %d=1" % windowsize)
for res in q2:
print res
intervals = [id for id, in q2]
while intervals:
start = intervals.pop(0)
if intervals:
end = intervals[0]
end = None
yield int_for_range(start, end)
def windowed_query(cls, q, columns, windowsize):
""""Break a Query into windows on a given column."""
for whereclause in cls.column_windows(q,columns, windowsize):
for row in q.filter(whereclause).order_by(columns):
yield row
Now I have the problem when comparing the set of columns of the primary key. Well I guess kind of recursive clause generating function should do it... Let's try it...
Well, result is not what expected but got it to work: Now it really windows any query keeping all in place, multi column unique ordering, and so on:
Here is my code, hope it may be usefull for someone else:
def window_query(cls, q, windowsize, windows=None):
q=Query object we want to window results
windowsize=The number of elements each window has
windows=The window, or window list, numbers: 1-based to query
if windows:
if not isinstance(windows,list):
#Appending u_columns to ordered counting subquery will ensure unique ordering
u_columns=list([col for col in cls.getBestUniqueColumns()])
#o_columns is the list of order by columns for the query
o_columns=list([col for col in q._order_by])
#we append columns from u_columns not in o_columns to ensure unique ordering but keeping the desired one
for col in u_columns:
if not col in sq_o_columns:
#we select unique columns in subquery that we'll need to join in parent query
for col in u_columns:
if not sub:
#Generate a tuple from sq_o_columns list (I don't know why over() won't accept list itself TODO: more elegant
for col in sq_o_columns:
sq_o_col_tuple=sq_o_col_tuple + (col,)
#we add row counting column, counting on generated combined ordering+unique columns tuple
sub = sub.add_column(func.row_number().over(order_by=sq_o_col_tuple).label('rownum')).filter(q._criterion)
#Prepare sub query to use as subquery (LOL)
#Prepare join ON clauses epxression comparing unique columns defined by u_columns
for col in u_columns:
joinclause=joinclause.__and__(col == sub.c[col.key])
#Make the joining
while True:
#We try to query windows defined by windows list
if windowselect:
#We want selected-windows-results to returned
if windows:
#We want all-windows-results to be returned
res=q.filter(and_(sub.c.rownum > (i*windowsize), sub.c.rownum <= ((i+1)*windowsize))).all()
if not (res or windowselect):
#We end an all-windows-results because of no more results, we must check if is selected-window-query
#because of selected-window-results may not exist and the are unordered
#EX: [1,2,9999999999999,3] : Assuming the third page required has no results it will return pages 1, 2, and 3
for row in res:
yield row