Calling agg without first calling groupby - python

Is there a function similar to agg, that doesn't require a groupby call first?
For example, I often already have an agg map written, and want to evaluate the map for the entire table.
So I want to change
data = data.groupby("key").agg({"foo1":"sum", "foo2":"mean"})
data = data.agg({"foo1":"sum", "foo2":"mean"})
I currently do this by inserting a fake key, and then aggregating on that. But that's a hack. Is there a better way?

UPDATE: as #root proposed in the comment, it would be easier and more elegant to group by np.repeat(0, len(df)):
In [5]: df.groupby(np.repeat(0, len(df))).agg({'A':'sum', 'B':'mean', 'C':'min'})
0 42.9 484 21
OLD answer:
assuming that you have a numeric index which is always >= 0:
In [139]: df.groupby(df.index >= 0, as_index=False).agg({'A':'sum', 'B':'mean', 'C':'min'})
0 484 42.9 21
or assuming that your index doesn't have any NaNs
In [140]: df.groupby(df.index==df.index, as_index=False).agg({'A':'sum', 'B':'mean', 'C':'min'})
0 484 42.9 21
if your index can have NaN's use the following trick:
In [160]: df.groupby(pd.notnull(df.index) | pd.isnull(df.index), as_index=False).agg({'A':'sum', 'B':'mean', 'C':'min'})
0 484 42.9 21
In [138]: df
0 34 45 68
1 71 62 61
2 39 51 33
3 38 62 27
4 16 39 21
5 94 41 41
6 14 11 41
7 76 40 29
8 44 34 70
9 58 44 68


Sum row values of all columns where column names meet string match condition

I have the following dataset:
ID Length Width Range_CAP Capacity_CAP
0 1 33 25 16 50
1 2 34 22 11 66
2 3 22 12 15 42
3 4 46 45 66 54
4 5 16 6 23 75
5 6 21 42 433 50
I basically want to sum the row values of the columns only where the columns match a string (in this case, all columns with _CAP at the end of their name). And store the sum of the result in a new column.
So that I end up with a dataframe that looks something like this:
ID Length Width Range_CAP Capacity_CAP CAP_SUM
0 1 33 25 16 50 66
1 2 34 22 11 66 77
2 3 22 12 15 42 57
3 4 46 45 66 54 120
4 5 16 6 23 75 98
5 6 21 42 433 50 483
I first tried to use the solution recommended in this question here:
Summing columns in Dataframe that have matching column headers
However, the solution doesn't work for me since they are summing up columns that have the same exact name so a simple groupby can accomplish the result whereas I am trying to sum columns with specific string matches only.
Code to recreate above sample dataset:
data1 = [['1', 33,25,16,50], ['2', 34,22,11,66],
['3', 22,12,15,42],['4', 46,45,66,54],
['5',16,6,23,75], ['6', 21,42,433,50]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data1, columns = ['ID', 'Length','Width','Range_CAP','Capacity_CAP'])
Let us do filter
df['CAP_SUM'] = df.filter(like='CAP').sum(1)
0 66
1 77
2 57
3 120
4 98
5 483
dtype: int64
If have other CAP in front
0 66
1 77
2 57
3 120
4 98
5 483
dtype: int64
One approach is:
df['CAP_SUM'] = df.loc[:, df.columns.str.endswith('_CAP')].sum(1)
ID Length Width Range_CAP Capacity_CAP CAP_SUM
0 1 33 25 16 50 66
1 2 34 22 11 66 77
2 3 22 12 15 42 57
3 4 46 45 66 54 120
4 5 16 6 23 75 98
5 6 21 42 433 50 483
The expression:
creates a boolean mask where the values are True if and only if the column name ends with CAP. As an alternative use filter, with the following regex:
df['CAP_SUM'] = df.filter(regex='_CAP$').sum(1)
Output (of filter)
ID Length Width Range_CAP Capacity_CAP CAP_SUM
0 1 33 25 16 50 66
1 2 34 22 11 66 77
2 3 22 12 15 42 57
3 4 46 45 66 54 120
4 5 16 6 23 75 98
5 6 21 42 433 50 483
You may try this:
columnstxt = df.columns
df['sum'] = 0
for i in columnstxt:
if i.find('_CAP') != -1:
df['sum'] = df['sum'] + df[i]

Looping a function with Pandas DataFrames

I have some function that takes a DataFrame and an integer as arguments:
func(df, int)
The function returns a new DataFrame, e.g.:
df2 = func(df,2)
I'd like to write a loop for integers 2-10, resulting in 9 DataFrames. If I do this manually it would look like this:
df2 = func(df,2)
df3 = func(df2,3)
df4 = func(df3,4)
df5 = func(df4,5)
df6 = func(df5,6)
df7 = func(df6,7)
df8 = func(df7,8)
df9 = func(df8,9)
df10 = func(df9,10)
Is there a way to write a loop that does this?
This type of thing is what lists are for.
data_frames = [df]
for i in range(2, 11):
data_frames.append(func(data_frames[-1], i))
It's a sign of brittle code when you see variable names like df1, df2, df3, etc. Use lists when you have a sequence of related objects to build.
To clarify, this data_frames is a list of DataFrames that can be concatenated with data_frames = pd.concat(data_frames, sort=False), resulting in one DataFrame that combines the original df with everything that results from the loop, correct?
Yup, that's right. If your goal is one final data frame, you can concatenate the entire list at the end to combine the information into a single frame.
Do you mind explaining why data_frames[-1], which takes the last item of the list, returns a DataFrame? Not clear on this.
Because as you're building the list, at all times each entry is a data frame. data_frames[-1] evaluates to the last element in the list, which in this case, is the data frame you most recently appended.
You may try using itertools.accumulate as follows:
sample data
a b c
0 75 18 17
1 48 56 3
import itertools
def func(x, y):
return x + y
dfs = list(itertools.accumulate([df] + list(range(2, 11)), func))
[ a b c
0 75 18 17
1 48 56 3, a b c
0 77 20 19
1 50 58 5, a b c
0 80 23 22
1 53 61 8, a b c
0 84 27 26
1 57 65 12, a b c
0 89 32 31
1 62 70 17, a b c
0 95 38 37
1 68 76 23, a b c
0 102 45 44
1 75 83 30, a b c
0 110 53 52
1 83 91 38, a b c
0 119 62 61
1 92 100 47, a b c
0 129 72 71
1 102 110 57]
dfs is the list of result dataframes where each one is the adding of 2 - 10 to the previous result
If you want concat them all into one dataframe, Use pd.concat
a b c
0 75 18 17
1 48 56 3
0 77 20 19
1 50 58 5
0 80 23 22
1 53 61 8
0 84 27 26
1 57 65 12
0 89 32 31
1 62 70 17
0 95 38 37
1 68 76 23
0 102 45 44
1 75 83 30
0 110 53 52
1 83 91 38
0 119 62 61
1 92 100 47
0 129 72 71
1 102 110 57
You can use exec with a formatted string:
for i in range(2, 11):
exec("df{0} = func(df{1}, {0})".format(i, i - 1 if i > 2 else ''))

Shift pandas dataframe down in a cyclical manner

If we have the following data:
X = pd.DataFrame({"t":[1,2,3,4,5],"A":[34,12,78,84,26], "B":[54,87,35,25,82], "C":[56,78,0,14,13], "D":[0,23,72,56,14], "E":[78,12,31,0,34]})
A B C D E t
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
How can I shift the data in a cyclical fashion so that the next step is:
A B C D E t
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
And then:
A B C D E t
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
This should also shift the index values with the row.
I know of pandas X.shift(), but it wasn't making the cyclical thing.
You can combine reindex with np.roll:
X = X.reindex(np.roll(X.index, 1))
Another option is to combine concat with iloc:
shift = 1
X = pd.concat([X.iloc[-shift:], X.iloc[:-shift]])
The resulting output:
A B C D E t
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
Using the following setup to produce a larger DataFrame and functions for timing:
df = pd.concat([X]*10**5, ignore_index=True)
def root1(df, shift):
return df.reindex(np.roll(df.index, shift))
def root2(df, shift):
return pd.concat([df.iloc[-shift:], df.iloc[:-shift]])
def ed_chum(df, num):
return pd.DataFrame(np.roll(df, num, axis=0), np.roll(df.index, num), columns=df.columns)
def divakar1(df, shift):
return df.iloc[np.roll(np.arange(df.shape[0]), shift)]
def divakar2(df, shift):
idx = np.mod(np.arange(df.shape[0])-1,df.shape[0])
for _ in range(shift):
df = df.iloc[idx]
return df
I get the following timings:
%timeit root1(df.copy(), 25)
10 loops, best of 3: 61.3 ms per loop
%timeit root2(df.copy(), 25)
10 loops, best of 3: 26.4 ms per loop
%timeit ed_chum(df.copy(), 25)
10 loops, best of 3: 28.3 ms per loop
%timeit divakar1(df.copy(), 25)
10 loops, best of 3: 177 ms per loop
%timeit divakar2(df.copy(), 25)
1 loop, best of 3: 4.18 s per loop
You can use np.roll in a custom func:
In [83]:
def roll(df, num):
return pd.DataFrame(np.roll(df,num,axis=0), np.roll(df.index, num), columns=df.columns)
A B C D E t
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
In [84]:
A B C D E t
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
Here we return a df using the rolled df array, with the index rolled also
You can use numpy.roll :
import numpy as np
nb_iterations = 3 # number of steps you want
for i in range(nb_iterations):
for col in X.columns :
df[col] = numpy.roll(df[col], 1)
Which is equivalent to :
for col in X.columns :
df[col] = numpy.roll(df[col], nb_iterations)
Here is a link to the documentation of this useful function.
One approach would be creating such an shifted-down indexing array once and re-using it over and over to index into rows with .iloc, like so -
idx = np.mod(np.arange(X.shape[0])-1,X.shape[0])
X = X.iloc[idx]
Another way to create idx would be with np.roll : np.roll(np.arange(X.shape[0]),1).
Sample run -
In [113]: X # Starting version
A B C D E t
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
In [114]: idx = np.mod(np.arange(X.shape[0])-1,X.shape[0]) # Creating once
In [115]: X = X.iloc[idx] # Using idx
In [116]: X
A B C D E t
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
In [117]: X = X.iloc[idx] # Re-using idx
In [118]: X
A B C D E t
3 84 25 14 56 0 4
4 26 82 13 14 34 5
0 34 54 56 0 78 1
1 12 87 78 23 12 2
2 78 35 0 72 31 3 ## and so on

Fastest way to sort each row in a pandas dataframe

I need to find the quickest way to sort each row in a dataframe with millions of rows and around a hundred columns.
So something like this:
3 4 8 1
9 2 7 2
Needs to become:
8 4 3 1
9 7 2 2
Right now I'm applying sort to each row and building up a new dataframe row by row. I'm also doing a couple of extra, less important things to each row (hence why I'm using pandas and not numpy). Could it be quicker to instead create a list of lists and then build the new dataframe at once? Or do I need to go cython?
I think I would do this in numpy:
In [11]: a = df.values
In [12]: a.sort(axis=1) # no ascending argument
In [13]: a = a[:, ::-1] # so reverse
In [14]: a
array([[8, 4, 3, 1],
[9, 7, 2, 2]])
In [15]: pd.DataFrame(a, df.index, df.columns)
0 8 4 3 1
1 9 7 2 2
I had thought this might work, but it sorts the columns:
In [21]: df.sort(axis=1, ascending=False)
0 1 8 4 3
1 2 7 2 9
Ah, pandas raises:
In [22]: df.sort(df.columns, axis=1, ascending=False)
ValueError: When sorting by column, axis must be 0 (rows)
To Add to the answer given by #Andy-Hayden, to do this inplace to the whole frame... not really sure why this works, but it does. There seems to be no control on the order.
In [97]: A = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,(4,5)), columns=['one','two','three','four','five'])
In [98]: A
one two three four five
0 22 63 72 46 49
1 43 30 69 33 25
2 93 24 21 56 39
3 3 57 52 11 74
In [99]: A.values.sort
Out[99]: <function ndarray.sort>
In [100]: A
one two three four five
0 22 63 72 46 49
1 43 30 69 33 25
2 93 24 21 56 39
3 3 57 52 11 74
In [101]: A.values.sort()
In [102]: A
one two three four five
0 22 46 49 63 72
1 25 30 33 43 69
2 21 24 39 56 93
3 3 11 52 57 74
In [103]: A = A.iloc[:,::-1]
In [104]: A
five four three two one
0 72 63 49 46 22
1 69 43 33 30 25
2 93 56 39 24 21
3 74 57 52 11 3
I hope someone can explain the why of this, just happy that it works 8)
You could use pd.apply.
A = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,(4,5)), columns=['one','two','three','four','five'])
print (A)
one two three four five
0 2 75 44 53 46
1 18 51 73 80 66
2 35 91 86 44 25
3 60 97 57 33 79
A = A.apply(np.sort, axis = 1)
one two three four five
0 2 44 46 53 75
1 18 51 66 73 80
2 25 35 44 86 91
3 33 57 60 79 97
Since you want it in descending order, you can simply multiply the dataframe with -1 and sort it.
A = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,(4,5)), columns=['one','two','three','four','five'])
A = A * -1
A = A.apply(np.sort, axis = 1)
A = A * -1
Instead of using pd.DataFrame constructor, an easier way to assign the sorted values back is to use double brackets:
original dataframe:
3 4 8 1
9 2 7 2
df[['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']] = np.sort(df)[:, ::-1]
0 8 4 3 1
1 9 7 2 2
This way you can also sort a part of the columns:
df[['B', 'C']] = np.sort(df[['B', 'C']])[:, ::-1]
0 3 8 4 1
1 9 7 2 2
One could try this approach to preserve the integrity of the df:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
A = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,(4,5)), columns=['one','two','three','four','five'])
print (A)
one two three four five
0 85 27 64 50 55
1 3 90 65 22 8
2 0 7 64 66 82
3 58 21 42 27 30
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
B = A.apply(lambda x: np.sort(x), axis=1, raw=True)
one two three four five
0 27 50 55 64 85
1 3 8 22 65 90
2 0 7 64 66 82
3 21 27 30 42 58
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

Python Pandas Sort DataFrame by Duplicate Rows

What is the nicest way to see which rows are duplicated in DataFrame with the duplicate rows sorted and stacked on top of each other? I know I can filter for duplicates with df.duplicated() or something like df[df.duplicated()==True] but need to be able to produce a dataframe with the duplicates and then sort them to show both records in the Dataframe. I also do not need to use a col subset argument for this. -Thank you
One idea is to sort by all columns. Not sure how efficient that is though.
In [20]: df = pd.DataFrame (np.random.randint (100,size=(3,3)), columns= list('ABC'))
In [21]: df = df.append(df, ignore_index=True)
In [22]: df
0 23 71 65
1 63 0 47
2 47 13 44
3 23 71 65
4 63 0 47
5 47 13 44
In [23]: df.sort(df.columns.tolist())
0 23 71 65
3 23 71 65
2 47 13 44
5 47 13 44
1 63 0 47
4 63 0 47

