AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'items' - python

I'm a beginner in python. I'm currently try to deal with use the IK to move the robot arm. When I try to run my program the arm was able to move to the my setted starting position but when it's going to next step it shows me this error:AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'items'
This is my program:
class Pick_Place (object):
#def __init__(self,limb,hover_distance = 0.15):
def __init__(self,limb):
self._limb = baxter_interface.Limb(limb)
self._gripper = baxter_interface.Gripper(limb)
#self._verbose = verbose
ns = "ExternalTools/" + limb + "/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService"
self._iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(ns,SolvePositionIK)
rospy.wait_for_service(ns, 5.0)
def move_to_start (self,start_angles = None):
print ("moving.....")
if not start_angles:
print ("it is 0")
start_angles = dict(zip(self._joint_names, [0]*7))
print ("moved!!!")
def ik_request (self,pose):
hdr = Header(,frame_id='base')
ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest()
ikreq.pose_stamp.append(PoseStamped(header=hdr, pose=pose))
resp = self._iksvc (ikreq)
except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException), e:
rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % (e,))
return False
limb_joints = {}
limb_joints = dict(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position))
return limb_joints
def _guarded_move_to_joint_position(self,joint_angles):
print ("joint position.....")
def gripper_open (self):
def gripper_close (self):
def _approach (self, pose):
print ("\nApproaching.....")
approach = copy.deepcopy(pose)
approach.position.z = approach.position.z #+ self._hover_distance
joint_angles = self.ik_request(approach)
print ("\nApproached.....")
def _retract (self):
print ("\nRetracting.....")
current_pose = self._limb.endpoint_pose()
ik_pose = Pose()
ik_pose.position.x = current_pose['position'].x
ik_pose.position.y = current_pose['position'].y
ik_pose.position.z = current_pose['position'].z #+ self._hover_distance
ik_pose.orientation.x = current_pose['orientation'].x
ik_pose.orientation.y = current_pose['orientation'].y
ik_pose.orientation.z = current_pose['orientation'].z
ik_pose.orientation.w = current_pose['orientation'].w
joint_angles = self.ik_request(ik_pose)
print ("\nRetracted......")
def _servo_to_pose (self, pose):
print ("\nPosing.....")
joint_angles = self.ik_request(pose)
print ("\nPosed.....")
def pick (self,pose):
print ("\nPicking_1.....")
# open the gripper
# servo above pose
# servo to pose
# close gripper
# retract to clear object
print ("\nPicked")
def place (self,pose):
print ("\nPlacing_1.....")
# servo above pose
# servo to pose
# open the gripper
# retract to clear object
print ("\nPlaced")
def main():
print ("Initializing....")
print("Getting the robot state.....")
rs= baxter_interface.RobotEnable()
print ("Enabling....")
limb = 'left'
#hover_distance = 0.15
starting_joint_angles = {'left_s0': -0.50,
'left_s1': -1.30,
'left_e0': -0.60,
'left_e1': 1.30,
'left_w0': 0.20,
'left_w1': 1.60,
'left_w2': -0.30}
#pnp = Pick_Place(limb,hover_distance)
pnp = Pick_Place(limb)
overhead_orientation = Quaternion(
ball_poses = list()
#1st ball point
position = Point(x=0.7, y=0.15, z=-0.1),
orientation = overhead_orientation))
#2nd ball point
position = Point(x=0.75, y=0.0, z=-0.1),
orientation = overhead_orientation))
idx = 0
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
print ("\nPicking.....")
print ("\nPlacing.....")
idx = (idx+1) % len(ball_poses)#?????[idx])
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
And this is the error shows me:
Getting the robot state.....
[INFO] [WallTime: 1466477391.621678] Robot Enabled
joint position.....
joint position.....
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/baxter/ros_ws/src/baxter_examples/scripts/ylj_research/", line 197, in <module>
File "/home/baxter/ros_ws/src/baxter_examples/scripts/ylj_research/", line 188, in main
File "/home/baxter/ros_ws/src/baxter_examples/scripts/ylj_research/", line 122, in pick
File "/home/baxter/ros_ws/src/baxter_examples/scripts/ylj_research/", line 88, in _approach
File "/home/baxter/ros_ws/src/baxter_examples/scripts/ylj_research/", line 72, in _guarded_move_to_joint_position
File "/home/baxter/ros_ws/src/baxter_interface/src/baxter_interface/", line 368, in move_to_joint_positions
diffs = [genf(j, a) for j, a in positions.items() if
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'items'
Does anyone had met this kind of error before? Please help me, thank you.

The error tells you that booleans (either True or False) don't have an attribute "items".
When you call
self._limb.move_to_joint_positions(joint_angles) you are passing the argument "joint_angles" which becomes "positions" in the function
Looking into the source code of the library you're using, it tells you what it wants positions to be:
#type positions: dict({str:float})
In short, it wants joint_angles to be a dictionary mapping strings to floats and you passed a boolean. Let's look into how you got joint_angles:
joint_angles = self.ik_request(ik_pose)
In the body of your method, you return False every time:
def ik_request (self,pose):
except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException), e:
rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % (e,))
return False
Returning a boolean is clearly not what you want to do, and it is the cause of this error.

You're trying to access the elements of a boolean value, which is not allowed. In your example, positions is a true/false value and not what you're expecting it to be. There's some section of the code where positions is being assigned to a boolean. You should walk through your code and look for any line that contains positions = something.


Stuck on Python "KeyError: <exception str() failed>" in BFS code of a water jug scenario

Intended Function of code: Takes a user input for the volume of 3 jars(1-9) and output the volumes with one of the jars containing the target length. jars can be Emptied/Filled a jar, or poured from one jar to another until one is empty or full.
With the code I have, i'm stuck on a key exception error .
Target length is 4 for this case
class Graph:
class GraphNode:
def __init__(self, jar1 = 0, jar2 = 0, jar3 = 0, color = "white", pi = None):
self.jar1 = jar1
self.jar2 = jar2
self.jar3 = jar3
self.color = color
self.pi = pi
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __init__(self, jl1 = 0, jl2 = 0, jl3 = 0, target = 0):
self.jl1 = jl1
self.jl2 = jl2
self.jl3 = jl3 = target
self.V = {}
for x in range(jl1 + 1):
for y in range(jl2 + 1):
for z in range(jl3 + 1):
node = Graph.GraphNode(x, y, z, "white", None)
self.V[node] = None
def isFound(self, a: GraphNode) -> bool:
if in [a.jar1, a.jar2, a.jar3]:
return True
return False
def isAdjacent(self, a: GraphNode, b: GraphNode) -> bool:
if self.V[a]==b:
return True
return False
def BFS(self) -> [] :
start = Graph.GraphNode(0, 0, 0, "white")
while len(queue)>0:
for v in self.V:
if self.isAdjacent(u,v):
if v.color =="white":
v.color == "gray"
if self.isFound(v):
while v.pi is not None:
return output
return []
j1 = input("Size of first jar: ")
j2 = input("Size of second jar: ")
j3 = input("Size of third jar: ")
t = input("Size of target: ")
jar1 = int(j1)
jar2 = int(j2)
jar3 = int(j3)
target = int(t)
graph1 = Graph(jar1, jar2, jar3, target)
output = graph1.BFS()
**Error: **
line 37, in isAdjacent
if self.V[a]==b:
KeyError: <exception str() failed>
Strange but when I first ran this in the IPython interpreter I got a different exception:
... :35, in Graph.isAdjacent(self, a, b)
34 def isAdjacent(self, a: GraphNode, b: GraphNode) -> bool:
---> 35 if self.V[a]==b:
36 return True
37 return False
<class 'str'>: (<class 'RecursionError'>, RecursionError('maximum recursion depth exceeded while getting the str of an object'))
When I run it as a script or in the normal interpreter I do get the same one you had:
... line 35, in isAdjacent
if self.V[a]==b:
KeyError: <exception str() failed>
I'm not sure what this means so I ran the debugger and got this:
File "/Users/.../stackoverflow/", line 1, in <module>
class Graph:
File "/Users/.../stackoverflow/", line 47, in BFS
if self.isAdjacent(u,v):
File "/Users/.../stackoverflow/", line 35, in isAdjacent
if self.V[a]==b:
KeyError: <unprintable KeyError object>
Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging
Running 'cont' or 'step' will restart the program
> /Users/.../stackoverflow/
-> if self.V[a]==b:
(Pdb) type(a)
<class '__main__.Graph.GraphNode'>
(Pdb) str(a)
*** RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
So it does seem like a maximum recursion error. (The error message you originally got is not very helpful). But the words <unprintable KeyError object> are a clue. It looks like it was not able to display the KeyError exception...
The culprit is this line in your class definition:
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
What were you trying to do here?
The __repr__ function is called when the class is asked to produce a string representation of itself. But yours calls the string function on the instance of the class so it will call itself! So I think you actually generated a second exception while the debugger was trying to display the first!!!.
I replaced these lines with
def __repr__(self):
return f"GraphNode({self.jar1}, {self.jar2}, {self.jar3}, {self.color}, {self.pi})"
and I don't get the exception now:
Size of first jar: 1
Size of second jar: 3
Size of third jar: 6
Size of target: 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/.../stackoverflow/", line 77, in <module>
output = graph1.BFS()
File "/Users/.../stackoverflow/", line 45, in BFS
if self.isAdjacent(u,v):
File "/Users/.../stackoverflow/", line 33, in isAdjacent
if self.V[a]==b:
KeyError: GraphNode(0, 0, 0, white, None)
This exception is easier to interpret. Now it's over to you to figure out why this GraphNode was not found in the keys of self.V!

‘module’ object has no attribute ‘MStatus' in Maya python Api 2020

I am trying to build a command in python for Maya following a course on youtube and it's showing this error "# Error: RuntimeError: file line 2: AttributeError: file C:/Users/saeed/OneDrive/Documents/maya/2020/Plugins/ line 23: 'module' object has no attribute 'MStatus' # "
I checked Maya API documents and we should have "MStatus" class but I have no idea why it's not accepted, I tried to use "MStatusCode" and it's showing same error.
from maya import OpenMaya
from maya import OpenMayaMPx
from maya import OpenMayaFX
import sys
commandName = "vertexParticle"
kHelpFlag = "-h"
kHelpLongFlag = "-help"
kSparseFlag = "-s"
kSparseLongFlag = "-sparse"
helpMessage = "This command will attach a particle for each vertex"
class pluginCommand(OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand):
sparse = None
def __init__(self):
def argumentParser(self, argList):
syntax = self.syntax()
parserArguments = OpenMaya.MArgDatabase(syntax, argList)
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kSparseFlag):
self.sparse = parserArguments.flagArgumentDouble(kSparseFlag, 0)
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kSparseLongFlag):
self.sparse = parserArguments.flagArgumentDouble(kSparseLongFlag, 0)
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag):
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kHelpLongFlag):
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def isUndoable(self):
return True
def undoIt(self):
print "undo"
mFnDagNode = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(self.mObjParticle)
mDagMod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def redoIt(self):
mSel = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
mDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
mFnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh()
if mSel.length() >= 1:
mSel.getDagPath(0, mDagPath)
print "please select a poly mesh"
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kUnknownParameter
print "please select a poly mesh"
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kUnknownParameter
mPointArray = OpenMaya.MPointArray()
mFnMesh.getPoints(mPointArray, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld)
mFnParticle = OpenMayaFX.MFnParticleSystem()
self.mObjParticle = mFnParticle.create()
mFnParticle = OpenMayaFX.MFnParticleSystem(self.mObjParticle)
counter == 0
for i in xrange(mPointArray.length()):
if i%self.sparse == 0:
counter += 1
print "total points :" + str(counter)
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def doIt(self, argList):
if self.sparse != None:
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def cmdCreator():
return OpenMayaMPx.asMPxPtr(pluginCommand())
def syntaxCreator():
syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax()
syntax.addFlag(kHelpFlag, kHelpLongFlag)
syntax.addFlag(kSparseFlag, kSparseLongFlag, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble)
return syntax
def initializePlugin(mObject):
mPlugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin(mObject)
mPlugin.registerCommand(commandName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator)
sys.stderr.write("Failed to register" + commandName)
def uninitializePlugin(mObject):
mPlugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin(pluginCommand())
sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister" + commandName)
Because MStatus.MStatusCode is an enum, you can return its integer value in Python. The only issue is that because in C++ this is an enum, there is no guarantee that the values won't change/shift between releases. This enum has remained consistent since 2019, so there isn't much risk of this happening for MStatus.MStatusCode.
Somewhere in the top of your file simply add the constants you intend to use:
MStatus_kSuccess = 0
MStatus_kFailure = 1
MStatus_kUnknownParameter = 5
Then return the constant instead in your functions:
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag):
return MStatus_kSuccess

Internal error during connect: MLM75 instance has no attribute 'i2c'

I got an issue with this driver:
LM75_CHIP_ADDR = 0x48
LM75_I2C_SPEED = 100000
LM75_REGS = {
'TEMP' : 0x00,
'CONF' : 0x01,
'THYST' : 0x02,
'TOS' : 0x03,
'PRODID' : 0x07 # TI LM75A chips only?
# Temperature can be sampled at any time but the read aborts
# the current conversion. Conversion time is 300ms so make
# sure not to read too often.
class MLM75:
def __init__(self, config):
self.printer = config.get_printer() = config.get_name().split()[-1]
self.reactor = self.printer.get_reactor()
self.i2c_sen = bus.MCU_I2C_from_config(config, LM75_CHIP_ADDR,
self.mcu = self.i2c_sen.get_mcu()
self.report_time = config.getfloat('lm75_report_time',LM75_REPORT_TIME, minval=LM75_MIN_REPORT_TIME)
self.temp = self.min_temp = self.max_temp = 0.0
self.sample_timer = self.reactor.register_timer(self._sample_mlm75)
self.printer.add_object("mlm75 " +, self)
############# MUX HANDLER ############
self.gcode = self.printer.lookup_object('gcode')
self.mux = self.printer.load_object(config, "PCA9545A %s" % (,))
self.mux.init_route = config.getint( "mux_ch", 0, minval=0, maxval=3 )
self.mux.address = config.getint( "mux_i2c_address", 112 )
self.mux.change_i2c_addr( self.mux.address )
# _mux_iic_addr = self.mux.get_info()[0]
# _mux_out_chan = self.mux.get_info()[1]
# self.gcode.respond_info('sensor: ' '\n' +
# ' addr:'+str(_mux_iic_addr)+
# ' chan:'+str(_mux_out_chan))
self.mux_channel = 0
############# MUX HANDLER ############
def handle_connect(self):
self.reactor.update_timer(self.sample_timer, self.reactor.NOW)
def setup_minmax(self, min_temp, max_temp):
self.min_temp = min_temp
self.max_temp = max_temp
def setup_callback(self, cb):
self._callback = cb
def get_report_time_delta(self):
return self.report_time
def degrees_from_sample(self, x):
# The temp sample is encoded in the top 9 bits of a 16-bit
# value. Resolution is 0.5 degrees C.
return x[0] + (x[1] >> 7) * 0.5
def _init_mlm75(self):
# Check and report the chip ID but ignore errors since many
# chips don't have it
prodid = self.read_register('PRODID', 1)[0]"mlm75: Chip ID %#x" % prodid)
def _sample_mlm75(self, eventtime):
# self.gcode.respond_info( str(self.i) )
self.mux_channel += 1
self.mux_channel %= 4
self.mux.route( self.mux_channel ) # <<<<
# self.gcode.respond_info('mx c:'+str(self.mux.get_info()[1])) # <<<<
sample = self.read_register('TEMP', 2)
self.temp = self.degrees_from_sample(sample)
except Exception:
logging.exception("mlm75: Error reading data")
self.temp = 0.0
return self.reactor.NEVER
if self.temp < self.min_temp or self.temp > self.max_temp:
"MLM75 temperature %0.1f outside range of %0.1f:%.01f"
% (self.temp, self.min_temp, self.max_temp))
measured_time = self.reactor.monotonic()
self._callback(self.mcu.estimated_print_time(measured_time), self.temp)
return measured_time + self.report_time
def read_register(self, reg_name, read_len):
# read a single register
regs = [LM75_REGS[reg_name]]
params = self.i2c_sen.i2c_read(regs, read_len)
return bytearray(params['response'])
def write_register(self, reg_name, data):
if type(data) is not list:
data = [data]
reg = LM75_REGS[reg_name]
data.insert(0, reg)
def get_status(self, eventtime):
return {
'temperature': round(self.temp, 2),
def load_config(config):
# Register sensor
pheaters = config.get_printer().load_object(config, "heaters")
pheaters.add_sensor_factory("MLM75", MLM75)
This code is supposed to read, write and change the address of a MUX. For some reason I can't read part of the sensors.
That's the log:
mcu 'mcu': Starting serial connect
Loaded MCU 'mcu' 100 commands (v0.10.0-388-gd9daeb08-dirty-20220429_121230-raspberrypi / gcc: (GCC) 5.4.0 binutils: (GNU Binutils) 2.26.20160125)
MCU 'mcu' config: BUS_PINS_spi=PB3,PB2,PB1 PWM_MAX=255 CLOCK_FREQ=16000000 BUS_PINS_twi=PD0,PD1 MCU=atmega32u4 ADC_MAX=1023 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256
mcu 'mcu': got {u'count': 229, '#receive_time': 3173.116210849, u'sum': 315145, u'sumsq': 3550500, '#name': u'stats', '#sent_time': 3173.115847275}
Configured MCU 'mcu' (165 moves)
lm75: Chip ID 0x1e
Starting heater checks for plateHeater1
lm75: Chip ID 0x22
Starting heater checks for plateHeater2
Starting heater checks for blockHeater1
Starting heater checks for blockHeater2
mlm75: Error reading data
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/heater/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 104, in _sample_mlm75
sample = self.read_register('TEMP', 2)
File "/home/heater/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 123, in read_register
params = self.i2c.i2c_read(regs, read_len) #dobaveno ot
AttributeError: MLM75 instance has no attribute 'i2c'
mlm75: Error reading data
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/heater/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 104, in _sample_mlm75
sample = self.read_register('TEMP', 2)
File "/home/heater/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 123, in read_register
params = self.i2c.i2c_read(regs, read_len) #dobaveno ot
AttributeError: MLM75 instance has no attribute 'i2c'
I am trying to figure this thing out for 2 weeks now and my hair is starting to fall. Can someone tell me what I do wrong?
Thanks for the help

JSON - TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I am outputting the results of my machine learning model into a JSON file but my python code isn't parsing the file correctly. I don't know what is causing it but I know it is my python code and not anything on the ML side of it The code is supposed to run through the JSON file and find out if the results are within a certain distance of each other (0.10).
My Error:
File "", line 102, in <module>
find_xy(18, 18)
File "", line 61, in find_xy
x_dif = obj1["relative_coordinates"]["center_x"] - obj2["relative_coordinates"]["center_x"]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
My JSON file(result.json):
"objects": [
{"class_id":17, "name":"g ", "relative_coordinates":{"center_x":0.789288, "center_y":0.412911, "width":0.339110, "height":0.789139}, "confidence":0.986945},
{"class_id":17, "name":"g ", "relative_coordinates":{"center_x":0.657672, "center_y":0.411369, "width":0.226476, "height":0.744315}, "confidence":0.532443},
{"class_id":17, "name":"g ", "relative_coordinates":{"center_x":0.736259, "center_y":0.559810, "width":0.409916, "height":0.651102}, "confidence":0.474929}
My Code:
Save New Duplicate & Edit Just Text Twitter
results_path = r'result.json'
# function for formatting after every new picture is run through model
with open(results_path, 'r') as opened_results:
results = json.load(opened_results)
with open(results_path, "w") as opened_results:
json.dump(results, opened_results, indent=4)
def find_xy(id1, id2):
desired_id1 = id1
obj1 = None
for thing in results:
for object1 in thing["objects"]:
if object1["class_id"] == desired_id1:
specific_class = object1
obj1 = object1
print("Correct Class")
for _class in results:
for object1 in _class["objects"]:
relative_coordinates = object1["relative_coordinates"]
center_x = relative_coordinates["center_x"]
center_y = relative_coordinates["center_y"]
# Do something with these values
desired_id2 = id2
obj2 = None
for thing in results:
for object2 in thing["objects"]:
if object2["class_id"] == desired_id2:
specific_class = object2
obj2 = object2
print("Correct Class")
for _class in results:
for object2 in _class["objects"]:
relative_coordinates = object2["relative_coordinates"]
center_x = relative_coordinates["center_x"]
center_y = relative_coordinates["center_y"]
x_dif = obj1["relative_coordinates"]["center_x"] - obj2["relative_coordinates"]["center_x"]
x_absolute_dif = abs(x_dif)
print("X Absolute Dif Is:" + str(x_absolute_dif))
if (x_absolute_dif <= 0.10):
print("X-Cords Within Range")
x_within_range = True
print("X-Cords Not Within Range")
x_within_range = False
y_dif = obj1["relative_coordinates"]["center_y"] - obj2["relative_coordinates"]["center_y"]
y_absolute_dif = abs(y_dif)
print("Y Absolute Difference Is: " + str(y_absolute_dif))
if (y_absolute_dif <= 0.10):
print("Y-Cords Within Range")
y_within_range = True
print("Y-Cords Not Within Range")
y_within_range = False
Okay, I found something.
All objects have the same ID? Is it correct so or not?
You need a check if block or use a try except.
if block
if obj1 == None:
print("No, obj1 found!")
try catch
relative_coordinates = object1["relative_coordinates"]
print("No, obj1 found!")
If you search find_xy(18, 18) and you have only "class_id":17 - that can only go wrong without a break position. So you must check if your variable still Nothing or not!
One point more
Duplicate code is also bad. Make a function for these, than you can read your code easier!
def check_obj():
#do you staff here...

Weird bug in python project

I'm working on a big project in Python, and I've run into a bizarre error I can't explain. In one of my classes, I have a private method being called during instantiation:
def _convertIndex(self, dimInd, dimName):
'''Private function that converts numbers to numbers and non-integers using
the subclass\'s convertIndex.'''
print dimInd, ' is dimInd'
return int(dimName)
if dimName == '*':
return 0
print self.param.sets, ' is self.param.sets'
print type(self.param.sets), ' is the type of self.param.sets'
print self.param.sets[dimInd], ' is the param at dimind'
return self.param.sets[dimInd].value(dimName)
What it's printing out:
0 is dimInd
[<coremcs.SymbolicSet.SymbolicSet object at 0x10618ad90>] is self.param.sets
<type 'list'> is the type of self.param.sets
<SymbolicSet BAZ=['baz1', 'baz2', 'baz3', 'baz4']> is the param at dimind
ERROR: testParameterSet (GtapTest.TestGtapParameter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/myuser/Documents/workspace/ilucmc/gtapmcs/test/", line 116, in testParameterSet
pset = ParameterSet(prmFile, dstFile, GtapParameter)
File "/Users/myuser/Documents/workspace/ilucmc/coremcs/", line 103, in __init__
self.distroDict, corrDefs = AbsBaseDistro.readFile(distFile, self.paramDict)
File "/Users/myuser/Documents/workspace/ilucmc/coremcs/", line 359, in readFile
distro = cls.parseDistro(param, target, distroType, args)
File "/Users/myuser/Documents/workspace/ilucmc/coremcs/", line 301, in parseDistro
return cls(param, target, distro, dim_names, argDict)
File "/Users/myuser/Documents/workspace/ilucmc/coremcs/", line 150, in __init__
self.dim_indxs = list(starmap(self._convertIndex, enumerate(dim_names))) # convert to numeric values and save in dim_indxs
File "/Users/myuser/Documents/workspace/ilucmc/coremcs/", line 194, in _convertIndex
print self.param.sets[dimInd], ' is the param at dimind'
IndexError: list index out of range
Obviously this isn't the code for the whole class, but it represents something that I don't understand. The error is coming when I index into self.param.sets. Apparently, dimInd is out of range. the problem is, dimInd is 0, and self.param.sets is a list of length 1 (as shown from the print statements), so why can't I index into it?
EDIT: For what it's worth, the __init__ method looks like this:
Stores a definitions of a distribution to be applied to a header variable.
See the file setup/gtap/DistroDoc.txt for the details.
def __init__(self, param, target, distType, dim_names, argDict): =
self.dim_names = dim_names
self.dim_indxs = [] = target.lower() if target else None
self.distType = distType.lower() if distType else None
self.rv = None
self.argDict = {}
self.modifier = defaultdict(lambda: None)
self.param = param
# Separate args into modifiers and distribution arguments
for k, v in argDict.iteritems():
if k[0] == '_': # modifiers start with underscore
self.modifier[k] = v
self.argDict[k] = v # distribution arguments do not have underscore
if == 'index':
print dim_names
self.dim_indxs = list(starmap(self._convertIndex, enumerate(dim_names))) # convert to numeric values and save in dim_indxs
if distType == 'discrete':
entries = self.modifier['_entries']
if not entries:
raise DistributionSpecError("Not enough arguments given to discrete distribution.")
modDict = {k[1:]: float(v) for k, v in self.modifier.iteritems() if k[1:] in getOptionalArgs(DiscreteDist.__init__)}
self.rv = DiscreteDist(entries, **modDict)
sig = DistroGen.signature(distType, self.argDict.keys())
gen = DistroGen.generator(sig)
if gen is None:
raise DistributionSpecError("Unknown distribution signature %s" % str(sig))
self.rv = gen.makeRV(self.argDict) # generate a frozen RV with the specified arguments
self.isFactor = gen.isFactor

