Variable input python -Tkinter - python
I have made a GUI in Tkinter( tennisGUI) which is meant to get "user input" and gives another python scripts( "output.
Everything works except 1 thing I just can't get to work. How to get the "user input" in the other script(
For example, in the GUI there is a field "Service stats Serving player". I want the input from this field into the "" script
Any comments and suggestions on the script are also welcome as I'm rather new on pythong.
tennisGUI script
from Tkinter import *
import sys
class App(Frame):
def run_script(self):
sys.stdout = self
# Yeah, it's a real ugly solution...
import tennisTotal
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
def build_widgets(self):
self.text1 = Text(self, height=8, width=25, font=('time', 9, 'italic'))
self.text1.grid(row=13, column=6, columnspan=2, rowspan=50, padx=10, pady=10)
Label(self, text="Players & Stats", font="Verdana 10 bold").grid(row=1, column=2, columnspan=3)
Label(self, text="Serving Player").grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Receiving Player").grid(row=3, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Scoring", font="Verdana 10 bold").grid(row=13, column=2, columnspan=3)
Label(self, text="Game Score Serving Player").grid(row=14, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Game Score Receiving Player").grid(row=15, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Set Score Serving Player").grid(row=16, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Set Score Receiving Player").grid(row=17, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Stats", font="Verdana 10 bold").grid(row=4, column=2, columnspan=3)
Label(self, text="Service stats Serving Player").grid(row=5, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Service stats Receiving Player").grid(row=6, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Return stats Serving Player").grid(row=7, column=2, sticky='w')
Label(self, text="Return stats Receiving Player").grid(row=8, column=2, sticky='w')
e1 = Entry(self)
e2 = Entry(self)
e3 = Entry(self)
e4 = Entry(self)
e5 = Entry(self)
e6 = Entry(self)
e7 = Entry(self)
e8 = Entry(self)
e9 = Entry(self)
e10 = Entry(self)
e1.insert(10, "Novak Djokovic")
e2.insert(10, "Andy Murray")
e3.insert(10, "30")
e4.insert(10, "15")
e5.insert(10, "2")
e6.insert(10, "1")
e7.insert(10, "75.2%")
e8.insert(10, "72.2%")
e9.insert(10, "30.5%")
e10.insert(10, "27.5%")
e1.grid(row=2, column=4)
e2.grid(row=3, column=4)
e3.grid(row=14, column=4, padx=10)
e4.grid(row=15, column=4)
e5.grid(row=16, column=4)
e6.grid(row=17, column=4)
e7.grid(row=5, column=4)
e8.grid(row=6, column=4)
e9.grid(row=7, column=4)
e10.grid(row=8, column=4)
Button(self, text='Run', command=self.run_script).grid(row=12, column=2, columnspan=6, ipadx=100, pady=15)
def write(self, txt):
self.text1.insert(INSERT, txt)
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
root = Tk()
app = App(master=root)
tennisTotal script --> The first 11 lines is where I want al the "user input" form the tennisGUI script.
def fact(x):
if x in[0, 1]:
return 1
r = 1
for a in range(1, (x+1)):
r = r*a
return r
def ch(a, b):
return fact(a)/(fact(b)*fact(a-b))
def gameOutcome(s, a, b):
return ch((a+b), a)*(s**a)*((1-s)**b)*s
# Game Probability
def gameProb(s=s_point, v=v_game_point, w=w_game_point):
# function calculates the probability of server winning
# a single game, given p(winning any given point) [s],
# and the current point score.
# v, w = current game score, where love = 0, 15 = 1, etc.
# - e.g. 30-15 is v=2, w=1
# check if game is already over:
if v >= 4 and (v-w) >= 2:
return 1
elif w >= 4 and (w-v) >= 2:
return 0
# if deuce or ad score e.g. 5-4, reduce to e.g. 3-2
while True:
if (v+w) > 6:
v -= 1
w -= 1
# specific probabilities:
if w == 0:
w0 = gameOutcome(s, 3-v, 0)
w0 = 0
if w <= 1:
w15 = gameOutcome(s, 3-v, 1-w)
w15 = 0
if w <= 2:
w30 = gameOutcome(s, 3-v, 2-w)
w30 = 0
if v == 4:
wAd, lAd = s, 0
d = 1-s
elif w == 4:
wAd, lAd = 0, 1-s
d = s
wAd, lAd = 0, 0
a = 3 - v
b = 3 - w
d = ch((a+b), a)*(s**a)*((1-s)**b)
if v <= 2:
l30 = gameOutcome((1-s), 3-w, 2-v)
l30 = 0
if v <= 1:
l15 = gameOutcome((1-s), 3-w, 1-v)
l15 = 0
if v == 0:
l0 = gameOutcome((1-s), 3-w, 0)
l0 = 0
# given d = prob of getting to deuce,
# math to divide up further outcomes
denom = s**2 + (1-s)**2
wd = (d*(s**2))/denom
ld = (d*((1-s)**2))/denom
win = w0 + w15 + w30 + wd + wAd
lose = l0 + l15 + l30 + ld + lAd
return win
# Tiebreak Probability
def tiebreakProb(s=s_point, t=returnpoint_server, v=v_tiebreak, w=w_tiebreak, p=7):
# calculate the probability that the current server wins a best-of-p
# tiebreak.
# s = p(server wins service point)
# t = p(current server wins return point)
# v, w = current score
# check if tiebreak is already over:
if v >= p and (v-w) >= 2:
return 1
elif w >= p and (w-v) >= 2:
return 0
# re-adjust so that point score is not higher than p;
# e.g., if p=7 and score is 8-8, adjust to 6-6, which
# is logically equivalent
while True:
if (v+w) > 2*(p-1):
v -= 1
w -= 1
outcomes = {}
# track probability of each possible score
# this is messy and probably not optimal, figuring out
# how many points remain, and how many are on each
# player's serve:
for i in range((p-1)):
remain = p + i - v - w
if remain < 1:
if remain % 2 == 1:
if (v+w) % 2 == 0:
if (remain-1) % 4 == 0:
svc = (remain+1)/2
ret = (remain-1)/2
svc = (remain-1)/2
ret = (remain+1)/2
if (remain-1) % 4 == 0:
svc = (remain+1)/2
ret = (remain-1)/2
svc = (remain+1)/2
ret = (remain-1)/2
if (v+w) % 2 == 0:
svc, ret = remain/2, remain/2
svc, ret = (remain-2)/2, (remain-2)/2
if remain % 4 == 0:
svc += 1
ret += 1
svc += 2
# who serves the last point?
if (v+w) % 2 == 0:
if (remain % 4) in [0, 1]:
final = s
svc -= 1
final = t
ret -= 1
if (remain % 4) in [3, 0]:
final = t
ret -= 1
final = s
svc -= 1
pOutcome = 0
for j in range(svc+1):
for k in range(ret+1):
if (j+k) == (p - 1 - v):
m = svc - j
n = ret - k
pr = (s**j)*(t**k)*((1-s)**m)*((1-t)**n)*ch(svc, j)*ch(ret, k)*final
pOutcome += pr
key = str(p) + str(i)
outcomes[key] = pOutcome
if remain % 2 == 1:
if (v+w) % 2 == 0:
if (remain-1) % 4 == 0:
svc = (remain+1)/2
ret = (remain-1)/2
svc = (remain-1)/2
ret = (remain+1)/2
if (remain-1) % 4 == 0:
svc = (remain+1)/2
ret = (remain-1)/2
svc = (remain+1)/2
ret = (remain-1)/2
if (v+w) % 2 == 0:
svc, ret = remain/2, remain/2
svc, ret = (remain-2)/2, (remain-2)/2
if remain % 4 == 0:
svc += 1
ret += 1
svc += 2
# probability of getting to (p-1)-(p-1) (e.g. 6-6)
final = 1
x = 0
for j in range(svc+1):
for k in range(ret+1):
if (j+k) == (p - 1 - v):
m = svc - j
n = ret - k
pr = (s**j)*(t**k)*((1-s)**m)*((1-t)**n)*ch(svc, j)*ch(ret, k)*final
x += pr
outcomes['+'] = (x*s*t)/((s*t) + (1-s)*(1-t))
# add up all positive outcomes
wtb = 0
for z in outcomes:
wtb += outcomes[z]
return wtb
# Set Probability
def setOutcome(final, sGames, rGames, vw, g, h):
pOutcome = 0
for j in range((sGames+1)):
for k in range((rGames+1)):
if (j + k) == (6 - 1 - vw):
m = sGames - j
n = rGames - k
p = (g**j)*(h**k)*((1-g)**m)*((1-h)**n)*ch(sGames, j)*ch(rGames, k)*final
pOutcome += p
return pOutcome
def setGeneral(s=s_point, u=returnpoint_server, v=v_games_in_set, w=w_games_in_set, tb=1):
# calculate the probability of the current server winning
# a 6-game, tiebreak set, given prob. of server winning any
# given service point (s) or return point (u), and the current
# game score (v, w)
# get prob of current server winning a service game:
g = gameProb(s)
# and current server winning a return game:
h = gameProb(u)
# is set over?
if tb:
if v == 7:
return 1
elif w == 7:
return 0
elif v == 6 and (v-w) > 1:
return 1
elif w == 6 and (w-v) > 1:
return 0
if v >= 6 and (v-w) > 1:
return 1
elif w >= 6 and (w-v) > 1:
return 0
# if not over, re-adjust down to no higher than 6-6
while True:
if (v+w) > 12:
v -= 1
w -= 1
# if no tiebreak, chance that server wins set is ratio
# of server's prob of winning
# two games in a row to returner's prob of winning two games in a row
if not tb:
deuceprob = (g*h)/((g*h) + (1-g)*(1-h))
outcomes = {}
# special cases, 11 games or more already
if (v+w) == 12:
if tb:
tp = tiebreakProb(s, u)
outcomes['76'] = tp
outcomes['67'] = 1 - tp
outcomes['75'] = deuceprob
outcomes['57'] = 1-deuceprob
elif (v+w) == 11:
if tb:
tp = tiebreakProb((1-u), (1-s))
if v == 6:
outcomes['75'] = g
x = (1-g)
outcomes['76'] = x*(1 - tp)
outcomes['67'] = x*tp
outcomes['57'] = 1-g
x = g
outcomes['76'] = x*(1 - tp)
outcomes['67'] = x*tp
if v == 6:
outcomes['75'] = g
outcomes['57'] = 0
f = 1 - g
outcomes['57'] = 1-g
outcomes['75'] = 0
f = g
outcomes['75'] += f*deuceprob
outcomes['57'] += f*(1-deuceprob)
for i in range(5):
t = 6 + i - v - w
if t < 1:
if t % 2 == 0:
final = h
sGames = t/2
rGames = sGames - 1
final = g
sGames = (t-1)/2
rGames = (t-1)/2
pOutcome = setOutcome(final, sGames, rGames, v, g, h)
key = '6' + str(i)
outcomes[key] = pOutcome
# loss probabilities
# this section isn't necessary, but I wrote it for informal
# testing purposes
for i in range(5):
t = 6 + i - v - w
if t < 1:
if t % 2 == 0:
final = 1-h
sGames = t/2
rGames = sGames - 1
final = 1-g
sGames = (t-1)/2
rGames = (t-1)/2
pOutcome = setOutcome(final, sGames, rGames, w, (1-g), (1-h))
key = str(i) + '6'
outcomes[key] = pOutcome
t = 10 - v - w
if t % 2 == 0:
sGames = t/2
rGames = t/2
sGames = (t-1)/2 + 1
rGames = (t-1)/2
f = setOutcome(1, sGames, rGames, v, g, h)
if tb == 1:
outcomes['75'] = f*g*h
outcomes['57'] = f*(1-g)*(1-h)
x = f*g*(1-h) + f*(1-g)*h
if (v+w) % 2 == 0:
tp = tiebreakProb(s, u)
tp = tiebreakProb(u, s)
outcomes['76'] = x*tp
outcomes['67'] = x - x*tp
outcomes['75'] = f*deuceprob
outcomes['57'] = f*(1-deuceprob)
win = 0
for o in outcomes:
if o in ['60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '75', '76']:
win += outcomes[o]
return win
#Match Probability
def matchGeneral(e, v=0, w=0, s=3):
# calculates probability of winning the match
# from the beginning of a set
# e is p(winning a set)
# v and w is current set score
# s is total number of sets ("best of")
towin = (s+1)/2
left = towin - v
if left == 0:
return 1
remain = s - v - w
if left > remain:
return 0
win = 0
for i in range(left, (remain+1)):
add = ch((i-1), (left-1))*(e**(left-1))*((1-e)**(i-left))*e
win += add
return win
def matchProb(s=s_point, t=returnpoint_server, gv=v_game_point, gw=w_game_point, sv=v_games_in_set, sw=w_games_in_set, mv=v_sets_won, mw=w_sets_won, sets=best_of):
# calculates probability of winning a match from any given score,
# given:
# s, t: p(server wins a service point), p(server wins return point)
# gv, gw: current score within the game. e.g. 30-15 is 2, 1
# sv, sw: current score within the set. e.g. 5, 4
# mv, mw: current score within the match (number of sets for each player)
# v's are serving player; w's are returning player
# sets: "best of", so default is best of 3
a = gameProb(s)
b = gameProb(t)
c = setGeneral(s, t)
if gv == 0 and gw == 0:
if sv == 0 and sw == 0:
return matchGeneral(c, v=mv, w=mw, s=sets)
sWin = setGeneral(a, b, s, t, v=sv, w=sw)
sLoss = 1 - sWin
elif sv == 6 and sw == 6:
sWin = tiebreakProb(s, t, v=gv, w=gw)
sLoss = 1 - sWin
gWin = gameProb(s, v=gv, w=gw)
gLoss = 1 - gWin
sWin = gWin*(1 - setGeneral((1-b), (1-a), (1-t), (1-s), v=sw, w=(sv+1)))
sWin += gLoss*(1 - setGeneral((1-b), (1-a), (1-t), (1-s), v=(sw+1), w=sv))
sLoss = 1 - sWin
mWin = sWin*matchGeneral(c, v=(mv+1), w=mw, s=sets)
mWin += sLoss*matchGeneral(c, v=mv, w=(mw+1), s=sets)
return mWin, sLoss
print "Server Game = ""{0:.2%}".format(gameProb())
print "Receiver Game = ""{0:.2%}".format(1-gameProb())
print "Server Tiebreak = ""{0:.2%}".format(tiebreakProb())
print "Receiver Tiebreak = ""{0:.2%}".format(1-tiebreakProb())
print "Server Set = ""{0:.2%}".format(setGeneral())
print "Receiver Set = ""{0:.2%}".format(1-setGeneral())
print "Server Match = ""{0:.2%}".format(matchProb())
print "Receiver Match= ""{0:.2%}".format(1-matchProb())
Need help in identifying the mistake in my code. Tkinter messagebox not displaying desired output
def play(): wind2 = tk.Toplevel() v = tk.IntVar() ques = ["Identify the least stable ion amongst the following.", "The set representing the correct order of first ionisation potential is", "The correct order of radii is"] o1 = ["", "Li⁺", "Be⁻", "B⁻", "C⁻"] o2 = ["", "K > Na > Li", "Be > Mg >Ca", "B >C > N", "Ge > Si >C"] o3 = ["", "N < Be < B", "F⁻ < O²⁻ < N³⁻", "Na < Li < K", "Fe³⁺ < Fe⁴⁺ < Fe²⁺"] choice = [o1, o2, o3] ans = [2, 2, 2] user_ans = [] def selection(): selected = v.get() for i in range(len(ques)): if qsn["text"] == ques[i]: break if ans[i] == selected: print("Correct Answer") user_ans.append((i, selected)) global score score = len(user_ans)*10 def nxt(): nxt.count += 1 name.destroy() nmbox.destroy() nmbut.destroy() n = random.randint(0,2) qsn['text'] = ques[n] qsn.pack() r1['text'] = choice[n][1] r2['text'] = choice[n][2] r3['text'] = choice[n][3] r4['text'] = choice[n][4] r1.pack() r2.pack() r3.pack() r4.pack() nbut.pack() if nxt.count > 3: messagebox.showinfo("score", str(score)) nxt.count = 0 name = tk.Label(wind2, text = "Enter your name below:") nmbox = tk.Entry(wind2, bd = 4) nmbut = tk.Button(wind2, text = "Go", command = nxt) name.pack() nmbox.pack() nmbut.pack() qsn = tk.Label(wind2) r1 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, variable = v, value = 1, command=selection) r2 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, variable = v, value = 2, command=selection) r3 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, variable = v, value = 3, command=selection) r4 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, variable = v, value = 4, command=selection) nbut = tk.Button(wind2, text = "next", command = nxt) After selecting the correct option, (i.e. when ans[i]=selected) the length of user_ans is of course not 0. Then why does the messagebox return score as 0 everytime? I am unable to figure out if I have made any mistake. Basically this is a quiz application. Score of the user is 10 times the number of correct answers.
First, please provide a reproducible code sample next time. There are a lot of logic errors in your script. First you calculate your score in the beginning when you run the play function. At that point your list user_ans is still empty. If you move your score calculation into the nxt function, you end up with different issues, for example your score can go into infinity when someone keeps clicking the right answer over and over. So you should evaluate the user selection only once the user clicks next. Here is some rearrangement. Still this is not ideal, but you can work from there. import tkinter as tk import random from tkinter import messagebox def play(): v = tk.IntVar() ques = ["Identify the least stable ion amongst the following.", "The set representing the correct order of first ionisation potential is", "The correct order of radii is"] o1 = ["", "Li⁺", "Be⁻", "B⁻", "C⁻"] o2 = ["", "K > Na > Li", "Be > Mg >Ca", "B >C > N", "Ge > Si >C"] o3 = ["", "N < Be < B", "F⁻ < O²⁻ < N³⁻", "Na < Li < K", "Fe³⁺ < Fe⁴⁺ < Fe²⁺"] choice = [o1, o2, o3] ans = [2, 2, 2] user_ans = [] def selection(): global selected selected = v.get() def nxt(): nxt.count += 1 name.destroy() nmbox.destroy() nmbut.destroy() n = random.randint(0,2) qsn['text'] = ques[n] qsn.pack() r1['text'] = choice[n][1] r2['text'] = choice[n][2] r3['text'] = choice[n][3] r4['text'] = choice[n][4] r1.pack() r2.pack() r3.pack() r4.pack() nbut.pack() for i in range(len(ques)): if qsn["text"] == ques[i]: break if ans[i] == selected: print("Correct Answer") user_ans.append(i) if nxt.count > 3: score = len(user_ans)*10 messagebox.showinfo("score", str(score)) nxt.count = 0 name = tk.Label(root, text = "Enter your name below:") nmbox = tk.Entry(root, bd = 4) nmbut = tk.Button(root, text = "Go", command = nxt) name.pack() nmbox.pack() nmbut.pack() qsn = tk.Label(root) r1 = tk.Radiobutton(root, variable = v, value = 1, command=selection) r2 = tk.Radiobutton(root, variable = v, value = 2, command=selection) r3 = tk.Radiobutton(root, variable = v, value = 3, command=selection) r4 = tk.Radiobutton(root, variable = v, value = 4, command=selection) nbut = tk.Button(root, text = "next", command = nxt) root = tk.Tk() play() root.mainloop()
How to implement client/server (sockets) to two player boggle game
Here is the code I currently have. The program works great I just want to make the game playable using sockets. If this game were ran on one computer, I would like two GUI windows to pop up but I am having a tough time doing so. I have used sockets to work with two different computers but I can't seem to implement it the way I want it at the moment. import tkinter as tk import random import socket import threading possiblechoices = [["A","E","A","N","E","G"],["A","H","S","P","C","O"],["A","S","P","F","F","K"],["O","B","J","O","A","B"],["I","O","T","M","U","C"],["R","Y","V","D","E","L"],["L","R","E","I","X","D"],["E","I","U","N","E","S"],["W","N","G","E","E","H"],["L","N","H","N","R","Z"],["T","S","T","I","Y","D"],["O","W","T","O","A","T"],["E" ,"R" ,"T" ,"T" ,"Y" ,"L"],["T" ,"O" ,"E" ,"S" ,"S" ,"I"],["T", "E" ,"R" ,"W" ,"H" ,"V"],["N" ,"U" ,"I" ,"H" ,"M" ,"Qu"]] words = [] with open('words.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: for word in line.split(): newword = word.lower() words.append(newword) def new_board(): copy = [i for i in possiblechoices] columns = [] for i in range(0,4): columns.append([]) for j in range(0,4): die = random.choice(copy) columns[i].append(random.choice(die)) copy.remove(die) return columns def adjacent_cells(current_cell): adj_list = [] x = current_cell[0] y = current_cell[1] # get cell above (if y > 0): if y > 0: adj_list.append((x, y-1)) # get cell below (if y < 3): if y < 3: adj_list.append((x, y+1)) # get left cell (if x > 0): if x > 0: adj_list.append((x-1, y)) # get right cell (if x < 3): if x < 3: adj_list.append((x+1, y)) # get upper left diagonal (if y > 0 and x > 0): if y > 0 and x > 0: adj_list.append((x-1, y-1)) # get upper right diagonal (if y > 0 and x < 3): if y > 0 and x < 3: adj_list.append((x+1, y-1)) # get lower left diagonal (if y < 3 and x > 0): if y < 3 and x > 0: adj_list.append((x-1, y+1)) # get lower right diagonal (if y < 3 and x < 3): if y < 3 and x < 3: adj_list.append((x+1, y+1)) return adj_list def cells_with_letter(board, letter): coords = [] for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if board[i][j] == letter: coords.append((j, i)) return coords def board_has_word(board, word, used_cells = None): word = word.upper() if word[0] =='Q' or word[0] =='q': if used_cells is None: starting_cells = cells_with_letter(board,"Qu") if len(starting_cells) == 0: return False if len(word) == 2: return True else: for s in starting_cells: if board_has_word(board, word[2:], [s]): return True return False else: current_cell = used_cells[-1] neighbors = adjacent_cells(current_cell) neighbors = [c for c in neighbors if not c in used_cells] neighbors = [c for c in neighbors if "Qu" == board[c[1]][c[0]]] if len(neighbors) == 0: return False if len(word) == 2: return True else: for n in neighbors: if board_has_word(board, word[2:], used_cells + [n]): return True return False if used_cells is None: starting_cells = cells_with_letter(board, word[0]) if len(starting_cells) == 0: return False if len(word) == 1: return True else: for s in starting_cells: if board_has_word(board, word[1:], [s]): return True return False else: current_cell = used_cells[-1] neighbors = adjacent_cells(current_cell) neighbors = [c for c in neighbors if not c in used_cells] neighbors = [c for c in neighbors if word[0] == board[c[1]][c[0]]] if len(neighbors) == 0: return False if len(word) == 1: return True else: for n in neighbors: if board_has_word(board, word[1:], used_cells + [n]): return True return False turn = True player1score = 0 player2score = 0 usedwords = [] #tk drawing root = tk.Tk() frame = tk.Frame(root) frame.grid(row=0, column=0) copy = possiblechoices board = new_board() for x in range(len(board)): for y in range(len(board[x])): letter = board[x][y] l = tk.Label(frame, text = letter) l.grid(row = y, column = x) l1 = tk.Label(root, text="Guess word:") l1.grid(row=4, column=0) e1 = tk.Entry(root) e1.grid(row=4, column=1) l2 = tk.Label(root, text="You guessed: ") l2.grid(row=5, column=0) l3 = tk.Label(root, text="") l3.grid(row=5, column=1) #player 1 score l4 = tk.Label(root, text = "Player 1 Score:") l4.grid(row = 2,column = 0) l5 = tk.Label(root, text = (player1score)) l5.grid(row = 2, column = 1) #payer 2 score l8 = tk.Label(root, text = "Player 2 Score:") l8.grid(row = 3, column =0) l9 = tk.Label(root, text = player2score) l9.grid(row = 3, column = 1) #Used words l6 = tk.Label(root, text = "Used Words") l6.grid(row = 2, column = 3) l7 = tk.Label(root, text = usedwords) l7.grid(row = 3, column = 3) def make_guess(): global turn maybe = e1.get().lower() if(board_has_word(board, maybe)): if maybe in words: if maybe not in usedwords: usedwords.append(maybe) if(turn): current = l5["text"] converted = int(current) if(not turn): current = l9["text"] converted = int(current) l3.config(text=e1.get().lower()) l7.config(text =usedwords) if len(maybe) >=3 and len(maybe) <=4: converted+= 1 if len(maybe) ==5: converted += 2 if len(maybe) ==6: converted +=3 if len(maybe) ==7: converted+=5 if len(maybe) >=8: converted +=11 if(turn): l5.config(text = str(converted)) turn = False elif(not turn): l9.config(text = str(converted)) turn = True else: l3.config(text = "Word already used") if(turn): turn = False elif(not turn): turn = True else: l3.config(text = "Not in dictionary") else: l3.config(text = "Word not in board") def resetgame(): global board global usedwords board = new_board() for x in range(len(board)): for y in range(len(board[x])): letter = board[x][y] l = tk.Label(frame, text = letter) l.grid(row = y, column = x) l5.config(text = "0") l9.config(text = "0") usedwords = [] l7.config(text = usedwords) l3.config(text = "") reset = tk.Button(root, text = 'Reset Game', command = resetgame) reset.grid(row = 6, column = 5, sticky = tk.W, pady = 4) b1 = tk.Button(root, text='Submit',command=make_guess) b1.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=tk.W, pady=4) tk.mainloop()
Python Tkinter - Deleting an item from a list when I don't know its index
I'm new to python and I am currently learning for loops in Tkinter and trying to build pin code GUI. What I want to happen is when the back space button is pressed "<" the last item added to the list "Entered Pin" is removed and 1 Asterix is removed from TxtWindow? I'm wondering if there is a particular way in python to remove the last item added to a list when I am unaware how many items there will be in the list. Thanks in advance my code is below import tkinter as tk window = tk.Tk() def PinEntry(x): global u global counter if u == 1: TxtWindow.delete("1.0", "end") u = u+1 if EntertedPin == DefaultPin: window.destroy() if x in range (len(EntryKeyList)): EntertedPin.append (EntryKeyList [x]) TxtWindow.insert (tk.END, "*") counter = counter +1 if x == 2: EntertedPin.clear() TxtWindow.delete("1.0", "end") TxtWindow.insert (tk.END, "Enter Pin") u = 1 coutner = 0 if x == 0: EntertedPin.clear() TxtWindow.delete("1.0", "end") TxtWindow.insert (tk.END, "Enter Pin") u = 1 counter = 0 if x == 12: # Delete last number in the list and remove one asterix from the TxtWindow EntertedPin = [] DefaultPin = [1,2,3,0] u = 1 counter = -1 TxtWindow = tk.Text(window, relief = "sunken", width = 10, height = 1) TxtWindow.insert (tk.END, "Enter Pin") TxtWindow.grid (row = 1, column = 2) x = 1 y = 1 a = 5 b = 4 c = 1 d = 3 e = 1 f = 2 g = 1 EntryKeyList = ["CLR", 0, "ENT", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "<" ] for i in range (13): KeypadBtn = tk.Button(window, width = 5, height = 3, text = EntryKeyList[i], command = lambda x=i: PinEntry(x)) if y <=3: KeypadBtn.grid (row = a , column = x ) x = x +1 y=y +1 elif y <= 6: KeypadBtn.grid (row = b , column = c ) c = c +1 y=y+1 elif y <= 9: KeypadBtn.grid (row = d , column = e ) e = e +1 y=y+1 elif y <=12: KeypadBtn.grid (row = f , column = g ) g = g +1 y=y+1 else: KeypadBtn.grid (row = 1, column = 3) window.mainloop()
The commands what you are looking for TxtWindow.delete("end-2c", "end") mylist=mylist[:-1] or mylist.pop() But the code is wrong. The backspace cannot add "x" to widget. def PinEntry(x): global u global counter global EntertedPin global DefaultPin if u == 1: TxtWindow.delete("1.0", "end") u = u+1 if x in range (len(EntryKeyList)): if x == 12: # Delete last number in the list and remove one asterix from the TxtWindow EntertedPin=EntertedPin[:-1] TxtWindow.delete("end-2c", "end") # If the button is not number: else: if x == 2: EntertedPin.clear() TxtWindow.delete("1.0", "end") TxtWindow.insert (tk.END, "Enter Pin") u = 1 coutner = 0 elif x == 0: EntertedPin.clear() TxtWindow.delete("1.0", "end") TxtWindow.insert (tk.END, "Enter Pin") u = 1 counter = 0 EntertedPin.append (EntryKeyList [x]) TxtWindow.insert (tk.END, "*") counter = counter +1 if EntertedPin == DefaultPin: window.destroy()
how to solve the print string error on python eclipse
I am not sure why do i get this error from the console: << print stirngp[state[i][j]] ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax << Furthermore it seems that the IDE put a red close on the following code line line = raw_input("Enter:") I am not sure what did i do wrong, the following code is as shown below def isTerminal(state): stateT = zip(*state) for i in range(3): if all(state[i][0] == j for j in state[i]) and state[i][0] != 0: return state[i][0] if all(stateT[i][0] == j for j in stateT[i]) and stateT[i][0] != 0: return stateT[i][0] if (state[0][0] == state[1][1] == state[2][2]) or \ (state[0][2] == state[1][1] == state[2][0]): if state[1][1] != 0: return state[1][1] for i in range(3): if 0 in state[i]: return None return 0 def succ(state): # print state countX = 0 countO = 0 for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if state[i][j] == 1: countX = countX + 1 if state[i][j] == -1: countO = countO + 1 if countX > countO: player = "MIN" else: player = "MAX" succList = [] v = {"MIN":-1,"MAX":1} for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if state[i][j] == 0: succ = [k[:] for k in state] succ[i][j] = v[player] succList = succList + [succ] # print succList return succList def nextplay(player): if player == "MIN": return "MAX" else: return "MIN" def minimax(state,alpha,beta,player): value = isTerminal(state) if value != None: # print "TERMINAL:", state, value, player return value if player == "MIN": for y in succ(state): beta = min(beta, minimax(y,alpha,beta,"MAX")) if beta <= alpha: return alpha return beta if player == "MAX": for y in succ(state): alpha = max(alpha, minimax(y,alpha,beta,"MIN")) if alpha >= beta: return beta return alpha def printing(state): p = {-1:"O",0:".",1:"X"} for i in range(3): for j in range(3): print p[state[i][j]], print "" print "" def main(): state = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]] val = isTerminal(state) while val == None: line = raw_input("Enter:") x = line.split(",") a = int(x[0]); b = int(x[1]) state[a][b] = 1 if isTerminal(state) != None: printing(state) return # determine which successive state is better succList = succ(state) succValList = [] for i in succList: succValList = succValList + [(minimax(i,-1,1,"MAX"),i)] succValList.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) state = succValList[0][1] # can also randomly choose other states of the same minimax value printing(state) val = isTerminal(state) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
As far as i know you can't use raw_input() in Python 3. It's been changed to just input() also what is stringp? is it an existing list? if so then state[i][j] MUST return an integer so you can retrieve the item at that index of stringp[]
How do I print these return values from function in Python 3?
I have a homework assignment for raquetball simulation. I'm trying to figure out how to expand the program to account for shutouts and return the number for each player. I added a loop into the simNGames() to count the shutouts. I'd like to return those values and print them out in the summary. def simNGames(n, probA, probB): winsA = 0 winsB = 0 shutoutA = 0 shutoutB = 0 for i in range(n): scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB) if scoreA > scoreB: winsA = winsA + 1 else: winsB = winsB + 1 for i in range(n): scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB) if scoreA == 15 and scoreB == 0: shutoutA = shutoutA + 1 if scoreA == 0 and scoreB == 15: shutoutB = shutoutB + 1 return winsA, winsB, shutoutA, shutoutB ## The program breaks when I add ## shutoutA, and shutoutB as return val If anyone could steer me in the right direction It'd be greatly appreciated. I get a ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2), when I add shutouts into the return value. Here is the entire program: from random import random def main(): probA, probB, n = GetInputs() winsA, winsB = simNGames(n, probA, probB) PrintSummary(winsA, winsB) def GetInputs(): a = eval(input("What is the probability player A wins the serve? ")) b = eval(input("What is the probablity player B wins the serve? ")) n = eval(input("How many games are they playing? ")) return a, b, n def simNGames(n, probA, probB): winsA = 0 winsB = 0 shutoutA = 0 shutoutB = 0 for i in range(n): scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB) if scoreA > scoreB: winsA = winsA + 1 else: winsB = winsB + 1 for i in range(n): scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB) if scoreA == 15 and scoreB == 0: shutoutA = shutoutA + 1 if scoreA == 0 and scoreB == 15: shutoutB = shutoutB + 1 return winsA, winsB def simOneGame(probA, probB): serving = "A" scoreA = 0 scoreB = 0 while not gameOver(scoreA, scoreB): if serving == "A": if random() < probA: scoreA = scoreA + 1 else: serving = "B" else: if random() < probB: scoreB = scoreB + 1 else: serving = "A" return scoreA, scoreB def gameOver(a, b): return a == 15 or b == 15 def PrintSummary(winsA, winsB): n = winsA + winsB print("\nGames simulated:", n) print("Wins for A: {0} ({1:0.1%})".format(winsA, winsA/n)) print("Wins for B: {0} ({1:0.1%})".format(winsB, winsB/n)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
When you call the function: winsA, winsB = simNGames(n, probA, probB) You're expecting only two values (winsA, winsB), but returning four.